WYM Pages

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Waltz Will Be The Next USA VP -- A Center Right Democrat & Protector Of The TechnoFeudalists??

Christoph Waltz, who protrayed Dr. King Schultz in the 2012 Quentin Tarantino film Django Unchained, has been tapped by Kamala Harris to run as her VP. At least, that is what I heard when I turned on the news yesterday morning. But apparently the US Vice President (same as the President) has to be a Natural Born citizen. So Waltz, who was born in Vienna Austria, cannnot serve as VP.

It turns out that our next President, Kamala Harris, has selected Tim Walz as her VP choice, not Christoph Waltz. I guess I misheard. The next USA VP will be MN Governor Tim Walz and not the actor Christoph Waltz. Though (as per what I'm hearing) this is a very good choice.

USA Today says "the Harris VP pick gives progressives what they want. By choosing him, Harris is telling voters that she will not reverse the progressive policies she ran on in 2020. ... If the goal is to turn out the base and guarantee young voters head to the polls this fall, they're on target".

However, trumpturd blogger Minus FJ says that Walz is Center-Right. And, given that Harris selected him, that means I am Center-Right. Despite self-identifying as a Progressive Socialist Democrat. Turns out I'm a shill for the technofeudalists like Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, et al.

Also G00glers Larry Page, Segey Brin and Louis Doerr. Page and Brin are 2 of the original founders of G00gle/Alaphabet, while Doerr is an venture capitalist who backed entrepreneurs, including the G00gle founders, as well as "Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com; and Scott Cook and Bill Campbell of Intuit".

But wait! Bing says "The Biden administration has taken legal action against Google. In a landmark antitrust case, a federal judge ruled that Google illegally monopolized online search by paying companies like Apple and AT&T to make Google the default search engine on their devices [1].

Additionally, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against G00gle's parent company, Alphabet Inc., alleging antitrust violations related to the search engine's ad market dominance [2]. This move reflects the administration's efforts to address corporate power in the tech industry.

Though Minus FJ is NOT deceived. He says, "this show of anti-trust against Google is purely that, a show". What's really going on (re the Biden administration G00gle lawsuit)? "It's the Democratic Party cutting themselves in for a piece". While (presumably) d0n-OLD would break up the technofeudal empires. Freeing us, the technoserfs.

This is despite the fact that the Biden administration has a much better record re the monopolists controlling prices and gouging consumers. As per a 4/7/2024 Washington Monthy article, "Biden made the fight against monopolies central to his economic strategy [while] Trump used it to reward his friends and punish his enemies".

d0n-OLD tЯump is bigly "verba" while Joe Biden is significantly more "acta". Minus FJ (who frequently writes "Acta non Verba") has allowed himself to be completely fooled. Also 100 percent deceived.

"Acta non verba" is a Latin phrase that means "Deeds, not words" and Joe Biden's deeds prove he got more done on antitrust.

During the 8/6/2024 airing of Chris Jansing Reports, Washington correspondent Julie Tsirkin said "Many Progressives are applauding this pick by Vice President Harris".

Tsirkin went on to report that "as governor [Walz] enacted and backed many progressive policies, things that Bernie Sanders championed. His record on free school lunches, abortion rights [is progressive]. In Sanders' words, [Tim Walz has a record of] really standing up for the working class. Bernie Sanders told me before the Senate left for recess he is going to do everything he can to elect Harris. Certainly a pick like Walz is going to make him happy".

While Chris Jansing noted that Nikki Haley posted, "Democrats doubling down on the Progressive movement...". And d0n-OLD tЯump and his minder jd "Vance" are also referring to Walz as "one of the most far-left radicals in the entire United States government".

Minus FJ didn't get the memo? Or maybe he thinks he can gaslight me into voting for tЯump? Not that it matters, given that the state I live in almost certainly will be w0n by d0n-OLD and his Peter-Thiel-selected handler, jd "Vance".

That "sell out" Bernie Sanders is probably "center right" too @@

The Party for Socialism and Liberation 2024 potus nominee Claudia De la Cruz says Tim Walz is a "fake progressive" and that he was sent to "rescue a sinking Democratic Party". So, vote for her if you're a real progressive? Because she definitely has a chance of being elected the next potus **sarcasm**

Image: Lina M. Khan (born March 3, 1989) is a British-born American legal scholar serving as chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) since 2021. She is also an associate professor of law at Columbia Law School.

Wikipedia: President Joe Biden nominated Khan to the FTC in March 2021. During her tenure, the FTC has pushed to ban non-compete agreements, filed lawsuits against health care companies engaging in anti-competitive practices, and launched a high-profile lawsuit against Amazon. In 2022, the FTC and the DOJ's antitrust division blocked a record number of mergers on antitrust grounds. ABC News described her as taking a more aggressive approach on antitrust, and earning support from progressives and some conservatives during her confirmation and tenure.

Truthout, 3/9/2021: Biden's Trade Commission Pick Lina Khan Led Antitrust Efforts Against Big Tech. Khan has had a big hand in shaping the modern antitrust movement and is well known for her anti big tech work.

Anti big tech = anti-technofeudalism.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders, a REAL Lefty Democrat. wym320.