Mystere's Hate

A directory of hate posts written by Eddie Mystere. Commentaries about Dervish Sanders published on one of Mystere's various hate blogs and trailer trash sites.

According to Irl Hudnutt, after he banned Mystere from his blog for leaving "strange incoherent comments" he became fixated on Irl. Now Mystere's fixation has shifted to me, apparently. The second troll I've attracted during my time blogging. The first being an asshole who has gone by various names including TOM, Steve, Luke and Paul.

20170627. The Baseless Hate Filled Attack Against Jermac1955 "Luke" From Dervish Sanders. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Dervish "has baselessly attacked Luke, threatening his life".

20170706. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Liberals Want To Be Legally Recognized As Dogs! Link to an article followed by "#DervishSanders". Apparently, in addition to being a gay Muslim, I also want to be legally recognized as a dog, which is news to me.

20170821. Blog Rikishi Is On The Hunt Again. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Dervish is a closet Muslim.

20170829. Introducing Dervish Sanders. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club WP]. This is Mike Perquin, a stinky left wing extremist libturd troll blogger who calls himself Dervish Sanders. Sanders secretly backs the KKK and uses the alias Klansman Mystere on blogger at times".

20170905. Dervish Sanders Loves Getting Stinkfaces! [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Photoshopped pic of my avatar (my canine, Zoie) about to give Mystere's boyfriend a vicious dog bite on his posterior!

20170926. Introducing Dervish Sanders. [Liberal Troll Watch]. Dervish is a gay KKK member who wears KKK burqas and hijabs.

20170927. Beware Of Blog Troll Dervish Sanders. [Cleveland Foxers WP]. Mystere banned me from this blog back in September of 2017, even though I didn't find it until 5/9/2018.

20171024. Dervish Sanders Is A Closet Eproctophile. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll].

20171101. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Funny Stuff On The Web. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club, WP]. "Dervish hasn't been feeding his dog adequately lately".

20171102. Dervish Loves Stinkfaces Part 2. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll].

20171115. Misadventures Of Dervish Sanders & Lester Liberalmann. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club WP].

20171125. Lester Liberalmann's Butt Boy Slobbers Over Naked Donald Trump Statue Pictures. [Liberalmann Is A Dingbat].

20171208. Liberal Christmas Carols. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker Club WP]. "Jingle bells, Dervish smells, his mutt ran away".

20171222. Dervish Sanders Just Topped The Naughty List. [Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club]. "It's hard to believe Dervish the blog troll has beaten Pookie Toot Toot this year".

20180111. Dervish Sanders Becomes Further Unhinged At Who's Your Daddy Blog. [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll]. Also posted to Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club on 1/20/2018.

20180115. Dervish Alert! Dervish Alert!. [Liberal Troll Watch]. According this ad hominem work of fiction authored by rattrapper, I practice zoophilia with my canine.

20180120. Dervish Sanders Gets Further Unhinged At Who's Your Daddy Blog. [Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club].

20180130. Happy Birthday Dervish Sanders & Lester Liberalmann. [Liberal Troll Watch].

20180310. Mein Blog War. [Cleveland Foxers WP]. Later posted to the Moonbat Spanker blog.

20180312. Mein Blog War. [Mystere's Moonbat Spanker WP]. Mystere's alter ego is Shoichi Funaki. Mystere is fighting evil in the blogosphere. Mystere accuses me of hijacking other blogger's identities but 2 of the 3 "Dervish Sanders" replies to his post are fakes.

20180314. Another Misadventure From Dervish Sanders, Ducky's Here and Lester Liberalmann [Funny Misadventures of a Troll]. Pookie Toot Toot, Quackobyrd and another imaginary character called "Fartbreath al-Dervish Sanders" go on a road trip to CA for some reason where they eventually meet up with governor Jerry Brown.

20180316. Dervish Sanders' Road Trip [Liberal Troll Watch]. 2nd posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180316. Dervish Sanders, Quackobyrd & Pookie Toot Toot's Infamous Road Trip [Liberalman is a Dingbat]. 3rd posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180316. Dervish Sanders' Gay Road Trip [The Donkey's Revenge]. 4th posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180316. Dervish Sanders [Chopped Wackos]. 5th posting of the same story told first on "Funny Misadventures of a Troll".

20180414. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Dervish Sanders Suffers A Meltdown [Mystere's Noonbat Spanker WP].

20180427. Dervish Got Trolled [Liberal Troll Watch]. Rattrapper (a Mystere sockpuppet) denies that he faked comments from me on the "Moonbat Spanker" blog.

20180522. Dervish Sanders Throws Another Temper Tantrum [Funny Misadventures of a Troll].

20180521. The Donald Trump Song [Liberal Troll Watch]. Link to a YouTube video along with the comment "deal with it, libtards! That means YOU, Dervish".

20180525. Dervish Sanders Sells His Burqas & Hajibs Under The Fake Trump KKK Brand [Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club]. Mystere links to post from the Dervish Sanders Blog.

20180529. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Delusional Dervish Freaks Out Again [Liberal Troll Watch].

20180529. Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Delusional Dervish Freaks Out Again [Funny Misadventures Of A Troll].

1 comment:

  1. Comment submitted in response to the 11/25/2017 post, "Lester Liberalmann's Butt Boy Slobbers Over Naked Donald Trump Statue Pictures" on the "Liberalmann" blog. Comment published here because moderation is in effect at the "Liberalmann" blog (and the comment won't be approved).

    Dervish Sanders: I categorically deny your lies. I'm nobody's "butt boy". I don't even know who the hell "Lester Liberalman" is. I also never "slobbered" over the naked statues. I mentioned the statues once (in a comment) and said they were a good prank. You're the one who's obsessing on them (2 posts and counting). You're probably slobbering over them (transference).
