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Qtardese -- A Language Written By Morons

Below is a catalog of the many spelling errors made by an anonymous commenter (person without a Google account) on the blog Political Tea Leaves (PTL) who claims he is incredibly smart. As per this person, "I studied Physics in school. With excellent grades. And... I'm smart".

He also says he is a foreigner from "far far away" whose native language is not English. What is his native language? He won't say. So, that could explain the many many spelling errors. As per Qtard "I have problems with orthography, because being foreigner... who NOT spent most of his life speaking and writing in English".

Although he has also said (at least in regards to some of them) they were "on purpose". btw, languages are spoken (in addition to be written) but I don't know if Qtard speaks in qtardese. It might be an exclusively written language.

Abundance = abundabce.

Anatomical pathology (English) Patologi anatomi (Indonesian) = patalagoanatom. "Like in that CSI series of yours -- patalagoanatom making dissection of fresh corps...".

Anonymous (plurl) = anonimouses

Anyone = anyne.

Appearance = adgearance.

Authority = authotiry.

Are = a. "Because such a facts".

Barge = burge.

Biden, Joe = Holy Bi-den.

Blurt = bkurt.

Brainless = brainsless.

Brown = brawn.

Business = bisiness.

Cease-fire = chease fire. When I said I don't know what "chease" means, Qtard wrote "Illiterate Derpy admits own illiteracy?" I might not know that "cease" is actually spelled "chease" because I'm from India.

Cesspool = secess pool. "to provide such quotes -- I would need to dive deep into secess pool of your bullshit".

Cheney, Liz = Luz Chainey.

Confirming = cnfirming.

Corpse = corps.

Criminal = crimibal.

Cretian = Critian.

Curriculum = ciriculum.

Decipher = deshifer.

Declaring = decalring.

Delusions = delugions.

Despise = dispise. Qtard despises Obama and Biden.

Democracy =

Democrats = Demon-rats. Also, DEMNs which is short for "Demon". So called because of how evil Democrats are -- they are figurative demons. Also DEMN-Commies.

Demonstrate = demonstartte. "All you can do. It's demonstartte being illitertate dumb ass".

Described = Dewscribed.

Dictators = deictators.

Difference = differnce. "All differnce -- one being a priori... while another a posteriori".

Dismissal = dismiasal.

Double checkable = double-cjeckable.

Elephants = Elepants. "Like when "society" declared that Earth is FLAT... and standing on the backs of Elepants, and that ones on the Turtle".

European = Europian.

Exactly = Exaqvtly.

Facts = fcts.

Faith = feith, feith. I never said it.

Fathom = phatome. "Said brainsless idiot that still unable to phatome meaning of simple word".

Figure out = smudge out.

Flabbergasted = flubbergasted.

Foreigner = forigner.

Freakin = Freeken "Why is that Freeken Anti-Semitic Les Carpenter even allowed to post here where NORMAL people post?".

Freedom of Speech = Freadom of Speach.

Grin = Green.

Gibberish = gibberush or gibberishg or Gobberish.

Good Old Times = Ol'Goo'Tims. X2.

Government = goverenment. "That Palestinians VOTED for that goverenment".

Guilty = duilty.

Hamster = Humster. X2

Hersh, Seymour = Seimur alfrt.

Holy = hly. "you have no righjt to pass such blame on Hly Demn-OK-ratsy of HAMAS".

Homo floresiensis = homo florencis

Hypocrite = hipocrite.

Idea = ifea.

Idiot = widiot.

Illiterate = illitertate. Someone who knows how to read. "Either you are illiterate in English... or you are from India". :P.

Inconvenient = unconvnient.

Initiatives = iniciatives. "...you falling for that DEMN economical iniciatives".

Kangaroo Court = Kengaroo Court.

Knowledgeable = knowlegible.

Locke, John = "And who are that Locke??? Whose words we need to take as Holy Scripture, or what? Is it saint or prophet of DEMN-rats? Well... he was talking ABOUT HIS OWN times... and that is LOGICALLY INCORRECT to apply his words to realities he NEVER new" :P

Mascotts = maskots.

Mockingjay = Mokingjay.

Moronity = morinity.

Muslim = moslem. Derpy is so knowlegible... in moslem propaganda too".

Neanderthals = neandertals.

Nixon, Richard = Nick Son. "Whose zat Nick Son".

Nutshell = nutshel.

Obama, Barack = Zero-bama.

Of = opf. "fear opf death".

Orwellian = Oruellian.

Oświęcim = Osventsim. Polish town known internationally for being the site of the German Nazi-built Auschwitz concentration camp.

Other = Ither.

Palestinians = accomplices. "innocent Palestinians NEED to help with killing terrorists... or they are accomplices :(

Pence, Mike Pence = Meekl Punc.

Politician = politicain.

Predictable = P-R-E-dick-table.

Protect = ptotect. "And why you not stepped forward to ptotect your brother-in-arms Lessy?".

Psychopath = psychopat.

Queer = quirr.

Quotes = quoites.

Reality = Relaity.

Recgonize = recognizew.

Reeking = reaking.

Reward = revard.

Ridiculous = rediculous.

Right = righjt.

Russia = RFia or Rusha. Also Rush'A and Ruch'A.

Screaming = scrsming. :(

Sense = sence.

Sentient = santient. "We, as santient being can ONLY point to them -- if we know EM".

Sequence = sequance.

Serving = sewrving. "I'm not here for sewrving pearls to a swines".

Shoot = shot.

Spell Checkers = spell-cjeckers.

Spotted = spooted.

Statistically = statisicly.

Steeped = steampied.

Supreme = Suprime. Also Surrime and Suprrrimme.

Superstitions = supestirions.

Supestitiously = supestitiously.

Sure = syre. "My comment here disappeared... for syre".

Susceptible = subceptable.

Synopsis = sinopsis.

Taught = tout.

Their = heir.

Them = em.

Thumbs Up = Thumn Up.

Too = Toom.

Tourette Syndrome = Turret's outbursts.

Transparent = pransparent.

Trick = treak.

tRump, donald = dRump.

Tyrants = tyrnats.

Unfounded = unfonded.

Unsophisticated = unsofisticatedly.

Unsuccessful = unsucksecesfool.

You = me. But only when I write "you". Then I really mean "me".

Venezuela = Boliwian.

With = withy.

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