WYM Pages

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Dotard's Deutsche Bank Loans Secured By Russian Bank, VTB. Why Illegitimate potus Is In Putin's Pocket

The following is excperted from the 2/17/2020 Rawstory article, Maddow breaks down potential "direct financial connection" between the Russian government and Donald Trump.

MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow ... interviewed David Enrich, finance editor at The New York Times, about his forthcoming book Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction.

The host of "The Rachel Maddow Show" read excerpts from the book.

"There was no doubt that Deutsche Bank had extensive business dealings with Russia, and those dealings included acting as a conduit for dirty money to get out of Russia and into the western financial system".

"Deutsche, of course, was the only reliable connection that Trump, his family, and his company had to the mainstream banking world. And Eric Trump had blurted that Russians financed the family's golf projects — even though it was Deutsche who had made the Doral loans. Perhaps this was more than a coincidence. Maybe Deutsche was what connected Trump to Russia. The rumor that had been ricocheting around Washington, New York and London was that VTB had in the recent past funneled dirty money to Trump via Deutsche".

Below is a video of the 2/17/2020 interview via YouTube.

Links in the Rawstory article excerpt inserted by me, Dervish Sanders. WYM-146.


  1. China owns $trillions in T-Bills. That makes Bernie Sander's Xi's B*tch!

    Grow up, Dervy.

    1. If Putin's investment in Dotard was the same as China owning T-Bills Dotard would disclose it. As opposed to desperately trying to cover it up. What a moronic comparison. You need to get real.

  2. But in 1981, facing massive maintenance costs, the government gave the estate to the Marjorie Merriweather Post Foundation, which sold it to Trump four years later for about $10 million

    Given Mar-a-Lago’s new spot at the nexus of world power, it’s no surprise that business seems to be booming. Following the election, the Trump Organization reportedly doubled Mar-a-Lago’s initiation fee to $200,000. The club’s revenues reached an estimated $29 million in 2016, up 25% from the year prior. And despite dozens of organizations pulling events from Mar-a-Lago, Forbes estimates the place is worth $10 million more than it was before Trump was elected. Those eager (and wealthy enough) to rub shoulders with a sitting president appear to be flocking to the club, hoping to bend the commander in chief’s ear.

    In the end, Post’s dream of Mar-a-Lago becoming an important presidential retreat came true. And with Trump’s $10 million purchase growing into a $160 million asset that he isn’t above advertising while in office, the president is making out quite nicely too.

    1. You're bragging about Dotard's brazen corruption?

    2. You turn a $10m investment into $160m in value, try it.

    3. The government should seize Mar-A-Lago when Dotard is prosecuted for insurance fraud.

      Report: Trump Claimed $17M in Fake Storm Damages. (excerpt) Donald Trump claimed a $17 million insurance payday on his Mar-a-Lago property after a 2005 hurricane. But eyewitnesses told the Associated Press that the Palm Beach property never sustained close to $17 million in damages. "That house has never been seriously damaged", Trump's longtime butler Anthony Senecal told the AP of Mar-a-Lago hurricane history. "I was there for all of them".

    4. Insurance companies don't verify claims that they pay out? Shame on them.
