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Thursday, August 13, 2020

predisent Dotard = Most Losing In History

Not Dotard's fault you say? No, he was warned and chose to ignore the warnings.

Biden ad mocks Trump's "We are going to win so much" boast.

"In the United States, where the Depression was generally worst, industrial production between 1929 and 1933 fell by nearly 47 percent, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 30 percent, and unemployment reached more than 20 percent". Under predisent Dotard the 2020 second quarter GDP fell by 32.9 percent, making Dotard responsible for the most losing in history!

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-161.


  1. You should retitle this post "Paralogy's of the Desperate..."

    1. ps - It's also a bit remarkable for its' lack of scientisms.

    2. Bullshit. Dotard is responsible. He was warned and he ignored the warnings. He continues to ignore the advice of the experts and is actively working to make the pandemic worse.

    3. He should have just listened to his Deep State advisors like Fauci.... LOL!

  2. For once a delusional Dotard worshiper actually said it right. Meant sarcastically it remains the TRUTH.

    1. Sounds like Trump DID listen to Fauci... During a Feb. 29, 2020, interview, Dr. Fauci said that at that time and under the circumstances pertaining to that date, Americans didn't need to change their behavior patterns.

      Two weeks later, America locks down.

  3. Red... some would say that was adapting to a new reality. We knew more about the virus on March 15 than we did on February 29. Why wouldn't we change behavior?

    It's when people fail, or chooses not to learn from experience that we real problems. In medicine, doctors adapt as they learn. In the zero sum game that politics has become, that approach has become a liability.

    1. Fauci knew more two weeks later? Had he been absent from class the forty years at CDC before that?

    2. ...and you people blame Trump for being unprepared. How could Trump have been more prepared if his Chief advisors and experts on the virus were telling him that nothing needed changing?

    3. Quote: Several current and former US officials [confirm] that details about the virus — including updates on its spread throughout the world, information about China seeking to hide its death toll and rate of infection, and warnings that the virus may have serious political and economic consequences — were included in the President's Daily Brief in January and February. [end quote]

      Re Fauci, snopes says "although he stated that Americans did not yet need to change their behaviors, he noted that what was then classified as the COVID-19 outbreak could require that to change".

      As you noted, that changed. "The forty years at CDC before that" the coronavirus didn't exist.

    4. Snopes link.

      Also, I guarantee you that Fauci was under pressure to deliver news that Dotard wanted to hear. From what I hear, all his advisers are. Dotard can ABSOLUTELY be blamed in that he demands all his advisers be YES men. If he were willing to listen to opposing views (which a good leader should) he would get more frank advice. As opposed to advisers seeking to spin everything so as to not anger Dotard.

    5. I think in those early days, we didn't know much. This was a 100% new virus. Everyday medical personnel and doctors learned more. So yes, Fauci evolved. He's also said they got some stuff wrong in those early days.

      That happens in medicine.

    6. Gee, virus evolve, as does the advise of experts, yet only Trump got it all wrong. Funny how that works with you people... no caritas for Trump.

    7. Proverbs 24:24-25 NIV: 24 Whoever says to the guilty, "You are innocent", will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations. 25 But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come on them. [end]

      Dotard should be tried in the Hague for crimes against humanity, found guilty and given a life sentence. I'd say executed, but the Netherlands abolished the death penalty.

    8. Wow , Haven't Democrats been saying that to ex-cons to get them registered to vote for years?

    9. No. Democrats say that once your debt to society has been paid your right to vote should be restored. Some say you should be able to vote from prison. I don't know about that, but I DEFINITELY think that once you are out of prison an ex-con should be able to vote again. While some can, others cannot. It depends on the state.

    10. So some States are cursed by G_d, and others not. Great observation, Dervy!

    11. Joe, the prob with Trump is his inability, or humility to admit he was wrong and we are trying something new. He keeps doubling down on his idiocy. He can be wrong, America is very forgiving, we expect our leaders to up front and honest with us, two qualities Trump does not seem to have.
