WYM Pages

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Dotard Scares Magamorons With Lies About Peaceful Protests

Video: Over 90% of Black Lives Matter demonstrations this summer were peaceful, analysis shows. Description: When video of the May 25 killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police spread online, protests rose up across the U.S. These are the stories from the frontlines of Fresno's demonstrations. Hear directly from the protesters why they protest.

93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds. Excerpt from a 9/5/2020 Time Magazine article by Sanya Mansoor.

The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests -- more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday [9/3/2020] by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world. The Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington DC that took place in the wake of George Floyd's death between May 26 and August 22. Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported "violent demonstrations". ... In cities where protests did turn violent -- these demonstrations are "largely confined to specific blocks"...

So, even though the protests have been overwhelmingly peacful, Dotard continues to fearmonger in an effort to get scared White people to vote for him. With lies about how this is "Joe Biden's America", despite the fact that Donald tRump is currently president (and so it is tRump's America in which the violence is taking place).

In describing the protests, the Dotard cultist known as Minus FJ says "the Cloak of Gyges is coming off the violent Democratic militias, Antifa and BLM. America is seeing, with its' own eyes, the irrational out-of-control violence of the Leftist mobs".

This he writes in a post where he laughably claims that "America is coming together under Trump". To "prove" this he posts a music video from one of Dotard's rare Black supporters (not one of the 83 percent that correctly identify Dotard as a racist).

The following political cartoon illustrates the lie the trumper Right is attempting to scare White Americans into believing. The image is from the Minus blog Progressive Disruptions. This blog is a "parody" of Shaw Kenaw's Progressive Eruptions.

This dishonest commentary (in cartoon form) by Antonio Branco ignores the fact that most ships and planes reach their destinations without sinking or crashing. Just as most of the BLM protests have been non-violent. As per Wikipedia, Branco "is known for his conservative deep state conspiracy driven cartoons". You don't say.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-170.

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