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Friday, October 9, 2020

Acting On Orders From predisent Dotard, Rightwing Militia Members Planned To Kidnap And Murder MI Governor Witmere

This post concerns the Rightwing militia plot to kidnap and murder Michigan Governor Gretchen Witmere that broke yesterday. Quote: "On 10/8/2020, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced the arrests of 13 armed militia members who plotted to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan. Six of the suspects were charged with federal crimes, while the other seven were charged with state crimes".

potus #46, Joe Boden, tweets about the kidnap attempt...

Soon to be former predisent Dotard tRump's original call to action on Twitter...

Michigan Governor Gretchen Witmere's press conference following the arrests. CBS News video description: "Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer spoke to the media after federal and state law enforcement officials announced the arrest of 13 people who allegedly plotted to kidnap her and try her for treason over the state's coronavirus restrictions. Watch her remarks" (8:13).

"This should be a moment for national unity [re combating the coronavirus pandemic] ... Instead, our head of state has spent the last 7 months denying science. ... Just last week the president of the United States stood before the American people and refused to condemn White Supremacists and hate groups like these 2 Michigan militia groups. 'Stand back and stand by' he told them. Hate groups heard the president's words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry. As a call to action. When our leaders speak, their words matter. They carry weight. When our leaders... stoke and contribute to hate speech, they are complicit".

Joe Biden and Governor Witmere both correctly identify predisent Dotard as complicit in the plot to kidnap and murder the Governor of Michigan. Just as Dotard was complicit in the October 2018 United States mail bombing attempts by Dotard superfan Cesar Altieri Sayoc Jr. According to Hillary Clinton (a target of one of the bombs), "Unfortunately, I think Donald Trump, too often, has helped to incite some of these feelings of anger".

Quote: "Several sources pointed out that some of the targets of the mailings, such as Clinton and Waters, are people that Trump routinely attacks at his campaign rallies – his favorite punching bags".

Also, just as Dotard was complict in the 2019 El Paso shooting by Patrick Crusius, who authored "a manifesto with white nationalist and anti-immigrant themes, posted on the online message board 8chan shortly before the attack". As per the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ, Crusius was a "frustrated citizen" who carried out the attacks because Congressional Democrats refuse to fund Dotard's ridiculous border wall. The El Paso shooter Identified Online As Trump Supporter Who Didn’t Like ‘Race Mixing’

I could go on, but you get my point. Dotard is the inciter-in-chief. Just recently (at the first and last potus debate of 2020) Dotard called out to the Proud Boys. Telling them that they should "stand by" to "fuck up" minorities attempting to vote on election day. The prediction is that violence will likely escalate ahead of the election. There very well could be violence after the election (when Dotard loses) as well.

Boogaloo Boys were involved in the plot to kidnap Witmere (and put her on trial for treason). They might take to the streets if the election is "stolen" from Dotard. As he keeps claiming will be the case if he loses. In addition to the Proud Boys (who are currently standing by). I'm sure these people will be plenty "frustrated" when the election is called for Joe Biden.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-185.


  1. Rightwing militia? You mean ANTIFA anarchists. ;)

    1. Exactly. They hate "fascists" like Trump and Whitmer...

    2. Dotard told them to "liberate Michigan". They were following his orders. They aren't AntiFa.

    3. Then why'd they go to BLM protests and rant about how much they hated "order followers" if they weren't some of Mark Passio's bois?

    4. One guy isn't "they". They were Dotard supporters.

    5. Your cloaking device is failing again, Dervish...

  2. “At the time, the FBI interviewed a member of the militia group who was concerned about the group’s plans to target and kill police officers, and that person agreed to become a (confidential source),” the agent wrote.

    Hmmmm... what group wants to "target and kill police officers"... certainly not the actual Michigan Militia which is chock full of Michigan Law Enforcement affiliated mambers.

    1. Quote: The suspects were tied to a militia group called the Wolverine Watchmen ... The group's website, now inactive, contained a 31-page manual that advocated for a limited government ... The group was reportedly an offshoot of the Michigan Militia. An NBC News investigation into the suspects' social media profiles found links between their ideologies and those of the broader boogaloo movement, a loosely organized American far-right extremist movement whose participants say they are preparing for a second civil war. [end quote]

      The plotters are FAR RIGHT, not far Left.

    2. Leftist reporters blame the right... Please. The narrative is dead. Time for the truth to emerge once again. The Right doesn't overthrow it's own governments. THAT is what makes them the "right".

    3. The suspects were going to try Democratic governor Whitmer for "treason". If you're anti-government, treason wouldn't be a crime that would concern you. They thought her orders instituted to fight the spread of covid were unconstitutional. Since when do anarchists care about the constitution? Dotard represents the government they want, not Whitmer.

    4. Her orders WERE unConstitutional.

      If you're anti-government, treason wouldn't be a crime that would concern you. Getting caught trying to overthrow it wouldn't concern you? LOL!

    5. The Right puts ITS faith in the system's ability to right ITSELF from within. THAT is why we wait for Durham and we don't, like Democrats, start lynching every suspicious looking negro that happens to be walking by.

    6. ...or storming the Governor's mansion, kill cops, and merely "talk using taqiyya" of "using the system" to achieve our ends.

    7. "Righting itself from within" will be accomplished when the "authoritarian outsider" you admire is ejected by the election process. A process YOU don't believe in. Why you support Dotard's efforts to steal the election (Russian interference, engineered PO delays, lawsuits to throw out mail-in ballots, election decided by the Supreme Court, etc). America is a democratic republic, NOT an authoritarian autocracy (what YOU would like to fundamentally transform our government into).

      btw, people of your ilk do lynch suspicious African Americans who happen to be jogging by.

    8. ...which explains the failures of both the BLM and #Metoo movements.

    9. More bullshit denials of the obvious. Which people can't get away with any longer due to the success of both the BLM and #meetoo movements.

    10. They WERE Successful...in the past tense, of course. Truth outs.

  3. Brandon Caserta doesn't sport many swastika's on his walls... but he does like like "anarchy" flag. LOL!

  4. There is NO doubt that fascist right wing thugs are follwing the dogwhistle call of presnit dotard the orange clorox man.

    1. ...and there is NO DOUBT that antifascist left wing thugs are following the dog-whistles of BLM and Democrat politicians to kill cops.

    2. No, your premise is bullshit. The thugs, looters, and property destroyers have nothing to do with the legit BLM. YOU, a fucking trumper are simply wrong.

    3. ...BLM is an adjunct of the Boogaloo Bois. They walk hand in hand towards anarchy. It's what they do, and you are stupid enough to believe otherwise.

    4. Too bad your narrative lies unsupported by the facts....

    5. Daniel Joseph Harris attended the rally out of concern for police violence. “It is a shame what happened with George Floyd and instances where law enforcement officers murder an unarmed man/woman who isn’t resisting arrest, was complying with the orders is wrong and need to be stopped. You look at photos and videos of news teams and protesters being beaten by riot police when they are there peacefully, you see people losing their eyes because of an officer shoots them with a “non-lethal” round like pepper balls, or rubber bullets,” Harris said. “I’ve gone through that sort of training and I can promise you weapons like that they can turn into a lethal round.

      “We went to the BLM protest yesterday in Lake Orion to show our support that everyone’s voice should be heard, no matter the color on your skin. Protesting is important to me because it gives us all ...

    6. Another of Gov Whitmer's kidnappers was a BLM supporter.... hmmm... seems to be part of a pattern. Lol!

    7. The ringleaders (Adam Fox and Barry Croft) and other participants in the plot were Dotard supporters.

      Adam Fox ... posted a YouTube video in June, mentioning Whitmer's handling of the pandemic as one of his motives for the plot. According to his employer, Fox ... had recently become worried about the U.S. becoming a communist country and Democratic politicians taking away his guns.

      Barry Croft .. expressed support for the Russia investigation origins counter-narrative and opposition to the country's current immigration policy, and he believed the investigations into President Trump constituted an "uprising".

      Pete Musico was active on YouTube, where he posted video blogs against taxes, gun control, and the so-called deep state. ... He also followed the accounts of Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs and InfoWars personality Owen Shroyer. On Twitter, he expressed support for Trump and conspiracy theories regarding Bill and Hillary Clinton...

      Joseph Morrison [his] home in Munith, which he shared with Musico, was used as a training site... Photographs of the home show a Confederate battle flag...


    8. No, it's a disbelief in selectively edited comments presented without the surrounding "context".

    9. ala Joe Biden's favorite "good people on both sides" quote.

    10. You mean "very fine people". As Dotard referred to Nazis and Confederate-traitor lovers who marched in Charlottesville.

    11. Illiteracy must be a requirement for voting Democrat. Cuz the entire world knows the truth about the Charlottesville quote, but Democrats can't help but persist in maintaining the myth of the racist Republican... too much capital invested.

    12. -FJ, you're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion facts do not make.

    13. Right, the entire world does know the truth about the Charlottesville quote. Which is that Dotard thinks people with confederate flags chanting "Jews will not replace us" are "very fine". That was the other side.

    14. A lie that every reader with access to the transcript knows to be a partisan lie that discredits all those who repeat it.

    15. Keep demonstrating to the world your cavalier attitude towards lies and disrespect for the individuals access to truth.

    16. You have a cavalier attitude towards lies and disrespect for the individuals access to truth. The White Supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us" WERE the only other side (re "on both sides"). He couldn't have been talking about people who WERE NOT THERE, so obviously he was talking about the White Supremacists. WHY they took it that way.

    17. The White Supremacists chanting "Jews will not replace us" WERE the only other side (re "on both sides")

      ...and Trump denounced them 1st... so...Where do the statues come in then?

      Reporter: "Do you think that what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-Nazis?"

      Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee."

      Reporter: "Should that statue be taken down?"

      Trump: "Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see -- and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not -- but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.

      "So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?

      "But they were there to protest -- excuse me, if you take a look, the night before they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. Infrastructure question. Go ahead."

      Reporter: "Should the statues of Robert E. Lee stay up?"

      Trump: "I would say that’s up to a local town, community, or the federal government, depending on where it is located."

      Reporter: "How concerned are you about race relations in America? And do you think things have gotten worse or better since you took office?"

      Trump: "I think they’ve gotten better or the same. Look, they’ve been frayed for a long time. And you can ask President Obama about that, because he’d make speeches about it. But I believe that the fact that I brought in -- it will be soon -- millions of jobs -- you see where companies are moving back into our country -- I think that’s going to have a tremendous, positive impact on race relations.

      "We have companies coming back into our country. We have two car companies that just announced. We have Foxconn in Wisconsin just announced. We have many companies, I say, pouring back into the country. I think that’s going to have a huge, positive impact on race relations. You know why? It’s jobs. What people want now, they want jobs. They want great jobs with good pay, and when they have that, you watch how race relations will be.

    18. (cont.)
      "And I’ll tell you, we’re spending a lot of money on the inner cities. We’re fixing the inner cities. We’re doing far more than anybody has done with respect to the inner cities. It’s a priority for me, and it’s very important."

      Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

      Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

      "But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

      Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

      Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

      Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

      Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

    19. ...but please, keep arguing that the statues had NOTHING to do with anything and that no one cared about them.
