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Monday, October 12, 2020

Joe Biden 400 Vote Electoral College Blowout?

A 7/14/2020 video from Let's Talk Elections (85.5K subscribers) says "Donald Trump Has a 7% Chance at Winning Re-Election" (this was before Kamala Harris was selected as VP). The video discusses predictions from The Economist which predicts Dotard has an 8% chance of remaing predisent. While Biden has a 92% chance of winning 229 to 424 electoral college votes.

trumpers, of course, do not believe polls. Even though HRC did win the popular vote as predicted in 2016. Also political experts say steps were taken after 2016 to improve polling data accuracy. Quote: "The polls are also putting a greater emphasis on individual states and looking at the role they play within the electoral college".

I trust polling. Polling, however, does not take into account the cheating that Dotard is engaging in. Minus FJ, a pro-Dotard blogger, is very confident that his candiate will secure a second term. When I asked him if this was because he knew the fix was in, he replied, "when has the fix ever NOT been in?". My assumption was that he was referring to reporting by The Atlantic, although he subsequently denied this and called it (Dotard stealing the election) a "paranoid fear".

A jarring new report from The Atlantic claims that the Trump campaign is discussing potential strategies to circumvent the results of the 2020 election, should Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump, by first alleging the existence of rampant fraud and then asking legislators in battleground states where the Republicans have a legislative majority to bypass the state's popular vote and instead to choose electors loyal to the GOP and the sitting president. (Source).

So, if this is a "paranoid fear" then Biden is pratically guaranteed victory. Despite Minus BS about Biden losing because his campaign is based on a "lie" about Dotard calling White Supremacists who marched in Charlottesville "very fine people". "Everyone" is aware of this "lie" (Minus says) and they are going to vote Dotard as a result.

Except it isn't a lie.

"I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists—because they should be condemned totally", he said. "But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists".

Trump's defenders have seized on that line to argue that it's false to say Trump praised white supremacists. But that requires a willful ignorance of who organized the rally and who attended it. Unite the Right was not some spontaneous demonstration, nor was it a big-tent gathering meant to rope in a broad coalition. It was plainly advertised as a white supremacist rally, by and for neo-Nazis. ...it was the only rally in Charlottesville that day (other than the counterprotests). There was no second group. (Mother Jones, 9/3/2020)

Also (as previously noted) the polls say otherwise. Not that they didn't the last time, but this time we aren't dealing with an unknown. Dotard has been president for 4 years and the economy is in the toilet as a result of his disasterous handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Which he lied to us about (as confirmed by the Woodward tapes). Nobody is going to "take a chance" on Dotard this time. Except by cheating, I can't see how this guy can possibly "win". As noted in the video, The Economist gave HRC a 65% chance of winning in 2016. In 2020 they're giving Joe Biden a 92% chance of winning.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-187.


  1. I am not convinced trump won't legitimately win the election. I was in New York (upstate which is more representatve of America in general than NYC) and trump is a big hit with most all those whose company I was in. Unfortunately.

    Contrary to liberal/progressive beliefs a very large segment of middle class hard working Americans still like and support trump, largely because in spite of all the evidence they continue to believe trump is the best shot to insure economic prosperity. The group's age span, mid twenties to mid seventies.

    Like someone important once said... it's the economy stupid. And that is what folks supporting trump believe. That he will be the best to steer the nation back to being the worlds economic super power.

    trump is VERY good at one thing. Being supremely successful at being a con "man".

    1. That makes no sense. Dotard has destroyed the economy. He lied about the pandemic (confirmed by the Woodward tapes). If he had taken steps to combat it ASAP we could have it under control by now. And these trillion+ $ bailouts wouldn't be necessary. If Dotard were to legitimately win I would say that confirms we are legitimately a nation of majority idiots.

      But I don't believe he legitimately won in 2016. And I don't believe he can legitimately win in 2020. Maybe I'm wrong? We'll see. I am 100% positive he will not win the popular vote.

    2. You're logical Derv, and, I fully agree with your comment
      I only pointed out the illogical position of a VEEY LARGE portion of the American electorate. BTW, nothing ANYONE can say, even when FACTS are presented. will alter their views.

      I too know Biden will win the popular vote. If he wins the EC I fully expect trump to challenge the results all the way to the SCOTUS. I also fully right wing domestic terrorism to be given the nod by trump via his all too frequent dog whistles.

  2. Replies
    1. There was no second group.

      The 3%ers weren't there? New York Light Foot? Pennsylvania Light Foot? There were no 1st Amendment supporters there? Grow up.

    2. They weren't there. So, re the events in Charlottesville, they weren't one of the sides. Also, I don't know about ALL of the members, but the people who run it are history rewriters. Which isn't "very fine" at all.

    3. Mother Jones: "It was plainly advertised as a white supremacist rally, by and for neo-Nazis".

    4. btw - Is this one of the "very fine people" on YOUR side?

    5. Doesn't the Right argue that Wikipedia (despite being founded by a Libertarian) has a Liberal bias? And Wikipedia can be edited by anyone (including liars). Although from what I've seen it's generally accurate.

      I don't know what page you're referring to. I went to the Unite the Right rally page and it says, "The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist and neo-Nazi rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. Protesters were members of the far-right and included self-identified members of the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various right-wing militias. The marchers chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus Vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present anti-Muslim and antisemitic groups".

      The organizations you bring up are on that page under the heading "Militias". The page says "numerous armed, right-wing militia groups were present at the rally, claiming to be there to protect the First Amendment rights of the demonstrators".

      Given that they are right-wing militias, obviously they were there to protect the free speech rights of the racists to wave their Nazi and Confederate flags and chant anti-semitic slogans. These were the "very fine people"?

    6. Well Derv, the truth is the truth. And racists will continue to deny truth. All the while using dog whistles to rally their racist white supremacist brothers and sisters around the racist presnit they support.

    7. Since the police protect the 1st amendment rights of Left wing protestors... they're not very fine people? They're all anarchists and commies, too? Who knew? I'll need to apply the Dervish standard for participation in fine-people hood.

    8. People who protect the rights of others aren't fine people. They're just tools of oppression...


    9. Right-wing militias aren't the police. Were the Right-wing militias there to protect the rights of those who wanted the statues removed? Evidence please.

    10. If they were there to protect everyone's free speech rights, why did they bring guns? I think your comment confirms that the reason was to intimidate the side that wanted the statues removed.

      I do not think it is very fine at all to try to suppress the free speech of those you disagree with by brandishing guns in public. Therefore I say the facts show there were NOT very fine people on both sides. Not looking at those who attended the rally.

    11. If the statue removers cared about free speech, they would have put the statue issue on a local referendum. If they cared about "free speech" they wouldn't have shouted down the unite the right protesters with a counter protest on the same days and in the same locations. If they cared about free speech, they wouldn't have clashed in the streets and screamed at confederate heritage preservationists and called them racists w/o cause. But your side only cares about winning... so you end up with a 6-3 SCOTUS minority.Oh, and boo- hoo about that.

    12. Maybe the Charlottesville City Ccuncil should have listened to this guy so that his only alternative wouldn't have had to be a call to Richard Spencer for help getting their community back.

    13. What a load. It's the Proud Boy's MO to show up where Lefties are protesting and try to provoke a fight. YOU said that's why some of the protesters were there (on the Right). Nobody on the Left was there for that reason. Or pretending to be there for that reason. They wanted the statues to White Supremacy removed. Period.

      Referendum? How about we only let African Americans vote? I don't know why they'd be opposed to White people showing pride for their "heritage" (of fighting a war to keep Black people enslaved).

    14. Nobody on the Left was there for that reason. Or pretending to be there for that reason. They wanted the statues to White Supremacy removed. Period.

      Then what were the shields for? They expected the statues to fight back?

    15. if you're there to ONLY remove a statue, wouldn't a hammer be more useful than a shield?

    16. As far as I know, those who wanted the statues removed were law-abiding. They didn't plan on removing the statues themselves. And a shield is plenty useful for protecting yourself against someone who might want to fight you. I don't know what your point is.

    17. So they were there looking for a fight? That doesn't sound like any very fine people I know...

    18. btw - I don't suppose there might have been any unarmed people just concerned about their heritage preservation or armed people worried about their free speech and 2A rights there... NAH, the only unarmed people were statue removers...

    19. btw2- Weren't the open carry but armed people law-abiding? No one got shot that day...

    20. No, not looking for a fight. Guessing they'd encounter people looking for a fight. As for nobody getting shot -- you don't have to shoot to intimidate. And someone was killed. The woman protesting the White Supremacist statues who was deliberately hit by a car driven by a Dotard supporter.

    21. Isn't that the same thing? They went there anticipating and prepared for a confrontation (not to protest some statue). It's legally the same thing as following the bully at the bar out into the parking lot.

    22. Why would you do that unless you wanted to fight? Who do they think that they were dealing with? Joe Biden's Corn Pop?

  3. Derv... it could be, but more likely we will see a close election. I think as PA goes, so goes the nation. I'd love to see a blowout, I just don't think we will.

    1. We'll see. Polls suggest there might be. Certainly there SHOULD be -- given the terrible job Dotard has done.

    2. Only Republicans closed the voter registration gap with Democrats in PA by over 160k since 2016.

  4. Derv, have you seen this?

    ‘Unmasking’ probe commissioned by Barr concludes without charges or any public report

    The federal prosecutor appointed by Attorney General William P. Barr to review whether Obama-era officials improperly requested the identities of individuals whose names were redacted in intelligence documents has completed his work without finding any substantive wrongdoing, according to people familiar with the matter.


    Bash’s team was focused not just on unmasking, but also on whether Obama-era officials provided information to reporters, according to people familiar with the probe, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive investigation. But the findings ultimately turned over to Barr fell short of what Trump and others might have hoped, and the attorney general’s office elected not to release them publicly, the people familiar with the matter said."

    Remember how Trump and his cultists who comment here were SURE! President Obama would be charged with something, something! They were rubbing their palms together in eager anticipation of what this probe by Barr would uncover.


    But you won't see anything from them on this nothingburger probe, will you.

    1. Just heard it on the news. Read your comment first though. No surprise that they got nothing. I WAS expecting that they would pretend that they did, however. LOL.

    2. And yet, these guys will claim some kind of "special" knowledge of facts not in evidence. You both know the mindset. True conservatives know the truth, even if others cannot see it.

      So if Barr is unable to find anything out, it's not for lack of guilt, it's because the system, or the Deep State has prevented that from happening. Remember, always go back to the one reality for these folks... They know it to be true. Period.

      It's stronger than a gnostic cult where only those in the know, are really in the know.

  5. Interesting to note that the folks who eagerly awaited the charges and arrests of President Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary are strangely missing from these boards now that the OBAMAGATE! turned out to be NOTHING.

    1. The only thing that turned out to be legal was unmasking... and nobody ever claimed it was, just that it had been "over-done" abused. Obama and Biden will go to jail for the ordered and illegal surveillance of their political opposition.

    2. Dan Jones was working with Glenn Simpson at Fusion-GPS. Fusion-GPS contracted with Nellie Ohr in “late 2015”. This is the exact same time when thousands of unauthorized “contractor searches” were taking place within the NSA/FBI database. This is where the Ham radio comes in handy to receive information from database extraction.

      Nellie Ohr then sends research outcomes to Chris Steele for the dossier assembly; and the dossier is then laundered back to Bruce Ohr and FBI for use in their operation against the Trump campaign. Meanwhile Simpson and Jones are leaking to the media who are writing articles…. Nellie then captures those articles to validate material in the dossier; puts the citations on a thumb-drive and gives it to Bruce… Again, it’s the same damn origin.

      All of this originates back in late 2015 when the FBI was allowing contractors, many of whom were likely in contact with journalists -via Dan Jones and Glenn Simpson- to have access to the databases within the NSA. This is not conspiracy theory, this is a factual conspiracy.

      ...and THAT is why they'll ALL go to prison. The FISA frame-ups.

    3. Dream on trumper. If anything your Orange Turd Clorox Guy will ne the one sitting on his chestnuts in a federal pen when the depth of his corruption if fully exposed.

    4. Too bad for you that the Biden corruption all got laid out in the NY Post Wednesday. So much for his lead in the polls...

    5. The Hunter Biden fake email story? LOL. It might turn out to be "too bad" for someone, but it isn't going to be Joe Biden or his son. Maybe Rudy or the "Delaware computer repairman" who gave him the laptop.

    6. The Masters of the Universe have spoken!

      Now let's politely curtsey for them as they sell your job to China. :)

  6. Joe... we'll believe that story when the actual email, with the metadata is released so it's veracity can be ascertained. Simply matching up with conservative ideas about Biden guilt is not evidence or proof.

    And at this point, neither is the story in the Post.

    1. Why not ask the FBI? They've had the laptop for over six months. Or is CrowdStrike, Nancy Pelosi's $1 million dollar investment, the ONLY company that can investigate computer forensics for the FBI? Do you think CrowdStrike will give them aan unredacted report this time?

    2. I wonder if Chris Wray will claim it as an in-kind campaign contribution like Twitter and the major news networks?

    3. The emails are fake. I wonder if Rudy is simply a Russian dupe or is he knowingly working for them?

    4. Then the Computer Shop owner will go to prison for filing a false FBI Report. I wonder why he isn't already there, since he gave them the laptop as evidence back in December of 2019...

    5. But let's all pretend that none of this is happening and maybe it'll go away... :)

    6. Your fake news will go away (from center stage, at least) after Joe Biden is inaugurated.

    7. lol! All fake news all the time... hurray!
