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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Minus FJ BS Re The Woman Shot And Killed During The Storming Of The Capitol By Dotard Supporters

If it had been BLM protestors who had tried to storm the capitol, you can be sure many more rioters would have been killed.

Does Minus actually care that Ashli Babbitt died? I doubt it. He just likes throwing #SayHerName back at the Left. btw, I do think it is terrible that this woman was shot and killed.

However, a Congressperson who was actually there said that if the rioters had gotten in they might have followed through with their threats to hang people. And that the shot definitely disuaded them of that idea (this was according to a Congressperson I saw speaking with Al Sharpton on MSNBC last evening).

"Hang Mike Pence" the crowd was heard to be chanting. I heard pipe bombs were found as well. Some of the rioters definitely intended to kill members of Congress. Or "arrest" them (some brought zipties).

I am sorry she died. Clearly she needed psychiatric help. But the #SayHerName hashtag definitely does not apply. Frankly I think this is just another way for Minus to mock the BLM movement. Like when he was writing #OrcLivesMatter. QED he doesn't give a shit about Ashli Babbitt.

Although, while Minus always takes the side of the police when they shoot Black suspects, this is a WHITE person we're talking about. And a Dotard supporter. So he thinks the Capitol Police should have shown "restraint" and allowed the rioters entry so they could do whatever they wanted to the members of Congress they found?

Additionally (as per the video above), the authorities got medical attention for this woman immediately. As opposed to allowing her to lie there a long time (to make sure she died)... What often happens when a Black person is shot by the police.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-227.


  1. The stormers of the capitol were looking for Black Congress-people to lynch? Who knew? I wonder why they felt they had to stay within the velvet ropes once inside then?

    1. ps - Mike Pence is black? You can't hang or intimidate white people with nooses, ya'll know.

    2. They didn't bring weapons, bombs and zip ties (to "arrest" their representatives). It doesn't say anything in the article you linked to about protesters smashing windows or breaking down doors. Why should they have been shot?

    3. Molotov cocktails are bombs now? Better let BLM know...

    4. Who knew that if you used a Mason Jar instead of a whisky bottle that the ATF would call it a bomb....

    5. fyi, you can intimidate anyone with a noose. Especially if you chant their name and say hang them. It's only usually used to intimidate Black people. Because of our history of lots of Black people being lynched.

    6. From their horror at every noose discovery, I thought that only Black people feinted at the sight of a noose... my bad.

    7. btw - Does an M-80 qualify as a pipe bomb? How about a cherry "bomb"?

    8. ...and who knew that a mechanical alarm clock could be a "crude ignition device/timer" anywhere but in a Saturday morning cartoon?

    9. Again, when the real insurrection occurs, expect a few CVBG air wings to appear overhead.

    10. It was an insurrection attempt. Obviously it failed. If you try but fail to commit a crime, you're still going to be charged. btw, if trumpers try again they will be met with force. The military will be on the side of the Constitution and will refuse orders to unconstitutionally fight to keep an outgoing president in power.

    11. If that was an insurrection attempt, it was the sorriest such event EVER.

      And ps - the military will follow the chain of command, and Trump is CinC.

    12. tRump is CinC in name only. unless of course one be referring to the military latrines. that is both tRum's character (human waste) as well as plausible (it is what HE is - human waste).

    13. lol! As Pelosi learned, Trump is CinC until the law says he's not at noon on Jan 20.

    14. There will be no military coup to keep the loser of the election in power, Minus.

      Quote: First things first. Senior Defense Department leaders have already expressed that there is no role for the military in domestic political disputes. Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said as much in October—and repeated the point last week: "We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual. No, we do not take an oath to a country, a tribe or a religion. We take an oath to the Constitution". [end quote]

      btw, your continued excuses that attempts at criminal acts don't count if they are unsuccessful is BULLSHIT. You said the same thing when the Dotard-supporter Cesar Sayoc sent mail bombs to Democrats (another crime incited by Dotard). Guess what? The judge didn't say "no harm, no foul". Nor did he say "this man was only LARPing, set him free". Cesar received a long prison sentence.

  2. Only the Left could conveniently confuse a bunch a LARPing Patriots with Insurrectionists.

    1. When the real insurrection comes, you'll know it by the sound of the .50 calibre automatic rounds whistling over your heads, not the .22 deringers some LARPer leaves in his truck..

    2. The insurrectionists are being arrested and charged. Their lawyers won't be putting forward a "LARP" defense. Not unless they're incompetent/want their clients to be convicted.

    3. Every day is "Insurrection Day" in Portland. lol!

  3. Derv... they're clueless and desperate...

    Look how the Capitan of SS Mothership of Denial felt after learning the truth about those busses of "ANTIFA" protestors the cops were guarding.

    "By the way, did the rumors of ANTIFA just blow away? Even Judge Jeanine said those white buses were actually buses meant to carry Congress to hiding, not full of ANTIFA members….I had high hopes we’d actually find something out about leftists having done the real harm, but of course not; that would be too lucky for the Right."

    High hopes? Unlucky? Man, it has to hurt to get smacked by the truth of the great majority of the insurrectionists being right wingers and not leftist agitators as they had claimed for days.

    1. Guess one would have to conclude then that some trumpers have retained the ability to grasp truth. Just not often enough.

  4. Sock puppet #64951 posted...

    "Molotov cocktails are bombs now?"

    Well... I've been in a few scrums in Mexico. To your question, the ppl I know who lost their homes, cars and businesses to Molotov cocktails would all say they are bombs.
