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Monday, January 4, 2021

NewsMax Sez Corrupt Predisent Asking Georgia Secretary of State To Commit Election Fraud Was Proper. Another "Perfect" Phone Call, Apparently

Audio released yesterday confirms that predisent Dotard called Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and straight up demanded that he commit election fraud by "finding" enough votes to flip the election in Georgia.

The ballots were counted three times in Georgia. The ONLY way for Raffensperger to "find" enough votes to flip the election to Dotard would be via fraud. Even so, the pro-Dotard propagand channel (NewsMax) says the call was "proper".

NewsMax: Trump Ga. Transcript Shows Case for Vote Fraud, President Acted Properly. (excerpt) The Washington Post claimed that in his talk with Raffensperger, Trump "repeatedly urged him to alter the outcome of the presidential vote in the state".

This claim is false.

The transcript of the call shows Trump demanding an honest accounting of the ballots, which he says would give him more than 11,000 votes. (1/3/2021 article by Newsmax Wires).

What utter bullshit. And the NewMax spin is utterly ridiculous. Brad Raffensperger is the REPUBLICAN Georgia Secretary of State. He already did everything in his power to help Dotard win in GA. Before the election Raffensperger purged 300k voters from the rolls. Republicans do this because they hate democracy. The more people vote (especially Black people) the more likely it is the Democratic candidate will win.

This is how Brian Kemp stole the governorship from Stacey Abrhams. Given that fact, I'm sure they thought it would work for Dotard. So, while I'm positive both Kemp and Raffensperger WANT to steal the election for Dotard, their hands are tied. Despite their best efforts Joe Biden won.

Also, we're to believe that Dotard knows more about voter fraud in GA then the secretary of state? When Dotard points out all the (imaginary) voter fraud he thinks took place, this will all be news to Raffensperger?

"Oh, my goodness. You're right, Mr President. Why didn't we check that? We'll get right on it". Then GA will do a FOURTH recount and (after they throw out all the illegal votes they didn't think to look for before) tRump will win Georgia.

Over on the GeeeZ blog the proprietor is making the same argument.

If this were true, AG Barr would have ordered raids to find the hidden ballots and people who were poll watchers and have evidence. Instead he said "the US Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election".

There was no widespread voter fraud. Joe Biden legitimately won in GA. Joe Biden legitimately won in PA. Joe Biden legitimately won the presidency. What Dotard is trying to do is illegitimately steal the presidency. There are NO votes to "find". If so, Raffensperger would have found them. Bill Barr would have found them. You think either of these people wanted Joe Biden to win?

btw, Dotard is stupid. Incredibly stupid. The proof is that he doesn't know this is OVER. He lost. Despite the cheating that HELPED him (usual "GOP" voter suppression, mail in ballot delays engineered by his stooge DeJoy, etc). But is he SO stupid to think that Raffensperger and Barr both have no clue and need direction from him to find the fraud?

Although neither is doing what Dotard wants. Did they both join the "deep state"?

"There's only two answers, dishonesty or incompetence" Dotard says. I agree. Regardless, this is a crime. Dotard's attorneys can invoke the idiot defense at the trial of the "stable genius", but the track record of that working isn't very good.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-222.


  1. Re: The captain of the Mother Ship: She and her deluded commenters never mention the fact that the votes in Georgia were counted and certified three times! in a Republican state led by a Republican governor and secretary of state! Facts don't matter to cultists because Trump is their cult leader and he's never wrong.

    As my comment Ray said, "You can't fix stupid." and they're the reason we're in this mess. Those folks support and adore a liar, cheat, and fraud and nothing will disabuse them of their idolatry and hysteria.

    1. Those "folks" are enjoying their Dear Leader's anti democracy, anti American, pro authoritarian. racist "leadership" because they are living the reality they have always wanted. An America where racism, misogyny, corruption, division, and innuendo/lies rather than facts and science rules the day.

      These "folks", the trumpian fake cons of America, are the real threat to American democracy and the democratic republic that some very smart folks gave us 244 years ago. It is these "folks" who have enabled the slime trump to practically destroy our republic. For this reason and this reason alone they are no better than the slime they willingly support.

    2. "...the votes in Georgia were counted and certified three times! in a Republican state led by a Republican governor and secretary of state!"

      Right. But Dotard has called for Kemp to resign.

      @BrianKempGA should resign from office. He is an obstructionist who refuses to admit that we won Georgia, BIG! Also won the other Swing States.

      LOL. Kemp is "refusing" because it isn't something he can legally do. Change the results, that is. He could "admit" Dotard won, but not change the results.

  2. From the Stephanie Miller Show, 1/4/2021...

    The Rude Pundit: ...this morning one of Raffensperger's aides ... was talking to some reporter and said "after Lindsey Graham tried to get us to overturn legitimate votes, we decided that we should record the call".

    Completely upending Lindsey Graham's denial.


    NBC News: Graham told NBC News the allegation was "ridiculous" and said that he called Raffensperger, a top election official in a state Graham doesn't represent...

    1. South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham denied that he asked the Georgia secretary of state about throwing out mail-in votes in certain Georgia counties, an allegation made by Republican Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger earlier this week.

      "That's ridiculous. I talked to him about how you verify signatures. Right now a single person verifies signatures and I suggested as you go forward can you change it to make sure that a bipartisan team verifies signatures and if there is a dispute, come up with an appeals process", Graham said.

  3. All we have to ask is this... What would be the GOP response if the President Obama had done this in support of Hillary Clinton in 2016?

    Those stooges on the SS Mothership who won't even let a lib comment, are in total denial, believing only snippets of the call have been released, only seeing what they want to see. Their cohorts on Twitter are focused on a strategy of "Kill the Messenger" seeing the leakers as the true criminals. Of course if we use FreeThinke as our avatar of this group, he felt Nixon was jobbed during Watergate by the leaker too.

    This is a mess that historians will write about years after we are all dead and gone.

  4. Looks like they're going after the corrupt Dotard!

    Georgia elections board member calls for probe into Trump’s call seeking to pressure Raffensperger

    "David J. Worley, an Atlanta lawyer and the board’s most senior member, said that a transcript of the call amounted to “probable cause” to believe that President Trump had violated Georgia election code."

  5. There is ABSOLUTELY no question but what The Great Orange Seditous Shit's telephone call to the Georgia Secretary of State should be investigated. The attempt by the presnit to pressure the Georgia SoS to knowingly falsify the results of the election in Georgia so as to deny the rightful victor the presidency is an act of treason against the United States of America and its same citizens. The election has been CERTIFIED multiple times. The rightful victor is Joe Biden. The morons of The Cult of trump are so removed from reality they've become hopeless drooling idiots.

  6. RN, you're correct. The votes in Georgia were counted and CERTIFIED by Republicans! THREE TIMES!

    Trump was engaged in vote tampering -- a felony -- in extorting Georgia's Republican SoS to change the votes and say they had "just recalculated" them.

    Right there in broad daylight and on audio, the DIRTIEST, most corrupt p.o.s. doing his best to steal the election from Biden.

  7. Three times the vote was recounted! Then it was certified as accurate, free and fair by the Republican Sec of State and the Republican Governor, himself, no fan of Democrats.

    No one, absolutely no one has proffered any real evidence much different from what the 9/11 Truthers, the Flat Earth Crowd, the Holocaust deniers, the Moon Landing deniers and countless other conspiracy theorists have for years claimed.

    Just because someone says it's true, does not make it so. Unless you're a crazy nut job living in your own personal fact free, false fact, alternative fact, we have our own facts universe.
