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Monday, May 20, 2024

Bing AI Copilot Confirms That donald tRump is a White Supremacist

Well, that donald tRump is a White Supremacist is quite self evident. Below is a conversation I engaged in recently with the Bing AI copilot. The topic of discussion was the White Supremacist views of donald tRump.

Dervish Sanders: Bing AI Copilot, how would you describe what you are?

Bing AI Copilot: I'm an AI companion designed to assist users by providing information, answering questions, and engaging in conversation. My primary role is to be helpful and supportive. If you have any other queries, feel free to ask!

Dervish Sanders: Isn't it true that donald Trump is a White Supremacist?

Copilot: Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, has faced accusations and controversy related to racism and white supremacy. While some people view his speech and actions as racist or white supremacist1, others have defended him. Following are some key points.

Associations with White Supremacists.

In 2022, Trump dined at his Mar-a-Lago home with Nick Fuentes, a political commentator identified by the Department of Justice as a white supremacist. Fuentes is known for Holocaust denial, threats against Jewish people, and hate speech against Black Americans. Trump also dined with Ye (formerly known as Kanye West), who has faced criticism for antisemitic and anti-Black comments.

Debates and Denials.

During the 2020 presidential debates, Trump was asked to explicitly condemn white supremacists. While he initially said he was willing to do so, he did not clearly denounce them. Trump has repeatedly denied accusations of racism, but his history of controversial statements and associations has fueled ongoing debate.

Reactions and Condemnations.

Some Democrats, anti-racist groups, and even Republicans have condemned Trump for associating with white supremacists. However, not all Republicans responded to the situation, highlighting divisions within the party. In summary, opinions on whether Trump is a white supremacist vary, but his associations and statements have raised significant concerns.

Dervish Sanders: (no longer conversing with the Copilot) Confirmed! As per the Copilot, donald tRump associates with White Supremacists. donald tRump did not clearly denounce White Supremacists.

FactCheck.org: Trump has said his "very fine people" comment referred not to white supremacists and neo-Nazis but to "people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee -- a great general, whether you like it or not". Some have argued that explanation doesn't hold up, because Trump referred in that statement to a protest "the night before" when -- it was widely reported -- white nationalists burned tiki torches and chanted anti-Semitic and white nationalist slogans. We'll leave it to readers to make up their minds on Trump's remarks...

Yeah, the AI Copilot made up it's "mind". And I agree with it. donald tRump has never clearly denounced White Supremacists. He only "denounced" White Supremacists with a wink and a nod. Because donald tRump is a White Supremacist. White Supremacists know he is one of them. Why they haven't abandoned him. Why White Supremacist militia groups heard their leader's call to stand back and stand by. They stood by for word from their leader. He gave it and they attacked the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Wikipedia: The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. Marchers included members of the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and far-right militias. Some groups chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present antisemitic and anti-Islamic groups. The organizers' stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's former Lee Park. Link.

Yet dotard donald says the "very fine people" were only the people there who wanted to preserve their heritage and aren't haters. That's complete baloney, and I will tell you why. As per Wikipedia, it is primiarly racists who were there in protest. Racists who are who organized the rally. Their goal was to protest the removal of statues to traitors and to "unite the right".

Was there anyone there who disagreed with racism? Maybe. But yet, they were there to preserve their "heritage" of racism. Which is what the enslavement of African Americans represent. What their ancestors fought for. What the monuments represent. The statues in question represent racism. This means they were fighting to preserve their "heritage" of racism. That isn't a "very fine person" in my opinion.

See Also
The Adventures of Dervish Sanders. AI Copilot and Dervish Sanders collaborate to spin tall tales about the adventurer Dervish Sanders.
• Edw@rd End0 Has Been Detected As An Evil Fake Christian. As Confirmed By Bing's AI Copilot. 5/20/2024 EEH027.

Post authored by the Anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. wym305.


  1. Google AI knows you can't water plants with a sports drink.

    Google AI, why is Brawndo bad for plants?

    Google AI: Brawndo is a salt-infused energy drink that appears in the 2006 movie Idiocracy as a healthy alternative for watering plants. The movie's marketing suggests that Brawndo contains electrolytes, which plants crave, and that plants are being killed because they are fed Brawndo instead of water.

    In the movie, "Notsure" tries to convince the presidential cabinet to use water on the crops instead of Brawndo, which has led to a global food shortage. The cabinet scratches their heads over what is killing the plants, but then the Secretary of State says, "But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes".

    However, plants do technically crave ions, which are ionic (soluble) compounds that have a high electrical conductivity (EC). Plants can only use potassium for this, while animals can use both potassium and sodium.

    Copilot says... In the satirical movie Idiocracy, the main character discovers that the country’s crops are being watered with a sports drink called Brawndo. The logic behind using Brawndo is that it contains electrolytes, which are believed to be what plants crave. However, this choice turns out to be disastrous for the crops.

    The concentration of electrolytes in Brawndo has actually destroyed natural topsoil, leading to dust storms and crop failure. In reality, plants need more than just electrolytes; they also require water and other essential nutrients to thrive. ... So, while Brawndo may have electrolytes, it's definitely not a suitable replacement for water when it comes to nurturing plants!

  2. However, plants do technically crave ions, which are ionic (soluble) compounds that have a high electrical conductivity (EC).

    Soluble in what, Brawndo? Or water? Carthago delenda est. Remember when Scipio Africanus had the soil around Carthage sewn with salt? His ancestors invented Brawndo.

  3. btw - When did Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton stop associating with the KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd? Oh yeah, they gave "exaltacious" testimonials at his funeral.

  4. Minus: Soluble in what, Brawndo? Or water?

    Water. Obviously. Sports drinks are for human consumption. They aren't formulated for plants. You don't understand?

    Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton never associated with the "KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd". They couldn't stop because they never started.

    Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton associated with the former KKK Cyclops Robert Byrd. After he saw the error of his ways and reformed. Which was quite awhile before his death.

    George Rutherford of the West Virginia NAACP [said] he believed Byrd's metamorphosis was sincere... link

  5. Ah, a magical negro exoneration. THAT makes it true. @@

  6. To you a African American working for the NAACP is a "magical negro"? What are the magical powers of George Rutherford, Minus? You think he has the ability to see into people's hearts and know their true motivations? He never claimed to have such magical powers. He only gave his opinion. But I do believe it has more authority, given his position.

  7. But I do believe it has more authority, given his position.

    Then maybe we should ask a few Klansmen, given theirs.

  8. I didn't ask George Rutherford. That's information I found online. I've never met him. I wouldn't believe anything any Klansman said. What do you think I should ask a klansman. Any that knew Robert Byrd are likely dead. But you think they'd all say he lied and did not "reform"? Or would they say he was a race traitor?
