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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Chinese People Are White & Suprime. No, That Was Mystiping

This commentary concerns a discussion between me and a commenter on the PTL blog that posts anonymously. Though, when he originally showed up he called himself "Q". After he referred to Leftists as "libtards", I decided to call him Qtard.

According to Qtard, I am a racist because I acknowledge the fact that the concept of "race" exists. Even though there is no difference (biologically) between the so-called "races", it exists as a social construct. That's just a fact. But acknowleding this fact makes me a racist. According to this turd.

Which he "proved" by asking me if Chinese people are White and therefore "suprime" (though he meant "supreme"). I said no, because Chinese people are Asian. Now (months later, after asking the question about Chinese people being White and "suprime") he has changed his mind. Now he says the word he meant to write was "supreme" and that "suprime" was a mistyping. One repeated over and over.

Anonymous. July 16, 2023 at 12:01 AM.
No, deepshit. :-)))))
I ASKED you -- WHY you do not call white Chinese WHITE???!!!! :-)))))))))))))))))
On what base? What reasoning?
WHY you DENY their Natural Right to be white???
And suprime. ;-P

Anonymous. July 19, 2023 at 5:54 AM.
\\I OPPOSE racism. (quoting me).
With denying Chinese being white? And suprime? ;-P

Anonymous. August 31, 2023 at 11:32 PM.
\\No. I never said Asian people are "nasty". Qtard wrote that Asian people are nasty. Not what I believe. (quoting me).
Then??? WHY you DENY em right to be called White??? And Suprime?

Anonymous. September 4, 2023 at 1:42 AM.
You NEVER have said "I *DO* deny...", you NEVER denied Chinese to be White (and Suprime ;-P) and etc-etc-etc. :-)))))))))))))))

Anonymous. September 18, 2023 at 12:46 AM.
Then... say it with your own words -- that Chinese are White... and Suprime. ;-P

Anonymous. May 22, 2024 at 6:30 AM.
Yeah. White Chinese... really are Supreme. ;-P

Dervish Sanders. May 23, 2024 at 12:52 PM.
Is that what you are, crazy cretin? Why you've babbled a number of times about how Chinese are White and "Suprime". Huh. You actually used the correct word this time.

Anonymous. May 23, 2024 at 9:57 PM.
\\Because it is the WRONG word. (quoting me. "suprime" is the wrong word because he meant "supreme").
Who said? ;-P You -- cretin. Your opinion -- is of NO importance. ;-P

Anonymous. May 30, 2024 at 2:42 AM.
\\We were talking about "suprime". Written by you (previously). After which you completely forgot. (quoting me).
Why??? I should remember every mistyping I did, who know how long ago?

He JUST defended his use of "suprime". He asked "who says?" ("suprime" isn't the word he meant). Then (just a while later) he says it was a mistyping. Mistyped over and over. Over many months. And I tried to correct him previously. But he kept writing "suprime". Obviously that was NOT a mistyping. It was on purpose.

Writing "mystiping" once (which he did in another comment) was a typo. "Suprime" was NOT a mistyping.

Wiktionary definition for "suprime" says it is a Spanish word for "delete" (as in the delete key on a keyboard). Or "to suppress (to prevent publication) OR to suppress (to hold in place, to keep low)".

Is that what he meant when he wrote "suprime"? That Chinese people should be deleted or suppressed? That sounds much different than saying Chinese people are White and "Supreme".

Given that, I say it is Qtard who is the racist. This is a person who also thinks that White people can be referred to using the term "ni**a".

Anonymous. September 8, 2023 at 3:09 AM.
What constitues being "nigga"??? If not being poor, powerless and because of that abused? But, there was a LOT of distinctly White... who was same, or even MORE poor and powerless. Or... Racist Derpy think that poor and powerless somehow attached to being of "race"???

According to this comment, I'm a racist because I think that term has only been used in regards to Black people, not White people.

Merriam Webster says that word is offensive if used by a White person. Initially Qtard referred to himself as "ziz nigga". Upon questioning he revealed he is White. But he is "ziz nigga" as per his definition (quoted above). ANYONE can be referred to using that term... if they are poor and powerless.

Though Qtard also claims to be incredibly smart and highly educated. So, I think he lies about being poor and powerless. I told him I thought the US government should do more to address extreme poverty and crime, and (according to him) that makes me a Nazi. He wrote, "Well... that was AMONG talking points of Historical Nazis".

He's poor and powerless, yet a far-right conservative. OK. That is the case with many trumpers. They are poor and powerless Whites, yet they vote for republican candidates (and against their own interests). BUT... Qtard also claims he is highly educated and incredibly smart. Yeah, I don't think that adds up.

I don't believe he is poor and powerless. Or "ziz nigga". I say he is a racist. Because it is racists who form the foundation of donald tRump's support. And, yes, Qtard is a bigly donald tRump defender. He (parroting tRump's own words) says donald tRump is like Alexei Navalny and Nelson Mandela. donald tRump (Qtard says) is being politically persecuted in a kangaroo court by the totalitarian Bi-den (hypen inserted into "Biden" for an undisclosed reason).

Qtard spews "deepshit" like this constantly. Even though (he says) "I studied Physics in school. With excellent grades. And... I'm smart".

Video: Jun 3, 2021. Adrian and Dolly take inspiration from "Minor Feelings", a novel by Cathy Park Hong, to unpack the stereotype that Asians are next in line to be white. By taking a look at the movies Get Out and Do The Right Thing, Adrian and Dolly examine pop culture references about Asian proximity to whiteness. They connect these moments to 3 historic Supreme Court cases where Asian Americans sued for white privilege and their discussion builds upon the theory’s of Cheryl Harris, a law professor who examines whiteness as a form of ownership. #Whiteness #AAPI #GetOut.

Post by the Anti-Racist blogger Dervish Sanders. wym307.


  1. You should also tell your audience that he's Ukrainian/Polish and doesn't live in the land of racial bigotry, as all his ancestors were "slav(e)s".

  2. Minus: ...he's Ukrainian/Polish...

    Says who?

    Minus: Ukrainian/Polish and doesn't live in the land of racial bigotry, as all his ancestors were "slav(e)s".

    Ukraine and Poland are lands where there is 100 percent racial equality? It's a magical place where bigotry doesn't exist? Who knew?

    Qtard says there are ZERO Nazis in Ukraine. I thought you disagreed with him? Changed your mind?

    Minus: but then again, what would a Baizuo care?

    Yeah, I don't care that much about about a mean word Chinese rightturds invented to describe Western Leftists.

    From the Wikipedia page you linked to...

    "As a result of their lack of education in humanitarian equality, per Yinghong Cheng, and their life experience of hard work in the West, they are uncomfortable and even hostile to new concepts and doctrines in religion, gender, sexuality and family".

    Sounds like the trump-right here in America. The dupes voting based on tRump's pandering to their hate, at least. Not necessarily the rich Turds voting for tRump because they want low taxes. I bet a lot of them see tRump's White working class voters as useful idiots.

  3. Poland and Ukraine used black people as hereditary slaves? Who knew? Serf's up!

  4. Serfdom: It developed during late antiquity and the Early Middle Ages in Europe and lasted in some countries until the mid-19th century. Unlike slaves, serfs could not be bought, sold, or traded individually, though they could, depending on the area, be sold together with land.

    Gee, slaves for even longer than the 250 year 1619 Project ones. *tsk-tsk*

  5. So there are no Nazis or White Supremacists in Poland or Ukraine? I was sure you said otherwise about Ukraine. You're denying it now?

  6. No, there are none. The Nazi's ceased to exist when they lost WWII in 1945. And I have no idea how "white" Ukraine is. All I know is that they want to kill other white people there.

  7. Right. Now you're using the qtarded tactic of pretending to not remember what you're said previously. In this case, claims made literally for years.

    Think it works for Qtard, so you'll do it too?

  8. Qtard's confession...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...June 6, 2024 at 11:22 PM.

    Idiots -- need very little to start laughing. ;-P

    :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) [laughing]

    :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) [more laughing]

    :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) [even more laughing]

  9. Anonymous (aka Qtard) said...
    Oh. Playing Bi-den.

    "I was not saying what I saying". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You have LOW intellectual abilities... SAME as your fuhrer Bi-den.

    But... somehow, that is your opponent problem. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    But... continue-continue, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    July 2, 2024 at 8:41 AM.
