WYM Pages

Monday, June 10, 2024

Total M0R0N Dunno About The Separation of Church & State As Advocated By Jesus

Apparently the blogger who posts anonymously (but used to call himself "Q") has been reading Shaw Kenawe's blog, Progressive Eruptions. Below he talks about something he read on the blog PE. Though this comment was made on the rightturd blog, Political Tea Leaves.

Anonymous (aka Qtard). June 5, 2024 at 11:27.
That's what pShaw talking there. ;-P Blogger Shaw Kenawe said... I just re-read my above comment and thought of this paradox: Joe Biden is about as devout a religionist (Catholic) as anyone could imagine — consistent church goer, etc., and Trump is as far from a religionist as one can get — never see him in any church on Sundays. Yet it is the devout Catholic that wants to preserve our secular laws.

Oh, yes???? :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

What is this moron laughing at? I guess he never heard of the separation of Church and State, as advocated by Jesus? John 18:36 says "Jesus said to them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marveled at him". (The website Open Bible, lists 99 more Bible Verses about The Separation Of Church And State).

"Render to Caesar" being the most famous. But this laughing idiot thinks what Shaw Kenawe said on her blog is ridiculous. And laughs his ass off. While he also wrote "idiots need very little to start laughing". Looks to me like he was referring to himself.

Even more proof of this person's idiocy is that he later denied knowing who Shaw Kenawe is -- when I brought up his comment above. I wrote, "recently you said you've been looking at Shaw Kenawe's blog". In reply the ID10T asked "Whose that?".

Obviously that is a lie. The denial of knowing who Shaw Kenawe is was made on 6/9/2024 at 12:26 AM. So 4 days after he laughs at words he read on Shaw's blog, he had completely forgotten about it? Does not have a clue who she is any longer? What a f*cking idiot. Yet he continues to tell moronic lies constantly. While accusing ME of being a liar who says things "lyingly" and using NewSpeak all the time.

His standard reply for when I repspond (short reply) "No", is to fire back "NewSpeak Yes". So, in his deluded mind I'm actually AGREEING with him when I say "no" (the stupidity he just wrote is wrong). Instead (in his delusions) I'm using NewSpeak to agree with him.

The cartoon above represents how rightturds view the separation of Church and State. This complete bullplop. rightturds don't believe in the Separation of Church and state AT ALL. According to the bigly corrupt scotus Turd Sam Alito, the US needs to turn away from Secularism and toward Godliness. aka the US shouldn't be an inclusive (of all religions) nation, but a Christian Nation.

The rightturd tRump-supporting blogger Minus FJ definitely agrees with the sentiment expressed in the cartoon. Which is that Liberals worship government. According to some stupidity from a recent blog post of his, "Woke" is a religion. He writes that "Woke-ism is Go(o)d for the Imperium [and] Woke-ism is a (but not the) Civil Religion". Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

This is idiotic. Also false. But he persisted.

Thersites (Minus FJ sockpuppet). June 5, 2024 at 11:47 AM.
Woke isn't a religion [quoting me].
Is that why they all "take a knee" at football games? It's not to pray to Zer Black Deity? I hate to tell you this, Derv, but when you start publicly displaying religious gestures and symbolism, you've arrived at religion.

What is "Zer Black Diety"? I guess if "Woke" is a Black religion and a state religion... that must mean racism is over? Now, instead of Black people being oppressed, they are the oppressors? And it's White people who are the "real" victims.

Yeah, that is completely and totally absurd. But it is the White Supremacist narrative. A false narrative that donald tRump is running on. Again. Why the Orange Turd could (conceivably) be the next predisent. Because White people are sick of being discriminated against.

Minus FJ refers to "the Christians your side despises". Those would be the White Nationalist Christians that love their White Supremacist leader donald tRump (also homophobic and transphobic). That the Left "depises" the HATE of these fake Christians... that's proof they are the "real" victims. Angry victims who are determined to "take their country back" by electing donald tRump.

Post authored by the Woke blogger Dervish Sanders. wym309.

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