WYM Pages

Friday, July 26, 2024

Cheadle Resigned As Head Of The Secret Service

Who knew that Cheadle was the director of the Secret Service? Not me. But it turns out the name is spelled "Cheatle" and her first name is Kimberly. So it isn't the actor who plays War Machine in the MCU, Don Cheadle, who used to lead the Secret Service. My bad.

Apparently Cheatle was told she could resign or be fired. Why? According to what I've heard, the Secret Service has been underfunded for a long time. And that people were saying that there have been problems for almost a decade. So is it her fault that d0nald tЯump colluded with his secret service detail to do a false flag on himself for political capitol?

I'm thinking probably not. And that she's a patsy and losing her career as part of the coverup re what actually happened. Which is that trumper secret service agents serving on the orange turd's detail found a sucker they convinced to shoot near d0nald tЯump. Who was coincidentally bit by a large mosquito after bullets were fired into the crowd, killing firefighter Corey Comperatore.

Or hit by flying shrapnel. As per FBI director Chrisopher Wray, "There's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear".

In the image above an old, senile extreme weirdo kisses Corey Comperatore's firefighter's helmut. You think d0nald tЯump gives a crap about him? Well, he did pronounce it correctly (with the "a" missing on the jacket). While the trumpturd Mystere "honors" Comperatore by repeating the misspelling.

Though Corey himself apparently didn't care. They printed it that way on his jacket and he kept it that way. I guess. I read that the jacket was sent to the republiturd convention and they offered no explanation re the misspelling.

This is an image of Don Cheadle Kim Cheatle testifying before Congress. Neither republiturds nor Democrats were happy with her testimony. There is going to be an investigation. Maybe that the "assassination" attempt was a false flag will be uncovered? Though maybe the investigation will uncover a "deep state" plot to take out tRump?

The fake Lefty Jimmy D0re thinks that might be what happened. The Secret Service saw the shooter on the roof and allowed him to take his shot. d0nald survied only because he happened to turn his head to the side.

Or maybe the "deep state" plot was actually a Secret Service trumper false flag plot? And the shooter "missed" because he wasn't aiming at d0nald tЯump? tЯump was just accidently hit by shrapnel? Like FBI director Wray says might have happened.

That is definitely the more likely explanation, imo. More likely than it being a "deep state" plot to take out tЯump. Why the f*ck would Crooks shoot into the crowd and not focus exclusively on this alleged target?

Image: d0tard RNC morons wear fake ear bandages.

Post authored by Dervish Sanders, a REAL Lefty Democrat. wym319.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

d0nald tRump Says Alleged Ear Wound "Felt Like The World's Largest Mosquito" -- My Prophetic Vision Confirmed

Image: donald tRump & rfkjr collude to steal the 2024 potus election. Also, tRump confirms he was not shot. As per leaked audio.

On 7/15/2024 I wrote (in a post on this blog) "As you can see in the video, tRump puts his hand to his ear as if a mosquito bit him".

Video: Donald Trump has compared being grazed in the ear by a bullet to being attacked by the "world's largest mosquito" in a leaked call to his presidential rival, Robert F Kennedy.

Lis Smith: (DNC Communications Advisor) "RFK Jr. was recruited to run by MAGA Republicans, his candidacy is funded by MAGA's biggest donor, and now we learn he's colluding with MAGA to help Donald Trump win. (Rolling Stone, 7/16/2024).

This leaked audio confirms that tRump and jfkjr are colluding to get tRump elected. jfkjr's campaign is fake -- same as donald tRump's ear "bullet wound" is fake. Also confirmed? That I am a genuine prophet.

The Stephanie Miller Show, 7/17/2024. Stephanie Miller and Bob Cesca discuss the fact that no details regarding donald tRump's alleged wound have been released. Transcript excerpts.

Stephanie Miller: You retweeted Daily Beast -- "Neither the Trump campaign nor the hospital where he was treated on Saturday in Butler PA, have released any information on the former president's treatment, diagnosis or condition".

You said "to be clear, I'm not disputing the injury, I'm pointing out tRump's ongoing compunction to conceal or falsify his medical condition. Why is that? I'm also asking why the press hasn't been briefed by anyone about the injury and treatment. Why the secrecy?".

Obviously we have seen him on the golf course with no bandage. And then he decided to go with the "Kotex look" for the convention.

Bob Cesca: The injury was supposed to have nicked the top of his ear, and he has the giant bandage covering his whole ear? Don't tell me he isn't playing this up. The fact is donald tRump has a long history of falsifying and concealing his medical records. Remember he dictated his medical report to Dr Bornstein while sitting in his limousine outside the doctor's office. Then, for some reason, right as donald tRump became president, he sent his bodyguard in there, Keith Schiller to steal all of donald tRump's medical records from Dr Bornstein's office. Why is that?

He sent Ronny Jackson out into the White House press room to lie about donald tRump's medical status. And now this. The latest report comes from NBC News. They're saying "a tRump advisor on Tuesday declined to answer specific questions about the former president's injuries, telling NBC News that any statements about tRump's health, his condition and medical care related to his ear would come directly from the former president".

There's a reliable source **sarcasm**. ... And then we heard that Ronny Jackson -- or "Ronny Johnson" as donald tRump called him a couple of weeks ago -- tweeted that he changed the dressing on donald tRump's ear on the plane to Milwaukee. So, another "reliable" source treating donald tRump, and we're not getting any information about that. And now it's getting to the point of being suspicious. Why are they concealing this? What are they trying to hide?

If they want to quash all of the conspiracy theories, they should at least release a report from the doctors who treated him on the day. And we're not getting it.

Well, that tRump was seen golfing without a bandage after he was "shot" has apparently been debunked. The AP says "the photo was taken nearly two years ago". Hmmm. Still, why the secrecy? All the points raised by Bob Cesca are valid. There is definitely a cover up re donald's supposed ear injury.

Ex-RNC chairman Michael Steele also has questions.

Image: large mosquito similar to the one that bit donald tRump.

Do I think that donald tRump was actually bitten by a mosquito? Hell no. That's dumb. My point is that tRump SAID his flesh was ripped by a bullet. But (to rfkjr) he says it felt like a mosquito bite. Obviously he lied when he claimed to know a bullet grazed his ear. Proven by this obvious cover up. What's being covered up? That he wasn't shot? Maybe. It could be that he was hit by flying glass (as I mentioned in my prior post). It would be a number of other things and not a bullet.

Which isn't to say it definitely wasn't a bullet. But why the cover up? It's just what tRump does? He has always hide his medical info. Even though presidents are expected to disclose that stuff. Joe Biden is expected (and does) disclose it. But (as always) tRump breaks the rules and gets a pass.

btw, f*ck rfkjr. Why aren't we hearing more about how he and tRump are cheating to get tRump elected? Via a fake presidential campaign. rfkjr has fooled dupes (both Democrats and republicans) that he has a chance. When he knows he can't possibly become president. He knows he is running as a spoiler. He confirmed it to tRump. And now (unintentionally) to the public. Via the leak of his phone call with tRump.

What a Turd. This should end the fake rfkjr potus campaign (aka Kanye West for potus 2.0).

Post authored by the confirmed prophet Dervish Sanders. wym318.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

donald tRump Was Saved By The Hand Of Satan

Image: donald tRump cosplays as his favorite supernatural entity.

Tweet from Scott Walker, fake Christian Turd who was the 45th governor of Wisconsin (2011 to 2019).

I think not, Scott.

The Stephanie Miller Show, 7/16/2024. Excerpted from the transcript.

Stephanie Miller: Oh, Charlie, You said, "Got the bandage on the ear. Holy F. Lee Greenwood is here telling us our prayers saved donald tRump". How offensive is that? God wanted to kill the firefighter?

Charlie Pierce: God wanted to kill the firefighter, wound the other people, but he saved the adulterer. God has to rethink the 10 commandments again.

Stephanie Miller: You know, as a Catholic boy -- I'm a Catholic girl -- blasphemy when you hear it.

Charlie Pierce: That's what it is. Saying God intervened and only save the presidential candidate -- that is blasphemy in the first degree.

Regarding donald tRump's "God Bless the USA" White Nationalist edition of the Christian Bible, pastor Loran Livingston (a conservative evangelical who leads the Central church in North Carolina) declared it "Blasphemous" and "disgusting" (I bought Trump's Bible... BY Adam Gabbatt. The Guardian 5/6/2024).

Evil Versus Good...

donald tRump endorses Joe Biden in the 2024 potus election?

donald tRump posted to his bigly money-losing s0cial media platform, urging his supporters to vote for Joe Biden!

"In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united, and show our true character as Americans, remaining strong and determined, and not allowing evil to win" -- d0nald tRump on tЯuth s0cial.

In the image above The EVIL candidate is on the left. The GOOD candidate is on the right. If there was any supernatural intervention that spared d0nald tRump's life -- it was Satan stepping in to spare his Chosen 0ne, donald tRump.

"Look at my ear!" What a badass! "We need to unify... behind me!"

Post authored by Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym317.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Fake donald tRump "Assassination Attempt" Staged For Political Capitol

Fascist republiturd candidate for potus donald tRump suffered a minor ouchie on 7/13/2024 when "shot" by a gunman duped into taking action. He was told he would be "saving democray" from the "Joe Biden totalitarian dictatorship". Magaturd shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was recruited by the Secret Service members protecting donald tRump to do a false flag.

As per Congressional republiturds, "He just won the election". Two people were shot and one of them died. I'm not counting tRump among the people shot, btw. As you can see in the video, tRump puts his hand to his ear as if a mosquito bit him. Only later do we some a small amount of blood. I say he wasn't shot at all. When the Secret Service members pushed him down to "protect" him, one of the agents injured his ear, as per the plan.

The press dotard donald is receiving after this fake "assassination" attempt has got to be worth millions -- if not tens of millions. It is a boon to his campaign. Even if the assassination attempt was real, that doesn't mean donald tRump was shot. I heard on the news that donald might have been hit by a richochet or flying glass.

On the 7/14/2024 airing of MSNBC's "Prime Weekend" hosted by Katy Tur -- Erin Autenreith, an eyewitness who was in the front row at the dotard rally said, "They must have hurt his ear on the podium when they pushed him down".

As per tRump "I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. ... I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening".

As far as I know only donald tRump has "confirmed" he was shot. Every news reporter seems to just taking his word for it. But donald tRump is a pathelogical liar. So, until I hear that donald tRump was shot from an official source, I will consider this to be a probable lie. Or he could simply be wrong. He was cut by some flying glass and thought he was hit by a bullet. How would he know the difference?

News Conference from Butler PA with FBI, Secret Service. Featuring Kevin Rojek Special Agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh Field office. This aired live 7/13/2024 on NBC News. I saw it the next day when I pressed play on my DVR recording of Saturday Night Live. Except there was no SNL. (excerpt transcribed by me).

Reporter: Was donald tRump hit by a bullet? Do you know for sure? Or was it potentially something else?

Kevin Rojek: I don't have that specific information in regards to the injuries to the president.

republiturds are taking FULL advantage of this GIFT to the dotard campaign. donald tRump rose (after the shooter was killed), raised his fist in defiance, and chanted "fight, fight, fight". Again, as planned. According to the Telegraph "this image may win Trump the US presidency" (image at the top of this post). "A picture is worth a thousand words and the assassination attempt against Donald Trump may have just altered the course of history" says the article deck.

Of course republiturds immediately blamed the rhetoric of Joe Biden. That rhetoric being his truth-telling about donald being a sexual assaulter who will end democracy in America. The hypocritical Turd JD Vance, a shameless liar has been awarded for his shameless lies with the Vice Presidency slot. JD's absurd, offensive and false Tweet pinning blame for the fake shooting on Joe Biden is proof positive that donald tRump has no interest at all in unifying the country.

As per Lee Papa aka The Rude Pundit, "Republicans are absolutely giddy that this happened". I agree. In his 7/14/2024 blog post, Papa writes, "I don't buy the idea that this was a false flag or some other conspiracy [but] I do think it's hilarious to call it a false flag just to piss off MAGA goons who call every mass shooting that". Again, I agree.

False flag or not, this was a huge boon for the tRump campaign. One they will be milking like crazy. Registered republican Thomas Matthew Crooks, by attempting to kill tRump (if that was what he was trying to do), but failing, did donald tRump a bigly favor. btw, if donald tRump HAD been killed, I'd say the chicken (donald tRump's inciteful rhetoric) had come home to roost. donald tRump incited violence against minorities and Democrats while predisent. And he continues to. Yet he largely gets a pass.

Remember that donald tRump made fun and joked about the savage hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul by trumpturd David DePape.

Trump joins conspiracists stoking doubts about Pelosi attack. Politico article by Meridith McGraw. 11/01/2022. Excerpt.

During an appearance on the Chris Stigall radio show that aired Tuesday morning in Philadelphia, Trump called the attack a "sad situation" but questioned if there was more to the story being detailed by law enforcement.

"Wow, it's -- weird things going on in that household in the last couple of weeks. Probably, you and I are better off not talking about it. The glass it seems was broken from the inside to the out so it wasn't a break in, it was a break out. I don't know, you hear the same things I do", Trump said.

The "break out" comment was a reference to an absurd conspiracy theory (based on the fact that Paul Pelosi was in his underwear in his own home) that Nancy Pelosi hired David DePape for a gay sexual encountner with her husband. Given that DePape had been invited in to the Pelosi home, a window was broken to make it look like a break in. By someone inside the house.

But it was a break in. There is video showing DePape outside the Pelosi home breaking the glass (see 1:30 into this YouTube).

Also remember donald tRump's biggliest incitement to violence on January 6, 2021. Previously (during the pre-election tRump/Biden debate) he instructed his shock troops, the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" (though first he pretended to not know who the Proud Boys are. Same as he did when David Duke endorsed him).

In the video above incumbent predisent donald tRump instructs the neo-fascist Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by". 9/29/2020.

As for the shooter's "real" motives, those are not known at this time. Apparently not much could be found re his motivation. No manifesto and no online babblings. Unlike with DePape. His online babblings confirmed he was a trumper.

Obviously Thomas Matthew Crooks was also a trumper. And this "assassination" attempt was a false flag orchestrated by Secret Service trumpers. donald tRump's detail. They approached Crooks and convinced him to participate. Because (they said) he would be allowed to get away. And that (if he helped with the fake assassination) donald tRump would be guaranteed to be elected predisent.

So Crooks went along with the plan. And killed someone in the audience -- to further sell the assassination as being real. Instead of a failed assassination attempt -- we know it was real because someone was actually killed. But Crooks never tried to hit tRump. tRump was not shot. And then Crooks was killed. As part of the cover up.

Where is the statement from the medical professional that treated tRump's "bullet wound"? I'm not aware there has been any. Because, that tRump was not shot is being concealed. And the media is just going along with this BS claim from donald that he "felt the bullet ripping through the skin".

Lee Papa aka The Rude Pundit.

Post authored by the Proud Joe-Biden-Voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym316.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

I'm Ridin' With Biden -- Run, Joe, Run

Should Joe Biden bow out as the Democratic potus presumpitive nominee following his debate performance on June 27, 2024? The answer is HELL NO. If Joe Biden drops out donald tRump will likely "win" and return to the White House, which can NOT happen. Well, not unless you want an authoritarian leader. Something people (like me) who love democracy do not.

Video: Jul 10, 2024. Allan Lichtman, political historian, author, and professor at American University in Washington DC, joins David to discuss his "Keys to the White House", whether the June 27 presidential debate has any bearing on his model, and his prediction for the 2024 presidential election. #davidpakmanshow #allanlichtman #2024election.

Complete Transcript
David Pakman: It is great to welcome back to the program today, Allan Lichtman, who's a professor of political historian, author and professor at American University in Washington, DC. Professor, we looked at your recent appearance on CNN, which I found very interesting. You told the, hosts that they were complicit to some degree in, sort of reestablishing the idea that maybe Trump is a viable alternative to Joe Biden on the basis of the debate. (0:00 to 0:29).

Before we get to the debate, generally speaking, do debates make a difference in the framework you've established and used for decades now to predict the outcome of presidential elections? (0:29 to 0:44).

Allan Lichtman: Debates do not directly figure into my system "the keys to the white House", which have been right since I predicted Ronald Reagan's reelection in April 1982, almost three years before the election, when the nation was mired in what was then the worst recession since the Great Depression. Ronald Reagan's approval ratings were in the gutter, 1:07 and 60% of the public said he was too old to run again for president. Of course, he won in one of the biggest landslides in U.S. history. (0:44 to 1:21).

But aside from the keys, history shows debates have no predictive value whatsoever. Hillary Clinton won the debates in 2016 and still lost the election. John Kerry won the debates in 2004 and still lost the election in 1980. Gerald Ford committed the greatest gaffe ever in a debate when he said that Eastern Europe is not under Soviet domination. That generated huge headlines. And he almost won that election. He lost, but he did vastly better than the pollsters and the pundits would indicate in the wake of the Watergate scandal. And the loss of the Vietnam War. (1:21 to 2:05).

David Pakman: So a bunch of different things to ask about. I'll take them one by one. Some have made the counterpoint to your framework and position about the debates not making a difference -- that they never have. We had a debate in which a candidate seemed so unfit as Joe Biden seemed on June 27th. And therefore, while your model maybe has been correct in the past, it doesn't account for the possibility of what happened on June 27th. This is the argument that some are making about your statements regarding the debates predictive value. Is it conceivable that -- that would be a novel but accurate interpretation of the impact of this particular debate? (2:05 t0 2:51).

Allan Lichtman: Let me say this. Every four years someone says to me -- this year is different. Your keys won't work. You got to change your model. We have an African American run. Never had that before. The country's not ready for that. We have a woman run. Never had that before. Country's not ready for that. We have social media. We've never had that before. That changes everything. And I have two answers to that. Number one, you can't change your model on the fly. That is a prescription for error. Number two, my model is based on history, but it's very robust. Prospectively, it goes back to 1984. It's got a 40 year record. No other model comes close. (2:51 to 3:37).

And retrospectively, I developed the model going all the way back to 1860. The horse and buggy days of American politics when we didn't have, automobiles, jet planes, polls, television, radio. When we were an agricultural society. Women couldn't vote. Most African Americans were enslaved. My ancestors from Eastern Europe, Latinos, Asians haven't gotten here yet. So the keys have endured enormous changes in our society, our economy, our politics, our communications. (3:37 to 4:19).

And it's the height of following to make the presumption that, something is now different and I need to change the model. You cannot, moreover, judge a presidency on one debate. Debates go way down on the list of what makes a successful president. Far more important are values, judgment, experience. And, you know, all of those critics don't take into account an incredibly successful Biden administration. Why hasn't his so-called impairment destroyed his presidency? He has more domestic accomplishments than any US president since the 1960s. It was Biden and Biden alone who put together the very difficult coalition of the West that stopped me from conquering Ukraine. (4:19 to 5:12).

And unfortunately, a lot of the impressions of the debate are from the media. Most people didn't watch the debate. You know, the vast majority of Americans and registered voters never watch. So they got only their impressions from the media, which almost entirely focused on Biden -- and legitimately so. There were legitimate questions to be raised, but almost entirely ignored. The far worse, much more dangerous performance by Donald Trump. He has based his presidency on lives. He lied his way through the debate one line for every minute to 20 to 30 seconds of speaking time. Huge lies. Lies about the January 6th insurrection, lies about the 2020 election, lies about our prices going up four fold when they only went up 25% [when it was] one eighth of that. (5:12 to 6:00).

And he said he wouldn't accept the results of a fair election and promised to govern as an authoritarian. What is more dangerous than a president who will, if elected, destroy our democracy, and a president who may have issues related to age and diminished capacity? What would be worse for America? On the one hand, Donald Trump gets elected and destroys our democracy, which he's promised to do -- is right out on the open and what he's going to do -- and by the way, snuffed out the free and independent press. You know, what the press has done is so self-defeating. That's far worse than, let's say, Biden doesn't complete his second term. Harris becomes president. She follows the same policies. She is eminently qualified as a vice president or former senator, former attorney general. (6:00 to 6:56).

And by the way, we have historical precedent for that. Harry Truman took over from FDR, and today is regarded as one of the great war time presidents. Lyndon Johnson took over from JFK and pushed through Congress the war on poverty. And the most important piece of legislation since World War two, the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You know, I've summarized American politics in one sense. Republicans have no principles. Democrats have no spine. Republicans united behind a guy who has openly indicated he's going to destroy our democracy. He said he'd be a dictator on day one. And every dictator in the history of the world, when they're a dictator on day one, has been a dictator forever. He's convicted felon civilly. He was found to sexually assaulted a woman, colloquially raped her, found to have committed massive financial fraud. His charity was dissolved because he was using it for his own personal gain. His Trump Institute and Trump University went down the tubes 34th felony convictions. (6:56 to 8:04).

On the other hand, at the first sign of adversity, Democrats are willing to push their incumbent president under the bus -- who, by the way, was not nominated by members of Congress or donors or political operatives like James Carville. He was nominated by 87% of the Democratic primary voters. And the Democrats are so foolish as to air all their dirty laundry out in public. And creating an image that Trump just loves -- of a Democratic party that can't get it together, that's in total chaos. (8:04 to 8:41).

David Pakman: I, hard to find a disagreement with that analysis. Professor Lichtman, to get back briefly to the model, if I understand the model correctly, and I believe we talked about this the last time we spoke some years ago, the model predicts the popular vote outcome only. Okay, stop me if that's wrong. (8:41 to 9:02)

Allan Lichtman: When I first developed the model, there was no distance between the popular vote, and the winner. So I don't have to worry about that. But in recent years, the popular vote has become irrelevant. [Although it is] Much more important for our democracy. Yeah. The key is -- it's irrelevant because the Democrats pile up 5 million plus votes in just two states. And you know what they are. You know, comparable Republican states that, you know, counts for nothing in the Electoral College. Democrats could win those states by 537 votes and still get all the electoral votes. So in recent years, I've only called the winner. And by the way, you know, from 1992, all Republicans have only won the popular vote once. Guess what year that was? (9:02 to 9:55).

David Pakman: 2004. Which interestingly -- had 140,000 votes in Ohio gone the other way -- you would have seen John Kerry become president while losing the popular vote by about 2.5 million. It didn't happen, but that would have been quite a scenario. (9:55 to 10:05).

Allan Lichtman: Right. But it's never happened. But we have had this scenario of Republicans gaining the presidency and losing the popular vote. Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016 and still was elected president. And by the way, I was not very popular in 90% plus Democratic Washington DC where I teach at American University, when I went against all the conventional wisdom. I predicted Trump's win in 2016 and even got a little note on the Washington Post -- where I predicted his win -- on the article that said, "congrats, professor, good call" -- and a big Sharpie letters "Donald J. Trump". (10:05 to 10:55)

David Pakman: Without going into the details of each of the keys. Can you briefly tell us which keys are currently held by Trump or Biden and which hang in the balance? (10:55 to 11:05).

Allan Lichtman: Yeah, let me just make a small correction. Trump doesn't hold any keys. The keys tap into the structure of how elections really work, which is votes up or down on the strength and performance of the White House party. Therefore all the keys are measured against the White House party. And they're always phrased -- so an answer of "true" favors the election of the White House party. And, if six or more are "false", the White House party is a predicted loser. Only two keys have anything to do with the candidates and they are very high threshold keys. They ask whether the incumbent party candidate is one of those once in a generation inspirational candidates like FDR and Ronald Reagan, who won all their elections in a huge landslides and converted a lot of members of the opposition. And they ask whether the challenger is not -- since they're always phrased as -- an answer of "true" favoring the incumbent -- with challenging party candidate is NOT one of those once in a generation inspirational candidates. (11:05 to 12:11)

With that in mind, let's see where the White House party stands. Now, Biden or whoever the nominee is, and we can talk about that a little bit more. But just Biden, the moment is down definitively two keys. The mandate key because Democrats lost the midterm elections in 2022 for the US House. And the incumbent charisma key because he is no FDR. That means four more keys would have to fall to predict his defeat. And I can direct you to the most shaky keys. Can keep some, you know, something strange could happen. But the most shaky keys are -- third party, social unrest, foreign slash military failure, and foreign slash military success. But if the Democrats push Biden out and have a big party brawl about who would replace him, then I've got to change my analysis. (12:11 to 13:10).

David Pakman: So let's talk about that. If indeed President Biden were to be pushed out, which keys shift? (13:10 to 13:17).

Allan Lichtman: Right. If Biden is pushed out and we have a party brawl for who will replace him -- there isn't the overwhelming consensus candidate -- they lose two more keys. They lose the incumbency key and they lose the contest key. That means of the four shaky keys, only two, not four, would have to fall to predict the Democrats defeat. And aside from the keys, you know how many times the White House party/the incumbent party has won since 1900, over 120 years -- has won when there's an open seat with no incumbent running in a party contest, the answer is zero. Whereas when there is an incumbent running and no party contest, they win most of the time. That's why I have a plan B, I want to hear my plan B? like plan B is -- Let's presume for a moment hypothetically, that there's so much pressure on Biden that he's forced to withdraw. What is important -- to preserve the keys -- is resign the presidency for the good of the country, which would contrast him with Donald Trump, was only in it for himself. Harris would then become president, ticking off the incumbency key, and she'd become the consensus nominee. Biden will instruct all his delegates to vote for her, ticking off the no contest key, and we'd still be in a situation where four keys, not two keys, would have to fall to. (13:17 to 14:44)

David Pakman: Okay, let me ask you about that in a little more detail. You know, sometimes I've had conversations with my rabbi friends about certain rules in Jewish law where they explain to me, hey, you know what? Here's how we do a certain thing on the Sabbath. And I say to them, you know, it really feels to me like that violates the spirit of what these rules on the Sabbath are about -- coffee makers or whatever. And you're finding a way to adhere to the letter, and they say the letter is really all that matters. With what you just said, if Harris were if Biden were to resign the presidency to make Harris the incumbent and therefore you check the incumbency key. Does it check it in the spirit of which that key was originally developed? Or does it only check the box? Nominally? You understand the analogy I'm making? (14:44 to 15:37).

Allan Lichtman: Of course. And I hate to say it, there's no ghost in the machine. There's no spirit of the keys. The keys are scientific, okay? They are what they are. Gerald Ford won the incumbency key when Richard Nixon resigned, and he was nowhere close to the position Harris would be in if she became president. Harris is the elected vice president. A former U.S. senator. Gerald Ford was an appointed vice president -- never won any election larger than a congressional district in Grand Rapids, Michigan -- and then became an accidental president when Richard Nixon resigned. But I still gave him the incumbency key. And as I said, he came way closer than anyone expected. And, of course, Lyndon Johnson got the incumbency key in 64, Harry Truman in 48. So, you know, I don't adjust the keys according to some ghost in the machine. There is no ghost. (16:21 to 16:41).

David Pakman: Fair enough. Last question. Is it abundantly clear to you that the biggest mistake Democrats could make is pushing Joe Biden out when it comes to their chances in November? (16:41 to 16:53)

Allan Lichtman: Democrats have already made a HUGE mistake by showing their lack of a spine. You know, by one sign of adversity, they're all running for the hills. Disparaging their nominee -- elected nominee, their elected president -- playing right into the hands of Donald Trump. They would play even more into the hands of Donald Trump if they pushed out Biden and then tried to get a so-called more "electable candidate". You know, Democrats are very good at picking "electable candidates", though many times, you know, proven winners, experienced candidates like Walter Mondale in 1964. Mike Dukakis, the great governor of Massachusetts in 1988, the great Senator John Kerry in 2004, the former first lady, U.S. Senator, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016. And what do all those candidates have in common? They all lost. For the most part, it's been the unpredictable, off-the-wall candidates who won for Democrats. Like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. (16:53 to 18:06).

You know, the Democrats also chain themselves to the polls. But I would call your attention -- and, you know, I don't follow the polls -- but this was, you know, all these other candidates, right, like Newsome or Whitmer? More electable than Biden, right? The most recent poll came out yesterday from July 9th from the respected independent Emerson College -- had Trump and Biden 50-50 dead tie. All the other alternatives were down to Trump by six points to ten points. So this idea, you know, that it's James Carville and the operatives and members of Congress -- know who's electable -- is completely contradicted by the historical record and even by the polls to which they find themselves chained. (18:06 to 19:07).

David Pakman: All right. Professor Allan Lichtman, always appreciate your time and insights. Thank you so much for your time today. (19:05 to 19:07).

Allan Lichtman: Thank you. David. Send me a link. (19:07 to 19:12).

As per Allan Lichtman's predictive model, Joe Biden is on track to be reelected. The only way Joe Biden can lose is if the Democratic Party sabotages their own candiate by pressuring him to bow out. Although, if Joe Biden resigns before the convention and Kamala Harris becomes the incumbant, Kamala Harris will win.

If, on the other hand, The Democratic Party takes the advice of James Carville, donald tRump will be elected predisent. Carville, in a 7/8/2024 NYT essay wrote that he believes Joe Biden cannot be the nominee. "We need to move forward. But it can’t be by anointing Vice President Kamala Harris or anyone else as the presumptive Democratic nominee".

If the nominee isn't Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party will lose the White House. Forcing out Joe Biden would be incredibly stupid. Joe Biden will defeat donald tRump as long as we stand by him and not take the advice of people like James Carville, George Clooney, everyone who works at The Daily Show, and any other Democrat bent on self-sabotage.

There is also no reason to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. She already is second in line and will become president if Joe Biden decides not to (or cannot) complete his second term. Cut it out, Democrats! This is exactly what republiturds want. Joe Biden does not have dementia. All the facts point to donald tRump being in cognitive decline.

Did Cold Medications Affect Biden's Debate Performance? Newsweek 6/29/024. By Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Dr. Harlan Krumholz. (excerpts).

The country is struggling to reconcile Biden's cognitive impairment during the debate with his obvious recovery well into the night and the next day. The most probable explanation for this transient period of cognitive impairment in an older person with a cold is a side effect of cold medications.

Biden's symptoms are consistent with someone suffering from temporary drug-induced cognitive impairment. We now know he had a bad cold during the debate. Most people believe common over-the-counter cold medications such as Dayquil, Tylenol, or Advil to be harmless. While generally well tolerated, these medications have well-documented side effects and can cause reduced alertness, diminished attention, poor memory, and reduced reaction time, especially in older individuals. These impairments are transitory but can appear consequential and alarming. Every experienced clinician has seen this effect thousands of times.

Upon hearing of our perspective here, Yale professor of psychiatry Marshal Mandelkern concurred: "As a clinician, when someone presents with altered mental status I would always think of the possibility of drug ingestion as a cause. This is not only common, it is usually the most benign explanation for a change in mental state".

Joe Biden should bow out of the presidential race because his debate performance was bad because he was under the influence of cold medication?

Post authored by the Proud Joe-Biden-Voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym315.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Corrupt scotus Judges: When The Predisent Does It, It Is Not Illegal

Yesterday was an extremely dark day in scotus history. In their decision re Trump v. United States the court declared the American president to be a king. Although, they did so to help donald tRump, not Joe Biden.

Message from our fantastic President Joe Biden in regards to the fascist decision from the corrupt supreme court yesterday (July 1, 2024).

Joe Biden: This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. That each of us is equal before the law. That no one is above the law. Not even the President of the United States.

Today's decision by the Supreme Court removes virtually all limits on what the president can do.

It's a dangerous precedent.

I know I will respect the limits of the presidential powers, but any president -- including Donald Trump -- will now be free to ignore the law.

I concur with Justice Sotomayor's dissent today. She said: "In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law… with fear for our democracy, I dissent".

As per Chris Lavoie (on the Stephanie Miller Show, 7/8/2024), "Biden needs to get to work criming. ... this frees Biden up to do a lot of stuff".

Except Joe Biden has integrity. Meaning he will do nothing and donald tRump will be elected America's first dictator. Although JRB could. And I think he should. Like (as suggested by some) order Merrick Garland to arrest all republiturd congresspersons and ex-tRump administration persons who were involved in the insurrection.

Video: Jul 1, 2024. scotus just gave Trump a "license to thug". Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break down the Supreme Court ruling on Trump's Immunity on The Young Turks. The largely 6-3 decision ... immediately knocked out some of the central allegations that special counsel Jack Smith leveled against Trump, including claims that he attempted to weaponize his Justice Department to concoct or amplify false claims of voter fraud".

Transcript Excerpts
Cenk: Are they trying to protect tRump from this particular prosecution [by Jack Smith]? Definitely, no doubt about it. (6:30)


[video clip: Elie Honig says on CNN it is "absolutely ridiculous" that the president could order the assassination of a political rival as part of his offical duties and be covered under the immunity granted by the corrupt scotus] (8:19) **skip**

Ana: ...this ruling does actually indicate that if the president engages in criminality as part of his official presidential duties, well then he's free from prosecution. (8:32)

Cenk: Yeah, this has already happened so I'm going to give you a case that proves him 100% wrong. But on top of that he's saying something ridiculous -- and normally I like Honing's analysis -- I think he is relatively unbiased. So, because the president doesn't go and say, "this is now an unofficial act -- when I normally use navy SEAL Team Six -- it is an official act. But this one is to murder my political opponents and hence unofficial". He's not going to say that. (8:41 to 9:01)

He's going to say, "what do you mean? Using the military is part of my -- as chief justice Roberts put it -- core Constitutional Powers". It doesn't get any more core constitutional power than the president using the military. Right? So, then you're going to get into boundaries. But the case says you are not allowed to get into boundaries. So then, how do we know if it was an official or unofficial act when we can't even find out? (9:02 to 9:29)

So, let me give you two quotes from the case that prove it. One is actually sent in by one of our members ... So [this member] wrote in, "it's not just official acts, it's anything the president claims they did as part of their job. We can't even question it. We just have to take their word that they thought it was an official act. Quote from the ruling... In dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the president's motives. Well, if you can't inquire into the president's motives or any reason why he did it -- how do you know if it's an official or unofficial act (9:33 to 10:12).

Here let me read you another quote from the ruling -- which is just over the top, okay. So this is in regards to what they are allowed to do -- uh, not allowed to do. Quote from Roberts... Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with with Justice Department officials. So, absolutely immune for what he discusses with the justice department in relation to the certification of the election. (10:13 to 10:37).

Okay. Well, if that's the case we can't even inquire into what it is that he asked the justice department. But wait a minute -- if he asked the justice department, "hey, are you guys sure that we lost?" That's perfectly fine. That's within -- arguably within his official duties. And if you told me that's all Trump did, I'd be like, "oh, not guilty". That's the most normal thing in the world, right? But what if he tells his Justice Department, "I don't care if I won or lost -- go find me some votes". (10:38 to 11:04).

That is arguably what he did. But you'd have to adjudicate that. But you can't adjudicate it anymore. Because they said you're not even allowed to look into it. Quote "absolute immunity". But what if he said to the justice department, "hey, you know what? I lost, but if we do a fake prosecution of Joe Biden -- it'll seem like I won and I we'll be able to put him in prison. And then I'll just retain power". ...You're not even allowed to ask about it. Well, then you can order the justice department to do anything. (11:05 to 11:25).

This is a democracy ending decision. It is guaranteed that a future president will abuse this power. And will be not be able to be held to account. If donald tRump gets back into office American democracy will end a lot sooner. This ruling by the corrupt scotus Turds is even worse than what the experts were expecting.

Chenk: ...the guys who believe in the Deep State should be panicking right now. Because -- in their minds -- Joe Biden is constantly illegally telling the justice department to prosecute Trump and Maga, right? Well now he has immunity to do it. Absolute Immunity. (16:39 to 16:57).

Unfortunately that probably isn't going to happen.

Post authored by the Proud Joe-Biden-Voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym314.