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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Corrupt scotus Judges: When The Predisent Does It, It Is Not Illegal

Yesterday was an extremely dark day in scotus history. In their decision re Trump v. United States the court declared the American president to be a king. Although, they did so to help donald tRump, not Joe Biden.

Message from our fantastic President Joe Biden in regards to the fascist decision from the corrupt supreme court yesterday (July 1, 2024).

Joe Biden: This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. That each of us is equal before the law. That no one is above the law. Not even the President of the United States.

Today's decision by the Supreme Court removes virtually all limits on what the president can do.

It's a dangerous precedent.

I know I will respect the limits of the presidential powers, but any president -- including Donald Trump -- will now be free to ignore the law.

I concur with Justice Sotomayor's dissent today. She said: "In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law… with fear for our democracy, I dissent".

As per Chris Lavoie (on the Stephanie Miller Show, 7/8/2024), "Biden needs to get to work criming. ... this frees Biden up to do a lot of stuff".

Except Joe Biden has integrity. Meaning he will do nothing and donald tRump will be elected America's first dictator. Although JRB could. And I think he should. Like (as suggested by some) order Merrick Garland to arrest all republiturd congresspersons and ex-tRump administration persons who were involved in the insurrection.

Video: Jul 1, 2024. scotus just gave Trump a "license to thug". Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break down the Supreme Court ruling on Trump's Immunity on The Young Turks. The largely 6-3 decision ... immediately knocked out some of the central allegations that special counsel Jack Smith leveled against Trump, including claims that he attempted to weaponize his Justice Department to concoct or amplify false claims of voter fraud".

Transcript Excerpts
Cenk: Are they trying to protect tRump from this particular prosecution [by Jack Smith]? Definitely, no doubt about it. (6:30)


[video clip: Elie Honig says on CNN it is "absolutely ridiculous" that the president could order the assassination of a political rival as part of his offical duties and be covered under the immunity granted by the corrupt scotus] (8:19) **skip**

Ana: ...this ruling does actually indicate that if the president engages in criminality as part of his official presidential duties, well then he's free from prosecution. (8:32)

Cenk: Yeah, this has already happened so I'm going to give you a case that proves him 100% wrong. But on top of that he's saying something ridiculous -- and normally I like Honing's analysis -- I think he is relatively unbiased. So, because the president doesn't go and say, "this is now an unofficial act -- when I normally use navy SEAL Team Six -- it is an official act. But this one is to murder my political opponents and hence unofficial". He's not going to say that. (8:41 to 9:01)

He's going to say, "what do you mean? Using the military is part of my -- as chief justice Roberts put it -- core Constitutional Powers". It doesn't get any more core constitutional power than the president using the military. Right? So, then you're going to get into boundaries. But the case says you are not allowed to get into boundaries. So then, how do we know if it was an official or unofficial act when we can't even find out? (9:02 to 9:29)

So, let me give you two quotes from the case that prove it. One is actually sent in by one of our members ... So [this member] wrote in, "it's not just official acts, it's anything the president claims they did as part of their job. We can't even question it. We just have to take their word that they thought it was an official act. Quote from the ruling... In dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the president's motives. Well, if you can't inquire into the president's motives or any reason why he did it -- how do you know if it's an official or unofficial act (9:33 to 10:12).

Here let me read you another quote from the ruling -- which is just over the top, okay. So this is in regards to what they are allowed to do -- uh, not allowed to do. Quote from Roberts... Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with with Justice Department officials. So, absolutely immune for what he discusses with the justice department in relation to the certification of the election. (10:13 to 10:37).

Okay. Well, if that's the case we can't even inquire into what it is that he asked the justice department. But wait a minute -- if he asked the justice department, "hey, are you guys sure that we lost?" That's perfectly fine. That's within -- arguably within his official duties. And if you told me that's all Trump did, I'd be like, "oh, not guilty". That's the most normal thing in the world, right? But what if he tells his Justice Department, "I don't care if I won or lost -- go find me some votes". (10:38 to 11:04).

That is arguably what he did. But you'd have to adjudicate that. But you can't adjudicate it anymore. Because they said you're not even allowed to look into it. Quote "absolute immunity". But what if he said to the justice department, "hey, you know what? I lost, but if we do a fake prosecution of Joe Biden -- it'll seem like I won and I we'll be able to put him in prison. And then I'll just retain power". ...You're not even allowed to ask about it. Well, then you can order the justice department to do anything. (11:05 to 11:25).

This is a democracy ending decision. It is guaranteed that a future president will abuse this power. And will be not be able to be held to account. If donald tRump gets back into office American democracy will end a lot sooner. This ruling by the corrupt scotus Turds is even worse than what the experts were expecting.

Chenk: ...the guys who believe in the Deep State should be panicking right now. Because -- in their minds -- Joe Biden is constantly illegally telling the justice department to prosecute Trump and Maga, right? Well now he has immunity to do it. Absolute Immunity. (16:39 to 16:57).

Unfortunately that probably isn't going to happen.

Post authored by the Proud Joe-Biden-Voting blogger Dervish Sanders. wym314.


  1. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise... America has a Unitary Executive. It's not a "theory" anymore. No, it's CASE LAW. Stare Decisis is "in effect" now.

  2. Via a corrupt supreme court. Joe Biden (using the kingly powers granted to him by corrupt scotus ruling) should dissolve the corrupt supreme court. Or order the arrest of Alito and Thomas for insurrection. American democracy is over. You must be so happy.

    TWO of the seats tRump filled were stolen. One from Obama and the second from Biden. And Boofing Brett would have been disqualified by a real inquiry into his past behavior. But the FBI didn't speak with people who wanted to speak with them and tell them about all Boofing Brett's past bad behavior. It was all ignored except the bad behavior Blasey Ford testified about.

    The president is now a king. If tRump gets back in he will exercise his kingly powers for certain. To go after his enemies for sure. Biden should act, or he is going to find himself being prosecuted next year. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as well. For bogus reasons.

    Even if tRump does not get back in a future president will almost certainly abuse the office.

    fyi, the corrupt scotus did not abide by Stare Decisis when it overturned Roe V Wade. A reconstituted scotus (with 13 justices appointed by Joe Biden) would overturn tRump V United States.

  3. I find myself in full and complete agreement with your analysis Derv. The corrupt con 6 on the "High Court" are in league with the neo-Nazi Heritge Foundation and it's anti democracy pro authoritarian Project 2025.

    Today is the day we declared Independence from The Crown and rule by whim of personality. Yet we have a Court, a party (GOP), a man (DJT), Christian Nationalists, and the Heritage Foundation, a neo-Nazi think tank of ignorant deluded fools, plotting to take America back to those very days of authoritarian personality rule.

    I would be fully behind our Outstanding President Biden using the blanket authority the ignorant scotus just gave the president in pursuit of holding Trump, and ALL participants in the J6 2021 insurrection attempt accountable.

    Using it in a massive sweep to rid anti democracy pro authoritarians from our democracy. Do it Joe. Cause Trump, Christian Nationalists, the GOP are sure as hell going to do it to you and all Patriotic Americans who actually believe in liberty and the rule of law. Not personality and whim.

    Great post Derv.

  4. I'm pretty sure that Biden has no power to "dissolve SCotUS", at least not "official actly"
