WYM Pages

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

d0n-0ld Is A Run And Hider

This is an image of d0n-0ld tRump running from the police. I'm pretty sure it was artificially generated, however. Yet, while being a fake IMAGE, I definitely believe it accurately represents d0n-0ld's biggliest fear. Which is that he is going to be arrested for the many crimes he knows he is guilty of.

Why am I so sure? Because he told told Elon Musk during his Twit-Turd interview/illegal campaign contribution that he would likely flee to Venezuela if Kamala Harris won the election.

But nobody can say d0n-0ld is a run and hider according to the White singer and d0n-0ld supporter, Jon Kahn. But that's what all d0n-0ld's delay tactics are about re the prosecutions he is facing. He is running and hiding from the law. Instead of going to trial and proving his (he says) innocence.

As per the song, tRump has broken bones. When did this happen? When the Secret Service tackled him on stage during his rally near Butler? The one where a registered republican shot near him? I didn't hear anything about any broken bones. Only that a mosquito bit his ear.

Also, what's with all the Black people in this video? Jon Kahn is a White guy. tRump's Black support is small. Black voters aren't going to be fooled into voting for White Supremacy. Certainly not via this music video.

d0n-0ld isn't fighting on behalf of the American people as Jon Kahn, Minus FJ and the rest of d0n-0ld's duped followers believe. d0n-0ld is a grifter, con-man and traitor who is very afraid of going to prison. Why I totally believe he might run away (flee to a foreign country he can't be extradited from).

Post authored by the Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym324.


  1. I'm so glad California has outlawed AI images like yours.... BWAH!

    1. Think this post is censored in CA? Think they'll arrest you if you visit?

  2. What about the fake Video featuring Joe Biden in his undies (and nothing else) several times? If you're worried about AI images, aren't you concerned about what you posted on your blog. You posted one of Joe Biden committing "stolen valor" by wearing a military uniform. Maybe the "Biden Gestapo" will kick down your door.

    btw, I found that image by g00gle searching "trump running from police". There are also images of him being tackled by the police, being handcuffed by the police, in prison, etc. All fun stuff. Unlike the fake Kamala Harris campaign video that portrays her as a drunk. Which is just a recycled lie -- That lie being that Nancy Pelosi is the "House drinker".

    1. Yeah, she lost the House Drinker position when Republicans took the House back.
