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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Elderly Orange Man In Obvious Mental Decline Participates In 2 Presidential Debates, Embarrasses Himself Bigly Both Times

Video: Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed during the 9/10/2024 presidential debate (held in Philadelphia PA and moderated by David Muir and Linsey Davis) that Haitian migrants are eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.

As per the City Manager, Brian Heck, there is no evidence that Haitian immigrants are eating resident's pets. Yet rightturd blogger Minus FJ insists they are. It's their culture to eat pets, he says. Minus recently wrote a post about it on his blog, posting a video from an alleged citizen of Springfield.

James of Empty Pockets Garage says, while he has no first hand knowledge of Haitian immigrants eating pets, does know firsthand Haitians are rude. Also bad drivers who are crashing vehicles into trees and fire hydrants. And that they're getting temporary driver's licenses without having to pass a driving test.

He knows this because he personally encountered some Haitians who laid on their car horn. Not "beep beep". The rude Haitians let their horn blast for a long time. So he had to confront the rude Haitians while open-carrying his firearm. The rude Haitians got the message. Additionally, his handicapped brother who was on a list to get into public housing was bumped down the list. Some Haitians were moved up the list.

I say this is fake news. Some of the fakiest. I don't mean the aforementioned racist's anecdotal stories, but as a whole. This plays into d0n-OLD's anti-immigrant message. For sure. I wonder what the status of the current immigrant caravan on it's way though South American is. More crazies were released from South American insane asylums and more killers were released from South American prisons? Isn't such a caravan on it's way right now? I seem to remember that a migrant caravan was on it's way in 2018 to help republiturds win the midterm elections.

And (traveling with and hiding among these caravans of brown people) there were Muslim terrorists and members of the Chinese military, who, when they got here, began raping and murdering young White women and planning terror attacks. Surely they are still crossing the US Southern border in big numbers to help d0n-OLD get reelected?

Above is an image from the first potus debate between d0n-OLD and Joe Biden that took place on 6/27/2024 in Atlanta GA (and was moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash). d0n-OLD lost this debate as well. Although Joe Biden lost it bigglier.

Even though the republiturd potus candidate and convicted fel0n d0n-OLD farted and pooped his diaper live on teevee during the "debate". I place "debate" in quotes because "a debate involves honest discourse, while a situation with repeated lies lacks the essential qualities of a genuine debate".

Obviously donald tRump's gish gallop strategy gave him the advantage. On top of that (as per what I heard) Joe Biden was sick. A doctor at Camp David confirmed Joe Biden had a cold. Decongestants (as per the Mayo Clinic) can cause confusion in older adults (among other side effects).

Joe Biden should have postponed. Because it was due to his debate performace that Joe Biden ultimately dropped out and was replaced by his veepee, Kamala Harris.

Even though, during the debate -- in addition to lying non-stop -- donald tRump audibly farted. And very likely pooped his diaper. rightturds are trying to say that Joe Biden farted, but donald tRump was speaking and his microphone picked up the fart. As per the rules, Joe Biden's microphone was off. Meaning it was definitely donald that trumped.

Video: The David Pakman Show. Did Trump poop his pants during presidential debate? Broadcast on July 1, 2024.

Below is a video in which Noel Casler discusses the fact that d0n-OLD poos himself and had been doing so for a very long time.

Video: Nov 27, 2020. Some thoughts on #DiaperDon from comedian and former The Apprentice staffer Noel Casler.

Excerpt from the transcript of the video above...

Noel Casler: The diapers is not a joke it's depends. You know #diaperdon is trending, but it's based in reality. He would often soil himself on The Apprentice set. He's incontinent from all the speed -- all the Adderall. He does the cocaine -- that he's done for decades you know. All that stuff has a laxative effect. ... He's worn diapers since probably the 90s.

I saw it firsthand in the 2000s On Celebrity Apprentice in late 2000s. And we'd have to, uh stop the show and and change him, you know -- and that was Keith Schiller's job. He would take him off set -- he would wipe him down. Our nickname for Keith was "Wet Wipes". It's not a joke -- it's happened several times.

And, um, you've seen it happen while he's in office. You've seen he was in the oval office with Erdogan. And you could clearly hear him ... evacuating himself. He did it in front of Senator Feinstein. Um Dianne Feinstein at a press conference. So he does it (poops himself) -- and he almost sits there like an unaware of it, you know. One time I saw Ivanka have to go kind of whisper in his ear -- and then Keith came and took him off stage.

He'll also do it in a rage -- and this is where it gets really drug related. He'll start to freak out you know. One time there was the word "arbitrage" on a cue card and he started screaming that the ... script department was setting him up. "You're setting me up" and he just freaked out -- and then very loudly evacuated his bowels. And you could smell it.

Yeah, d0n-OLD bigly embarassed himself at BOTH debates. Yet it was our fantastic president Joe Biden that dropped out. I'll be voting for Kamala Harris, but I still believe Joe Biden was up for the job. If not another 4 years, then Kamala Harris could have stepped in for him if necessary. After he was elected to a 2nd term.

d0n-OLD should definitely NOT get a 2nd term. He should not have gotten a first term, given that Hillary Clinton trounced him in all three debates that took place prior to the 2016 election. That would be the election d0n-OLD "won" by colluding with Vlad Putin. Which was 100 percent confirmed to have happened. Despite rightturds trying to gaslight us into believing that was all lies spread by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

My point is that, despite d0n-OLD being a debate loser (he lost every single potus debate he has ever participated in), he did go on to "win" one election. So, even though Kamala Harris obviously bested d0n-OLD in their one and only debate, that doesn't preclude d0n-OLD "winning" the presidency and returning to the White House.

Video: Late Night with Seth Meyers. Kamala Harris Won Debate Against Donald Trump According to CNN Poll, 63% to 37%. Seth Meyers' live monologue from Wednesday, September 11.

d0n-OLD knows he lost when he faced off against Kamala Harris. Why he chicked out of participating in any future debates. Though (of course) he claims he won. "This is not the worst debate performance I've seen in my career, but it's very close to it" says republican pollster Frank Luntz.

Post authored by the Pro-democracy, Anti-tRump blogger Dervish Sanders. wym321.


  1. Gee, a post without a single policy issue or fact. It's kinda like your candidate, All hype and ad hominem. She gotz da gigglin' vibe!

  2. You're thinking of your posts about your candidate. I think that describes many of them. d0n-OLD only has "concepts" of policy positions. White grievance might be a policy. And his "position" is to start deporting millions of brown people should he get back in office. But I think most Americans don't agree with that position. But one reason the voters gave d0n-OLD the boot in 2020.

    WHY would they want him back in office? Sometimes a person is later rehired after being fired from a job. But I don't know about one who did as bad a job as d0n-OLD. It would be pretty foolish to allow him back in office to finish destroying democracy. Despite Christofascism being the desire of some voters. I think most people are strongly opposed.

  3. Opposed to borders? Best think again. Corporate fascism and cheap labour/depressed wages are dreams of the salaried bourgeoisie, not the actual bourgeoisie.

  4. Democrats support unions, so workers can negotiate for better wages and benefits. rightturds oppose unions because they love cheap labor. "Right to work" is republican legislation.

    Vote Democratic for higher wages. Vote republican for lower wages.

    And don't forget that d0n-OLD instructed Mike Johnson not to bring up the bipartisan border legislation for a vote.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I deleted 2 comments above because this was the wrong post. I'll post them to the Taylor Swift retort of yours, Dervish. But I will say this: you can grunt, oink and cackle your hate of Donald Trump, but when your whore and horse sperm gurgling pervert team loses, your sick freaks will be the ones rioting in DC.
