wym folios

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Pervert Mystere's Queer Fixation On Donald Trump's Genitals

"Queer" according to the dictionary means "strange or odd from a conventional viewpoint; unusually different; singular". Although "queer" is also "an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or cisgender".

Both might apply in the case of Mystere, a gay man. Although I intended, with my use of the word, to say Mystere's obsession with Donald Trump's genitals is strange and unusually different. I should note, however, that whenever Mystere writes on the topic of Donald Trump's genitals, he usually (always) includes the word "slobbering".

This is a picture Mystere inserted into a recent commentary he wrote about "slobbering" over Donald Trump's genitals.


This is an image of Donald Trump, fully nude. Or, a sculptor's depiction of Donald Trump fully nude. Some pranksters placed these statues in public places as a hilarious joke awhile ago. I thought the prank was funny. I mentioned this to Mystere in a comment on his blog. As a result Mystere (an idiot) concluded that I have a "gay fixation" on Donald Trump's genitals.

According to the sculptor, Donald Trump's manhood is very small. Also, he has no balls. His junk is nothing any normal gay man would "slobber" over, in other words. Except, perhaps, Mystere. Mystere says "slobbering" was my reaction, but I say it is his. Given the fact that HE proffered the word "slobbering". He also said something about simulating "oral copulation" with the statue. HIS words (although, again, he said it was me doing this).

But I only said I thought the pranksters came up with a good gag. My opinion of the statue (not the prank) is that looking at it may cause one to gag (literally). Except if that person is a weirdo and a pervert, as Mystere has proven himself to be. In that case the person in question (Mystere) might start slobbering and imagining that he is orally copulating with the real Donald Trump (not a statue). Or taking it up the rear as the Orange Turd pounds his pelvis into Mystere's quivering buttocks.

Something, that if I thought about it for to long, might cause me to vomit. But, Mystere (a trumper) obviously disagrees. My suspicion is that he has daydreamed about such an encounter many times. Perhaps with his husband Rikishi's blessing. If Donald Trump is Mystere's hall pass (which I think he very likely is).

Rikishi might like to watch. And cheer his husband on as he and Donald Trump engaged in rough sex that includes hair pulling, autoerotic asphyxiation, lots of santorum from which many dirty Sanchezes could be applied, rusty trombones, etc. In addition to the aforementioned "oral copulation". Such an encounter might be a genuine "pleasure of a lifetime". For Mystere, that is. Me, I wouldn't want to watch or even hear about it.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-60.


  1. For the record, when Mystere (a liar) says in his commentary that I "quickly deleted" some of the images he says come from my blog(s) because I was "humiliated"... he is full of shit. Of the 3 images he posts, one is from this blog, the other is from my "Dervish Sanders Blog". The 3rd picture was never posted by me on any of my blogs.

    This image is stretched out for some reason. The original looks like that. I know because I saw it when I did an image search for "nude Donald Trump statue". Because it is a bad image (distorted), I rejected it. Mystere posted it to his blog. Here (in his latest commentary) he refers to a person in the image as a "fat black hoochie mama". Further proof of his racism. Not a surprise given that he is a hardcore trumper. Racism is obviously a requirement.

  2. Hey Dervy boi? What are you doing in that picture with your cellphone? Are you taking a side view profile of that nude Trump statue? You need to get a life, Dervy boi. You just made your buddies at NAMBLA quite proud of you. I need some eye bleach now.

  3. I'm not in that picture. I have no buddies in NAMBLA. I urge you to pour that bleach in your eyes (and blind yourself).

    BTW, why should I allow you to comment here when you send my comments submitted to "Funny Misadventures of a Troll" to the spam folder (then talk about smelling your buttboi's farts)?

  4. Hey Dervy boi, you should give me, Mystere and Donkey's Revenge a good reason to allow you to comment when you falsely accused Mystere of hacking your Gravatar account and destroyed Mystere's hard work. You better find out who you pissed off by running your smear campaigns, Dervy boy, before God wipes your Google accounts out. We've seen you bully Luke with your hate sites, Fartface. When Porky Da Baddass clears his name from Irl Hudnutt's poo flinging, you better be afraid of messing with him. He's seen your boifriend's retorts … you don't want to piss him off.

  5. Your comment is 100 percent bullshit. I determined that Mystere hacked my Gravatar account based on facts. Gravatar looked into it and determined that Mystere had violated their TOS. They (I assume) have access to more info on their end. If they were wrong in their determination your beef is with them, not me. From what I can see I'd say it's pretty much an open and shut case, given how strongly the evidence points to Mystere. So I really don't give a shit about your lies. God doesn't avenge liars.

    Luke is a troll who submitted nasty comments to my blogs for YEARS. In addition to harassing me, he did the same in regards to numerous other progressive bloggers. And Rational Nation. OF COURSE you would defend this asshole. You are an asshole yourself.

    "Porky" is another of your sockpuppets, Mystere. I'm not any more afraid of the "Porky" sockpuppet than I am the "rattrapper" or "donkey's revenge" sockpuppets.

  6. Wow, dingbat! Yanking the race card out of your stained pantyhose again? You do know that Hoochie Mama means a woman with loose morals, don't you? Fat black hoochie mama only describes the ugly whore grabbing Donald Trump's wax penis.
