Saturday, June 16, 2018

Pervert Mystere Thinks Sex With Canines Is "The Pleasure Of A Lifetime"

That the sick pervert Mystere thinks sex with canines is "the pleasure of a lifetime" is a quote from a recent commentary on his "Moonbat Slayer" blog.

Michigan Democrat Sodomizes His Basset Hound... This is the Democratic Poster Boy of the Democrat's Gold Standard of High Morals: Michigan Democrat Joseph Hattey. Hattey just got arrested for having sex with his Bassett Hound. Democrats are celebrating their Gay Pride Month and this happens. Someone got this dog boinker bailed out. Hattey works for MSU in the veternary department, so he has access to any mutt he wants.

Hey liberals, bring your flea ridden mutts to MSU for a gold standard flea bath! Joey will give them the pleasure of a lifetime when he's done with them! Ask for the Irl Hudnutt/Dervish Sanders special. (6/16/2018 at 10:47pm).

Mystere links to an article from the Lansing State Journal as his "proof" that what he is reporting is accurate (see update below). Which it mostly is. One "error" in Mystere's blog post is his claim that Joseph Hattey is a Democrat. He may be a Democrat, he may be a Republican. The article does not say anything about Hattey's political affiliations (if any).

Yet, according this this pea-brained idiot, not only is Hattey a Democrat, but Democrats everywhere are celebrating this degenerate's animal abuse (sodomizing a basset hound). Which is absolutely not the case.

With his reference to Gay Pride Month he is clearly suggesting that having sex with dogs is the next step. If you are gay there is no depths to which you will not sink. Sexually abuse animals? Sure, why not? If you're a gay pervert why not be a sex with animals pervert? In the homophobe Mystere's tiny bigoted mind, at least.

On the other hand, it seems as if Mystere is REALLY into sex with dogs. Remember the line I quoted? Sex with a dog is the "pleasure of a lifetime". Not for him, but for the dog that Mystere has buttsex with. BTW, I know it's buttsex because (as per the article) Hattey was caught having sex with a male dog.

So, given the fact that Mystere was talking about the article, I assume what he's saying is that it is the "pleasure of a lifetime" when he has buttsex with a male dog. The pleasure of a lifetime... for the dog. Does Mystere believe that he's doing the canines he has buttsex with a huge favor?

Who knows? Or cares. One thing for certain is that Hattey is in big trouble and will likely go to prison... and Mystere should join him. Throw the book at both of these canine rapers, I say. Hattey and Mystere should both get the maximum sentence because they are both sick freaks.

As for this treatment (buttsex with your pet), I do NOT think it is the "pleasure of a lifetime". For the canine or for me. So that Mystere refers to this as the "Dervish Sanders special" is complete horseshit. Clearly animal abuse is the MYSTERE special.

Update 6/17/2018: Mystere changed the article his post links to. Previously he linked to an article from the Lansing State Journal which makes no mention of Hattey's political affiliation. Now he links to an article from "The Mystery Vault". What is "The Mystery Vault"? Looks like a CONservative conspiracy/fake news website to me. Their "about" page on Facebook says "What you need to know about the world you live in. You've been lied for long. And will continue to be lied to if you will not search the truth".

So, is what the Mystery Vault saying is that they will provide #trumpdupes like Mystere with the "truth"? The title of the article is "Democrat University Professor Arrested For Sodomizing His Dog". However, if you read the article, it never says how the author determined that Hattey is a democrat. Apparently it's called the "Mystery Vault" for a reason. It is a mystery how they come by their "facts".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-49.


  1. OH MY! Did the article strike a nerve, Dervish? Oh wait, it exposed a dark secret about you. You need help Dervy. You need to stop screwing your pooch. Bestiality is vile and wrong. But I guess your snake mosque permits you to mess around. By the way, you're too lazy to do some serious searching; I only gave 1 link. There are more stories about this, with proof. My readers are smart; they look for other links on their own when I tip them off.

  2. If it is vile and wrong (a statement I agree with), why did you refer to it as "the pleasure of a lifetime"? I think the dark secret is YOURS, Mystere. How many dogs have you given "the pleasure of a lifetime" to, Mystere?

    These other articles you mention... do they contain "proof" that gay pride month has anything to do with sexual assault of a canine? I can tell you right now that the answer is NO. Despite your implication/lie that there is.

    According to the Mystere Vault's FB page "You've been lied for long"... my guess would be that their "facts" are as good as their grammar. LOL!

    For the record, I am not a member of any kind of mosque because I am not muslim. Yes, I know you are bigoted against muslims, but that does not make me one.

  3. Mystere: sex with a dog is "the pleasure of a lifetime".


    Note: Further "yawn" comments will be deleted. That you are up past your bedtime and are tired has nothing to do with my post.
