WYM Pages

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hate Forms The Foundation Of The trumpturd Movement

According to an 8/7/2019 post on the trumper blog Who's Your Daddy, the election of Dotard revealed Leftwing hate.

Unfortunately for the proprietor of WYM (Lisa), the evidence definitively proves that it Rightwing hate that has been revealed with the election of Dotard tRump! (see examples below).

[1] Dotard tRump encourages violence at his rallies. Regarding a protester, Dotard said, "I'd like to punch him in the face".

[2] ABC News finds 36 cases invoking "Trump" in connection with violence, threats, and alleged assaults. Could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.

[3] Dotard says his supporters may get violent if he doesn't get his way. Quote: "I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don't play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad".

[4] Prior to the election Dotard called for the assassination of Hillary Clinton if she was elected. Quote: "If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is".

[5] Dotard jokes to Putin they should "get rid" of journalists. So funny, considering the fact that 26 journalists have been murdered in Russia since Putin first became president (according to the Committee to Protect Journalists).

[6] Coast Guard employee plots to kill Democrats, journalists, and innocent civilians. WYD regular Minus FJ downplays plot (and suggests wrongful prosecution) by referring to assassination plans of Lt. Christopher Paul Hasson as "thought crimes". Quote: Dervy votes for "conviction for thought crimes". US Army soldier Jarrett William Smith "talked about targeting Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, attacking anti-fascists and traveling to Ukraine to fight for a violent far-right militant group, Azov Battalion". He was "arrested by the FBI on charges accusing him of discussing plans to bomb a major U.S. news network" - aka another "thought crime". The network Jarrett wanted to bomb? The oft-dissed by Dotard "fake news" CNN.

[7] At Florida rally, Trump laughs off supporter's suggestion to shoot migrants at the border. Excerpt: tRump asks (referring to immigrant "invaders"), "but how do you stop these people?". One ...attendee loudly responded, "Shoot them!". The crowd laughed. Mr. Trump grinned, shook his head and said, "Only in the Panhandle you can get away with that statement. Only in the Panhandle!" His supporters roared in cheers.

[8] New Zealand shooter Brenton Tarrant (who murdered 51 people), targeted Muslims and referred to tRump as a "a symbol of renewed white identity" in his manifesto. El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius (who murdered 22 people) said he targeted Mexicans. His manifesto "parrots some of President Donald Trump's divisive rhetoric about immigration".

[9] Heather Heyer is murdered by James Fields (who plows into with her car) at the Unite the Right rally (held on August 11 and 12, 2019 in Charlottesville VA). Wikipedia notes that Unite The Right "was a white supremacist rally [and that] protesters were members of... the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Blue Lives Matter, and various right-wing militias. The marchers chanted racist and antisemitic slogans, carried semi-automatic rifles, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols".

Note that none of the protesters were from historical societies arguing against the removal of the statue of Robert E Lee. All the protesters were racist organizations that were there primarily to spread hate and only used the statue removal as a pretext. Despite this Dotard claimed that there were "very fine people" on both sides.

I haven't seen any evidence that there was anyone there opposed to removing the statue beside the racists (who were proudly waving racist banners and yelling racist chants). Even though Dotard claimed that he saw them (the non-racist history preservationists) "protesting very quietly". Self-identified Nazi Minus FJ (because of Dotard's bullshit about him not referring to the racists with his "very fine people" line) claims that the Left (and the "emedia") lies (as does Dotard appologist Willis Hart).

Before the murder occurred, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke voiced his support for Dotard. Quote: We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what we believed in. That's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back. In a 8/12/2017 tweet (directed at Dotard) Duke writes "...remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency".

[10] When the far Right Neo-Fascist group, the Proud Boys (which admit only men as members and promotes political violence) rallied in Portland (without a permit), Dotard tweeted "Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an ORGANIZATION OF TERROR". As per Vox "Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler told the Oregonian he believed [the Proud Boys came] to Portland hoping to foment violence, well aware that it is home to a large antifa contingent, Rose City Antifa". Despite this, "the president did not warn or criticize the controversial right-wing group organizing the rally..." (because they are his peeps).

[11] South American Christian refuges fleeing violence and economic hardship are instructed by the Dotard administration to be treated inhumanely as a "deterrent". Inhumane and patently evil acts include holding migrants indefinitely - in defiance of the Flores decision (which says that migrant children can be held a maximum of 20 days). Additionally (in defiance of a court order to stop) kidnapping migrant children - deporting their parents and losing track of the children (making reuniting parents and children extremely difficult to unlikely).

[12] Dotard calls Jewish Americans "disloyal" for voting Democratic. As per the Daily Beast, "accusing Jews of disloyalty is an age-old anti-Semitic canard". Dotard claims that "If you vote for a Democrat, you're very, very disloyal to Israel and the Jewish people". Despite the fact that American citizen Jews first loyalty should be to America. Which would be why (I suspect) "as of 2018, 71% of American Jews disapproved of Donald Trump's job as president". Additionally, speaking out about Netanyahu corruption and our government's kowtowing to Israeli interests is not antisemitism (what The Squad has wrongly been accused of).

[13] Congressional Republicans refuse to condemn Dotard for his racist tweets about The Squad. As per the Washington Post "only four House Republicans voted to condemn Trump's latest questionable tweets". These would be tweets in which Dotard told members of The Squad that they should go back to the countries they came from (even though 3 of the 4 Squad members were born in the USA). Wikipedia notes that "Go back where you came from is a racial insult used in the United States to target immigrants or members of minority groups who are falsely regarded as immigrants... The message conveys a sense that the person is not supposed to be there, or that it isn't their place. The speaker is presumed to be a real American while the target of the remark is not".

[14] Donald Trump blasts NFL anthem protesters: "Get that son of a bitch off the field". This despite the fact that "in the US, African Americans are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white people. For black women, the rate is 1.4 times more likely" and this is what the "son of a bitch" NFL players who kneel are protesting.


Yet it's the Left that is inciting hatred and violence? What bullshit! The White Nationalist predisent even laughably claims that trumper hate is love. The following video is from a 8/16/2019 rally in Manchester NH, during which Dotard incorrectly singled out one of his own supporters (thinking he was a detractor) and fat shamed him. This after claiming that the trumper movement is one built on love.

Dotard has also claimed that "my rhetoric ... brings people together". So we know he frequently says absurd things that are 100 percent contrary to reality. As the WYD claim that the election of Dotard "revealed Leftwing hate" is. The Left may hate Dotard and want to get rid of him, but it is the trumper movement that is built on hate. As my examples above illustrate. And opposing hate is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing!

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-133.


  1. Like the half-wit they support, Trumpistas deal in half-truths, distortions, and lies. President Porn Star Shagger hasn't increased his base. All he has are the dead-enders and dregs of the Republican Party. He's at 40 - 36 % approval and the states he won to get him his electoral win are in negative territory for him. These are all facts. Trump is a loser, a liar, a cheat, and probably demented. And his supporters love him for it. That tells us all we need to know about 36+% of America. SAD!

  2. Good post Dervish. Mind if I feature it at my WordPress site? Full attribution of course!

  3. Dervy hate's it when White Nationalist like Duke behave EXACTLY like Democrat Party Identity Groups with their own "militant wing" (aka - ANTIFA).

    1. Want to know the difference between White Identitarians and Black Panthers? Skin colour. In all other regards, organizational, inverse political, social, etc., they are IDENTICAL.

    2. This thread is you hating your mirror image, Dervy.

    3. When Republicans behave like Democrats, their "hate filled". No Duh!

    4. btw - You dropped one of your herrings...

      ps - Note that none of the protesters were from historical societies arguing against the removal of the statue of Robert E Lee.

      The Sons of Confederate Veterans didn't get a 6 month stay on the statue removal in Charlottesville? Who knew?

    5. 1. AntiFa isn't the "militant wing of the Democratic party". There is no affiliation between the Democratic party and AntiFa.

      2. "White Identitarians" aren't subjected to racism because their ancestors were enslaved. The Black Panthers no longer exist. Even if they did, they'd be in no way identical.

      3. I believe in non-violence and am opposed to racism. Violent and/or racist groups aren't my "mirror image".

      4. Republicans don't behave like Democrats. Democrats stand for equality and oppose racism. Republicans argue in favor of both race and class inequality.

      5. The Sons of Confederate Veterans embraces and promotes the lost cause myth. The SCV is a propaganda group whose goal is rewriting and misrepresenting civil war history.

    6. The SCV embrace their ancestors. If you doubt that, look at their name. It's not "Son's of the Lost Cause".

    7. btw - What myth did the Sons of Saint Tammany embrace? That Democrats weren't corrupt? lol!

    8. From the page you link to...

      Dissolved: 1967; 52 years ago.

      When is the SCV planning on dissolving? I don't think it should take long - once they decide on taking the correct course of action. BTW, the SCV do NOT embrace their ancestors. They embrace the wrong choice to become traitors and fight to preserve slavery their ancestors made. They wouldn't be promoting the "lost cause" myth if they didn't agree with their ancestor's wrong choices.

    9. Wow, you really are illiterate.

    10. I couldn't read your reply and type a response if I were illiterate.

      Just because they don't call themselves "Son's of the Lost Cause" does not mean they don't subscribe to it (which they do).

    11. Says the disinformation fan who believes "All history is propaganda". AKA you lie like Dotard. Meaning you lie constantly and often believe your lies. When you don't believe the lies you see nothing wrong with telling them. Because all facts are propaganda (aka "alternative facts").

    12. If it weren't propaganda, why did Howard Zinn feel the need to write his "People's History of the United States?"


    13. Perhaps he needed to highlight some "alternate facts" about slavery and oppression that previous historians had left out?

    14. You say that because you know you lie - and you assume the Left lies too. In your mind there is no other way to live life. This is what Dotard believes (what explains the constant lying). For people like you lying is simply a tool to get the results you want (why you have no problem with Dotard's constant lying).

      The People's history was written to cut through the lies, distortions, whitewashing, inaccuracies, misconceptions and myths. The facts it contains are not "alternate". Facts are facts.

  4. AntiFa isn't the "militant wing of the Democratic party". There is no affiliation between the Democratic party and AntiFa

    It wasn't Republicans that have attacked 5 ICE facilities in recent months.

    There is no BPP? lol!

    Violent and/or racist groups aren't my "mirror image". ...says the NAZI puncher.

    ...and ps - ALL history IS PROPAGANDA.

    1. ...especially Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States". :)

    2. The BPP hates the NBPP because they're the DNC Identitarian Age equivalent and have their own "militant wing" that doesn't cooperate with the DNC's official militant wing, ANTIFA.

    3. You debunked yourself when you acknowledged that the BPP hates the NBP. There is no affiliation between the two. The BPP no longer exists. So much for your "lol".

      That you believe "all history is propaganda" is no surprise. Given that your Orange Turd cult leader thinks he can spin the history of his own life. LOL. tRump is the propaganda predisent and you buy it all. Or recognize the fact that his propaganda serves your agenda. Why you not only do not care, but LOVE it that tRump lies.

    4. ...the DNC's official militant wing, ANTIFA.

      Link to an official DNC website that says this.

    5. It wasn't Republicans that have attacked 5 ICE facilities in recent months.

      They were attacked by frustrated citizens (if you can use that bullshit excuse, why can't I?). If the tRump administration would stop abusing Christian refugees, people wouldn't be getting so frustrated.

      As per the article you link to, the woman who tossed a Molotov cocktail into an office but the fuse detached, harmed nobody. Another failure, in other words. Like that guy you wrote about on your blog.

      The article doesn't say this woman declared herself to be Antifa. No manifesto, no claims from the woman that she is a militant Antifa Democrat. Maybe she is a Never-Trump republican. Or a non-political Christian who believes strongly in the Bible's instruction that immigrants should be welcomed.

    6. No Republican candidates are campaigning on eliminating ICE.

    7. Pro-fascist republicans don't support the anti-fascist movement? Who knew?

      Don't have the MB to spare to watch your video. I assume it has something to do with seeing that people protesting hate have money to defend themselves in court. No money is going toward funding Antifa activities. I'm not going to contribute any money, but if others want to I don't have an issue with that. I don't have an issue with anyone receiving an adequate defense.

    8. So you've no problem with people funding the KKK or NAI Party either. You're quite the Libertarian.

    9. We weren't talking about funding any organization's activities. We were talking about money for lawyers to mount a defense. In any case, the KKK and Nazi party* are hate groups. Being opposed to fascism isn't pro-hate. Personally I'm opposed to funding hate groups. Though it isn't illegal as far as I know.

      *I assume you mean Nazi. I've never heard of the "NAI party".

    10. I have never punched a Nazi. Have you ever been punched for being a Nazi?

    11. They don't. No money goes from the DNC to Antifa.

      Russia pays the domestic terrorist organization the NRA to pressure republicans into supporting allowing the slaughter of Americans and Hispanics (American citizens and otherwise) to continue. Russia also pays Dotard (via the NRA) to spew his hateful rhetoric encouraging violence.

      You think punching assholes who support domestic terror and murder is worse than supporting domestic terror and murder. I do not think it is worse. I am correct, btw. Not that you will ever concede that. But that is hardly a surprise given that you are a Nazi. Trafficking in disinformation is your forte.

    12. Yet Democrat politicians fund raise for them... from Democrats. What a convenient co-inky-dink!

    13. Antifa exists because non-racist citizens (members of the majority who voted for HRC) are frustrated with the emboldening of racists and White Nationalist violence that has occurred since the "election" of Grand Wizard Dotard.

      Here is a "convenient co-inky-dink" for you... Grand Wizard Dotard is "elected" predisent with the help of Putin and now more racists are running for political office... as republicans.

      How white supremacist candidates fared in 2018 (excerpt from a 11/7/2018 Vox article) In 2018, an astonishing number of self-described white nationalists (including a former president of the American Nazi Party) ran for local, state, and national office in states from California to North Carolina — with the vast majority running as Republicans. ...

      Steve King has a long history of nativism and racism: He's endorsed a white nationalist for mayor of Toronto, conducted interviews with alt-right outlets, attended events alongside far-right European groups with Nazi ties, and even kept a small version of the Confederate flag on his desk for years. (Iowa was, of course, a Union state during the Civil War). ...

      House Majority Whip Steve Scalise once reportedly described himself as "David Duke without the baggage", referencing the former Ku Klux Klan leader. And in 2002, Scalise spoke at a gathering for white supremacists known as EURO, the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, originally founded by Duke. ...

      Ron DeSantis, who ran against Democrat Andrew Gillum for the role of governor of Florida, leaned hard on his pro-Trump bona fides during the campaign. But he also had a personal history of ties to conservative pundits with white nationalist histories, and received support from white nationalist groups. [end Vox excerpt]

      You continue to write about "fundraising" (for the legal defense of some individuals charge, not Antifa activities) because you (apparently) believe it to be damning. What about all the Nazi/White Nationalist running as GOP candidates? Not damning but a good thing?

      FYI, I don't give a CRAP about this "fundraising" you keep harping on. I do not approve of violent protest. I also do not know what these people who are being charged have yet to be convicted of anything. It may turn out that "Democrats" were involved in "fundraising" for some innocent people unjustly charged with crimes they were acquitted of.

    14. What does your linked article prove? That the Right's problems with NAZI's and racists isn't 1/10th the problem as the Left's links to ANTIFA. No Democrats denounce ANTIFA at all. None. Yet most of those Republicans listed in your article were denounced by the party proper.

    15. I am very happy that no Democrats are buying into the totally desperate rightturd fake Antifa narrative. And the link proves that the right's problem with White Nationalism is 10000 times the problem as the Democrat's links to Antifa. Because there are none. Which is why there is no denouncing. Anyway, many are very fine people taking action in response trumpturd deplorable hate (their frustration being completely justified).

      "Yet most of those Republicans listed in your article were denounced by the party proper".

      Because they actually ran (and got votes) as republicans. While spouting racist crap. The "party proper" knows it looks bad to the country at large, so they do what they have to for publicity reasons. Yet the deplorable candidates continue to run as republicans (and get votes). There is no such thing as an affiliated Antifa Democratic candidate endorsing violence and/or hate.

    16. Re: "Nope... just punching NAZI's"... I don't know what your "nope" is regarding. Anyway, you seen very concerned about being punched. Something that might happen while you march and chant "Jews will not replace us"?

      Re: "Top Democrat Ellison blasted for touting Antifa"... bullshit.

      Quote: Ellison... posted a photo on Twitter Wednesday of himself posing with the book "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook"... Ellison's post said the book should "strike fear into the heart" of President Donald Trump ... Spokesman Karthik Ganapathy says Ellison has not read the book but has espoused nonviolence throughout his career. [end quote].

      Sounds to me that Ellison was saying Dotard (because of the hatred he is stirring up) should be concerned about Anfifa pushing back against his haters. Ellison supports non violence and has not read the book. NOT an endorsement, only a factual statement.

      As per Dictionary.com, to "tout" means "to describe or advertise boastfully; publicize or promote; praise extravagantly". Keith Ellison did NOT "tout" antifa. He only said Dotard should be concerned about it. A TRUE statement.

      I do disagree that it should "strike fear" into his heart, however. Dotard and the rightturd lie machine clearly LOVE antifa. It feeds their "both sides do it" narrative. As well as the lie that antifa is a "terrorist organization" and that White Nationalist violence is not a big deal.

      Quote: When asked... whether white nationalists were a growing threat around the world, Trump replied: "I don't really. I think it's a small group of people...".

      Antifa (who has killed nobody) is a "terrorist organization" while Dotard's White Nationalist peeps (nuts inspired to kill by his rhetoric) are not a growing threat (despite the murders continuing to rack up)... RIGHT!

      Re "Antifa- Todays brown shirts"... bullshit. Today's brown shirts are the "Proud Boys". "The Patriotic Patriarch" is a trumpturd disinformation spreader.

    17. Ellison has not read the book but has espoused nonviolence throughout his career.

      That's not what NOI member Keith X's girlfriend Karen Monahan said in her Domestic Violence lawsuit.

      Acta non verba!

    18. Let me guess, she isn't a "lying whore" because she is accusing a Democrat? If Ellison were a republican she'd definitely be a lying whore.

      BTW, his relationship with his ex-girlfriend has ZIPPO to do with his non-support for antifa.

      FYI, by "his" I mean Keith Ellison, the person I thought we were discussing. I don't know who "Keith X" is. Maybe you wrote "X" in place of his last name because you forgot it was "Ellison"?

    19. If abusing women explains support for organizations that advocate using violence to achieve political goals - then tRump's documented abuse of women MUST explain his support for violent White Nationalist groups like the "Proud Boys", correct?

      As per the book, Lost Tycoon... Quote: [concerning] Trump's divorce from his first wife, Ivana... [the author] obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. ...Trump was furious that a "scalp reduction" operation he'd undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation... Trump yanked out a handful of his wife's hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward... she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, with menacing casualness, "Does it hurt?". [end quote].

      As for the allegations against Ellison... Quote: ...the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party's report... found Monahan's claims "unsubstantiated". [as per Ellison] "I believe women who come forward must be heard, and to have their allegations fully investigated. This is why I have complied with this investigation fully, and will do so with any other inquiries. I thank the Minnesota DFL for taking this issue seriously and requesting this investigation". [end quote].

  5. How ya doin', Fartbreath? You're doing a great job as the blogosphere's village idiot. You surpassed Lester Liberalmann also known as Pookie Toot Toot or John Burdick of Syracuse University as the King of the Moonbat Hall of Shame. You need a new avatar to show your true self. A butthead is the perfect avatar for you. There are plenty of baboon butts you can download for your perfect avatar. I noticed Nursie Poo Poo drove up with his stool tanker to suck up your sewage overflow to puke up at his sewage dump. Where are Quackobyrd and your buttboy Irl Hudnutt? OH WAIT! Quackobyrd's been strutting his flambuoyant turkey costume on some miracle anti smoking drug commercial, blowing smoke out of his tailfeathers. That leaves your buttler Irl Hudnutt as MIA.

    1. I do not know how you are doing, nor do I particularly care, Fartbreath. As for using a baboon ass as your avatar because that would better represent your true self... I say you should do it. btw, nobody can take the blogosphere village idiot title from you. You are the king of the village idiots.

    2. Christ mystere, ya REALLY should stop protecting YOUR idiocy so often and so much.

    3. Hey, Eddie "Mystere" Endo, your birthday is 02/20/63, yes? And your email is mystere022063@gmail.com, yes? I think we should have a private chat.

  6. ... projecting, not protecting. However it IS likely mystere you are trying to protect your reputation for spreading idiocy.

  7. Wow, Nursie Poo Poo! Lip-locking with Dervy again? Be careful while breathing in, Nursie Poo Poo! If you suck too hard, you might choke on Dervy's dingleberries. And to make it worse for you, the sudden volcanic eruption coming out of the hole you accidentally uncorked might hurl you across the room at lightning speed.

  8. WOO HOO! Angry much, Nursie Poo Poo? OH WAIT, you're blushing. You just had a piece of Dervy's dingleberry pie. Did you give Dervy some love nibbles after you ate the whole thing?

    1. The reason you visit WYM is because you love Franco and Minus dingleberry pie. That is what explains why you kiss their asses so frequently.

  9. Hey Nursie Poo Poo! I noticed you and Byrdbrain have been starring in some TV ads lately. I noticed that Liberty Mutual gave you an Elton John style toupee to play Doug, and Byrdbrain the Emu costume as "Limu Emu", your sidekick. It also appears they bought the infamous Al Bundy Dodge Dart and painted it yellow for the ads. They even used the inflatable rubber woman to be Byrdbrain's lust interest in the latest Liberty Mutual TV ads. Just make sure Byrdbrain doesn't boink his head too hard in the ads. His other gig as the flaming gay turkey in the anti smoking Chantix snake oil pills requires him to not fall over where he can't get up.

    1. More "village idiot" stupidity from Mystere (using his "donkey" sockpuppet). It is comments like the above that prove (beyond ANY doubt) that it is Mystere who is the blogosphere's biggest village idiot.

  10. OT: Couldn't resist posting this, Derv. Here's a photo of the feral hog that Minus FJ fantasized about raping me. Could the guy who's very close to the backside of the feral hog be our very own sexually weird -FJ?

    It looks like Minus was fantasizing about doing something with that feral hog, and it has nothing to do with a woman.

    A revealing insight into the twisted and lurid mind of a Trumpian!

    1. Poor "Big Nuts". Article title says he was corralled. Then the article says he was hog-tied. So far, so good. Then it goes on to say he was taken to a processing plant. And finally that the murderer of "Big Nuts" kept his head. That guy might be Minus, given conservatives first instinct when encountering a large/majestic animal is to kill it (what tRump's two sons love to do to exotic African animals). I wonder if, in addition to the head, the killer kept the "big nuts" as a trophy.

  11. Hey Fartface Dervish? I noticed you got a bit jealous when Don noticed Nursie PooPoo and Quackobyrd got some gigs for Liberty Mutual Insurance and for that anti-smoking snake oil Chantix miracle pill. Well, let me give you some kudos for once. I noticed your flea ridden mutt Buttstink got some gigs as Toby the buttdragging mutt on the Stanley Steemer ads. Your mutt has the talent of dragging its stinky dingleberries on some poor sap's carpet. It doesn't respond to the pleas of TOBY, NO! because it's used to its name Buttstink. Your mutt is the perfect flea ridden star for the Stanley Steemer "That's Gross" ad campaign. Kudos, Dervy boy!

    1. I am not jealous. I don't know a "Nursie PooPoo" or a "Quackobyrd". Because they do not exist. None of what you wrote happened. You made it up.

      FYI, I have 2 dogs, neither of whom I gave the moronic name "Buttstink". "Buttstink" being a name an eproctophile like you would come up with (which you did). If there is a dog named "Buttstink" - he is your dog, not mine.

  12. Hey Dervish? I saw something in an obituary about your peepaw Ralph Joel Sanders regarding an uncle of yours named Becky. What was that about? Was your Uncle Becky an inspiration for the character Ralph Munroe on Green Acres? Let me remind you that you can't duck for cover from this one. It's posted on your Peepaw Ralph's obituary for the public to see. UNCLE BECKY? That is quite ripe, and not posted by me, Mystere, Don Key or Porky. UNCLE BECKY? OH BOY!

    1. Moron, check the publicly available information. It says Ralph Sanders was younger than Anthony Sanders when he died. It would be impossible for Ralph Sanders to be the "peepaw" of Anthony Sanders. Anyway, given that I don't know (have never met) either of these people, I have no idea about any "uncle Becky". BTW, I never found any info that suggests Ralph and Anthony are relatives. Not everyone with the last name "Sanders" is related.

  13. Uncle Becky, Dervish? That's ripe, Dervy. A shemale uncle in your inbreeding family tree? That bangs your bongos, eh? Don't worry. It's not your fault that your ancestors were busily inbreeding the family tree. By the way, Who's Your Daddy, Antoine?

    1. I am not related to the late Ralph Sanders. I don't have an "uncle Becky". I also don't know anyone named "Antoine".
