WYM Pages

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mystere Loves Murderers

Note: This post was deleted (on purpose by someone who hacked my blog) and (because I was unable to recover it) had to be rewritten.

The deletion occurred when a tech-savy friend of Mystere hacked into my Google account. Unfortunately I was unable to recover this post, unlike the other one that got deleted. Because I didn't notice it was gone until 4/22/2021.

The other deletion came to my attention when Mystere left a comment laughing about it. If I had known other posts were deleted, I might have been able to recover it via the Google cache. But now (years later) Google says it can't find anything. F*ck you, Mystere. This blog has now been fully backed up. Though I don't think Mystere's friend will be able to hack in again, given that I enabled two-step verification. Hopefully that will be enough to prevent future hackings.

What was this post originally about? I can't fully recall. Mystere wrote a post for his blog about how *I* love murderers. Because I opposed Dotard Donald's moronic wall. Apparenlty that means I want bad hombres from South American to cross the border and murder Americans. For the record I am not pro-murder.

Mystere stupidly annoyed Irl Hudnutt, who reported Mystere's blogs for TOS infractions, and the blogs were removed. Mystere blames me, but I only reported him for hacking into my Gravatar account. I actually found his attacks on my (on his pathetic blogs) hilarious. And I am disappointed that his content was removed because now all my links to it (on this blog) go nowhere.

Although Mystere's asinine post "Dervish Sanders Love Murderers" escaped removal. Because it is located on "Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club" and this is one of Mystere's few remaining blogs. In this post Mystere argues that Zachary Castaneda (person who killed 4 in a "stabbing spree") is a liberal. Absent any facts confirming this.

He also claimed "Liberal dingbat blogger Dervish Sanders wants this guy to get off with a slap on the wrist, saying that it's racist to put him on trial and convict him of murder". But this is bullshit. I want murderers to be held accountable for their crimes. I never said (nor would I ever say) it's racist to put a person of hispanic descent on trial. That's false and stupid.

Lastly, the idiot Mystere says I want "people like Castaneda to come across the Southern Border and blend in with the citizens of the USA". But Casteneda isn't an illegal alien. He didn't illegally cross our southern border. At least I couldn't find any article that says he is in the country illegally. Something you'd think would be noted.

Mystere links to no article to confirm that Castaneda is an illegal alien. I therefore assume that (because Casteneda is of hispanic descent) Mystere just assumes he's an illegal alien. Because it fits the moronic narrative Mystere wants to tell (that I'm pro-illegal immigrant murderer). Also because Mystere is racist against hispanic people.

As per the above video, "Casteneda was convicted of selling methanphines while carrying an assault rifle". Mystere, as a Conservative magamoron, opposes "gun control" measures. Which (I assume) includes a ban on assault rifles. He can correct me if I'm wrong. Though he hasn't commented here in a long time. But I'd be very surprised if he supported reasonable and necessary gun regulations.

QED Mystere loves murder and murderers. I don't recall if this was my original argument (in the deleted post) but it very well could have been. Because gun violence in the United States is significanly higher than in other countries. Countries where the populance supports reasonable gun control measures and therefore their legislatures pass such regulations into law. Unlike here, where one of our two political parties is under the control of the NRA and kowtows to the gun nuts.

Post authored by the anti-Mystere blogger Dervish Sanders. WYM-134.

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