WYM Pages

Sunday, October 6, 2019

predisent Dotard Does Not Have The Power To Levy Tariffs

Dotard tRump'a idiotic trade war with China is another abuse of the powers of the presidency. He is not actually authorized to impose tariffs. Tariffs being the province of Congress and not the Executive.

Wikipedia/Trump Tariffs: ...the International Emergency Economic Powers Act shifted [section 8] powers even more towards the White House. The Trump administration claims that it gives the President the authority to raise tariffs without any limits during a national emergency of any kind. Legal scholars disagree because the IEEPA does not mention tariffs at all and transfers no authority of tariffs towards the President.

(Note: Section 8 of the US Constitution says "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises...).

Dotard does not have the power to levy tariffs. At all. Even in a "national emergency", which we aren't in. But Dotard thinks we are in some kind of "globalism emergency" -- I guess. While I don't entirely disagree, China is ripping us off because the oligarchs bought off (mostly) Congressional republicans. republicans are the "free trade" party while Democrats have traditionally been the party opposed to sending our jobs overseas (WJC and BHO being exceptions and not the rule). And Dotard is going about fixing the problem in entirely the wrong manner.

The real solution to this problem is to elect a Democrat who wants to work with Congress to fix our trade policies. Either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Dotard's use of Executive powers (he does not actually have) means that, unless a trade agreement with China is reached and passed by Congress, nothing is accomplished. The next president won't continue the stupid tariffs (especially if the Democratic president isn't Sanders or Warren but one of the other more "moderate" Dems). One thing that WILL be accomplished (and will stick), however, is the harm to our agricultural export markets.

This explains why Dotard's tariffs are not working. China knows that they only need to wait until Dotard leaves office (by impeachment or by being defeated in 2020). Their pain is temporary. What little pain they suffer due to the tariffs. American consumers pay the tariffs (contrary to what the lying Dotard claims). China's strategy has been to devalue their currency to make up for (some) of the assessed tariff.

American companies know this. Which is why they don't move production back to the US and employ Americans to make their products. All they need to do is wait for Dotard to leave office and it's back to business as usual (under republicans and 3rd way conserva-dems). So why the HELL should they negotiate a new trade agreement? Especially when the predisent's own party does not support tariffs.

The ONLY long term accomplishment that Dotard is cementing in place is the harm to farmers. The cartoon I posted at the top of this post is funny, but not quite representative of how badly Dotard is harming American farmers. Bankruptcies and suicides among American farmers are up, which isn't funny at all. And it makes one wonder why the hell so many farmers continue to support him. The Dotard subsidies to farmers only make up a portion of the money they are losing. And the subsidies won't continue forever. They will go away, but the markets are lost.

China is going elsewhere to buy the agricultural goods they were buying from American farmers. I've heard South America. And they'll continue to buy these goods from South America regardless of what happens. What happens, BTW, won't be that China bows to Dotard's pressure and agrees to sign a new trade deal. Dotard's first term is almost over, so why wouldn't they simply wait him out?

We don't even need to negotiate with China. All we need to do is pass trade legislation through Congress that gradually raises tariffs. New legislation will prove to American businesses that manufacture their goods overseas that it's in their interest to move production back to the United States.

What we could have done, instead of giving these corporations a huge tax cut (which they used to buy back their own stock, as predicted, and not to give American workers raises), would have been to give corporations tax cuts conditioned on them moving production back to the US. Proof that Dotard doesn't know what the f*ck he's doing. Or he lied and this is all a show. Because, while I agree with Dotard concerning the threat of globalism, the incredibly stupid way he decided to "fight" it is not working.

The correct way to fight globalism is to change trade policy - legislation passed by congress which gradually raises tariffs. Legislation that would also give conditional tax cuts to these corporations. Hire Americans and get a tax cut. As opposed to giving unconditional tax cuts.

All the Dotard tax cut did was boost the stock market. Instead of doing squat to combat Dotard's supposed goal of fighting globalism. Do what the wealthy want (give them unconditional tax cuts) and OF COURSE the profits of the corporations they own will increase and the stock market will go up. Duh. Yet the trumpturds are fooled. And they (while crying about it during Obama's presidency) have no problem with Dotard's exploding deficits. So stupid.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Cartoon from the 8/16/2019 issue of The Week (scanned and adjusted in Photoshop by me from a physical paper copy).WYM-136.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Replies
    1. I've heard that the Dotard socialist bailout of farmers (for misery he CAUSED them) has now cost the American taxpayer more than Obama's auto bailout (for which he was harshly criticized by the right). Now you smile about a totally unnecessary farmer bailout? Why, Minus? Just because he can get away with what Obama couldn't? Proof that "owning the libs" is more important to magaturds than not being hypocrites. Hypocrisy is a GOOD thing when Dotard does it, right?

    2. How's that GM bailout working out for striking UAW workers, Dervy?

    3. How are the Dotard tariffs working out for American farmers (who have lost markets that took them years to develop and are now gone permanently)? And shouldn't GM be sharing a portion of Dotard's huge tax cut with their workers? Isn't that what he promised would happen, Minus?

    4. The Chinese market is gone permanently? Wow! Who knew?

    5. You don't know that it isn't. It's possible we could get some of that market back. But what isn't going to happen is the Chinese caving because Dotard keeps turning up the pressure with his tariffs (your idiotic fantasy). Dotard is harming us more than the Chinese -- and they know it. They also know that Dotard's tariffs go away when Dotard leaves the White House. All they need to do is wait another year. Even if the wait is 5 years -- I've heard that they're very willing to do that.

    6. I guess they are about to cave, huh Minus? Or maybe it's just that it's going to take awhile for their new suppliers to ramp up production and start sending them all the soybeans they need. Then there will be no more waivers.

    7. I should call you "LOL Minus" from now on. "LOL" has GOT to be the most frequent combination of letters you type. FOR SURE.

    8. I should call you Dervy the Comedian, because everything you say is laughable.

    9. Really? You and your sock puppets predicted Hillary and Obama were going to jail.

      But it is Trump who will be impeached for his high crimes and misdemeanors.

      You're the one who's hysterical.

    10. Minus, China found other suppliers and will be buying from them in the future. My guess is that these new suppliers need some time to ramp up production to meet China's needs. Until then, they'll make a one time purchase from US farmers to tide them over. This "phase one" branding is bullshit.

      Dotard is about to be booted from office with only around a year before he is defeated or impeached and removed. WHY THE HELL would China simply not wait until he is gone? Your stupidity in believing China will break under pressure from Dotard makes absolutely no sense.

      BTW, from the article you linked to...

      "China has a history of canceling purchases once they've been made. ...they're already going to be loaded on a boat and headed east. And then the sale will be canceled for one reason or another. So we really have learned not to believe it until we see that, as the saying goes, 'til the check hits the mailbox'".

      Dotard's accomplishments on the trade front are a HIGHER trade deficit and more US jobs outsourced. Additionally he has flushed a ton of money down the toilet for his farmer bailout and destroyed their market in China. The "cautiously optimistic" farmers are going to end up bankrupt and see their farms bought out by Big Ag. Maybe destroying small farmers was Dotard's plan all along? The bailout being a way to string them along for awhile -- and get their vote in the next election.

    11. Perhaps, then, Congress shouldn't have abdicated its tariff setting prerogatives to the Executive in the 40's.

      Stupid is as stupid does...

    12. Dotard isn't citing the Reciprocal Tariff Act to justify his tariffs. The Reciprocal Tariff Act concerns the reciprocal lowering of tariffs, not one trade partner raising tariffs in an effort to force the other party to agree to concessions. Your information is not applicable and irrelative.

    13. Yes, really. So Dotard talks about reciprocal tariffs in the video you link to? That doesn't change the fact that he isn't citing the Reciprocal Tariff Act to justify his tariffs. I stand by the correct information as presented in my post.

    14. Conducting a joint press conference with Prime Minister Abe, Trump professed a particular affinity for the reciprocal aspect of this formulation:

      "[F]rankly, I like reciprocal the best of the group. Because when you explain to somebody that you're going to charge tariffs in order to equalize, or you're going to do other things—some people that don't get it, they don't like to hear that. But when you say it's going to be reciprocal—that we're going to charge the same as they're charging us—the people that don't want a 5 percent or a 10 percent tariff say, oh, reciprocal is fair—and that could be 100 percent. So it's much more understandable when you talk about reciprocal."

    15. or...

      "We want fair and open trade. But right now, our trade with Japan is not fair and it’s not open, but I know it will be, soon. We want free and reciprocal trade, but right now our trade with Japan is not free and it’s not reciprocal. And I know it will be. And we’ve started the process, and it’s gone on for a long time, but I know that we will be able to come up with trade deals and trade concepts that are going to be fair to both countries, and, actually, I think will actually be better for both countries. And I have no doubt that it will be done in a quick and very friendly manner."

    16. You didn't notice in the 10:01 video the chart Trump was holding up of "Non-Reciprocal Tariffs".

    17. You are clearly confused. Yes, Dotard does talk about reciprocal tariffs (and he does hold up a chart that has "reciprocal tariffs" printed on it), but he is NOT citing the Reciprocal Tariff Act as justifying his power grab.

    18. So you can read his mind, Karnac? Seems this purported "power" of yours has often failed you in the past...

      ...you need to work on a new super-power.

    19. btw - You need to refresh the wallpaper here more often. It's been over a month.

    20. YOU say I have the power to read minds. I have never claimed that I have the power to read minds. I'm going according to the "Trump Tariffs" Wikipedia page which says "The Trump administration claims that it gives the President the authority to raise tariffs without any limits during a national emergency of any kind".

      It is a supposed "national emergency" and NOT the Reciprocal Tariff Act that the Dotard Administration cites as giving Dotard the unilateral power to raise tariffs. No mind reading necessary. In fact (I assume) he was REQUIRED to cite some law and that he couldn't say "it's a secret".

      The background of this blog is a solid color, not wallpaper. I like the color as it is and have no plans on changing it.

  3. Confucious say... Chinese very wise people.

    Donald is not going to win his trade war. The Chinese are not only smart they are patient and think long term.

    Trump, with his short term chaotic and disruptive approach to "fixing" problems is going to lose bigly on trade. We are no longer the economic force we once we're. IOW we are not the only game in town anymore. Haven't been for a while and with Trump the Dotard in charge the US will lose ground at an accelerated pace.

    25% of America is ecstatic with Trump. 15-17% of Americans are moderately happy with Trump but with reservations (they can be flipped), the other 58-60% want Trump gone.

    2020 will be interesting. As well as critical to our future health. Trump Must Go

  4. Hey Nursie PooPoo, what's in the chop suey you've been binge eating? Roasted duck? Don't worry. I won't tell Quackobyrd he's been cannibalizing himself during the LiMu Emu ad shoots. That explains why you belched out your latest liberal whopper. I noticed that Quackobyrd hen pecked your head when you fell asleep during the shoots. Did the hen pecking shake a loose marble in your skull, rattling your nuts?

  5. I heard Dodobyrd took a dive South and nearly crash landed into the dirt nap nest. One of Shenehneh's pet pigs at Boston Piggy oinked that Dodobyrd is on the mend after undergoing bypass surgery.

    1. The exact same comment left by your "team member" Mystere on Lisa's blog.

      By "team member" I mean you. As eveyone knows, Mystere, Donkey's Revenge, rattrapper, and Porky are a "team" of one (Mystere and his sockpuppets).

      btw, asshole, I really "like" how you claim to be a Christian, offer condolences to Lisa, then proceede to laugh about Ducky's (supposed) health issues. Not that I believe self-proclaimed Christian trumpers actually are.

  6. Hey Dervyboy, if you're implying that Rattrapper laughed at Ducky's illness or that I laughed at Ducky's misery, you're projecting yourself onto both of us. I don't see an LOL on Rattrapper's comment, and at Lisa's blog, I didn't laugh at Ducky's misfortune. Ducky is a self proclaimed atheist, and God Almighty has given him a second chance to repent and get cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. And that is a Good Thing! You, on the other hand, are on a trail of disaster, heading into either eternal punishment or getting into heaven smelling like smoke.

  7. By the way, I'm curious as to why you didn't offer any condolences to Lisa during the Thanksgiving week. Instead, you took a cheap swipe at Rattrapper and me, while you had an opportunity to offer condolences to Lisa when you read her blog.
