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Sunday, September 29, 2019

"Russia Didn't Hack The DNC" Conspiracy Theory Debunked (Yet Again)

The following comment was made by Tom Bossert on GMA. I saw it replayed on the 9/28/2019 airing of MSNBC's Morning Joy (hosted by Joy Reid). Tom Bossert "is an American lawyer and former Homeland Security Adviser to US President Donald Trump". Note that Tom Bossert resigned on 4/10/2018 when the predisent appointed John Bolton his national security adviser. He was not fired or asked to leave. Bossert "is currently an ABC News Homeland Security analyst" (quoted text via Wikipedia).

In the clip GMA host George Stephanopoulos asks Bossert a question regarding the theory that the DNC wasn't hacked by Russia. trumpers believe that the DNC data was stolen by Seth Rich and delivered to Julian Assange. That, or someone in the Ukraine "hacked" the DNC with their permission in an effort to frame Russia and sell their "tRump colluded with Russia" false narrative. I think. I only just heard that last theory. I think that sums it up, although there could be some nuance or details I missed.

George Stephanopoulos: You explained that to the president, right?

Tom Bossert: I did. It's not only a conspiracy theory, it is completely debunked. At this point I am deeply frustrated with what he [Rudy Giuliani] and the legal team is doing in repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again. For clarity here, George, let me just repeat that it has no validity. The United States government reached it's conclusion on attributing to Russia the DNC hack in 2016 before it even communicated it to the FBI. Also long before the FBI knocked on the door at the DNC.

Dotard asked the Ukranian president to look into finding DNC server data, which may be in the Ukraine as per the loony rw conspiracy theory. Communicated to him by Rudy Giuliani and other members of the Dotard's legal team. "Over and over" these lies were fed to the low-IQ conspiracy-minded predisent - according to Bossert.

Note that when Bossert says the United States government reached it's conclusion on who hacked the DNC, I assume he refers to his (former) agency, The United States Homeland Security Council. The HSC "is an entity within the Executive Office of the President of the United States tasked with advising the President on matters relating to Homeland Security".

This debunks the conspiracy theory (yet again) that the FBI is corrupted with "deep state" operatives who promote (or leak) "fake news" to bring down or thwart Dotard. Bossert was appointed by Dotard. The DNC didn't spin a tale of Russia Hacking (via CrowdStrike) that "deep staters" in the FBI went along with (the "attempted coup" Dotard and the rightwing hoax machine continue to assert are responsible for the "witch hunt").

The Dotard-appointed Bossert and the HSC had already determined Russia was responsible for the hack. Their determination was made before the FBI went to the DNC and was informed by Crowdstrike that their forensic analysis of the DNC server had shown Russia hacked them. BEFORE.

How did they determine this? I don't know, but I imagine some top-secret info figured into their conclusions. Info they are not disclosing to the public because they don't want sources and methods revealed. Anyway, what this means is that neither Seth Rich nor the Ukraine were involved. Also that the DNC didn't spin a tale (with the help of evidence fabricated by CrowdStrike) that the corrupt "deep state" FBI went along with. None of that happened. It was Russia that hacked the DNC. Full stop. End of discussion.

BTW, if you think this means Tom Bossert was part of the "deep state" conspiracy, why didn't Dotard fire him? Bossert says he told the president Russia was responsible. One would think this would have tipped Dotard off that Bossert was a deep-stater and he should be fired. Yet Bossert kept his job for more than 2 years after he told Dotard the DNC was hacked by Russia. What explains that, trumpers? Is Dotard simply too stupid to weed out the "deep state" operatives when they clearly identify themselves?

Not that there is a "deep state". There isn't. Even if Dotard truly believes that there is. Although, if he does, why didn't he fire Bossert? The toady who masquerades as the Attorney General goes along with the phony "deep state" conspiracy theory. This we know because he is currently conducting a phony "oranges" investigation (looking into the origins of the Russia investigation).

So people willing to go along with obvious lies are available. You'd think Dotard would want to get rid of anyone who so strongly refuted the oranges lie like Bossert. And replace them all with loyal boot-licking toadies. People willing to go along with obvious lies like Bill Barr.

For the record, the DNC, The FBI and Robert Mueller have all stated that it was Russia that hacked the DNC. Although you may not believe the DNC or the FBI. If you think the FBI has been (and still is?) corrupted by the "deep state". Which is why I posted this. This is a second and separate debunking (Mueller's info coming from the FBI). This second debunking coming from an agency WITHIN the Executive branch. And, as Bossert says, the HSC concluded the responsible party was Russia BEFORE they asked the FBI to look into the matter.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-135.


  1. After calling what Bossert said a "red herring" (in your video) Stephanopoulos asks Rudy, "do you accept that it's not true" (that the Ukrainians have a copy of the DNC server). Rudy replies, "I accept that it IS true". He CONFIRMS the accuracy of what Bossert said.

    NO RED HERRING. CONFIRMATION (by Rudy Giuliani in the video you link to).

    I any case, the MAIN point I was making was that the FACT that Russia hacked the DNC was confirmed by the United States Homeland Security Council (an entity within the Executive Office) before the FBI concluded the same thing. Is Bossert a "deep state" operative?

    That is the (phony baloney) charge your side throws out whenever someone within government (who is in a position to know stuff) tells the truth.

    1. Bossert's an "Atlantic Council" globalist Deep-State supporter.

    2. The Atlantic Council has, since its inception, stated it is a nonpartisan institution, with members "from the moderate internationalist wings of both parties" in the United States.

    3. His curririculum vitae is steeped in Deep State support:

      Immediately before, he was a fellow at the Atlantic Council and prior to that he served as Deputy Homeland Security Advisor to President George W. Bush. In that capacity, he co-authored the 2007 National Strategy for Homeland Security. Prior to that, Bossert held positions in the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Small Business Administration, the Office of the Independent Counsel, and the House of Representatives.[3] He also was appointed as the Director of Infrastructure Protection under Bush, overseeing the security of critical U.S. infrastructure, a post he held for two years.[4]

      Bossert was appointed the Senior Director for Preparedness Policy within the Executive Office of the President.

    4. Something that doesn't exist can't be "supported". The "deep state" was invented as a foil for Dotard - to explain his corruption, failures and incompetency. Non cultists don't buy your "deep state" bullshit. Well, some of the less intelligent masses might, but smart people know it's a load of crap.

      In any case, given what you quote above, why did Dotard hire him?

    5. Because like most "elites" he had the "paper qualifications" (time served & education) that most elites believe are necessary to fulfil certain occupations. Unfortunately, they were in the no-longer-applicable "globalist" policy realm, not the applicability-de-jour "nationalist" policy realm.

    6. White Nationalism is not du-jour. Deplorable scumbag trumpturds are a minority. You only "won" because you cheated. Collusion with Russis, voter suppression, election fraud, etc. Your Orange Turd Cult Leader's high unpopularity (highest ever) and majority support for impeachment proceedings proves your hate isn't du-jour.

  2. Rudy's excuse for calling what Bossert said a "red herring" is that (according to him) he never said the Ukrainians were behind the hacking. He still asserts that they (somehow) have a copy of the server. Which is why Dotard asked the Ukrainian president if he could "do him a favor" and find it for him. YOU asserted they had it on Lisa's blog. There is no "red herring". Only (perhaps) a minor quibble with the details concerning the bullshit conspiracy theory Rudy fed to the president.

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  4. Asad, are you sure you want Dervish Sanders to set up business in your country? Dervish is Southern White trailer trash. He's an expert at scooping up dog poop, but that's his only true talent.

  5. Hey there, Dervish? How was the Morning Joyride on MSNBC? Just curious how access MSNBC: do you have cable? Do you get it via any number of satellite services such as Direct TV? No need to tell me what satellite service you subscribe to if you get it through such services, as I'm just a bit curious. Or, do you get your MSNBC through an internet service? Did you do some 4x4 in the Pinky Toot Toot lately? I heard through the grapevine you don't have your rusty old Chevy Vega anymore. Irl Hudnutt couldn't swipe any more parts out of the GM factory to keep your heap running. So you got some cash for your clunker? I just recently saw some pictures of your new European ride. Don't worry. The team has decided to hold off showing the pics for now. We want to make sure you enjoy your new ride before Burdick's nephew nukes it while blurting "Toot Toot" during your morning joyride. Timmy's morning joyride in your Chevy Vega was the last toot that nuked it into a huge rust pile. The pink turd streak your mutt Buttstink left in the That's Gross Stanley Steemer ad shoot confirmed the demise of your rust bucket Vega.

    1. You know nothing about me, Edward. All the "facts" you think you have uncovered are incorrect. Additionally, your fiction stories (about me and other bloggers you dislike) are moronic.

  6. Replies
    1. The "deep state" as you describe it DOES NOT EXIST (cabal of government employees conspiring to take down Dotard). However, career non-partisans who continue to work at various governmental agencies regardless of whether the administration is Democratic or Republican could be referred to as a "deep state". Some of these people have spoken up regarding the lies Dotard has been telling about them. Regarding the article you link to, I DO agree with John McLaughlin regarding these patriots, some of whom are testifying before the House despite the Dotard administration's continuing attempts to obstruct justice (by instructing these witnesses to not show up).

  7. Get my name correct, Dervy. I'm Max. Are you a blind old fart? Can you not see my avatar? I'm Max, aka Rattrapper. But then again, since you worship an old senile fart named Bernie as if he were some personal god, you aren't very bright. I see you changed your cartoon showing your vision of shoving things up men's buttocks to a color version too. I saw a picture of your latest commiemobile which got recently smuggled into Tennessee. I hope your buttboy Irl knows how to get parts for the commie pink cadillac you somehow got.
