WYM Pages

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Dotard (Caught Trying To Strongarm Ukrainian Leader Into Colluding) Now Trying To Provoke Iran (Going For "Wartime President" Bump)

The illegitimate president knows he can't win an election without cheating. Explaining why he attempted to extort the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, into announcing a (bogus) investigation into Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Now, having attempted to collude and failing (and being impeached for this unconstitutional abuse of power), it looks like Dotard is getting desperate. Not that the war with Iran play wasn't something Dotard wasn't considering early on (one of the reasons he pulled the US out of the JCPOA).

Dotard must know his reelection chances are seriously threatened. First Dotard's own State Department cleared Hillary Clinton, determining there was "no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information". Then the oranges investigation fell apart. According to the Inspector General's findings, the FBI had a legitimate reason to investigate the Dotard campaign. Additionally the IG found no evidence of political bias.

Clearly Dotard believes that, if at first your attempts to cheat do not succeed, you must redouble your efforts. Explaining why he's now playing the Iran card. Obviously the orange psychopath doesn't give a shit how many American lives his reckless action may cost. Not to mention the fact that Dotard ordered the assassination of Iranian Quds Force general, Qassem Soleimani, without informing Congress.

The Dotard administration claims the assassination was legal because Soleimani was planning attacks and posed an imminent threat. Something we're supposed to believe without any proof being presented, apparently. I don't know about you, but my suspicion is that Dotard is almost certainly lying.

Not that I think the Dotard administration won't be able to point to an actual "imminent" threat. But couldn't presidents going back many administrations have ordered the killing of Soleimani and also justified it by saying he posed an "imminent" threat? So what changed? We don't have to guess, because Dotard told us he believes a conflict with Iran would be helpful when it comes to reelection.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders.WYM-141.


  1. There is little to NO question that the Iranian General was a very bad actor. Almost as bad as Dotard. But,there is also mo question that Dotard blundered with his strike decision that killed Soleimani.

    As you point out Dotard needs a major distraction from HIS impeachment) (war is major) and one that gives him a GWB wartime bump.

    Trump is hoping his reelection will be insured by war with Iran and the destruction in lives and fortunes it would bring.

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  2. There is no requirement in law that the disclosure be "deliberate". ;p

    Unauthorized disclosure of classified information is a type of security incident that can be characterized as an infraction or violation depending on the seriousness of the incident. Unauthorized disclosure of classified information can happen in various ways. It can be disclosed either intentionally or accidentally and can occur through leaks, spills, espionage, or not following proper safeguarding procedures.

    1. Your comment has something to do with the post topic?
      Anyway, when it comes to disclosing classified intell, Dotard has a Wikipedia page. I also heard there was a new one yesterday, when Dotard (high on Adderall, sniffing and slurring) addressed the nation in regards to Iran's missile attack. Did you notice that walking to the podium winded him?

    2. You didn't say this? "Dotard must know his reelection chances are seriously threatened. First Dotard's own State Department cleared Hillary Clinton, determining there was "no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information". "

      Who knew?

    3. PS - Trump can't illegally disclose classified information. Ultimately, "what's classified" is whatever Trump says it is, just like what's "legal" is whatever SCOTUS says is legal (regardless of what the Constitution says).

    4. I didn't know you were replying to that one sentence. As opposed to the overall point I was making with the post. In any case, my reply doesn't include the word "illegal". It's still highly inadvisable and incredibly stupid. Certainly when Dotard does it. And yes, he's done it multiple times. Including giving classified intell in the oval office to Russians that originated with an ally (a disclosure they were not happy about).

      HRCs emails were to other government employees. She never "disclosed" classified intell publicly or to our enemies. Also, why release a statement that says there was no deliberate mishandling if she can/will be charged? We KNOW Dotard wants her charged. Is Barr is failing in his toady duties?

      "Whatever the SCOTUS says is legal" isn't ORIGINAL INTENT. Which is what the Cons on the SCOTUS always say they are ALL about. Of course this is total bullshit -- as you CONFIRM.
