WYM Pages

Monday, January 6, 2020

Mystere's Very Happy New Year's Eve

Sources have informed me that Mystere had a very happy New Year's eve encounter. The image below represents what occurred.

Yes, it is true that Mystere is a racist who hates Black people. But his inhibitions were down because he was high on shrooms. VERY high. Now he's embarrassed and concerned that he may have contracted an STD. Due to the "fact" that Blacks from shitholes all have AIDS (as per predisent Dotard, whom Mystere believes unquestioningly).

While the man is an immigrant from Nigeria, he is a naturalized US citizen who has lived in California for almost 20 years. Mystere's neighbor (my source) is a cartoonist (he drew the pic above and emailed it to me) who says he did video the encounter (planning on outing Mystere), but Mystere found the recording device and smashed it.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. 5/17/2019 mystere's moonbat spanker. wym142.


  1. Is this another Dervish fantasy disguised as a Mystere story?

    1. You must be channeling Milo Yannopolous.

    2. No, it's a Mystere fantasy. And I don't "channel" White Nationalists.

    3. White Nationalists have gay black lovers? Who knew?

    4. Milo never claimed to be a white nationalist, ergo, no "hypocrisy" is involved. It just means "you lied about him."

    5. You lie about Milo. It's the same lie you tell about Dotard. Many White Nationalists deny what they are.

    6. Accusations constitute evidence? BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-hA.......

    7. The article I link to above includes a picture of Milo holding a sign declaring the fact that he is a White Nationalist. "Accusation"... bwahh! Of course he's going to deny it. Because everyone knows White Nationalism is hate.

      Quote: White nationalists claim that culture is a product of race, and advocate for the self-preservation of white people. White nationalists seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white nations. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in mainly-white countries, maintain their dominance of its political and economic life, and that their culture should be foremost. [excerpted from the Wikipedia entry for "White Nationalism"].

      Milo's sign reads (in part) "our borders, language culture make America great".

    8. Quote: The Anti-Defamation League, which studies the movement [the Alt-Right], describes its adherents as those "who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of forms of conservatism that embrace implicit or explicit racism or white supremacy".

      Yiannopoulos... has called himself a "fellow-traveller" of the movement... [end quote]

    9. The article I link to above includes a picture...

      No it doesn't. or you would link to it.

      Milo's sign reads (in part) "our borders, language culture make America great". Black culture isn't American? Who knew?

    10. I did link to it. It is right here.

      Wikipedia/Milo Yiannopoulos: According to hundreds of emails by Yiannopoulous leaked by Buzzfeed in late 2017, Yiannopoulos repeatedly solicited white nationalists, such as American Renaissance editor Devin Saucier, for story ideas and editing suggestions during his tenure at Breitbart. The emails show that this was an effort to appeal to a racist readership through dog-whistling. [end Wikipedia excerpt]

      "American Renaissance" is a White Nationalist magazine. But you'll deny this as well. This I know given your past pretending to not understand how dog-whistling works.

      And isn't Hispanic/Mexican culture also American culture? I mean, there are Mexican Americans who can say they've lived here (on land that previously wasn't but now is) located in the United States for many generations.

      Don't Conservatives blame Black culture for crime, out of wedlock births, welfare dependency, etc. Now suddenly you're a fan?

    11. Chicano culture (low rider) is American, no doubt about it. Even the
      Talking to communists (like you) makes me a communist? Who knew?

      Japanese love Chicano (American) culture. I grew up in the East Bay w/Santana.

      And who said I was a fan? I just said, it was American culture. America can be great and still have bed habits. Wealth provides a magnet for them. And only a big dog can brag about his fleas.

    12. ps- Tejano culture is great, too. It's NOT Mexican culture. It's 100% American.

    13. American culture comes in plenty of diverse flavors. It's not all "vanilla".

    14. Americans can take their pick from many MANY diverse subcultures. But like ANY Chinese menu, please, choose only Two from Column A and one from Column B. After all, it's the "limit" that ultimately creates the form.

    15. Minus: ...who said I was a fan? ...only a big dog can brag about his fleas.

      It must really bother you that America is infested with so many parasites (your view, as per the quoted comment).

    16. We're hoping to educate them out of their parasitic Democrat voting vices....

  2. Aww. It's kinda sweet that Edward "Mystere" Endo found someone to tickle his fancy.

    And his prostate.

  3. Amusing. But struggling to find any value of consequence.

    1. They can't all be "of consequence". Nor would I want them to be. "Amusing" is good too.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Mystere has been MIA since this post was published. No comments on Lisa's blog (even though there is an active thread there). No new commentaries on any of his many blogs. Maybe he was so embarrassed (by this post) that he has gone into hiding?

  6. Hey Prick face. In America you have the right to hate anyone you please to.
    That’s why I hate you.
