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Saturday, February 8, 2020

Mitt Romney Makes History As The First Republican Ever To Vote To Convict A President Of His Own Party In A Senate Impeachment Trial

The following music video opened the 2/6/2020 airing of NBC's Late Night with Stephen Colbert (episode 875).

One lone republican senator had the integrity and the guts to vote to impeach the obviously guilty Dotard. Although Romney only voted guilty in regards to Article 1 (Abuse of Power) and not Article 2 (Obstruction of Congress). Apparently Romney thought it was just fine for Dotard to refuse to cooperate AT ALL with the House's inquiry. Nevertheless, I congratulate Romney for his vote. A vote that Romney says was guided by his faith. Although the orange ignoramus had the temerity to say (at the National Prayer breakfast on 2/6/2020), "I don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong".

What Romney did was right, you tool of Satan. btw, I refer to Dotard as a tool of Satan because I believe he is. Following the sacrilege of Dotard using a prayer breakfast to attack those who "wronged" him, Jimmy Kimmel aired footage of Dotard holding up a copy of USA Today with a large font heading reading "acquitted". Although Kimmel's team digitally edited the heading to read "Evil Wins". A header which accurately describes how I feel about what happened. Another accurate heading could have been "Putin Wins", but "Evil Wins" is even more accurate, IMO.

Luckily there were no Democratic defectors. All 45 Democratic Senators voted guilty on both articles of impeachment. btw, it is time for Susan Collins to go. First she said she thought Dotard had learned his lesson and that he wouldn't engage in similar behavior in the future. Then she modified her comment (when it quickly became apparent that wasn't going to happen), saying her words were aspirational and that she hoped Dotard would stop cheating. What a gutless dodo. Collins also knew that Brett Kavanaugh isn't for upholding Roe v Wade, but voted to confirm him anyway. Despite allegedly being pro-choice.

Every other republican senator decided they would be OK with going down in the history books as gutless enablers of a Putin-installed predisent. "I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests" Fiona Hill implored during her testimony before a joint House committee on 10/14/2019. LOL. It's funny because falsehoods that advance Putin's interests comprised the bulk of the GOP defense of Dotard.

In wrapping up his case against Dotard, House manager Adam Schiff said "I do not ask you to convict him because truth or right or decency matters nothing to him. But because we have proven our case and it matters to you. Right matters to you. You are decent. He is not who you are". Unfortunately Schiff was wrong in his assessment of Senate Republicans. The Senate Republicans who voted to acquit ARE like Dotard. Truth, decency and what is right does NOT matter to them. What primarily matters to them is that republican voters inexplicably approve of their horrible Putin-puppeted leader.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert presents: Secret Asset Man [A modified version of 1966's Secret Agent Man written by PF Sloan and Steve Barri, originally performed by Johnny Rivers] 1:48.


President Trump's victory lap included several jabs at Romney on social media, including a video released on Twitter, calling the senator from Utah a quote "Democrat secret asset".

[Music starts]

There's a man who leads a life of plainness.

Who voted to convict an ignoramus.

Sometimes tows the party line.

But went his own way this one time.

Odds are he'll be banned from Mar-A-Lago.

Secret asset man. Secret asset man.

You look like a stock photo in a store-bought picture frame.

Beware the orange faces that you find.

A hair transplant can't hide a stupid mind.

Your ties are made of silk, your favorite drink is milk. You can add it to your decaf macchiato.

Secret asset man. Secret asset man.

You voted with your conscience, you are a good Mor-man.

[song ends]

YouTube description: After Sen. Mitt Romney voted to convict President Trump in his impeachment trial, Trump called the Senator a "Secret Asset Man" for the Democrats. Little did he know, the nickname also comes with a catchy song.

Explaining his vote for a no witnesses shame trial trial, one of my senators, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, said (on the 2/2/2020 airing of Meet the Press with Chuck Todd) "he shouldn't have done it. And I say he shouldn't have done it. And now I think it's up to the American people to say... OK, good economy, lower taxes, conservative judges, behavior that I might not like (a call to Ukraine) -- weigh that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and pick a president".

So Republicans (those who at least acknowledge that what Dotard did is wrong and aren't full in with narratives that originated in Russia) are willing to overlook Dotard's corruption (and the rest of their party's complicity in pushing Putin's conspiracy theories) because they are getting everything else they want. F*ck you, Lamar.

I'm OK with the American people deciding in the upcoming election (given that you completely failed to do your Constitutional duty) but the election is going to be rigged. The Senate told Dotard (with it's "acquittal") that cheating is not an impeachable offense, guaranteeing that Dotard will do ALL he can to "win" again.

By cheating as much as possible to retain the White House. With help from Putin as well as any other foreign power that decides they'd rather have the (manipulable low IQ) Dotard retain the American presidency (North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Israel's corrupt leader, Erdoğan of Turkey, Bolsonaro of Brazil, the Philippines Duterte, etc). It's going to be a free-for-all this election season. Surely a reason why the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ is positive "Trump is going nowhere" (a comment he made using his Joe Conservative sockpuppet).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Quora 2/19/2010: What do you think of Donald Trump calling for Mitt Romney to be impeached? WYM-144.


  1. It's no secret that Romney's a Democratic ass-ette. You can have him.

    1. He isn't switching parties. You're stuck with him.

    2. When Romney runs for reelection Dotard won't be predisent any longer (hopefully he'll be in prison).

  2. btw - speaking of election cheating, you must be really proud of anotheracronym and it's Shadow app. That some high falutin' cheatin' there!

    1. ...in other words, Dem's have no real problems with cheating.... so long as it's in THEIR favour.

    2. NO.

      No, not proud. No proof the app facilitated any cheating. No proof there was any cheating. No, the preponderance of evidence proves it is the "GOP" that is the party of cheating. The cheating used to "only" be voter suppression and gerrymandering. Now it's collusion with foreign powers. YOU must be so proud.

    3. They are proud. Proud to have America lead by tRump. America's Bigliest Crimw Boss.

    4. Gerrymandering? Please. I live in Maryland. Democrats INVENTED it.

    5. Partisan gerrymandering has benefited Republicans more than Democrats (Business Insider article excerpt) The AP scrutinized the outcomes of all 435 U.S. House races and about 4,700 state House and Assembly seats up for election [in 2018] ... [Our] analysis found four times as many states with Republican-skewed state House or Assembly districts than Democratic ones [end quote].

    6. I applaud you Dervish for taking time in attempting to educate the low intelligence trumpian supporters by supplying them with FACTS and TRUTH. However, it has become increasingly OBVIOUS that trumpers are immune to both facts AND truth. Sad but true.

  3. Replies
    1. I wonder if rustie will catch my new word, shiuld and comment. LOL!

    2. You'll especially enjoy the notes... redistricted to the 3rd district....

    3. It's currently the "La Bamba"District. :)
