WYM Pages

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Predisent Dotard Confesses To Obstruction Of Congress. Senate Republicans Now Have No Choice But To Convict And Remove

Donald John Trump (aka predisent Dotard) was impeached by the House of Representatives for abuse of power (attempting to get the Ukrainian President to smear Joe Biden by announcing an investigation into him and his son) and obstruction of Congress (failing to turn over ANY requested documents and refusing to allow ANY witnesses to testify). The next step? Obviously acquittal by the Senate (because the GOP is in charge there).

This despite the fact that Dotard is guilty. In the partial/abbreviated transcript Dotard demands that President Volodymyr Zelensky investigate Joe Biden or ALL aid will be cut off (as per Lev Parnas). Then he called his ambassador Gordon Sondland, insisting he wanted nothing. And read his "notes" to the press.

Unfortunately for Dotard this call occurred after the whistleblower came forward with his concerns on 8/12/2019. The Sondland call occurred on 9/9/2019. That Dotard attempted to fabricate evidence showing there was no Quid Pro Quo proves consciousness of guilt.

Still the wholly corrupt GOP continues to defend Dotard. Unlike with Nixon. Nixon resigned to avoid being impeached. If today's Republican party had ANY integrity there would be many more GOP Congresspersons willing to admit the truth, which is that their predisent is guilty. He was guilty of colluding with Russia and Obstructing Mueller's investigation. He is guilty of trying to cheat (again) by colluding with any takers (Ukraine, China, Russia, etc).

But the GOP has zero integrity. Which has emboldened the criminal predisent. Explaining why Dotard just confessed again. This time to the 2nd Impeachment article.

At a televised press conference at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos on Wednesday [1/22/2020], Trump boasted of his confidence about acquittal because "Honestly, we have all the material. They don't have the material". (Source).

According to White House spokesman Hogan Gidley, "What the president was clearly saying was that the evidence was all on our side". BULLSHIT. Who refers to evidence as "the material"? If Dotard meant evidence he would have said "evidence".

Dotard was CLEARLY referring to the documents that the administration refused to turn over and witnesses subpoenaed that the administration told not to testify. Given Dotard's confession (Gidley's laughable lie notwithstanding) the Senate now has no choice but to convict.

Goodbye Dotard. I'm sure they'll want to swear in VP Pence so he can get his campaign up and running ASAP. And, good news for the Republicans, Pence can run for 2 terms due to the fact that the term limit amendment says a president can serve for 10 years total (2 terms would put Pence at 9 years).

On the other hand, (this is as per the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ) only Pence would vote for Pence. Even his own wife would not vote for him, apparently. Not that she'd vote for the Democrat. I'm guessing she'd just stay home or show up and write in "Dotard". Even though, after being impeached and removed, Dotard would be Constitutionally ineligible.

From the Minus FJ blog "Political Tea Leaves". 1/26/2020 to 1/28/2020.

Minus FJ: Bernie 2020... tied to his Senate chair by Nancy Pelosi so that Biden can have a 0.00001 % chance to run unopposed in the General. Bring on the witnesses!

Dervish Sanders: Unopposed? The republic party will give up (not field a nominee) if Dotard is impeached [and removed]? They wouldn't go with Pence? Why not?

Minus FJ: He'd only get one vote. His own.

Dervish Sanders: Evangelicals would vote for him. It is the reason he was added to the ticket. Why the f*ck do you think he was chosen? Other than for his excellent work as a boot-licking sycophant.

Minus FJ: Evangelicals aren't that stupid. He's just a sychophant like most pols in DC.

No, Minus. Evangelicals ARE that stupid. Pence absolutely was selected to curry favor with the fake Christians. Anyway, it appears that Minus is saying that Dotard made a spectacularly bad choice in selecting Pence as his VP.

A bad choice I say was made on purpose. Dotard's ego wouldn't allow him to approve someone competent (who might make him look bad) to run with him as VP. Pence's job isn't to step in if need be (25th amendment, impeachment and removal, death via natural causes, assassination, etc). Pence also will not run for potus. After a (God forbid) Dotard second term. He's ONLY there to be subservient and kiss Dotard's ass. A placeholder VP (because the Constitution requires one) and not an actual VP.

Video: At Davos on 1/22/2020 Predisent Dotard admitted that the 2nd Impeachment article passed by the House is accurate. He is guilty of obstructing congress by withholding requested materials and should be removed from office.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-143.


  1. You have a very active and vivid imagination. It's a shame it's not in any way linked to reality.

    1. I didn't imagine it. The video evidence is included at the bottom of my post. As for your imagination, it's clearly not that active. You just believe what the Rightwing lie machine (which gets it's material from Russia) tells you to believe.

  2. I think that Russia's going to convince the Senate to acquit. :)

    1. Aren't you paying attention? Russia already did :(

      Dotard's lawyers are lying and repeating Russian conspiracy theories nonstop. They think this equals a "defense" :(

    2. Dervish, Dervish, Dervish, surely you know that trumpers and Evangelicals supporting Trump (Dotard) are never really paying attn. They simply mouth the talking points fed them by FAUX News and Dotard.

  3. Trump will be acquitted by the cowards in the Senate. BUT. After a trial lacking witnesses and evidence there will be no exoneration.

    A Pyrrhic victory at best. And the Democrats can hammer this home during the election -- Trump was too scared to have any witnesses or evidence entered in his defense because he is GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! A cheat, liar, and fraud.

    And that is his legacy for ever.

  4. Meanwhile, Mike Bloomberg performs a leveraged buy-out of the DNC and spikes the Iowa Caucus results....Squashing Bernie's victory and prolonging Biden's viability. On to New Hampshire, for the NEXT fixed result!

    1. Who the f*ck are you to talk about fixed elections, given the fact that your predisent was selected by Putin and installed via a fixed election? At least Bloomberg is an American citizen. The RNC sold out to Russia!

  5. JHC, the Trumpers are dense, aren't they. Trump invited Russia to help him win in 2016 and then tried to cheat to win again with Ukraine! And the Trumpanzees are angry with Bloomberg?

    Did you see President Dotard farting around like an 8 year old while the national anthem was playing during his tax-payer funded Super Bowl party? Trump called Kapernick an s.o.b. for respectfully kneeling during the national anthem, and Trump didn't even have the respect to put his little fat pussy-grabbing hand over his black heart while it played.

    I love to see these constant reminders of what a hypocritical p.o.s. he truly is. He's a fake patriot, a fake billionaire, a fake husband, and a fake president. And let's not forget a chickenshit coward for being too afraid to let witnesses and evidence be introduced at his impeachment trial.

    He's still impeached, though. Forever!

    1. We can keep reminding the dim bulb trumpers until hell freezes over and they'll continue to worship his larded ass. For them he's considered the SAVIOR of the nation. The 72 year old cleansing old white guy that made the White House white again.

      The good news is he'll eventually be GONE (good riddance) and in a generation or less the GOP itself will become almost completely irrelevant. It has brought it upon itself.

    2. The acquittal was fake, just like the trial. A real trial has evidence and witnesses. Dotard would probably still been "acquitted" if there had been witnesses and evidence, but the "GOP" couldn't risk voters being exposed to facts about Dotard's guilt in so public a forum.

  6. Right minus FJ. But the thing is Trump remains impeached. History will judge Trump not by what his cultists and bootlickers say. It WILL judge Trump by the TRUTH. Something niether Trump or his supporters have the capacity to discern. History will have no such difficulty.

    1. How did history judge this idea? BWAH-HA-HA-HA! Bernie / George in 2020!

    2. Typical ridiculous response Thersites. But highly regular for syncophant tRumper cultists.

  7. Acquitted forever! Just like O.J. Simpson! He was acquitted forever too!!!!

    I understand you did a victory dance for O.J. when he was acquitted? Yes? Good for you!

    Now go back to kissing the fat greasy arse of the IMPOTUS! IMPOTUS FOREVER!!!!!
