WYM Pages

Friday, March 6, 2020

Soldiers With Traumatic Brain Injuries Have "Headaches". POS potus Says Such Injuries Are "Not Very Serious"

Following Iran lobbing a number of missiles at an American base in Iraq (in retaliation for Dotard ordering the assassination of an Iranian general) predisent Dotard tweeted idiocy that was later shown to be wrong.

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2020

As it turns out, all was NOT well. But the narcissist predisent who can NEVER be wrong, instead of acknowledging that soldiers were injured, decided to go with insensitive bullshit.

The Hill: [predisent Dotard] did draw the ire of several veterans groups when he stated last week, in response to reports that 34 100 service members suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that: "I heard they had headaches and a couple of other things, but I can report that it's not very serious".

...minimizing the impact of TBI may discourage those service members and veterans afflicted with one from seeking necessary medical care. According to RAND, several studies have shown an association between greater availability of mental healthcare and reduced rates in suicide. In other words, the sooner the care is rendered, the fewer the consequences of substance abuse, unemployment, homelessness and suicide.

Finally, regardless of severity, any TBI must be taken seriously, mainly because some symptoms may not be immediately apparent and will increase in severity over a period of time. If left untreated, these symptoms can rapidly progress to more serious complications. 1/27/2020.

Dotard would not even have had to admit he was wrong. Just don't say someone with a TBI might actually have a headache. Not only is this incredibly stupid (not surprising given the fact that Dotard is an idiot) but completely disgusting, insulting and potentially harmful (if a soldier with a "headache" doesn't take their injury seriously).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-148.


  1. Are you sure Trump isn't angling to become NFL commissioner after his 3rd presidential term retirement in 2028? ;)

    1. A third term would require a constitutional amendment. If such an amendment passed, Barack Obama could run again and easily defeat Dotard. If we aren't a fascist dictatorship by that time and Dotard hasn't had Obama tried in a kangaroo court and imprisoned on bogus charges.

    2. Barack Obama couldn't get elected Dog Catcher in his home district of Chicago.

    3. Majority of Democrats want third term for Obama. (excerpt) A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found. A Washington Post-ABC News survey released this week found Obama's net approval rating approaching 80 points in positive territory among Democrats. Former President Bill Clinton was at about 60 points positive within his own party at this point in 2000, while former President George W. Bush was under 40 with Republicans. [The Hill, 06/30/16].

    4. Bush had just crashed the housing market into a shopping mall...

    5. A shopping mall? Anyway, you are correct. People were happy with the job Obama did digging us out of the bush recession. And Dotard lied about inheriting a mess, when it was Obama who inherited a mess. And fixed it. Dotard took Obama's good economy and goosed it with big tax cuts. Then took all the credit.

    6. Trump is the most beloved president in modern history!

    7. Bullshit. He is the most hated.

      Most Voters Dislike President Donald Trump Personally. (9/23/2019 article excerpt) A new Wall Street Journal and NBC News poll found that more than two-thirds, or 69%, of voters say they do not like Trump personally.

    8. Only Mrs. Lincoln loved Abe "personally".

    9. Like and dislike are the two options discussed in the article. Not love. Dotard is a blowhard and an asshole. And to MOST people (including trump-voting republicans) those qualities aren't assets.

    10. My claim was "beloved," not liked/disliked. You supplied the bait and switch article.

  2. "Barack Obama couldn't get elected Dog Catcher in his home district of Chicago."

    Speaking of not being able to win dog catcher in his own district and state, Donald Trump lost his home city and the state of New York to Hillary in 2016.

    And Barack Obama is the first president in more than five decades to win at least 51 percent of the national popular vote twice.

    Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary and lost his home city and state to her as well.

    1. Trump is still president! Hillary slammed into a glass ceiling and is now famous for losing presidential elections because she was too lazy to campaign in the midwest.

    2. Barack Obama was still president for 2 terms. Elected, then re-elected. Dotard only became predisent with help from Kobach and Putin. And Dotard was legitimately impeached and ONLY not removed because the "GOP" ignored the evidence that DEMANDED Dotard's removal. The history books will record Obama as one of our best president, while they will note that Dotard was one of our worst.

    3. Barack Obama was the nation's one and only affirmative action president. Since then, Democrats have returned to nominating only old white men.

    4. Barack Obama earned the nomination. F*ck your "affirmative action" bullshit.

    5. Now Joe Biden's VP is going to be an affirmative action for women pick.

  3. "Barack Obama was the nation's one and only affirmative action president. Since then, Democrats have returned to nominating only old white men."

    Last time anyone checked, Hillary Clinton is a woman. She was the Democratic Party's nominee in 2016 and won the popular vote by 3 million. President Dotard won with the help of Russia and the stupidity of Trumpers. Now they can see what a useless moron he is and what a disaster he's been during the coronavirus pandemic.

    In 2017, there were 165.92 million women in the United States, compared to 159.41 million men. If there's any "affirmative action" going on it's in choosing men as a nominee for president. But a Trumper like FJ wouldn't understand the actual fact that there are more women than men in the US, making any choice of a male actual "affirmative action."

    Women outnumber men in the workforce.

    Women outnumber men in law schools.

    Women outnumber men in medical schools.

    FJ's stupid (meaning ignorant and uneducated) remark about "affirmative action" referring to Biden choosing a woman as a running mate is perhaps predicated on the fact that FJ may be part of an older generation, possible in his late 70s or 80s and not aware of the changing demographics of this country where women are most definitely NOT minorities.

    Women also outvote men.

    And a majority of American women do not support trump.

    "[A]ccording to the Fox poll, Trump – who took 41% of the women's vote to Clinton's 54% in 2016 – would lose female voters by bigger margins to Biden (who would get 51% of female voters, to Trump's 36%),

    Like all Trumpers, FJ lives in a bubble and is happy in his smug, little ignorant world.

  4. Mueller's DOJ prosecutors have dropped the case against the Russian Troll Farm... bogus from Day 1. Muh Russia was always a hoax. This proves it.

    1. Wrong. The reason the cases against Concord Management and Concord Consulting were dropped was because the defendants were abusing our legal system by "taking advantage of the discovery process to potentially harm U.S. national security... while also ignoring court-issued subpoenas". source.

      btw, there are no "Mueller DOJ prosecutors". Robert Mueller has retired from government. Toady Barr is in charge of the DOJ, although he didn't personally pull the plug. Possibly because they WANT the Russians to "obtain discovery from the U.S. government regarding its efforts to "detect and deter foreign election interference". Info that will be very helpful to their efforts to steal a second term for their puppet Dotard.
