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Friday, March 20, 2020

We Are In The Early Days Of The Trump Depression

Not only will people die who otherwise would not have, but our economy will suffer greatly. All because of a moron's incompetence. btw, I'm going with "Trump Depression" over "Dotard Depression" (even though I like alliteration) because I think it's important Dotard get proper credit. "Dotard" is the nickname given to BLOTUS by his lover, Kim Jong Un, while Trump is is proper name (changed by his father from Drumpf).

Following are the contents of an email I received yesterday evening from MoveOn.org.

Dear MoveOn member, Donald Trump's mind-bogglingly incompetent handling of the coronavirus has resulted in a worsening of the pandemic that is hitting our economy, communities, and individual lives in shocking ways—and it should destroy any last shot at his winning a second term.

But a new poll from The Wall Street Journal finds that 45% of voters actually approve of the job Trump is doing handling the coronavirus pandemic -- almost exactly the same as his overall approval rating. That means too many voters simply don't know the facts about the enormous threat of the coronavirus and how much worse Trump has made the pandemic through his bungled response.

They don't know that Trump literally shut down the office responsible for responding to a pandemic or that he defunded the CDC. The message hasn't gotten through that if Trump had been prepared and had taken swift action during the first crucial days and weeks, this epidemic could have been contained. They aren't aware that he was warned of threats of pandemics the day he was inaugurated -- and yet, he ignored this unfolding crisis, failing to secure tests or take precautions and even intentionally downplaying the level of infections.

Around the world, countries that responded faster to the pandemic outbreak have been able to slow down the rate of infection and avoid the more serious and disruptive scenarios unfolding here in the U.S.

Just days ago, Trump said that no one could have thought that coronavirus would even be a subject worth talking about.3 In fact, all over the world, there have been warnings for months that this was coming.

But the Trump administration was unprepared to respond, because Trump himself eliminated the office in charge of pandemic response and gutted funding for the Centers for Disease Control.

Click here to donate to an ad campaign to get the message out.

Dotard is fiddling while the virus rages. Just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned. The following is from Dotard's actual Twitter feed.

Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 8, 2020

How much more proof do we need that this idiot should absolutely not be president? Joe Biden can't be sworn in soon enough. btw, I knew from day one that Dotard would destroy the US economy, although I couldn't have guessed the form it would take. Poor Joe Biden. When he assumes control he will also assume responsibility and blame.

You KNOW that magaturds certainly won't be using the accurate term "Trump Depression" to describe the economic calamity (and broken government) that Joe will inherit. Instead they will find a way to blame Democrats. Which I always knew would be the case, but the fact that it was a virus (and, as per MoveOn, 45% of voters are oblivious to how Dotard has bungled our government's response) will give their denials some plausibility. "How can President Trump be held accountable for the effects of a virus" they will ask. Ugh.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Image from The Week photoshopped by Dervish Sanders. WYM-149.


  1. What is Trump currently doing that Democrats would do not. What is Trump NOT doing that Democrats would do? Speak up now or admit that Trump is the greatest president since Washington.

    1. Dotard is one of the worst presidents in American history. If not THE worst. This could have been contained a lot faster. It WOULD have been contained (or in the process of being contained) under president Hillary Clinton. She wouldn't have shut down the office responsible for responding to a pandemic or have defunded the CDC. President Hillary Clinton would have acted quickly to secure tests and take precautions. And she certainly would not have been intentionally downplaying the level of infections as Dotard has. Dotard is guilty of criminal negligence IMO.

    2. Trump has been lying to the American people about the Covid-19 and bullshitting them about it as well.

      That's what Democrats would NOT do, and that's what Trump has been doing. You're welcome.

      Trump is, however, the Greatest Lying-Ass President since G. Washington. He's also a champion adulterer and sexual assaulter, a first-class conman who ran fake universities and foundations, and an insecure, whiney-ass titty baby, (WATB) whose insatiable need for adulation and obsequious loyalty is unparalled in an American POTUS.

      Trump is the miserable virus on America that needs to be cured by a voter vaccine in November.

    3. Clearly Shaw, you are correct. The fact that Joe/-FJ or any other conservative can refute what I posted, even though they tried, is testament to the facts.

      President DJT, in the middle of the biggest crisis in the US in years, is simply unable, or unwilling to level with the American people, tell us the truth and chart a way forward.

      Why is that?


    4. Democrats would tell the truth? BWAH-HA-HA-HA!

      There's an old Italian proverb... "Alexander never did what he said, and Caesar never said what he did." Trump may be Alexander, but Obama was Caesar. Tens of thousands of Americans died during the Obama administration from the flu. No Democrats cared...

    5. Yes -FJ, thousands die of the flu every year, including during the Obama Admin. But the flu does not have the ability to overwhelm the US healthcare system and it is treatable with Tamiflu and a series of vaccines.

      There is no real treatment for Covid-19 and it is far deadlier of you get it because it does damage before you are aware you have it.

      Perhaps you, like President Trump, know more than the great majority, Trump supporters as well, of medical professionals that are advising that this is way worse than the flu?

    6. lol! What makes you think that the flu can't mutate into a black swan event like COVID-19 did? There would be no vaccine or treatment fir THAT event, either.

      And there is no evidence that COVID-19 is any deadlier, and won't be for many, MANY months. THAT will be a judgement for historians, not prophets and forecasters.

  2. -FJ... what is Trump doing that a Dem would not? Perhaps being dishonest with the American people.

    For example...

    Speaking of the Navy hospital ships he said... "So those two ships are being prepared to go, and they can be launched over the next week or so". He also said the ships were in "tip-top shape."

    This is demonstrably false.

    Regarding the web site for Covid-19 info he said... "Google is helping to develop a website," and he added, "It's going to be very quickly done — unlike websites of the past — to determine whether a test is warranted and to facilitate testing at a nearby convenient location."

    This is demonstrably false.

    Regarding virus tests, Pres Trump said "They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful. Anybody that needs a test gets a test." His VP also said "a million tests are in the field" and that "by the end of this week, another 4 million tests will be distributed."

    All of these statements are demonstrably false.

    So... was trump misinformed, wrong or lying? Since these statements are not true, there can be no other explanation. In a Democratic Admin, GOP partisans would be calling for a pres to resign after so many untruths.

    Why not now?

    Trump's struggles with the truth have led to questioning his words even in the few times when they are accurate and truthful.

  3. This is demonstrably false.

    False, how? The Mercy is currently in San Diego and can leave almost immediately for 30 hours transit time to Seattle (the time it takes to get the medical personnel together, who can board in Seattle). The Comfort is in a shipyard in Norfolk being worked on, but could be towed (if necessary) to NYC and repaired along the way as medical personnel assemble in New York. All it takes for that to happen is the will to "make it so".

    Truth lies in the "making it so"... standard times for things to be done under "normal" circumstances don't apply. What you doubt is the President's will to make it so... and THAT is a very BAD bet.

    1. Joe C said... "The Comfort is in a shipyard in Norfolk being worked on, but could be towed (if necessary) to NYC and repaired along the way as medical personnel assemble in New York."

      Nice try Joe, but a ship that has to be towed is hardly in "Tip Top" shape as Pres Trump said. The Comfort, which Trump said is already bound for New York Harbor, is still undergoing maintenance on the east coast and there are no medical personnel on board. The Mercy, is also being worked on and has no medical crew.

    2. The Comfort isn't needed to transport Caronavirus victims, it's needed as a stationary hospital. As a stationary hospital, the Comfort is in tip-top shape. At least it can be moved. Try moving Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. You can't.

      As for personnel, they're all available and awaiting orders. There's no need for them to be onboard when not deployed, just as there are no need for doctors on weekends when the surgeries are closed.

    3. Again -FJ, it's over a week now and that ship is not seaworthy and being towed, is not Tip Top shape. You're twisting yourself into a pretzel to show Trump did not misspeak at best, and lie at the other end of the spectrum.

      Ask yourself why he can't just tell the truth?

      You know if it had been President Obama saying these things, you'd be chastising him for lying, you're just unable to see it in Trump.

    4. It hasn't been a week, its' been three days. And how was Trump supposed to know that it was in a shipyard undergoing repairs? Does he keep tabs on the immediate availability of every ship in the US Navy? Lots of people knew of the Comfort and Mercy. Very few knew their precise operational status at the moment. Do you know that status of the USS Ronald Reagan ant this moment, top of your head?

    5. Trump was passing on ideas that had been passed on to him by others. How is that lying? Someof these ideas may yet pan out... like the alternative treatment drugs.

    6. Nice link -FJ... did you read the story? In April!

      As for Pres Trump's statements, as president, in the middle of a crisis, he should take care to not pass on information the public needs, until it has been verified as factual. Anything less is irresponsible.

    7. -FJ said... Trump was passing on ideas that had been passed on to him by others. How is that lying? Someof these ideas may yet pan out... like the alternative treatment drugs.

      Just passing on? Really? That's the defense? That Trump was just passing on ideas?

      Again, Trump said they were in "Tip Top" shape and ready to go. Ppl are still waiting.

      BTW, I love the idea, but he could have said "We're outfitting our Mercy Ships now and with in few days they will be staffed, outfitted and ready to deploy."

      Short, succinct, factual and not a problem. And what a prepared president should have done.

    8. Minus: Trump was passing on ideas... Some of these ideas may yet pan out... like the alternative treatment drugs.

      Right. They might not pan out. If by "not pan out" you mean KILL YOU.

      Arizona man dies after attempting to take Trump coronavirus "cure". (excerpt) Wife survives after couple in their 60s ingested chloroquine phosphate, which Trump falsely claimed was approved to treat coronavirus. ... "Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure", the woman told NBC. ... At a news conference last week, Trump falsely stated that the Food and Drug Administration had just approved the use of an anti-malaria medication called chloroquine to treat patients infected with coronavirus. [end excerpt]

      Stupid a-hole should be careful what he says. SOME people actually believe the idiot knows what he's talking about. But he doesn't care.

    9. Would you drink Aquarium Cleaner if it had sugar in it?

      Not the sharpest tool in the shed...

  4. Replies
    1. From your link... Reading through that description, however, you’ll notice that it doesn’t include what Trump originally claimed it would.

    2. Here's what Verge, the site you linked, had to say...

      "[The site] doesn’t include what Trump originally claimed it would. The nearest thing to finding a test is a drop-down menu that provides links to local websites — for example, choosing California provides a link to the California Department of Public Health."

      The relevant quote is this... the site doesn't include what "Trump said it would".

      Nice try again Joe...

    3. ...you can't get a test at the California Dept. of Public Health? I'll bet you can.

    4. Sorry -FJ... only under certain conditions. And not here in Nevada. Apparently, only Congress and other VIP's can get tests whenever they want, in direct contradiction of recommendations from all health officials.

    5. Yes, the condition of "need". And Vips can't get tested unless they too meet the criteria of a need to test due to likely exposure to the virus.

    6. I'll bet that if you walked in to the Nevada test site and stated that you just got off a plane from Wuhan, you'd be in isolation awaiting test results within 10 minutes.

  5. The first shipment of Chinese billionaire Jack Ma's donation of 1 million masks and 500,000 coronavirus test kits to the United States arrived in the US on Monday morning.

    So demonstrate the falseness of it. Use numbers.

  6. More than 10 million test kits were distributed to labs nationwide in the first two weeks of March, US Assistant Health Secretary Brett Giroir said at a news conference.

    “We promised 1 to 4 million, there’s 10 million tests that are in the market now,” Giroir said — with 17 million more coming by the end of the month.

    1. Regarding testing... The Trump quote I referenced was from March 9. It was as false then as it remains today. According to NPR, "there's still not nearly enough testing, experts say. Most other countries with outbreaks have done a great deal more testing. For instance South Korea has tested more than 270,000 people to date.

      "The testing capacity remains extraordinarily limited compared to where we should be. And in many ways we are absolutely flying blind at the moment," says Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

      How is this beautiful? We do not have a test for everyone who wants a test to get a test, otherwise, health care professionals would not be triaging supplies to only the most affected areas.

      In the end Joe, President Trump, while doing the best he can, has been at best, cavalier with the facts. Because those facts don't make him look good.

    2. lol! 10 million is more than 4 million. Promises KEPT.

    3. -FJ... again, nope... another lie. Go ask your doctor for a test and get back to me. The Admin said "if you want a test, you can get a test."

      It wasn't true then, and it is not true now. Unless you're Rand Paul.

    4. You have to have the right reasons for being tested...and if you have them, you can and will be tested. You don't pass out a limitted resource in the midst of a pandemic to every hypochondriach in the nation. THAT would be the truly crminal.

    5. If people aren't being tested it's because they can't pass their doctor's screening for NEED to be tested. I can't just walk into a blood lab and ask to be tested for yellow fever... I need a doctor's prescription. It goes without saying. Are you really THAT stupid?

    6. Admin officials were tested because of known exposures and contacts with other Coronavirus positive patients.

    7. FJ... again, you are factually incorrect. When Pres Trump said those words, they were not true, for people who wanted them of people who needed them. Even today, health officials across the country, and as someone who organizes medical clinics in other countries I talk to these people regularly, are rationing those tests.

      Again, you're wrong.

      Now ask yourself another question... why resort to name calling? I thought you were better than that.

    8. BTW again -FJ... here in Nevada we've been able to do only 4000 tests. Only ppl with visible symptoms or deemed high risk are able to get the test, in spite of doctors orders.

      Again, your's, and the president's claims are demonstrably false.

    9. Is a reason to be tested that you're asymptomatic and spreading the virus? NO. Except you wouldn't know UNLESS tested.

    10. Try getting a doctor's prescription w/o a reason. Your "peace of mind" isn't a guarantee, "but doctor, I might be spreading bubonic plague..."

  7. Generally I agree with the contents you've here published. One small item however is not completely accurated. In researching CDC funding over the past five years CDC funding actually increased in 2017, 2018, and 2019 over 2015 & 2016. I note the figures were not adjusted for inflation.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Dave, you've done an admirable job in refuting all of -FJ's false statements.

    -FJ can have his own opinions, but he can't have his own facts.

    Bravo, Dave!

  10. And you can add this to the list of demonstrably false things Trump has claimed:

    "Last week, Trump falsely stated the Food and Drug Administration had just approved the use of chloroquine to treat patients infected with coronavirus. Even after the FDA chief clarified that the drug still needs to be tested, Trump overstated the drug’s potential upside in containing the virus.

    Dr. Daniel Brooks, medical director of Banner Poison and Drug Information Center, says the last thing health officials want is for emergency rooms to be swamped by patients who believe they found a vague and risky solution that could potentially jeopardize their health.

    A man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, one of the anti-malaria drugs that Trump has continually mentioned.

    The man's wife told NBC News that she'd watched TV briefings during which President Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine. The couple decided to mix a small amount of the substance with a liquid and drink it."

    This time, Trump's demonstrably false claim has taken a man's life. Words have consequences.

    1. And now, someone has cribbed my post, and copied and pasted it across the net. Maybe it's because that person, using my name no less, just is unable to fashion a cogent thought on his or her own.

      That may be the very definition of a loser.

  11. Dave, I've been told that the WYDers do that with posts from my blog. There's definitely something terribly wrong with those folks who deliberately go to a blog they know will be upsetting to them, and then copy and paste my comments into the WYD blog. That's crazy. But in the whole scheme of things, who cares? Our thoughts and opinions are in a teeny tiny area of the web, and those unhappy impostors and copy-cats apparently haven't the skills to express themselves, so they use our thoughts and opinions. In a way, it's actually flattering that they spend so much of their daily lives reading us and spreading our opinions around. LOL!

  12. Well Shaw and Derv... as you know the hits... er, lies keep coming. President Trump was asked the following question Sunday.

    " ...you’ve said repeatedly that you think that some of the equipment that governors are requesting they don’t actually need. You said New York might not need 30,000 …”

    He responded with the following...

    "I didn’t say that” and then followed his answer with... “Come on, come on. Why don’t you people — why don’t you act in a little more positive? It’s always ‘get ya, get ya, get ya.’ And you know what? That’s why nobody trusts the media anymore.”

    His answer to the first question, which provoked his second statement is a straight up lie.

    Am I misunderstanding something -FJ?

    Situations like these, where Pres Trump is unable to take responsibility for his lies, inaccurate statements and falsisms are part of the reason Trump lacks credibility with many Americans...

    1. Are you misunderstanding anything? You mean like, what the future will actually bring? Probably.

  13. -FJ... nice response, however as is typical, it's not connected to anything, devoid of actual facts and basically uninformed opinion.

    The thrust of my complaints expressed here, that Pres Trump has frequently mislead the American people, has now been shown to be incredibly true by this weekend's New York Times reports. Those reports, complete with published emails contradicting the president's words, can only be ignored if we say that every single person in the Admin who reportedly was sounding the alarm bells starting in early January, themselves are lying. And that only President Trump is telling the truth.

    Your rebuttals are useless unless you provide actual links, quotes and evidence that disproves my statements, the NY Times reports and the words of President Trump own admin officials.

    Seems like a tough order, but maybe you can make it happen.
