WYM Pages

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


Again (as with Steve Bannon's "we build the wall" scam) the joke is on YOU, republican Dotard supporters! In that Wayne was living large on the dime of dupes who sent the NRA money.

Maybe we can get rid of this Russia-colluding, corrupt, domestic terror organization and pass real gun reform? Signed by President Biden after being passed though a Democratically-controlled Congress (House and Senate)?

Post authored by the Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Image from The Week. Photoshop work by Dervish Sanders. WYM-167.


  1. I like the The Gregory Brothers. You think that second video is anti-Joe Biden? I don't see anything negative in it except making light of the "Corn Pop" story. I think that's a cool video. Unlike the videos of that other asshole you link to.

    Here's another funny one.

    1. It's obvious you've never experienced neuropathy or you wouldn't find sloped ramps so funny.

    2. Wanna know when they stop giving you chemo for cancer? When you can't feel your toes anymore. That's the "medical oncology" standard.

    3. wtf are you talking about? If Dotard is suffering from neuropathy, he hasn't revealed that. Instead he lies about his health and fakes examination results. I might have some sympathy for him if he told the truth. Instead he says he ran when he took two quick steps when he got to the end of the ramp. btw, Dotard lied nonstop about HRC being close to death during the campaign, yet she is still alive... so you can go f*ck yourself.

    4. Neuropathy isn't going to keep Trump from kicking Sleepy Joe's ass in 2020, that's for sure.

    5. Dotard confided in you -- something he's hiding from the public? Or is this a fake affliction like his "bone spurs"?

    6. Yu mean like FDR hid his wheelchair? lol!

    7. How do you hide a wheelchair? btw, you have nothing to say in defense of the NRA?

    8. I'll forever defend her members but I won't defend the surplus-salaried corporate bourgeois managers who misappropriated their member dues to feather their own nests.

      How do you hide a wheelchair? The press never showed it. See how well the cloak of Gyges covers for their "heroes"?

    9. So, what you're saying is that FDR wheelchair hiding was bad but that Dotard neuropathy hiding is good? Why?

      Why should individual firearm owners pay for the lobbying and PR of the firearm manufacturing industry? They can't afford to pay for it themselves because selling guns is unprofitable?

      NRA members = fools.

    10. Did I say it was bad? I'm just pointing out the nature of Gyge's cloak.

    11. Dotard is throwing the cloak over election interference now. He doesn't want Democrats to know the extent and nature of the help Russia is providing to help him "win" a second term.

    12. Russia's spending $100 on Facebook ads this year instead of $3? ...and $120 on Twitter? Democrats don't stand a chance!

    13. You lie!

      "Executives from Twitter said in a statement that the Russian state media agency Russia Today spent as much as $247,100 in ads targeting U.S. markets in 2016. Twitter also found 201 accounts linked to the same Russian operatives who promoted politically motivated ads on Facebook, as reported by CNN a day before.

      The real kick in the chin for democracy came from another... revelation: An Oxford University study showed voters in 27 swing states saw a higher concentration of fake news on Twitter than any other states in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election".

  2. The NRA has become indefensible. Once an organization supporting firearm safety and the "sport" of hunting game animals and marksmenship it is now a domestic terror organizagion supporting home grown militia type groups and the wackos they attract.

  3. The US Chamber of Commerce has officially made the Democrat Party the party for Corporate Globalism... congrats suckers and GOOD RIDDANCE!

    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is poised to endorse nearly two dozen freshmen House Democrats for reelection, triggering a revolt within the right-leaning organization and drawing fierce pushback from the group’s powerful GOP donors.

    The decision represents a sharp departure for the traditionally conservative Chamber, which has spent over $100 million backing Republican candidates during the past decade, and it threatens to further complicate the party’s prospects in the November election while driving a split in the business community.

  4. The GOP under Trumpism is no longer a TRUE conservative party. It is a gaggle of liars, bullshitters, and cheats. Kudos to the Chamber for being on the cusp of endorsing nearly 2 dozen freshman democrats for reelection.

  5. Acknowledging that Dotard is in WAY over his head and a horrible president does not make someone a globalist. It means they aren't stupid. And Dotard isn't doing shit to fight globalism. It is increasing under his watch.

    1. Wanna know the first office that was bombed after Chavez took over Venezuela? The Chamber of Commerce.

    2. Your response to everything that doesn'r fit the tired con narative is lol! Typical TTR.

    3. Would you prefer what your comments truly merit (f'ing LIARS!)?

    4. Sorry T'man. The facts are NOT on your side. LIAR.

  6. Venezuela's American Chamber of Commerce wasn't bombed? Who knew?

    1. In 2008? It was Venezuela's Chamber of Commerce. So, yes, Venezuela's American Chamber of Commerce wasn't bombed. I don't know wtf your point is, anyway. Socialist Venezuelans are anti-globalism? According to Dotard the Biden/Harris ticket will bring us socialism, and therefore anti-globalism. Build Back Better!

    2. https://www.venezuelanchamber.org. globalism central

    3. I'm against Wall Street capitalism, not Main Street capitalism. Chavez was against Both. Socialism is against both. Ergo Bernie can shove HIS anti-capitalism anti-globalismwhere the sun don't shine. :)

    4. Unfortunately for you it will ultimately be Trumpism that will be shoved deep where the sun don't shine. Just like it happened to Facism in Italy and Nazism in Germany. Only in America it will be the REAL Americans shoving Trumpism where the sun don't at the ballet box.

    5. Every day the Left keeps digging its hole, deeper and deeper, in Portland. You might as well just swear Trump in again, now. :)

    6. Bernie Sanders: "Thank God" for capitalism.

      John Harwood of CNBC: How do you factor in the significance of the fact that modern, global capitalism has substantially reduced poverty in other parts of the world?

      Sanders: When you talk about the global economy, you're right. Thank God. The terrible, terrible poverty that has been seen in the developing world, some of that is receding. That's great. On the other hand, you are looking at an unbelievable and grotesque level of global income and wealth inequality. And you're also seeing, not only massive income and wealth inequality, but in many countries a movement toward increased authoritarianism and away from human rights and democracy. [end excerpt]

      That Bernie Sanders is anti-capitalism is BULLSHIT. He's anti-extreme income inequality and anti-poverty.

    7. He's for the government doing everything. That's not capitalism.

  7. There certainly is a plethora of idiots that are incapable of understanding that democratic socialism does not authoritarian socialism make. Nor does authoritarian communism it make.

    But Trumpism? Now that is a fine representation of the framework that authoritarian fascism can grow and thrive. Also a fine system in which income and wealth inequality is supported and nourished.

    Even Karl Marx recognized and acknowledged that CAPITALISM was the best economic system ever designed. He also realized greed ultimately creates the wage and wealth disparity that existed in his era. Just as it does today.

    Eliminating the hopelessness that often results in poverty is a noble cause. However unlikely complete and total elimination of the condition may be. Trying to do a better more equitable job is NOT un-American or anti-capitalist.

    America is already a mixed economy (both capitalist and socialist). Folks like Bernie simply advocate an expansion of the benefits of capitalism to a larger share of the populace.

    The truth however is that achieving that utopian society envisioned by Marx and others will likely remain both as elusive as it is divisive.

    1. Amen! RN - USA!

      Ignorance around this subject is appalling. The Stupids hear "socialism" and have a fainting spell. You are correct when you state America is a combination of democratic socialism and capitalism.

      Ignorance, lies, and stupidity got us Trumpism, and his followers are determined to break any law to continue it.


      A Christian fundraising site has raised over $250,000 for the Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse.


      This is what Trumpism has give America: A minority of its population making heroes out of stupid teens who kill for thrills. Rittenhouse crossed the state line, carrying a gun he did not have the legal right to carry or own, and he killed two people and maimed one all in the name of Trumpism.

      The MAGAts are on the march, determined to turn America into Germany 1939.

    2. America takes no part in Democratic socialism. It's a social democracy. ;)

    3. We vote for how much socialism we want. Bernie Sanders isn't trying to trick anyone. That's your demented delusion. Bernie Sanders does not support government owning the means of production.
