WYM Pages

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Republicans Just Dandy With 1K Of Their Fellow Americans Dying Daily

The "Party Of Life" doesn't seem overly concerned that covid-19 is will likely be the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States this year (behind only cancer and heart disease).

A majority of Republicans surveyed in a national poll believe the number of deaths from the coronavirus is "acceptable", and hold positive views of the US response to the pandemic. The new poll showed a significant partisan divide over how each party sees the health emergency, which is killing some 1,000 Americans every day. 57% of Republicans surveyed agreed with the statement that the number of coronavirus deaths in the US -- which this week reached over 176,000 -- was "acceptable". (excerpted from a 8/24/2020 article by Richard Hall).

If republicans decided that so many people dying from covid wasn't fine, they might have to acknowledge that their cult leader's response has been horrible. "One of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations" according to Michael Shear of the NYT.

The Absolute Marxist (Minus FJ sockpuppet): I'd rather be here in America at this time than anyplace, but Sweden, on the planet. They are the ONLY country that handled the response adequately. (8/24/2020 at 2:09pm).

Dervish Sanders: Among the Countries With The Highest Death Rates Per 100,000 Population, Sweden is #6 (with 56.4), ahead of the US at #8 with 47.9. btw, Sweden is #9 at 7.1% re the Countries With The Highest Case-Fatality Ratios. While the United States is 24, with 3.3% of people who contract covid dying. Yet you think Sweden is the ONLY country that handled the response adequately? (data as of Aug 5 at 3am ET). (8/25/2020 at 4:09am).

Maybe Minus is disappointed that more people are dying in Sweden from covid than in the United States?

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. Dandy (Dictionary.com definition) "Informal. fine; excellent; first-rate". WYM-166.


  1. Average deaths from Covid in Sweden is 2-3 per day. There is no lockdown. All the kids are in school. No one wears masks. Life has "moved on".

    1. Doesn't this bring a smile to every Republicans face? It sure does mine.

    2. You're a Trumpublican living in Sweden? Really.

    3. Better than a Moe-Ron living up Uranus.

  2. The best part of the Covid crises is that Democrats are dying 2-1 faster than Republicans.

    1. Republicans live in Democratic districts. You don't know how many Democrats versus republicans are dying. That data isn't published. And people who smile thinking of others dying are sick bastards. Especially if their only "crime" is voting Democratic. I don't smile thinking of republican voters dying.

    2. btw, that was Jared's reasoning. The White House denies it. You linked to the denial on your blog. Here you CONFIRM the sentiment.

    3. I'm sure that the urban Social Workers are handing out plenty of Covid blankets to the homeless and poor...

    4. You should snuggle with one of those blankets -- prove you have t-cell immunity. As you guessed on your blog.

  3. You sure have become a popular figure with the sock puppets that hail from Lisa's Latrine Derv. It's kind of funny because you sure as hell posses greater brain power and a higher IQ than the worshipers of Trumpism.

    Keep exposing the ignorance and idiocy of Trumpism.

    1. ...whereas you have the IQ of a flea.

    2. ... whereas you again speak for yourself...

    3. Oh God! JoCon and the Tight Anus are just playing for laughs. Nothing they write makes any sense except if you examine it through the prisim of cultists.

      "...whereas you have the IQ of a flea."

      See what I mean? They can't come up with a response that witty, funny, or original. They don't have the ability. It's what happens when a person marinates in the imbecilic cult of personality that is Trumpism.

      Have patience. They'll be gone soon enough.

  4. Derv... 1000 deaths a day? It's nothing. Marx calls it a "trickle." Joe says it's only a small [13%] increase death increase over normal times.

    It's exactly what we saw from Kudlow last night as he spoke of the Covid crisis in past tense.

    The Admin and the GOP are trying to essentially declare victory over Covid and bring the troops home.

    Soon it will fade from the news and be only a flu season news blip every once in a while.

    1. You can put the Covid genie back into the bottle? Who knew?

    2. No, we'll just combat it competently under President Biden.

    3. ...hiding in Joe Biden's Delaware basement with a mask on until the Sun goes Red Giant in a couple of billion years isn't much of a fight.

    4. That isn't Joe Biden's plan. It is an infinitely better plan that Dotard's... which is just to accept however many deaths come. Even to order people to risk their lives (meat packers, teachers). Then lie about how many people are dying and continue pretending coronavirus will magically go away.

    5. Believe me when I say that in the off chance Biden is elected, the virus is going to magically disappear from the headlines and the bodycount won't be lessened by even 1 in total numbers.

    6. You're full of shit. The virus will continue to be the BIG story throughout much (if not all) of 2021. Even after President Biden puts his plan into action, it will likely take awhile to get the virus under control (and reduce the number of deaths).

    7. The death count is already squat. The virus will end when the virus says its over, not Sleepy Joe Biden.

    8. Who said the virus will end? Yes, in can be brought into much better control through effective and feirce mitigation efforts but it may NEVER end.

      The first CONFIRMRD reinfection has been reported. So, it brings into question whether an effective virus will be possible. Note There is no vaccine for the common cold, a virus.

    9. Once a Democrat gets elected to the presidency there won't be a single reporter in the US who will EVER reports on the virus again.

      And so if an old guy dies in a nursing home of Covid, and no one is there to report on it, it never happened.

    10. The economy was shut down under Obama (resulting in record high unemployment and millions of people potentially losing their homes) because hundreds of thousands of people were dying? Who knew?

  5. Folks like JC who worship trump the undignified are full of shit. They suck in and internalize all of trump's bullshit.
