WYM Pages

Saturday, August 1, 2020

predisent Dotard "Very Impressed" By Quack Doctor Who Says She Has Cured Hundreds Of Covid Patients With Hydroxychloroquine (Also That Alien DNA Is Being Used In Medical Treatments)

So, Dotard says that he was "very impressed" by "Doctor" Stella Immanuel. Although only because she lies about curing patients infected with covid with his favorite malaria drug. Despite (as per Doctor Faucci) Hydroxychloroquine being ineffectve against covid (also possibly being dangerous to the health of the patient). The predisent added that (although he was "very impressed"), he didn't know much about Immanuel.

Perhaps, before giving this ringing endorsement, he should have looked into her background? If Dotard had looked into the background of Immanuel he would have found that she is a ridiculous quack. As Democratic Underground points out with the following meme (placard copied from Progressive Eruptions).

Alien DNA is being used in medical treatments? FYI, Immanuel is not talking about the DNA of illegal aliens (aka economic refugees from south of our border) but the DNA of space aliens. Perhaps, given Dotard's praise of Immanuel (because she endorsed Hydroxychloroquine), he'd also like to try Alien DNA? Maybe in addition to the Hydroxychloroquine, Xenomorph XX121 DNA would be a super-cure and preventative?

With that in mind, I created the following Political clip art cartoon (using Photoshop and pics I located via Google image search).

If Dotard truly is impressed with Immanuel, I say he should give alien DNA a shot. It might work. If we actually have it. But Dotard (as predisent) does have access to such government secrets. So maybe he is taking it? I mean, he doesn't have covid, despite not wearing a mask most of the time. And we don't know that alien DNA wouldn't be effective. Which isn't the case with Hydrochloride. That is a treatment we can be fairly positive doesn't help patients with coronavirus.

Post authored by the anti-Mystere, anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-159.


  1. Isn't every virus "alien DNA"? It's a wonder that all you 'organic' anti-vaxxer Lefties don't organize massive hunger strikes to protest Monsanto GMO's... lol!

    1. ..."only G_d is allowed to modify organisms through natural viral DNA evolution."

      You're worse than a cult.

    2. Natural selection from Covid is UNFAIR! BWAH!

    3. I thought covid came from a Chinese bat. According to you, a Chinese scientist created it using CRISPR. Now you're saying you think a UFO landed and an alien got out and coughed on someone in China? Who told you, a lizard person? LOL!

      btw, I read the article you linked to and there is nothing it it that says viruses came from aliens from other planets.

    4. Bat DNA isn't alien to human DNA? Who knew?

    5. Apparently only extra-terrestrials can be assumed to be "alien" or have "alien DNA".

      So when Marx was talking about alienating workers, were these the rat-swallowing aliens you are worried about from "They Live"?

    6. btw - Since science has discovered no alien life on other planets, isn't all talk of extraterrestrial life and therefore alien DNA originating in extra-terrestrials ridiculous? So no sane person would equate the term alien DNA with an extra-terrestrial like you have. But then if it weren't for *quid pro quo's, you'd have no arguments against Trump at all.

      from Wikipedia: For languages that come from latin such as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, Quid pro quo is used to define a misunderstanding or blunder made by the substituting of one thing for another.

    7. So no sane person would equate the term alien DNA with an extra-terrestrial like you have...

      I did no such thing. Stella Immanuel is the one who said doctors are using alien DNA in medical treatments.

      Quote: "They're using all kinds of DNA, even alien DNA, to treat people".

      "All kinds" would cover the DNA of every living thing on earth. Why add "even alien DNA" if you aren't talking about extraterrestrials? She also says lizard people run the government. Do you have a defense of that claim? One that has ME being the insane person -- instead of Immanuel?

    8. The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king
      So rudely forced; yet there the nightingale
      Filled all the desert with inviolable voice
      And still she cried, and still the world pursues,
      "Jug Jug" to dirty ears.

      ts eliot, "The Wasteland"

    9. Without caritas, "Jug Jug" is all you'll ever hear...

  2. "All kinds of DNA" also covers all "merely human" DNA, allowing "alien" to cover those of different species.

    You deliberately misunderstand her to make stupid, inane, and snarky comments. Is it her blackness that offends you, racist?

    1. ...or the fact that she escaped the Democrat's Welfare Plantation?

    2. I must also be "deliberately misunderstanding" her when she says gynecological problems are caused by dreaming of Demon lovers. And I must also be deliberately misunderstanding her when she says lizard people are running the government. Please fill me in as to what she "really" meant with those two claims.

      You're the one who is deliberately misunderstanding the quack doctor Stella Immanuel. And I don't care about the color of her skin. She is a quack the same as the other White doctors in the video Dotard retweeted.

      I never mentioned skin color. YOU are the one who brought up the racist trope about African Americans who vote Blue being on a "Welfare Plantation".

    3. Those weren't the points you raised so stop moving the goalpost. Her DNA comments were reasonable given her actual words.

    4. You moved the goalpost backward. Why do you think defending one crazy thing she said is adequate when she said multiple crazy things? They're all in the meme in any case (first image in my post). So they've all been raised.

      BTW, it is easy to determine she meant outer space alien DNA based on the other crazy things she claims. You think she'd make multiple crazy claims and ONE reasonable one? You're the one misinterpreting what she said. Something you can do because of the multiple definitions of "alien".

      Her other claims you refuse to touch because they CAN NOT be defended. Why you came up with your LAME "moving the goalpost" defense. LOL.

    5. You circled your concering statement in red. It wasn't about demons.

  3. btw - When the Covid vaccine comes out, is deployed, and only prevents 22% of future Covid deaths, who are you going to blame THEN for governmental ineptitude/ incompetence? The only benefit that American could possibly derive from a Biden presidency would be just how quickly media coverage of covid and vaccines would go to zero under Gyges cloak and a false mission accomplished banner.

    1. "Gyges cloak" = paranoid delusion.

      Also, Vaccines Are Effective. The measles and Mumps vaccines are 99.9% effective. The vaccines for Smallpox and Polio are 100% effective.

    2. How effective do you think the vaccine to prevent people from being religious will be?

  4. JC 's continuing wishful delusions born in the trumpian alternative reality zone is, I must say, comical.

  5. Derv, why do you try to have a rational conversation with someone as irrational and deluded as JoeCon? No matter what evidence and facts you produce, he has some whacko answer he found on the internet. He's a Trumper, therefore, not rational and not to be taken seriously. On anything.

    1. I don't expect any rationality from Minus. Unfortunately an insane person is running our government. I might go back to ignoring the crazies once Dotard is out of the White House -- and changed and convicted. Until then we should be taking their insanity seriously. Dotard DID get "elected", after all. And Biden isn't president YET.

    2. According to Rasmussen tRump is @ 51% and winning. Hope to Christ Rasmussen's poll is wrong. It is a posibility tRump wins again. Lots of crazies in good ole US of A.

  6. Have you seen this, Derv?

    Home » Office of Public Affairs » News
    Department of Justice
    Office of Public Affairs
    Monday, August 3, 2020

    Statement of Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers on the Public Release of the Department’s Findings with Respect to the 29 FISA Applications that Were the Subject of the March 2020 OIG Preliminary Report
    Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers stated:

    “The Department of Justice has completed its review of the 29 FISA applications that were the subject of preliminary findings by the DOJ Inspector General (OIG) in March 2020. We are pleased that our review of these applications concluded that all contained sufficient basis for probable cause and uncovered only two material errors, neither of which invalidated the authorizations granted by the FISA Court. These findings, together with the more than 40 corrective actions undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Division, should instill confidence in the FBI’s use of FISA authorities. We would like to express our appreciation to the OIG for their focus on the Department’s use of its national security authority. We remain committed to improving the FISA process to ensure that we use these tools consistent with the law and our obligations to the FISA Court. The ability to surveil and to investigate using FISA authorities remains critical to confronting current national security threats, including election interference, Chinese espionage and terrorism.”

    The Dept. of Justice says they’ve completed their review of 29 FISA warrants that were flagged by the IG for being out of compliance and have found only 2 material errors and found that all of the applications contained sufficient basis for probable cause, a statement says.


  7. "Joe ConservativeAugust 1, 2020 at 9:26 AM
    ..."only G_d is allowed to modify organisms through natural viral DNA evolution."

    You're worse than a cult."

    In February 2019, medical scientists working with Sangamo Therapeutics, headquartered in Richmond, California, announced the first ever "in body" human gene editing therapy to permanently alter DNA - in a patient with Hunter Syndrome.
