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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Real Looters

This post concerns the looters. I'm not talking about people smashing windows and grabbing all they can from businessses during the nighttime. Following daytime peacefull Black Lives Matter protests. What I'm talking about concerns considerably larger sums of money.

Businesses connected to Trump advisor Jared Kushner and his family received millions in paycheck protection loans. Business Insider article by Graham Rapier. 7/7/2020. (Excerpt).

Observer Holdings, the publishing company owned by Kushner's brother in law which publishes what remains of the former New York Observer newspaper, received between $350,000 and $1 million to protect 41 jobs, records show.

Princeton Forrestal LLC, controlled by several Kushner's related to the White House confidant, received between $1 million and $2 million, and Esplanade Livingston, which owns the land housing the family's Westminster Hotel, also received $350,000 to $1 million.

Of course massive corruption like this is just fine according to trumper Minus FJ. Because once you attain a postion of authority, the rules no longer apply.

Joe Conservative (Minus FJ Sockpuppet): Law requires an authoritarian police state. For it is law which creates/establishes the "authorities". When I was at the Academy I learned that the laws (Regulations) are meaningless, that the "Authorities" can do as they please. It's not an easy lesson to accept, but it's one that anyone who is smart, will learn. The heart of authority is derived from Force, either it's current execution or memory of its' application in the past. (7/3/2020 at 6:17am).

Reading this comment my conclusion is that Minus admires Dotard for his lawlessness and corruption. That the Dotard crime family has been able to loot large sums of money from the government is nothing to criticize them for. It proves he is smart. Not that Minus admires crooked Democrats who steal and get away with it. Dotard is also doing things that Minus approves of.

Democrats don't want to punish the poor and middle class by cutting the social safety net. Nor do they wish to reward the rich by cutting their taxes. Democrats also don't seek to suppress the votes of minorities, thereby preserving White privliege and the patriarchy.

More importantly Dotard is promoting White Supremacism and looking out firstly for the White race. Things Minus likes very much. Although he denies it. But the public isn't buying it. The bottom line here is that Dotard is a special case, being the Alt-right's anti-globalism, anti-cultural Marxism champion. Thus making his profiting from the presidency very well earned.

btw, I heard that Kanye West, Grover Norquist, and The Ayn Rand Institute (in addition to other conservatives and conservative groups) were rewarded for their loyalty. "Proof" that, as Minus says, "Reward Friends, Punish Enemies" is the motto of the Democratic Party.

FYI, PPP loans do not have to be paid back "if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities". Something that some companies whose profits have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic might have done (laid off employees).

How many people do you think the Ayn Rand Institute was planning on firing before the Dotard administration threw it a lifeline? Zero, maybe? I think they are getting paid to keep people on the payroll they had no intention of letting go in the first place. And I would bet that is the case with most (if not all) of the Dotard friends who were rewarded (with taxpayer money).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-158.


  1. Desire Street runs from the river, it dead-ends up at Law. Just one block up's Piety Avenue running back down to St. Paul..

    It' a long way to Angola (prison) for a song to find you there!

    1. I have it on good Authority that Law is just. a crazy 'belief'!

    2. Why a message needs to be sent by prosecuting Dotard and sending him (and many within his administration) to prison. Future presidents need an example of what could await them after leaving office. We also need to codify into law the norms that Dotard has been breaking.

      Dotard has broken the presidency. Hopefully Biden is up to the task of fixing it. And willing to relinquish power. Not something a president is normally willing to do, but the damage Dotard has done is great and it MUST be repaired.

    3. Yes, by all means, outlaw Tweeting and complaining about being spied on by the FBI and IC. That should put the cherry on top of your totalitarian dystopia!

    4. Twitter has it's own rules that should have gotten Dotard kicked off their platform long ago. YOU are the one desirous of totalitarianism. So long as it is of the rightwing populist variety. btw, Dotard wasn't spied on by anyone.

    5. lol! Unlike Left wing dictators, Right wind dictators don't applaud themselves (hence the term - totalitarian). :)

    6. wtf are you talking about? Dotard is CONSTANTLY crowing about his imaginary accomplishments. Something that elicits laughter when not done in front of adoring sycophants.

    7. More sniffing. Does this guy have nasal problems or does he snort Adderall too?

    8. My suspicion has always been cocaine. He is a Lacanian/ Freudian, after all.

    9. Cocaine is legal if you're Lacanian/Freudian? btw, cocaine "stresses your cardiovascular system [and] can also starve your brain of the blood it needs, which kills brain cells".

      This might explain his support for Dotard.

    10. "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger." -Nietzsche.

    11. The left is still drunk on bad readings of Marx.

    12. Is Joe Biden a communist now too? What commie mentors can you come up for him? Was his dad a commie? Was he a "red diaper baby"? LOL.

    13. Lets tap his phones and find out.

    14. Another charge to add to the long list of indictments when the Orange Turd stands trial.

  2. It is estimated that the total amount of looting damage from the BLM protests is about $400 million. From what I've seen, people of real means have accessed way more than that from the Federal Government through the PPP.

    Aren't these "loans" government handouts?

    I'm asking for a friend...

    1. Does that included the costs of the 324,000 blacks killed by other blacks in the past 35 years? How about the 20,000,000+ black babies aborted since 1973?

    2. Why would it? Neither has anything to do with the BLM protests. By the way, Whites kill other Whites and White women exercise their right to choose.

      The Minus utopia = a tRump dynastic dictatorship, rightwing authoritarianism, a wall on the Southern border & massive deportations, no immigration from shithole countries, rampant corruption among the political elites, a police state to control the poors, acceptance of police violence and killings of suspects, the rolling back of rights for minorities, less rights for women: forced pregnancies, sexual assault decriminalized (it's just a "failed pass"), rapes redefined as consensual sex if not reported immediately, etc.

    3. Why would it? Because ruined lives are hard to convert into dollars. And Black lives are much more impacted by the riots than the "White" lives you've thrown into this argument for sake of "equivalency"?

    4. I agree.. Why the police should stop rioting and the republicans should sign on to REAL reform.

    5. btw, I agree with you only about the police riots, not with you other two things you absurdly tried to blame BLM for.

    6. No. As far as I know the fake news (OAN, Fox, etc) just spreads Russian conspiracy theories. They aren't rioting.

    7. The Growth of Government Propaganda and the Destruction of American Rule of Law - 2017-2021 by Donald J. (Dotard) Trump

    8. Since they were spying on Trump before 2017, what's THAT say about the state of the "Rule of Law" BEFORE 2017? You are a JOKE RN. Go hang yourself.

    9. The joke is YOU minus. But by all means stick with your conspiracy theories minus.

    10. lol! Keep dragging out that old and totally discredited news about the IG's very officially/systemically limited and very officially/systemically restricted investigation and subsequent opinion, Dervy. Talk to the men with ACTUAL UNRESTRICTED knowledge, Barr & Durham.

    11. How can a report that hasn't yet been released discredit a report that already has been released?

    12. I agree. He should be getting a FISA warrant on a Biden Campaign staffer and tapping Biden's phones.

    13. That might be happening. Given the Dotard/Barr corruption.

    14. There can't be any corruption in a tit for tat spying. It's merely a continuation of an already corrupt government.

    15. IG Horowitz: the tRump campaign wasn't spied on.

    16. Soon to be ex-IG for proven incompetece.

    17. No, if he's fired it will be for being TOO competent. Dotard fires IGs to conceal his corruption.

    18. One doesn't need to be a Jedi to see though your Sith lies.

    19. Like, "Your Jedi mind reading feats are AMAZING!" lol!

    20. Something that is non-existent can hardly be "amazing".

    21. That sure explains that Xtian Jesus thing.

    22. Socrates: "...either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another".

      As for "xtians", you're thinking of Dotard and his followers. Xians being "people who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, but have a pattern of behavior that is contradictory to the teachings of Christ".

      btw, I was only claiming that I have no mind reading skills. Something I know with 100 percent certainty. Unlike you with your claim that Jesus doesn't exist.

    23. You have none, but yet you constantly claim to know what everyone else is thinking... is that simply dementia on your part, you forget that you can't read minds?

    24. I've never claimed to know what anyone is thinking. I judge words and actions. Also the results of those words and actions. You hide behind "mind reading" claims to shield those you defend from being judged on their words and actions.

      Re results... Dotard asked Russia to acquire HRC's emails ("Russia, if you're listening"). Immediately following that statement Russia attempted to hack Secretary Clinton's servers. Words followed by a result. You claim that Dotard didn't desire that result and that he was only being "sarcastic". If he didn't desire that result, why did he ask for it?

      NOBODY needs to be a mind reader to determine that Dotard asked for what Dotard wanted and that "sarcasm" is a bad excuse. Proven by the fact that he uses it over and over. The "injecting disinfectant" musing was also claimed to be sarcasm by him. This is easily determined to be a lie without the need for any mind reading.

      My response to "mind reading" claims by you? Go f*ck yourself.

  3. Barr and Durham announced there would be no report before the election.

    So no "October Surprise" by Barr.

    1. Maybe because there is no "there" there.

    2. Who wants to release a report that says there is no criminal activity, when the entire "investigation" is based on finding criminal activity?

      Who in the Trump Admin wants to release before the election, a report that will more than likely exonerate Joe Biden? I mean, if they had anything, why would they hold it back?

    3. Nope, just a drip, drip, drip of Biden incriminating news leaks...

    4. LOL!! Typical tRumper living thier alternative trumpism reality.

    5. I think that RN has been replaced by a Russian Biden bot...

    6. Makes sense. Maybe a bot is needed to counter you. A tRumpian bot.

    7. Your delusions are far too strong. They make you impervious to facts.

    8. That's right. He's just one of your NPCs.

    9. He's a real person. He's revealed his actual name. He isn't an NPC.

    10. Plato, "Cratylus" SOCRATES: Nor can we reasonably say, Cratylus, that there is knowledge at all, if everything is in a state of transition and there is nothing abiding; for knowledge too cannot continue to be knowledge unless continuing always to abide and exist. But if the very nature of knowledge changes, at the time when the change occurs there will be no knowledge; and if the transition is always going on, there will always be no knowledge, and, according to this view, there will be no one to know and nothing to be known: but if that which knows and that which is known exists ever, and the beautiful and the good and every other thing also exist, then I do not think that they can resemble a process or flux, as we were just now supposing. Whether there is this eternal nature in things, or whether the truth is what Heracleitus and his followers and many others say, is a question hard to determine; and no man of sense will like to put himself or the education of his mind in the power of names: neither will he so far trust names or the givers of names as to be confident in any knowledge which condemns himself and other existences to an unhealthy state of unreality; he will not believe that all things leak like a pot, or imagine that the world is a man who has a running at the nose. This may be true, Cratylus, but is also very likely to be untrue; and therefore I would not have you be too easily persuaded of it. Reflect well and like a man, and do not easily accept such a doctrine; for you are young and of an age to learn. And when you have found the truth, come and tell me.

    11. It isn't a name that makes a person real. It's a real name (birth name, name associated with a US SSN). At least all the evidence I've seen strongly suggests it is. If you have evidence to the contrary you have yet to share it.

    12. I'll have to let the people in the FBI's witness protection program know that they're no longer real. Thanks for the reminder.

    13. I was talking about differentiating a real person posting their genuine opinions from a bot or NPC (same thing. Both computer controlled). People in the witness protection program are an entirely different topic. Of course they're real. They might be advised to lay low and not post on social media, however.

  4. You have Russian contacts? Have you been colluding with the Russians to get Biden elected, Dervy?

  5. I think that's another of your sockpuppets. Also, the Russians are colluding with Dotard to steal the 2020 election. Same as they did in 2016.

  6. Why don't I see him listed in your sidelinks along with your other phony puppets Thought Criminal and your own Agricultural Correspondences (Minus)?

  7. You talk about Derv's sockpuppets? LOL!!

  8. I always enjoy catching up on how the Trump cultist/sock puppets justify Trump's criming. Imagine if Barack Obama had deployed unidentified paramilitary to snatch and lock up innocent Americans.

    At least we can see, in real time, that Trump has always been in love with fascism. How long before he lines Americans up against a brick wall and orders their deaths?

    Would anyone here have believed 5 years ago that we'd even be talking about this, nevermind witnessing it? Children in cages, unidentified military forces grabbing Americans off the streets, a petty, weak and frightened president hiding former US presidents' portraites from view and refusing to unveil his predecessor's portrait? Trashing the infectious disease expert during a pandemic?

    Trump is a 38% approval and in Texas he's behind Biden. With any more luck, we can get that approval into the 20s, and leave his idiot cultists to sort out the ruined Republican Party.

    1. When the trumpism seduced GOP implodes it SHALL be GREAT cause for the GREATEST celebration since the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

    2. Like the stormtroopers who arrested Roger Stone? Oh, wait, they alerted the press for a 3 am perp walk. Never mind.

    3. btw - Let's hope that a bunch of those Portland Antifas disappear to Gitmo for enhanced interrogations. :)

    4. Another charge to add to the long list of indictments when the Orange Turd stands trial.

    5. The Queen of hearts is Wonderland, not Neverland. Also, she is fictional. Dotard's trial will be presided over by a non-fictional judge.

    6. In the United States. Unless you think Dotard will flee to another country to avoid prosecution. Russia, perhaps. Definitely not some place that is imaginary like Wonderland or Neverland. Maybe you've been to one (or both of those places)? In your delusions, that is.

    7. Brussels is the seat of your power. Why not try there? lol!

    8. It isn't. I don't even know wtf you're talking about. Because it's the location of NATO headquarters?

    9. I've never been to the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival.

    10. ...and all this time I thought that you might have submitted this blog as a script idea....

    11. Most of the thoughts you have are wrong. At least the ones you express online. Maybe you have some correct thoughts in your private life? Maybe, but I doubt it.

    12. Every expression on line is an expression in the symbolic, not the real.

    13. So you're only symbolically wrong? Unless the real you strongly disagrees with the online you, I'd say both of you are equally wrong.

  9. Welcome Facism to America. Compliments of Donald J. Trump, Storm Trooper Commander Extraordinaire.

    1. Yes, the fascists are here to liberate the Obama gulags. Sorry Comrade, you day is done.

    2. Sorry BOZO YOUR day is done. Fortunately real American patriots will have thousands of days left when YOUR Great Orange bBlob of Horseshit is FIRED November 3'rd 2020.

    3. Left until what? The Dictatorship of the Proletariate? The Thousand Year Reich?

    4. You delusional? AGAIN. As usual.

    5. You'll have a long wait if it requires me to become delusional.

    6. You live in a constant delusional state.

      Persecutory delusional disorder: People with this type of delusional disorder believe that they (or someone close to them) are being mistreated, or that someone is spying on them or planning to harm them. It is not uncommon for people with this type of delusional disorder to make repeated complaints to legal authorities. [end quote]

      Strike "or someone close to them" and insert "or a president they admire" and this explains YOU and your belief that Dotard is being persecuted by an imaginary "deep state". As for Dotard, he can complain directly to Bill Barr. In addition to posting daily about his delusions on Twitter.

    7. Blacks aren't being mistreated? Who knew? LOL!

    8. Reality isn't a delusion. You can't tell the difference due to your condition.

    9. I' not the one who's been hypernormalized. :)

    10. The people are rejecting White Supremacy. As the polls show, they stand with BLM.

    11. Who knew that the rejection of White Supremacy involved acceptance of Black Supremacy? Good to know.

    12. It doesn't. You only view it that way because you're a White Supremacist.

      "They're Lucky Black People are Looking for Equality and Not Revenge" ~ African-American author Kimberly Jones.

    13. What about the ones looking for "reparations"... sounds like monetized revenge to me.

    14. No, reparations would be monetized equality. The ancestors of Whites got benefits the ancestors of Blacks didn't get. Allowing White families to more easily build generational wealth while making it more difficult for Black families to do the same. The purpose of reparations would be to help Black families by paying them for what they didn't receive (government assistance, higher paying jobs they couldn't get, and other advantages they were denied because of their skin color).

  10. Replies
    1. I PRAY you are correct, RN. I am extremely confident that Biden will win the popular vote. Whether or not that means Dotard vacates the White House is another matter. He could still pull out an electoral college win. Or possibly a "win" via the 12th amendment.

  11. Not one goddamn thing the Trumpers here predicted would happen has happened. Trials for Biden and his son? Nope. Trials for President Obama and members of his administration? Nope. Hillary? Nope. That’s because the Trumpers live in a world of paranoia and lies. They feed off each other’s’ pathologies, fears, and stupidity.

    Hillary isn’t locked up. Neither is President Obama. Mexico isn’t paying for any part of any wall Dotard tries to build. There is no “beautiful healthcare plan” that will be better and cheaper than the ACA. North Korea is still building nukes, Trump’s trade war with China is costing American jobs, and the Covid-19 isn’t going to magically disappear by the summer.

    Yet the Trumpers here keep talking about their fevered paranoias as though they’ll come true and Trump will get another 4 years. They do this by ignoring reality, what’ s in front of their noses, a sort of mental illness — the way Dotard deals with reality as well.

    Trumpers need to be reminded every day that they support a malignant, misogynistic narcissist who daily loses touch with reality. And they’re a big part of why this madman is still in office.

    1. Yeah. You've been saying that for 4 years. Yawn.

      PS. I won't be quiet. You misogynists always give yourselves away when you demand women shut up when you can't handle their opinions.

    2. It does appear more folks are beginning to stir from their stupor given the trend in polling. States not so long ago that were considered safe for tRump the Dotard have slid out of a sure bet. One has to be blind, deaf, and cognitively challenged to not recognize the clear and present danger Dotard donnie and his sycophants represent.

      One of my major concerns is that when Vice President Biden wins Dotard donnie will refuse to accept his defeat. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that Dotard donnie will declare the 2020 election null and void on the trumped up BS of rampant election fraud. The mail in ballots (which both myself and my wife are requesting) will be the issue Dotard donnie will rest his bogus claim on. Hopefully I wrong.

    3. Just remember. If the i's aren't dotted and t's crossed, your mail-in ballot is invalid. :)

    4. Or perhaps the Post Office (under the direction of Dotard's stooge) simply won't deliver it in time.

    5. Exactly... but then I'm not the one pushing for voter harvesting.

    6. Voting by mail is not only safe, it's secure. (excerpt) Study after study shows there’s no evidence of significant widespread voter fraud or security issues associated with vote-by-mail. Most recently, a Washington Post and Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) analysis of three vote-by-mail states found that officials identified just 372 possible cases of improper voting out of about 14.6 million votes cast by mail in the 2016 and 2018 general elections, or 0.0025 percent.

      The reason that there are so few examples of improper voting (someone voting twice, filling out a ballot for someone else, etc.) is that states, especially those who have a long history of voting by mail, have established strong safeguards to prevent it. [T]Here are a few simple but important security measures that make it exceedingly difficult for election fraud to occur... signature verification... bar codes on ballots for tracking. ... we know that these security measures work. Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii -- states that have a long history of all-mail elections -- haven't seen any significant fraud. [end excerpt]

    7. Yep, most states NEVER count the mail ins. Why bother?

    8. Are you talking about the small percentage of mail in votes that aren't counted because they arrive late? Or are you saying Democrats shouldn't bother and just accept that republicans cheat?

    9. Democrats don't cheat? That sure explains the FBI exploitation of the NSA database to surveil Republicans throughout the Obama Administration... It also explains the IRS denial of Conservative Group tax exemptions...


    10. Both your examples are 100% fake news. As per IG Horowitz the Dotard campaign wasn't spied on. And the IRS didn't deny the tax exemption applied for by Conservative groups. Although they SHOULD have. Because they were claiming the wrong tax exempt status (In order to hide the identity of their donors).

  12. Remember when conservatives were all crazed about the Obama Admin running "false flag" operations and usurping the rights of states to determine their own way as it relates to law enforcement?

    Why are we not hearing the Tea Party folks, who once called federal involvement in states Anti-American, denounce the Trump Admin as they send uninvited troops to US cities? Whatever happened to those people like Beak, Farmer, Franco, AOW, Mustang, Joe Conservative, Etc., Etc., and all the other sock puppets who used to trumpet small federal government conservatism?

    Why the silence? Would you guys support this action if it had been undertaken by a Dem President?

    1. I'm from Baltimore. Unlike you, we remember our history...

      Now get back to singing "Union Forever" Dave.

    2. Besides, aren't you the hypocrites tearing down all the former monuments to "state's rights"? Why aren't you rallying behind Trump? lol!

    3. Sure, you know your history alright. Fake history based on bullshit.

      Confederate monuments to trators to the United States of America. Yeah, tell us more. Looking forward to facing you on the battlefield. BTW, I'll be fighting for the USA and our Democratic Republic. Real patriots will be fighting to crush Trumpism's rising fascism.

    4. All monuments erected by Democrats over the past 150 years need to be torn down, no doubt about it.

    5. Dotard directed his brown shirts to protect the monuments to White Supremacy cherished by republicans. Because the republican party represents White Supremacy. Why you voted for the White Supremacist potus candidate. btw, many of the more recent monuments (from the 1960s and going forward) were likely erected by republicans.

      Quote: From 1948 to 1984, the Southern states, for decades a stronghold for the Democrats, became key swing states, providing the popular vote margins in the 1960, 1968 and 1976 elections. During this era, several Republican candidates expressed support for states' rights, a reversal of the position held by southern states prior to the Civil War. Some political analysts said this term was used in the 20th century as a "code word" to represent opposition to federal enforcement of civil rights for blacks and to federal intervention on their behalf; many individual southerners had opposed passage of the Voting Rights Act. [end quote]

    6. So how many of these southern states were represented by Republican governors from 1960-80? Senators? Representatives? lol!

    7. "gohmert" (definition) Any stupid, foolish or obtuse public official. Origin: Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), one of the stupidest individuals ever to set foot in the U.S. Capitol an elected representative. [as per Urban Dictionary].

      The republican party should be forced to change their name to "The White Supremacist Party" :(

    8. Democrats already wrapped THAT title up about 200 years ago w/Andy Jackson.

    9. That must explain why Dotard admires Jackson so much. He's a kindred spirit. In that they're both racist and stupid. The two usually go together.

    10. Just heard... A gohmert named Louie has covid. Must be because the pandemic is "over". Instead of hydroxychloroquine and zinc, I've heard hydroxy and Alien DNA can cure covid. He should try it. What does he have to lose?

    11. Sure, what's he got to lose. Those alternative doctors, like the "demon sperm doctor" might just have the miracle cure. Didn't Dotard give them a thumbs up yesterday,?

  13. The vast majority of Confederate statues of military men were built between the 1890s and 1950s, which matches up exactly with the era of Jim Crow segregation and terrorizing and murdering black Americans in the South. The biggest spike was between 1900 and the 1920s.

    The main purpose of erecting these monuments to traitors to the United States was to intimidate and keep black folks in their place and for people in the South to pretend that losing the war was actually a victory.

    General Lee himself never wanted such monuments built.

    “I think it wiser,” the retired military leader wrote about a proposed Gettysburg memorial in 1869, “…not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

    No other nation in the world allows monuments to traitors to their country. Finally, America has come to her senses over this stupid tradition of glorifying treasonous Confederate soldiers and politicians who betrayed their own country. And lost.

    1. One thing's true. We've got to tear down all those monuments that racist Democrats erected to honor their bullsh*t causes. Tolerance is for suckers.

    2. The Democrats you refer to are all long dead. TODAY'S Democratic Party supports removing these monuments to White Supremacy. republicans are the ones who want them to stay. Because they took up those bullshit causes (Nixon called it the "Southern Strategy"). A message sent LOUD AND CLEAR with your nomination of a White Supremacist to lead your party. TODAY'S republican party believes in those bullshit causes more fervently then ever. Why you hate BLM and the continued fight for civil rights this organization represents.

    3. BLM doesn't fight for civil rights. They fight to silence all who express opinions different from their own. In other words, they fight for POWER.

    4. How many MAGA's are painted on the streets?

    5. MAGA translated - Division, Racism, Misogyny, Incomperence

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Indeed, RN. Also, painting a presidential campaign slogan on the street would be inappropriate. Was "hope and change" ever painted on a street? And Dotard definitely did not make America great. In fact he did the opposite.

      Record High Number of Americans Think Country Is on Wrong Track, Poll Shows. (excerpt) The number of American voters who believe the country is on the wrong track has reached a record high during Donald Trump's presidency, with a significant majority of voters also saying they disapprove of the job he is doing.

      New polling by Morning Consult and Politico, which was conducted from June 26 to 29, found that 75 percent of voters believe the U.S. is on the wrong track, while just 25 percent believe things are headed in the right direction. [end excerpt]

    8. Black Lives Matter isn't a campaign slogan? Who knew?

    9. BLM was founded 7/13/2013. Biden announced his candidacy on 4/25/2020. You think the Biden campaign came up with "Black Lives Matter" 6 years BEFORE the Biden campaign was formed? How is that possible?

      By the way, none of the three women who founded BLM are members of the Biden campaign. Just because Biden believes Black Lives Matter, doesn't make it HIS campaign slogan. So, "who knew"? Probably almost everyone... excluding you.

      FYI, the ACTUAL Biden campaign slogan is "Build Back Better". Because we need to build back from the damage the Dotard administration has inflicted upon the nation.

    10. Biden's been running for President since at least 2008. He's just too weak by himself to win the party nomination... until now.

    11. By your logic Dotard has been running for president since 2000. Although everyone but you would say that once someone drops out they are no longer running. Dotard was far too weak to win the nomination or the presidency by himself in 2000 -- and only got it in 2016 thanks to help from his collusion buddy Putin.

      Almost all Congressional republicans knew Dotard was a terrible candidate. Why they all badmouthed him (except for Sessions, who Dotard later betrayed) before pledging fealty to him after he won. How you know most Congressional republicans have no integrity. The few with integrity didn't run for another term. The only Congressional republican remaining who has integrity is Mitt Romney (who isn't going to switch parties). That's it. The rest of them have sold out to Russia.

  14. Joe's fealty to his Dotard the Ignominious.

  15. "The Absolute Marxist July 24, 2020 at 7:08 PM
    One thing's true. We've got to tear down all those monuments that racist Democrats erected to honor their bullsh*t causes. Tolerance is for suckers."

    This is all these MAGAts have. They've never been able to reconcile with the fact that the old Democratic Party became the Dixiecrats, and then they flipped to the Republican Party when LBJ passed the Civil and Voting Rights Act. Then they joined the anti-Civil Rights party, the GOP and worked to deny Black people their American rights.

    So they continue to talk about the GOP when they called themselves "Democrats."

    All people like the self-named Marxist above can do is obscure the fact that the old Southern Dems who changed to the GOP were always, always Southerners. They just changed parties.

    1. That because only two Dixiecrats in the entire nation switched parties. The rest remained lifelong Democrats.

    2. Stupid is as stupid believes...

      TAM believes.

    3. As I told you on your blog, the Dixiecrats that switched parties were voters, not politicians (they were too obstinate). Since we already established that we are talking about voters, please name the two voters you are talking about. Also please give proof that they (1) switched parties and (2) they were the only former Dixiecrat voters who switched parties to vote republican.

    4. So you're admitting that all the racist Dixiecrat politicians remained Democrats and some of their their contituents abandoned them and became Republicans... lol!

    5. I always admit the truth. btw, as per Wikipedia, the political position of the Dixiecrat Party was far Right and it's ideology was Paleoconservatism. Go to the Wikipedia page for Paleoconservatism and you will see (in a box to the right) a picture of a 9 significant Paleoconservatives... including our current predisent, Dotard Drumpf.

      Quote: "Paleoconservatives support restrictions on immigration; decentralization; trade tariffs and protectionism; economic nationalism; isolationism and a return to traditional conservative ideals relating to gender, culture, and society. Paleoconservatism differs from neoconservatism in opposing free trade and promoting Republicanism in the United States. Paleoconservatives see neoconservatives as empire-builders and themselves as defenders of the republic. As with other conservatives, paleoconservatives oppose abortion, gay marriage and LGBTQ rights".

    6. NIce theory, but Pat Buchanan was a paleocon and all the prominent Nevertrump neocons were former Scoop Jackson (D) staffers.

    7. btw - Nixon only won the South because the Dixiecrats all voted for George Wallace instead of Humphrey in '68.

    8. How could a Dixiecrat vote for any presidential candidate in 1968 when the party dissolved 20 years previously? btw, the excerpt I posted from Wikipedia isn't a "theory". It is fact. Paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan are well known for their racism and bigotry. As is Dotard.

  16. Derv, Arguing with someone like the Marxist or any Trumper is like playing chess with a pigeon: They knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and then strut around like they won.

    1. Your arguments proving me wrong are once again, nonexistent. :)

    2. Your arguments proving yourself right are nonexistent.

    3. That pShaw can't name at least five Dixiecrats who became Republicans says all we need to know about the phoney Southen Switch.

    4. And RN has once again designated himself chief strutting peacock.
