WYM Pages

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Scumbag Brother Of Scumbag Predisent Bites It

"Maybe he's looking up".

Having read Mary Trump's book, I can tell you all the Trumps that survived their scumbag father and mother (and inherited his fortune) are scumbags. The three remaining siblings (Maryanne, Robert and Dotard) conspired to steal their brother Fred Trump Jr's (who passed away in 1981) portion of his father's inheritance (they got their father to change his will while he was suffering with Alzheimer's).

Robert Trump took point in the effort to get Mary Trump and her brother (Frederick Trump III) to accept what they were offering. Which turned out was much less than she and her brother were entitled to (even under the amended will). She and her bother were forced to sue (although they later dropped the suit).

When it comes to rich a-holes, there is never a point at which they have enough. They couldn't be generous and allow their deceased brother's share of the inheritance to go to his children. Instead they colluded to steal it. Probably due to the fact that the other Trump's (including the family matriarch) viewed Fred Trump Jr as a loser who forfeited his share of the inheritance after he "died in 1981 at age 42 from a heart attack caused by alcoholism". Alcoholism brought on by the fact that his father saw him as a disappointment (because he didn't want to go into the family business).

btw, Fred Jr lived with his parents following heart surgery. They saw him deteriorating before their eyes but did nothing to help him (basically allowing him to die). Despite the fact that they had connections at the local hospital where they could have gotten him first class treatment. If they had deigned to bother or cared about their son AT ALL.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-163.


  1. So the real reason for Mary's vindictivess comes out... thanks!

  2. No. She attended her grandmother's funeral and Robert Trump and she made nice. Plus she recounts conversations with her aunt that took place afterward as well. Additionally, she was invited to the White House after Dotard became predisent. She apparently doesn't hold grudges. The book isn't "vindictive". It is simply an account of what happened. And she (as a PHD) offers some insight into Dotard's MANY pathologies. I'm the one rendering the scumbag verdict.

  3. So depressing that we give idiots power.
