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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Putin Puppet Predisent Dotard Kompromat Confirmed

Excerpted from an 8/18/2019 NBC News story by By Ken Dilanian...

In a thousand-page bipartisan report [Volume 5: Counterintelligence Threats and Vulnerabilities] released Tuesday [8/18/2020], the Senate Intelligence Committee painted a stark portrait of a Trump campaign eager to accept help from a foreign power in 2016, as well as a candidate closely involved in the effort.

The Senate report, the most detailed account to date of the Trump campaign's embrace of Russian election interference, also asserted that the allegations that Ukraine interfered in the election — which President Donald Trump perpetuated — originated with Russian intelligence agencies.

The report, which the committee's Republican majority approved, said the committee assessed that the president discussed hacked emails with his longtime associate Roger Stone — even though Trump told special counsel Robert Mueller that he didn't recall having done so.


"Separate from Steele's memos, which the Committee did not use for support, the Committee became aware of three general sets of allegations" involving women, the report said, two of which described a tape. No such allegations were confirmed, but the finding lent new credence to at least one claim in the widely discredited [largely proven accurate] Steele dossier.

Big ugly? Bwahhh!

For the record, the "big ugly" is a fantasy of some Dotard supporters that says it's going to get ugly for Obama administration officials who "spied" on the Dotard campaign and are going to be held accountable by Toady Barr and John Durham. LOL.

As per a post from the blog of Joe Conservative (a Minus FJ sockpuppet), ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok wrote ("discrediting" reporting from the NYT) "We have not seen evidence of any individuals in contact with Russians (both Governmental and non-Governmental)".

However, according to the just released Senate report, Konstantin Kilimnik (who Manafort met with at the Grand Havana Room at 666 Fifth Avenue on 8/2/2016 to deliver Dotard campaign internal polling data) is a Russian intelligence officer who "almost certainly helped arrange some of the first public messaging that Ukraine had interfered in the US election".

AKA the Ukraine narrative (over which Dotard was impeached) was a cover up fabricated by Russia (it wasn't Dotard who colluded with Russia, it was Hillary who colluded with Ukraine). Yet, I suppose this will come up during the election (the nonsense about Hunter Biden, Burisma and Joe Biden getting a prosecutor fired to "protect" his son).

This should mean the premature death of the yet unreleased "Durham Report" and the whole bogus Obamagate/Spygate narrative, but I doubt it. Even though we now have Senate Republicans signing off on a report that confirms the Dotard/Russia counter narrative is a load of horse manure.

Rocky Mountain Mike YouTube Playlist.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-164.


  1. Replies
    1. Johnathan Turley embarrassed himself testifying before the House. He has to continue defending Dotard or admit to being a fool.

  2. The SSCI was coup central, caught RED HANDED leaking Steele Dossier data. A lot of members will be testifying soon in court as Defendants. We'll see who ends up as head scapegoat... but my vote goes to Warner for the longest jail term.

    1. I can hardly wait until the next Indictment goes out. The SSCI will need to release a 20,000 report to bury the unwanted headline needed to top this one..."Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty in federal court in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday to making false statements by altering an email related to former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

    2. The Dotard campaign was coup central. They colluded to steal the presidency. Hillary Clinton should be running for a second term right now.

  3. I'm not sure this looks like a hoax or for that matter, "fake news." I think we are all in agreement that our enemies try regularly to mess with the US and screw up our elections. But usually not with American help. We used to call that type of behavior.

    In this case, even GOP Senators found that the Trump Campaign, through numerous employees, most notably the Director of the Trump Campaign, Paul Manafort, worked with Russians to sway the US presidential election of 2016.

    Breathtaking... the excerpt below is from the section starting on page 27 of the Bi-Partisan report.

    "On numerous occasions over the course of his time on the Trump Campaign ,
    Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik . Gates, who
    served as Manafort's deputy on the Campaign , aided Manafort in this effort. Manafort
    communicated electronically with Kilimnik and met Kilimnik in person twice while serving on
    the Trump Campaign . Manafort briefed Kilimnik on sensitive Campaign polling data and the
    Campaign's strategy for beating Hillary Clinton . At Manafort's direction , Gates used an
    encrypted messaging application to send additional Campaign polling data to Kilimnik"

    1. Derv posted... "Manafort = Russian agent."

      It sure looks like it. But let's remember his BFF Roger Stone was also knee deep in the same muck.

      BTW, Steve Bannon was arrested and indicted today for fraud and money laundering.

      DOJ arresting your own people is a novel way to "drain the swamp."

    2. The Swamp is draining the Trump Administration... lol!

      It's looking more and more like in 2021 we're going to need the wall to use as a backstop for the firing squads... :)

    3. Dotard made the swamp swampier. You anticipate executions? On a mass scale? And that makes you smile? That's Franco-like talk.

    4. Nope, just for those willing to abuse their public office in support of their political advancement. Like the prosecutors at the SDNY.

    5. Given the mass death Dotard is responsible for, I think execution should be on the table. I'd be OK with locking him up for life, however. Along with his fellow murderer, Jared :(

      Geoffrey Berman charged Dotard's buddy Jeffrey Epstein, making it necessary for Toady Barr to have him killed before he spilled the beans on Dotard. Then he charged Lev Parnas, who subsequently told the truth about how he assisted Rudy G collect Russian-manufacture dirt on Joe Biden in Ukraine. Berman also took action against Halkbank, the largest state-owned bank in Turkey and Nicolás Maduro.

      I can see why you dislike him.

    6. btw, "no action on Ghislaine Maxwell"? Dotard wishes her well. Surely she would be doing a lot better if she had never been arrested. Now Toady Barr might have to have her killed too.

    7. You want NY Governor Cuomo executed for killing all those NY retiree's? It was a hugely disproportionate number, no doubt about it!

    8. Add the rest of Democrat Governors victims, and you have 56% of America's total Covid death count.

      24 Democrats caused soooo many needless deaths.... *shakes head*

      Maybe Cuomo should have sent people to the Javitz Center or USS Comfort instead of throwing away use of the federally supplied assets out of pure TDS.

  4. Well minus... most of these guys in the Trump Admin have admitted guilt. Bannon still has a few days to think before he decides on a trial and in the end, a long prison term. But to avoid the bars, he's gonna have to sing. Probably won't end well for Pres Trump.

    The Manafort stuff comes out of the GOP investigation where they determined the FBI acted improperly, but not illegally. But that Trump's campaign manager did in fact commit crimes including the Trump Admin standard fault, surprise, he lied. As did, they determined, Pres Trump.

    It's all pretty interesting.

    1. ...and convincing for the few who still had faith in an unbiased justice system.

  5. I'm against the death penalty but would be perfectly willing to make an exception for DJT and his accomplices.
