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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Dotard, A Putin Investment That Paid Off Bigly

Predisent Dotard works for Vladimir Putin. The following excerpt from the Palm Beach Post concerns how Putin "invested" in Dotard with a 30 million dollar "gift" in 2008.

A new twist in the old saga of that Palm Beach mansion Trump made a killing off of. Excerpt from a 9/11/2020 Palm Beach Post article by Frank Cerabino.

...the estate at 515 N. County Road was owned by nursing-home magnate Abe Gosman ... Bankruptcy forced Gosman to liquidate, and ... Trump bought the humongous, empty estate [although] he didn't hang onto it for very long. He sold it three years later to a trust controlled by Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev ... Rybolovlev paid $95 million for the estate that Trump bought three years earlier [in 2005] for $41.3 million. That's quite a mark-up, and more than $30 million higher than the property's appraised value. ...

Rybolovlev never moved into his Palm Beach estate, and nobody can say for sure that he even visited the property during the time he owned it. After eight years of vacancy, the mansion and its out-buildings were leveled and the property was subdivided into three smaller lots and sold by the company Rybolovlev controlled.

But there is some new context to this strange sale. It comes from Trump's former fixer, lawyer and confidante, Michael Cohen, who ... wrote in his newly released book, "Disloyal: A Memoir", that Rybolovlev wasn't the real buyer of the Palm Beach estate.

[According to] Cohen [Trump told him]... "The oligarchs are just fronts for Putin. He puts them into wealth to invest his money. ... That's all they are doing – investing Putin's money".

So, how is paying 53.7 million more for a property than the original owner sold it for (and 30 million more than it's appraised value) an "investment"? The answer is that the investment wasn't the property, the investment was Dotard. An investiment by Putin (as per Dotard) that is currently paying off in spades.

Video: Is Donald Trump Working For Russia? 1/14/2019 Late Show with Stephen Colbert monologue.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-172.


  1. Peaceful.BLM protests IS a new twist on the Russia-Russia hoax. Is it going to be put into an addendum to the Mueller Report along with the rest of your paranoid delusions, Dervy?

    1. As CONFIRMED by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report, there is no "Russia-Russia hoax". The Dotard campaign eagerly accepted Russian help. And, as proven by the fact that Roger Stone never rolled on Dotard (for which Dotard commuted his sentence), the Dotard campaign was coordinating with WikiLeaks (which got it's hacked data from Russia).

      As for BLM, the paranoia is on your side re the peaceful protests. If you don't vote Dotard, MS-13 is going to move in next door to you... Boo!

    2. If that were true, where are the Articles of Impeachment? LOL!

    3. Was SHE the girl Trump hired to pee on the Obama hotel room bed in Moscow? No WONDER we never saw the tapes!

      Putin is a MASTERMIND!

    4. There aren't articles of impeachment because senate republicans don't care. They're laundering the Joe Biden dirt that Rudy got from a Russian intelligence officer. They're all traitors.

    5. Really? Then why won't the SSCI share their report with other Senate Republicans to get more general support for impeachment? LOL!

    6. Because they're opposed to impeachment. They approved the report to give them cover if Dotard loses the upcoming election. "We weren't stooges for Russia -- just look at our report!". Dotard is still popular with low information voters (or fans of autocracy like you). They don't want to get voted out, only seen as being on the right side of history. republican voters are probably either dismissive of this report (because nothing is coming of it) or unaware of it.

    7. What's your explanation? They wrote a "fake" report for no reason?

  2. btw - How did Putin know back in 2008 that Trump would win in 2016? He must be one hell of a stable genius!

    1. Obviously he couldn't have known. But he certainly could have hoped. He cultivated a puppet and his long shot paid off. As we have all seen. As Nancy Pelosi said, "with him, all roads lead to Putin". btw, Putin is surely WAY smarter than Dotard.

    2. Putin invests on "hope" for the future? Wouldn't he soon go broke if he REALLY did that?

    3. According to Dotard he did. I expected your reply might be that Cohen (a Best Person) is a liar. But it wasn't. Instead you refute Dotard's assertion that Putin gave him $30 million. According to you it wasn't an investment. So what was it for? He'd go broke a LOT faster if he overpays by that much every time he buys something.

  3. Oh God! The Marxist still making excuses for the Fascist POSPOTUS who lied about the deadly virus so that it killed tens of thousands Americans and who called the men and women in uniform "losers and suckers?"

    Someday they'll take their heads out of their asses and once they cleanse their eyes from the orange poop they've wallowed in for the last 5 years, they'll see how foolish they are.

    Nah. That'll never happen. Cultist gotta cult. They're so convinced they have all the answers and know all the conspiracies out there that prove Trump is some sort of under-appreciated stable genius, playing 3-dimensional chess, when in fact he listens to the squirrels in his brain.

    It's kinda cute if it wasn't so lethal to our democracy.

    Every population in every country has these delusional know-nothings among them who refuse to see what's in front of their noses.

    1. ^^President of the Delusional Know-Nothing Club^^

    2. We knew that about you already. Still, I never thought you'd admit it.

  4. I didn't. I "pointed" to the person I was referring to ^^.

    1. Then you used the wrong pointers. >>Should have looked like this<<

  5. Ha! JoCon thinks he wins arguments by calling people names. All you need to know about him and his pals is that they actually support a guy who has been a grifter, cheater, liar, adulterer, sexual assaulter and rapist, and fraud his entire life. Also, he sucks up to ex-Commie head of the KGB every chance he gets. Does anyone need to know anything more about the people who continue to support Trump? Do you know a more pathetic group of delusional sycophants?
