WYM Pages

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Predisent Dotard Approves Of The Extrajudicial Executions Of Leftists Who Defend Themselves & Disapproves Of The Arrest Of Magaturds Who Murder Peaceful Protestors

Apparently if you're a Dotard fan that gives you a license to murder. As long as you claim "self defense", you should be freed immediately. Forget about a trial. The hastag is #FreeKyle, not #AcquitKyle. So, while predisent Dotard defended Kyle Rittenhouse, when a police hit-squad took out Michael Reinoehl (opening fire after not identifying themselves or trying to take him into custody), the predisent said it was "retribution".

Michael Reinoehl was wanted in connection with the shooting of a "counter-protestor" -- an individual who belonged to the "Patriot Prayer" pro-Dotard group whom Reinhold says he shot in self defense. I can't say I know one way or the other if his claim of self defense was accurate. I do believe he deserved his day in court. But, unlike Kyle Rittenhouse, he won't get it :(

According to the UK Daily Mail (as per a witness) "Reinoehl was not obviously armed with a firearm and was eating candy when the officers opened fire without warning". The witness also stated that the "cops did not identify themselves or try to arrest the suspect".

Young Turks Video: Witness Refutes Portland Police Story About Michael Reinoehl Shooting.

"Coroners ruled Reinoehl's death a homicide... An autopsy revealed he died from multiple shots to his head and torso". Will any of the shooters be held accountable? I doubt it. Meanwhile the pro-Dotard blogger Minus FJ says (about Kyle) "Too bad that not a jury in the world would ever convict him". Maybe, maybe not. He isn't a police officer. Therefore he does not have a license to kill.

A license to kill being the claim of seeing a gun. Or the claim of believing the suspect was going for a gun. Even if the "gun" turns out to be a cell phone. Or the "going for a gun" is BS. That, or they can claim the suspect was "resisting arrest". So they had to proceed "by the book" and put the suspect in a choke hold (Eric Garner) -- or put their knee on their neck (George Floyd) and snuff the life out of them.

Maybe, if Kyle is convicted, predisent Dotard can pardon him. If he is still in office. I doubt Kyle's trial will begin before the election. So, (God willing) it will be Dotard who will be facing charges in 2021. And he will no longer have the ability to issue pardons. Not that I belive he gives a crap about Kyle. I'm sure he only said he agreed with Kyle's claim of self defense because he knew his supporters would appreciate it. Just as they likely appreciate that Dotard approved of the extrajudicial execution of Michael Reinoehl.

By the way, I don't know for certain that the people Kyle shot were peaceful protestors. Hopefully the facts will come out during the trial. And, if Kyle is guilty (which, it looks to me like he is) he will not get off (like the murderer George Zimmerman).

Video: Kenosha shooting timeline ~ tracking Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle Rittenhouse murdered two people (Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony M. Huber) and greviously injured a third (Gage Grosskreutz).

Image (top of post): Kyle Rittenhouse's victims... Kyle shot Gaige Grosskreutz in the bicep. Kyle shot and killed Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-173.


  1. The truth speaks for itself w/o any need for your lying words (sometimes a gun really IS a gun).

    btw - Do all "peaceful protestors" carry handguns like Kyle's attackers did THAT night? Who was firing all the shots heard in the audio? :)

    1. If Kyle's victims had handguns why didn't they use them to defend themselves? A better alternative than getting shot and killed, you'd think.

    2. Tell that to the last guy Kyle shot in the video... the one with the handgun.

    3. Gage Grosskreutz (man Kyle shot who lived): I was shot point blank with a .223 round from the shooter. And I am now missing 90% of my bicep. I never fired my gun... I was there to help people. Not hurt people ... I have my concealed carry, I've had it for years. That was my gun. My firearm. I had a legal right to possess it and to possess it concealed. ... None of it is true, of what people have been saying as far as their assumptions toward me, at least. I'm not an Antifa terrorist organizer. I am a 22-year-old male. I go to school. And yeah, I exercise my First Amendment right to peacefully protest. ... I walked away with my life that night but two people didn't. (Link).

      Gage had a concealed carry; He says. And there is no note by the article author disputing that. Kyle possessed his weapon unlawfully. As a 17 year old he could not legally open carry his weapon.

      Kyle = arrested. Charged with two felony charges of homicide in the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony M. Huber, and a felony attempted homicide charge in Grosskreutz's incident. Rittenhouse is also facing charges of possessing a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18... Under Wisconsin law he is not legally allowed to possess a gun at his age.

      Gage = not arrested. Strange, if he had committed attempted murder and Kyle was "defending himself". Why is Kyle being charged and not him?

    4. As a 17 year old he could not legally open carry his weapon.

      Better check your Wisconsin gun laws again, Dervy. Open carry's got nothing to do with age. He can also "possess" as many guns as his heart desires and parents allow. They just need to buy them for him.

    5. ps - He was "charged" because George Soros financed far too many DA's last election.

    6. btw - Are they charging the gun owner with any crimes? Because the "possession" charge only applies to adults over 18. :)

    7. So he was charged with "possessing a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18" for no reason? Lawyers in the DA's office don't know the laws in their own state?

      As for how many DAs George Soros financed... zero is too many? (I will assume the number is zero, given your lack of any evidence to back up your BS). Even if Soros money found it's way into the campaign of any DA, that doesn't mean the DA would take instruction from Soros re who to charge or what to charge them with. You murder multiple people and you are almost certainly going to be charged with a crime. Unless you're the predisent.

  2. Donald J. Trump lied to the American people about Covid-19 and told them it was no worse than the seasonal flu. He knew that it was deadly and could be air-borne and highly contagious. He knew this and yet held rallies with people closely packed together, shouting, coughing, and spreading droplets of the virus. He made fun of people who wore masks and disregarded the guidelines of his own CDC for protecting oneself and others from the virus.

    Donald J. Trump made fun of the men and women who sacrificed themselves in service to their country and called them "losers and suckers." And refused to attend a memorial service in France in an American cemetary because he didn't want to mess his hair.

    Trump just said recently that scientists don't know about climate change. (But the guy who said windmills cause cancer and who suggested people inject themselves with disinfectant to ward off Covid-19 knows better.)

    In any other time and place in this country, anyone hearing just these few things that Trump just recently said would think that a lunatic had taken over the presidency and was holding people hostage to his lunacy. But this is our reality, thanks to a minority of frightened, poorly educated, hate-filled bigots and white supremacists and he electoral college.

    This is America's nightmare reality. For now. Joe Biden has been consistently ahead in every poll for months and months. Only a loud, fascist minority believe in Trump, a majority of Americans want to get rid of the disease that's infected America and that is Trump.

    Let's hope Biden's lead continues and grows and that we send Trump to the trash heap -- Nah, The Cesspool of History, where he belongs.

    1. I remember 2016. Clinton was considered almost a shoe-in. Opps, didn't work out so well. My point is obviously that complacency can be deadly. Hopeully this time around no one stays home or rips up their mail in ballot thinking Biden/Harris is a sure thing. It isn't.

      Frankly I would hope trump finds himself resting uncomfortably in a federal pen before he retires to The Cesspool of History. BTW, that history is being written as he stumbles an blunders along his way into it. His cultists are loving it. For now.

    2. Agreed, RN. We should never become complacent. But this isn't 2016, is it. In 2016 there weren't groups of Republicans against Trump. Dozens of people who worked for the Bush administration and the McCain campaign are banded together to defeat Trump -- all non-cultist Republicans. And there are non-cultist Republican governors who are never Trumpers, and plenty of conservative groups out there producing ads and videos against Trump. Trump hasn't increased his base; in fact, he's lost a lot of it.

      I don't know about you, but I haven't heard of anyone who voted for Hilary or Obama who has jumped on the Trump cultist train and is crossing over to vote for him. But thousands of people who voted for Trump in 2016 have abandoned him.

      That's what's different this time. Millions of people know what Trump is because he's been showing himself to be a malignant narcissist and pathological liar, cheat, and fraud for the past 3 1/2 years.

      The pandemic is his Waterloo. He did everything wrong, thousands of Americans died because of his lying and deceit. The economy is in the toilet, the job numbers are horrible, the west is burning and the south is flooding.

      And all Trump can do is lie. As Woodward said in his interview with Cooper the other night, Trump has no mental ability to understand on what is reality vs. what he tells himself is reality. As POTUS, he never dealt in facts or truth. He's made us all sick in one way or another.

      As a nation, we're dealing with two viruses: Covid-19 and Donald J. Trump. We have to rid ourselves of both.

    3. Agreed Shaw, we do have to rid ourselves of both. It's almost a toss up which virus is potentially the most deadly.
