WYM Pages

Friday, September 25, 2020

On The Verge Of Autocracy

Dotard fans like Minus FJ are thrilled, I'm sure. According to him Dotard is an "autocratic outsider". This he said, not as an insult, but as praise. While Minus is a fan of autocracy, most Dotard supporters would deny he is an autocrat. Or a wannbe autocrat. But if Dotard is able to steal a second term -- I definitely think he will go full autocrat.

Over time. But I think a second term would allow him to compelete the transition (or fundamental transformation). And then? Who knows? Michael Cohen says Dotard would try to hold on to power past the Constitutional limit of 2 terms. As per Dotard himself he would "negotiate" for more time in office.

The following YouTube was posted by the blogger Rational Nation USA on his blog. RN's 9/24/2020 post is titled America's Greatest Domestic Threat - The president Of The United States. In the 9/23/2020 Daily Show video Trevor Noah explains how Dotard could steal the upcoming election. Following the video I reposted a comment I left on RN's blog in response to How Trump Is Planning on Winning the Election No Matter What (7:45).

Dotard is definitely a domestic adversary. This video explains why Dotard and Mitch will push for getting a judge seated ASAP. btw, turnout has been up under Dotard (how we got the blue wave), but will it be high enough to save Democracy? Everyone is on the edge of their seats. According to Thom Hartmann, in 2000 the republican controlled legislature in Florida was considering passing legislation to just give it's electors to gwb (and that Jeb Bush would have signed the bill). But then the SCOTUS ruled the way it did -- so they didn't.

The point is that a state legislature almost gave it's electors to the loser of the popular vote in it's state in 2000 (before the SCOTUS intervened) -- and this scenario could play out in several swing states this year. Meaning Dotard could very clearly lose, but "win" anyway. And, given that it's Constitutional, public outcry is the ONLY thing that might stop legislators in swing states from handing their electors to Dotard. Even if it is the will of the people that they go to Joe Biden. In which case America is screwed [end comment from RN's blog].

I got the "get rid of the ballots" image from the blog Progressive Eruptions (Shaw Kenawe). Dotard really said that we should "get rid" of the ballots. Throw out mail in ballots cast by people legally entitled to vote in response to bogus claims that they are fradulent.

He is trying to use the fact that many people want to vote by mail (in response to the ongoing pandemic) to steal the election. Another reason why he's been downplaying the danger the virus poses. A a result Democrats are more likely to vote by mail this year. Why it might appear as though Dotard has won on election night (before the mail in ballots are counted). Dotard will challange these ballots and try to get as many of them thrown out as he can. On MSNBC they are referring to the probablity that it might look like Dotard is winning on election night as a "red mirage".

What follows is a video of highlights from the 9/23/2020 airing of The Rachel Maddow Show. This was the episode in which she reacts to Dotard's desire to "get rid of the ballots (12:34).

Dotard will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power because he intends to fight to hang onto power no matter what the election results are. Unless (perhaps) the results overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden. And maybe not even then. Certainly (if that is the case) Dotard will complain loudly about how bigly fraud was committed by people who mailed in their ballots.

And he will attempt to push off certification by the states of their election results past December 14 (the safe harbor date). This is the date by which The 1887 Electoral Count Act requires that the states say who their electors will be. If it is unclear (in any particular state) who won -- maybe the state will pass a law that says who their electors will be. As I previously noted, Florida almost passed such legislation in 2000 to say (forget a recount), it's electors would go to George W bush.

Maybe some swing states (with republican legislatures and republican governors) will actually pass such legislation this year? That would "get rid of the ballots" (override the will of the people) and just give a state's electors to Dotard. And the majority Conservative Supreme Court might say, "yes, this is Constitutional". Clearly Dotard is signaling he believes this is what will happen. Then it's goodbye Democracy, hello Dotard -- America's first unelected autocrat.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-179.


  1. The last time Dotard suggested getting rid of ballots. And going with the count on election night. What he will do on the evening of Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Guaranteed.

    1. Appreciate the repost of the video here Derv. Dotard donnie will absolutely go as you predict. Or worse.

  2. Derv... for years the PRI Party in Mexico simply declared themselves the winner at 7pm every election night, results be damned. That depressed the opposition, sealed their victory in the minds of the people and life went on.

    With a PRI President in place every year for 71 years.

    I'm anticipating Trump, if he is ahead in early balloting, which is likely, will come out and do the same as the PRI did for decades in Mexico, calling any change BS, thereby poisoning the well.

    I have no idea how we insure against it.
