WYM Pages

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Bloodthirsty Christian Conservatives Demand More Abortions (Via The Seating Of Amy Barrett)

To be clear, "Christian" Conservatives aren't demanding more abortions with their words. With their words they say they want fewer abortions. They say this will be accomplished by getting rid of a woman's right to chose and forcing women to carry their rapist's babies to term. Also women who accidently get pregnant and do not want to go through the expense and danger to their health of a pregnancy. These women should also be subjected to forced pregnancies too.

But with their actions? They are definitely demanding more abortions. Given the fact that countries with stricter abortion laws have higher abortion rates.

Abortion rates go down when countries make it legal: report. 3/20/2018 ABC News article by Maggie Fox. Excerpt.

Abortion rates have fallen over the past 25 years, even as more countries have made the procedure legal and easier to get, according to a new report... Countries with the most restrictive abortion laws also have the highest rates of abortion, the study by the Guttmacher Institute found. Easier access to birth control drives down abortion rates, the report also finds. ...

Switzerland had the lowest abortion rate at 5 per 1,000 women. The U.S. rate is 13 per 1,000 women, the same as Britain's, the report found. Colombia and Mexico had abortion rates of 34 per 1,000 women. Pakistan’s estimated abortion rate was the highest at 50 per 1,000 women.

The Trump Administration has embraced a conservative-led movement to limit abortion rights in the US. ... And the Trump Health and Human Services Department has reversed Obama era policies that made contraception more freely available and that used evidence-based approaches to fight teen pregnancy ... "Improved contraceptive use, and in turn, declines in unintended pregnancy rates are the likely driver behind the worldwide decline in abortion rates"...

"Highly restrictive laws do not eliminate the practice of abortion, but make those that do occur more likely to be unsafe"...

Religious nutters like Amy Barrett also oppose contaeception, a surefire route to drive up abortion rates. Amy Barret (as per Huffpost) opposed the "birth control mandate in the Affordable Care Act that requires most private health insurance plans to cover birth control without a copay".

If Amy Barret is seated the ACA could be struck down before the end of the year. Had Barrett been on the court the last time republicans tried to get rid of the ACA, "she would have voted with the other Republican-appointed justices and said Obamacare was unconstitutional" (as per the previously linked to Huffpost article). After that she will be part of the 6-3 Conservative majority that will overturn Roe V Wade.

"That will happen, automatically in my opinion", Dotard said back in 2016 as a candidate. He was talking about him appointing just one justice (the appointment stolen from Barack Obama). Now that he has appointed/will appoint 3 justices, the "automatic" overturning of Roe V Wade needs only a case. Which some conservative group will ceratinly seek to get in front of the court ASAP.

As per the pro-Dotard blogger, Minus FJ, after ACB is seated "Roe will be overturned ending America's 62+ million abortions nightmare". But Minus is wrong. The nightmare will begin if/when Roe is overturned. Given that abortion rates will likely increase. As per the study by the Guttmacher Institute.

Quote: "In countries that restrict abortion, the percentage of unintended pregnancies ending in abortion has increased during the past 30 years, from 36% in 1990–1994 to 50% in 2015–2019".

By the way, the US public continues to favor legal abortion and opposes overturning Roe. This is according to an August 2019 Pew poll that says "a majority of Americans (61%) continue to say that abortion should be legal in all (27%) or most (34%) cases [and that] a smaller share of the public (38%) says abortion should be illegal in all (12%) or most cases (26%)".

Yet another example of how the "tyranny of the majority" that Conservatives fear is bullshit. The truth is that Conservatives love imposing their minority views upon the rest of us. The question is just how far the majority can be pushed before they've decided they've had enough. Why, I think, if Joe Biden wins the election and is sworn in a president (and ACB is seated beforehand), he will have no choice but to expand the court.

In order to undo the injustice of imposing minority rule upon the American people. And in order to save women's lives and reduce abortions.

Image: "Why do [religious conservatives] want Coney Barrett? They expect her to be the final vote banning abortions, killing Obamacare, making birth control illegal, outlawing gay marriage, and forcing every woman in the nation to wear a chastity belt" (excerpted from the article Amy's Cult).

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-180.


  1. Dotard donnie and his party of authoritarian minded control freaks are only interested in reshaping America in the vein of a religious tyranny. Something like you might find in a Middle East Theocracy with its religous zealots. Certainly the evangelicals in the USA would welcome religous tyranny. These people are illogical, uncaring, and want to CONTROL EVERYONES LIFE to fit their idealigical beliefs.

    Dotard donnie is building American Tyranny. Be prepared for a fucking very difficult and dangerous time.

    1. Mary Trump claims religion has "no importance" to her uncle "whatsoever". "It's not okay when you pretend otherwise and convince people that you're something you’re not". https://abcn.ws/2WM80sv

      Religious Conservatives say nice things about him and are supporting him. That is ALL he cares about.

    2. Right Derv. Dotard donnie likely does not have a religous bone in his body. But he disingenuously claims the contrary because it serves his political purposes. Truth and integrity mean nothing to him. He is a man withoutany principals or values. Othar than doing whatever it takes to enrich himself and amass power. In my opinion Dotard is not only a clear and present danger to our democratic republic he is an evil entity. If I belived the biblical Lucifer actually existed I'd call Dotard donnie Lucifer.

  2. lol! You really are stupid. What part of zero don't you get?

    1. btw - Smart Democrats are investing in coat hanger stocks.

    2. Be careful -FJ (aka Joe Conservative), you'll grow to regret your stupidy. Count on it.

    3. And your last quip about coat hangers simply confirms your glaring neandracon ignorance.

    4. BTW, if you do not think women should have control of their own life fine. It is your right to be wrong. But you nor anyone else has the right to force their religous convictions on ANY women. PERIOD.

    5. But being a trumptatd cultist and being on board with authoritariaism you incorrectly THINK you have that right. YOU DO NOT. NOR DOES ANYONE ELSE.

    6. You trumptards are NOT about liberty and freedom. You're all about forcing every individu in society to conform to your neandracon values. So YOU and those LIKE YOU can feel as though you're just oh so Christian. You're not. You're no bettrr than the Mullahs in Iran. In fact you're just like them in truth.

    7. Minus acknowledges his "zero" is bullshit with his "coat hangers" quip. There will NEVER be zero abortions unless we go full "Handmaiden's Tale". Minus lives in a world of delusion and fact denial. As per the article I referenced, abortions are HIGHER in countries with more restrictions. YOU really are stupid.

    8. I think you mean willfully stupid. Which is exactly what happens when you put blinders on as -FJ and so many others do.

    9. Your "god" is Donald tRump. "Jeebus" isn't anyone's god. There is no god known as "Jeebus". btw, "Jeebus" is a term non-believer use to make fun of Christians. But, ironically, Dotard is supported bigly by Christian Conservatives. Clearly you believe they are suckers. Same as Dotard does.

    10. There were more abortions in America before Roe than after? Who knew?

    11. I have naught but respect for Christian Conservatives. If they want to believe that they must do "good" because Jeebus told them so, so be it. I believe in doing "good" because it's the "rational" thing to do, from a non-objectivist pov.

  3. In Nevada, once the ACA, or Obamacare was passed, our Republican Governor, Brian Sandoval decided it was a good deal for Nevada and signed us on. One of the key parts of the act was greater access to childhood health care and birth control options for young and poor women of child bearing years.

    Soon Nevada had the largest drop in abortions we had ever seen. Governor Sanchez, seeing the data and analysis then went before the state to announce, in his State of the State address, that Nevada had seen a huge improvement in the health of kids and had seen abortions drop by almost 20% an unheard of drop.

    This Republican Governor attributed that drop almost fully to Nevada's embrace of of Obamacare and the access to birth control it gave to women.

    One would think the drop in abortions would have cheered the right to life crowd in Nevada and the GOP state representatives. But that was not the case. Instead, once Sandoval mentioned that health officials across the state also attributed the drop in abortions to the ACA/Obamacare, the GOP booed.

    As I talked with pastors and religious leaders in Nevada after that, they simply rejected the analysis by medical leaders, statisticians and the governor. Why? Because while they loved the drop in abortions, they did not like how we got there.

    Mainly because the ACA had made it possible for young people to largely have sex if they so desired, without worry of getting pregnant.

    To this day, our numbers remain low. If the ACA is struck down, as I believe it will be now, we will likely see an increase in abortions in our state.

    How is this better?

    1. There will be no abortions...just lots and LOTS of babies w/.o ACA. :)

    2. No more decaffeinated sex and sacharine heavy petting. Consequences will return to the world d the current medically "simulated" world will end. Sorry, Neo, but your medical Matrix simulation just crashed.

    3. If "there will be no abortions" what are the coat hangers for? Idiot. You want MORE abortions. If ACB is seated (and Biden declines to expand the court) you will likely have your way. This, IMO, is part parcel to your hatred of women. And desire to control them.

    4. Ayup Derv. You hit that nail squarely on it's proverbial head.

    5. the coat hangers are for illegal abortions. Sepsis will punish those foolhardy enough to attempt it, and deter the rest.

  4. Well Dave, lets hope Barrett has your ability to actually analyze the empirical data and arive at a decision that ensures choice is left in the hands of women that would be severely affected by the vacating of the ACA.

    If Christians opposed to abortion looked at the data and objectively analyzed it, rather than emotionally, they would see the ACA as a deterent to abortion. But a whole bunch of them prefer the idealogical emotionalism.

    Like you I believe she will vote to upend the ACA. Unfortunately.

  5. And sports fans, for those of who think ending Roe v Wade will end abortions, think again. They existed long before it was legal and will remain legal in many states long after R v W is struck down.

    All that does is take it out of federal hands...

    1. The very day Roe is overturned, abortions will become illegal in 23 states and 3 territories. Lawsuits will then be brought in the 21 states with trigger laws to get them invalidated when a new federal law protecting the unborn gets passed. check-mate!

    2. The Democratically controlled House and Senate will send President Biden legislation to sign that protects choice. Rational Americans realize conferring "personhood" upon a fetus is a really bad idea.

  6. The sharpest drops in abortion rates in America have been under Democratic presidents.

    We've always said abortions should be rare and safe.

    Coney-Barrett is even against contraception -- it's supposedly what the Roman Catholic Church prohibits, but no one, except far-right extremist Catholics, observes that rule. It was a made-up rule by some pope. Jesus had nothing to say about abortion or birth control. If those two issues were so important, why then did Jesus have nothing to say on them?

    Contraception should be cheap (or free) and available to those who need it, and the abortion rate would drop even further.

    State enforced pregnancies are as evil as state enforced abortions.

    The state should stay out of a woman's right to control her own body.

  7. Shaw... it was that cheap, safe, effective birth control that the ACA made widely available and what medical experts credit with driving the US abortion rate to historic lows.

  8. Anyone, like the Marxist for example, who talks about "protecting the unborn," yet ignores the children who were taken from their parents, some never to see their parents again, and put in cages, does not deserve to be considered a sincere "pro-lifer." Simple logic tells us that if one is concerned about a collection of cells in the womb (a five-week old embryo doesn't have a heart or brain), one should be very concerned about a living, breathing live child with a developed brain and a beating heart that aches for its parents.

    We believe in making abortion rare and safe.

    1. Exactly. The Democratic Party is the pro-life party. republicans only care about life when it's a collection of cells in the womb. And controlling women's bodies.
