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Saturday, September 19, 2020

President Biden To Nominate New Supreme Court Justice After Being Sworn In

Following the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I am positive Joe Biden and his team are mulling who President Biden will select to replace her. As per Ginsberg herself, a Clinton-appointed justice who was cherished by many (and hated by the right, many of whom prayed for her death), a replacement should not be appointed until after the next president has been sworn in.

Ginsburg: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed" (dictated in a statement to her granddaughter that was obtained by NPR).

Mitch McConnell, when explaining why he refused to consider a nominee by President Obama to replace Antonin Scalia, said, given the "nearness" of the election, the American people should decide.

CNN Video: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says there will be no Supreme Court nominee confirmed in President Barack Obama's final year in office.

This is an unprecidented moment in our nation's history. A rat bastard like McConnell sets a precident that a precedent should not fill a Supreme Court vacancy in an election year, then ignores that precedent when (instead of 11 months) it is less than 3 months when it happens a second time?

Now that motherf*cker says Dotard and the republican-controlled Senate will act fast to replace Ginsburg.

President #46 Joe Biden says that it is his "hope and expectation" that Ginsburg will not be replaced quickly. Although it may not happen before the election, there is still plenty of time for the Senate to replace her in a lame duck session (after Dotard loses the election).

Which I surely expect them to try to do. And probably succeede in doing, G*ddamn it. Which isn't to say that Democrats should not do everything they can to stop Putin's puppet from selecting a THIRD justice (swinging the court HARD Right for a generation).

Mitch McConnell: The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. (Feb 2016).

Lindsey Graham: I want you to use my words against me. If there's a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let's let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination (March 2016 during Neil Gorsuch's confirmation hearings, and again in 2018 during Brett Kavanaugh's hearings).

YouTube linked to (on WYM) by the Dotard-supporting misogynist scumbag Minus FJ (using his The Absolute Marxist sockpuppet) in reaction to news of the death of RGB.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-175.


  1. Replies
    1. Donald Trump will still be President, and shortly thereafter, Roe will be overturned ending America's 62+ million abortions nightmare.

    2. If you're so confident then you should be for waiting until next year (after the inauguration) to replace RGB. fyi, 75% of Americans do not want to get rid of a woman's right to chose. And forced pregnancies and back alley abortions for poor women (while a rich woman could fly somewhere abortion is still legal) would be the nightmare.

    3. btw, if Dotard steals the election the people will rise up and take to the streets en masse and demand his removal. As the citizens of Belarus have in reaction to their despot rigging their election. America has had enough of Dotard the "autocratic outsider".

    4. If they "rise up" they will be smashed by federal authorities just as in Portland. :)

    5. That isn't stopping the citizens of Belarus. A super-majority of Americans don't want autocracy. You are a member of an insignificant minority. Even most Dotard supporters (I'd bet) do not CORRECTLY identify him as an autocrat -- as you do :(

      Hopefully (if it comes to that) the military commanders will refuse to follow unlawful orders.

    6. No, like the French revolution that ended with the beheading of Louis XVI. What should happen to Dotard the autocrat given his attempts to steal the election (soliciting foreign interference, post office shenanigans, attempts to get mail in ballots discounted, etc). I'd be satisfied with prison though.

    7. You're the one who brought up France with your Napoleon reference.

    8. ...and you put the sans in culottes.

    9. People you want to keep down. republicans = party of the wealthy, not workers.

  2. Well Derv... there's hope and then there's reality. A nominee will soon be put forward and in short order confirmed before or the day after the election when that selection will no longer endanger the careers of the GOP Senators.

    It's politics and to the victor, go the spoils.

    Now that's not to say that the Dems, citing historic obfuscation by the GOP as it regards the SCOTUS, won't increase the number of judges to 15 if they win the election.

    In the short term however, Schumer has no arrows in his quiver. The Dems and HRC ran a historically bad campaign in 2016. This is the continued fruit of that doomed effort.

    1. I say President Biden should nominate 4 justices after a Democratically controlled Congress expands the court. That would give us the majority.

      As for the "historically bad campaign" you refer to, it didn't help our side that Russia interfered on behalf of the Dotard campaign. Not to mention all the usual republican voter suppression and election fraud. Even someone running a historically bad campaign should have easily defeated a historically bad candidate.

    2. Russia knocked Bernie out in 2020? Who knew?

    3. I don't know wtf you're talking about Minus. The primary process knocked Bernie Sanders out in 2020. Same as in 2016. He was my candidate of choice, but he didn't get enough votes to become the nominee either time. Because the youth vote refuses to turn out. Bernie Sanders was counting on them and they let him down. Twice.

    4. The Russians sabotaged the youth vote? How dispicable!

    5. Are you posting stupidity on purpose? You're only making yourself look dumb.
