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Sunday, September 20, 2020

#DemExit Black Voters Are Leaving The "Democratic Plantation" In Droves

From the Joe Conservative (Minus FJ sockpuppet) blog Political Tea Leaves.

Joe Conservative: No, Blacks are leaving the Democratic plantation in droves. Get over it. They aren't your slaves anymore, Dervy. They have their OWN minds and dreams to dream. (8/27/2020 at 4:37am).

Dervish Sanders: Dotard's Black support is the same now as in 2016 [less than 10%. Probably around 6-8 percent]. Nobody is leaving the Democratic Party (not "plantation") in "droves" to vote for Dotard. Except in your delusions. (8/27/2020 at 5:24am).

TYT Video: Trump Voters Go UNHINGED When Given Facts (11:58). Trump voters incorrectly believe his Black support is much higher than it actually is.

Newsy Video: Why the majority of black voters are Democrats (2:40).

MSNBC Video: President Donald Trump's History Of Racist Remarks (15:59). AM Joy with fill-in host Jonathan Capehart.

Yet, according to Minus, America is coming together under Dotard? Right. Black Americans want the Democratic Party to do a better job addressing their concerns, but they are NOT leaving the party "in droves" to vote for a White Supremacist.

btw, #DemExit and #WalkAway are Twitter hastags used by Russian bots and trolls. aka, that these hashtags are "trending" (proof that Black voters and Progressives are leaving the Democratic Party) is (Russian) bullshit.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-176.


  1. Well Derv... there are rumblings of Biden having some struggles with African American men. Whether it will be enough to make a difference, who knows, but the needle has moved.

    Be that as it may, the African American vote, while still overwhelmingly in favor of Obama and the Dems, only needs to move a little to tip the election towards Trump.

    1. I thought it was Hispanic males. In any case, men seem to be the dumb ones. Regardless of race :)

    2. May be true. Maybe they are the folks that make up the 25% of young ppl who don't believe or aren't aware of the Holocaust...

  2. Derv: "Yet, according to Minus, America is coming together under Dotard? Right. Black Americans want the Democratic Party to do a better job addressing their concerns, but they are NOT leaving the party "in droves" to vote for a White Supremacist."

    Minus and his sockpuppets live in a cultist reality, which is no reality. It's all wishful thinking. Trump has not led Biden in any meaningful poll EVER! Trump has never been able to break 50% approval by the American people, and he has the worst WORST approval ratings of any POTUS in moder American history.

    Don't put any value in what Minus and his sockpuppets spew. It's not based in reality.

    However, we know that Trump is a cheat and liar and has the levers of power in his greasy dishonest little hands. Also, RUSSIA would love to see him remain in office so he can completely distroy what he failed to destroy in his first term. (I've read that he'd like to re-visit pulling out of NATO, a Putin dream.)

    We mustn't forget that Trump won the E.C. with 77,000 votes over only 3 states and that the will of the American people was that they wanted Hilary as their president, not the serial adulterer, liar, cheat, and fraud. Y'know, the guy Minus and his sockpuppets admire.

    1. I've read that Black support for Dotard was 8 percent in 2016. Also that Black support for republicans held steady at 8 percent in the 2018 midterms. Black people know Dotard is a racist. A big reason his support among Black voters will almost certainly stay in single digits in 2020.

      We have ALL seen for ourselves that Dotard is a racist. Some people like it (like Minus), others live in an parallel dimension that prevents them from taking in reality. Except for the cheating, I would say Joe Biden will win easily (certainly he will do better than HRC in the popular vote).

    2. Yeah, hang on to that 8% for trump's satanic life. If he loses half of that you can kiss his bloated orange ass goodbye.
