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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

We Need Court Packing! (Elie Mystal On A Future 100 Justice Supreme Court)

MSNBC Video: Elie Mystal says SCOTUS can't be dictated by McConnell's whims. The Beat With Ari Melber, 9/21/2020 (7:22).

From Who's Your Daddy, the blog of the Dotard supporter, Lisa.

Dervish Sanders: I'm looking forward to seeing who the 4 judges are that President Biden nominates to the expanded 13 seat court. In the meantime the Democrats should do everything they can to stop any nomination from being confirmed (government shutdown, 2nd impeachment, etc). And boofing Brett should definitely be impeached and removed under the new Congress. For lying under oath during his confirmation hearings. (8/27/2020 at 5:24am).

The Absolute Marxist: Wow, you people really ARE committed to a red wave election. :) (9/21/2020 at 1:06pm).

Following the comment by "The Absolute Marxist" (a Minus FJ sockpuppet) there is another comment by Cranko Franco in which he fantasizes about me being violently murdered by the State. Obviously he's a fan of fascism (why he selected the name "Franco").

Regarding the MSNBC video, I like Elie Mystal's take very much. Let's hope that Joe Biden changes his mind about court packing. I saw video of him on MSNBC in which he says he is against it. That was before the death of RGB, however. Now, I say the republicans have given us no choice. If Dotard nominates a candidate (who will surely be anti-choice, anti-LGBT and pro-corporate) and that candidate is voted on and seated, we will have no choice but to expand the court.

Provided Joe Biden is our next president and Democrats retake the Senate (while holding the House). Which I think is entirely possible. Do the voters of the United States want to install a fascist? Because you know the power grabs will only get bolder in a (God forbid) second Dotard term. Remember that Dotard has threatened to remain in office for 12 more years, which would certainly mean the end of our democratic republic as we know it.

RT Video: Trump at RNC ~ "If you really want to drive them crazy, you say 12 more years" (0:43).

Interesting that this YouTube was posted by Russia Today (a state-controlled international television network funded by the Russian federal tax budget). Obviously they would be all in for 12 more years of Dotard. btw, as per Michael Cohen, Trump is not joking about staying in office for more than 2 terms.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-177.


  1. Derv... I know it's off topic, but I've been focused on this, and it is at least related to SCOTUS...

    If the Dems take both the White House and the Senate, I'd say look for Justice Thomas to call it day and retire, giving a lame duck President Trump and GOP Senate a chance to name another young conservative judge for his seat. Then Mitch will run with that nomination as a lovely parting gift to conservative America.

    It would be the perfect cementing of Mitch's legacy and another huge nose thumbing from Trump towards the libs.

    1. Maybe. They have won. For now. Dotard WILL nominate a judge to replace RGB and Mitch WILL move to have the judge confirmed before the election. Whether or not Democrats have the backbone to stop them is another matter. I sure hope they do.

  2. I have always been against packing the court. However that was then, before Moscow Mitch the Bitch NcConnell and Dotard donnie. Now, I say fuck the cons and fuck em good if Biden ascends and the senate flips. Time to start playing by their playbook until the bastards cry uncle. They desrve NOTHING better.

  3. There seem to be a couple of real questions we need to ask...

    1. Should a president, who will not affirm a peaceful transition of power should he lose the election, be deemed qualified to even nominate a Supreme Court Justice?

    2. Then, we should ask his followers and advocates... is President Trump truthful in his public statements and can we take his words as literally true or is he lying, making stuff up or just sharing BS?

    It's been almost 4 years and I'm still trying to get someone, anyone on the conservative side of the aisle, to answer my second question.

    1. No and yes. He intends to steal the election. I've heard that there have been discussions between Dotard people and republicans in swing states to get legislation passed to GIVE their electors to Dotard. No matter what the popular vote is. Although they will try to justify such legislation by claiming fraud. And they will say that their legislation will fix the situation (of Joe Biden winning via fraud) by giving their electors to Dotard (the candidate who would have won if not for the mail in voting fraud).
