WYM Pages

Friday, October 16, 2020

Re Dotard Cultists Seeing Their Leader As An Actual Superman

According to reports, Dotard (when he ripped off his mask following his return from Walter Reed), also wanted to rip open his dress shirt to revel a Superman t-shirt underneath.

The Times reported on Saturday that during several phone calls from inside the hospital last weekend, Trump shared the idea of appearing frail when he emerged from the facility then exposing the Superman T-shirt underneath his top layer, which he described as a symbol of strength, according to sources with knowledge of the conversations. Trump reportedly spoke about the idea on multiple phone calls. In the end, the president did not go along with the move. (Link).

Truly it is a shame that he didn't do this. Although his magamoron cultists already view Dotard (an overweight old man who can't walk down a ramp or drink a glass of water without using both hands) as a superman. As depicted in the image below (which I acquired from Lisa's blog).

Scary or funny? Obviously it's both. But perhaps more scary? You do have to wonder how so many people have fallen under the sway of an obvious moron. One who is clearly roided up.

btw, why the beard? Is Dotard supposed to be Jor-El as protrayed by Russell Crowe in the 2013 film Man of Steel? Hmm. You'd think trumpers would be fans of the original Superman film and not the Zack Snyder remake. Also, another fake Time magazine cover? LOL.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-189.


  1. No, Trump is more of a Tony Stark with a presidential "Iron Man" suit.

    1. LOL

      btw, I agree that Fart should be far from the White House.

    2. I'm surprised that you say that, a donley lover like you. For isn't the DNC that Massive Ass Gas Attack you referred to?

    3. Dotard = Massive Ass Gas Attack.

      I don't know who/what "donley" is. If you mean Downey, you're the one who linked to all the Iron Man YouTubes.

    4. Sorry... the l is next to the k on my keyboard.

      I was pretty sure MAGA referred to the DNC, but I could be wrong...

    5. You are wrong. Also, your link doesn't work.

    6. The Democrats certainly aren't planning on Making America Great Again. But Democrats eating beans and farting in unison on the DNC Convention floor, I can believe.

    7. LOL.

      Trump Means Fart (Google Chrome extension) This is a simple chrome extension that replaces any instance of "trump" with the word "fart". This will help you learn the true definition of the word, and it's fun too!

  2. In real life, young and stronger Trump faked bone spurs to get out of serving his country. Other young men went in his place (one of my friends died in Vietnam, and my cousin, a US Marine, years later died of Agent Orange complications.)

    Trump is a classic coward. He and his supporters project him as a "superman" when in fact he's a lily-livered little worm. The sorts of "heroic" depictions the Trump Cultists put up on their pathetic blogs is only an affirmation of their secretly knowing that when it comes to courage and heroics, Trump is a puny little weasel, ready to get someone, anyone else to sacrifice in his place.

    Never forget that he called the men and women who served and dies for their country "losers and sucker." Those are the words of a yellow-belled coward.

    PS More Americans watched Biden's townhall last night than watched Trump's.

    The American people are fed up with the lies and distortions Trump has been selling for the past 5 years!


    1. Did you serve? Does that make you a puny little weasel?

    2. The weasel is YOU Joe. A fake conservative.

    3. He's not a conservative, he's an admitted authoritarian. AKA an enemy of democracy.

    4. Us classical liberals are the worst!

    5. Guess you're not a fan of Thomas Paine eh JC?

    6. I am huge fan. I especially love the way he pissed off the Jacobin's like you in France after the American Revolution.

    7. ...my only real problem with Paine was his globalism. I don't like living in MacAmerica, let alone a MacWorld.

    8. ...after all, the classical liberal concept of "negative liberty" is anathema to globalism. Globalism is the result of positivism.

    9. “The notion of the perfect whole, the ultimate solution in which all good things coexist, seems to me not merely unobtainable--that is a truism--but conceptually incoherent. ......Some among the great goods cannot live together. That is a conceptual truth. We are doomed to choose, and every choice may entail an irreparable loss.”
      ― Isaiah Berlin, "The Proper Study of Mankind"

    10. The great British conservative Edmund Burke sure hated Paine though. But then again, his goal was to "conserve" something entirely different than "classical liberalism".

    11. ...Paine was more an admirer of the Iroquois... like -FJ's avatar.

    12. Then (like me) you must laugh at the stupidity of Rudy Giuliani calling his podcast "common sense" when he clearly has none. He should call it "Putin's employee presents Russian disinformation" instead.

    13. The Delaware Computer Shop owner near Hunter's house is a Russian? Who knew?

    14. Maybe they teach Russian at Delaware State University, where he graduated in 1996.

      Mac Isaac Has Owned His Computer Repair Shop Since 2010 & Was Previously a ‘Lead Genius’ at Apple

    15. He must have been a "sleeper' mole... waiting all those many years in Delaware just to plant a fake story framing Hunter.

    16. I'm sure that much like the 'experts' at CrowdStrike who scrubbed the DNC servers, he must have been educated in Moscow.

    17. btw - DId the computer repair shop owner lie to a Senate Committee about where he got the laptop hardrive? Or is Hunter Biden an UNREGISTERED RUSSIAN AGENT working for the exMayr of Moscow's billionaire widow?

    18. Wait. Don't tell me. Hunter Biden's lawyer is the Russian agent! Must be!

    19. Rudy paid the computer shop guy (with Russian money) to plant the hd filled with Russian disinformation. The computer shop guy isn't Russian. I never said he was. That is your moronic strawman. As for lying to the Senate Intell committee. Maybe he did, maybe he just didn't tell them the full truth.

    20. The Computer Repair Store owner exchanged some Rubles for Dollars? How much money did he exchange? Did the FBI get Rudy's fingerprints off of the confiscated bills? Please, sources... enquiring minds wish to know.

      I sure wouldn't have told the SSCI ANYTHING.

  3. And yet Speedy, you guys never wavered in your ability to see in the birther craze a plot involving an entire hospital, doctors, nurses and even an unwitting newspaper that existed under the radar for over 40 years until just the right moment when America would elect a black Kenyan born Muslim man to destroy the country.

    Tell me, how do you guys decide which conspiracy theories you'll believe and pass on and which ones are simply too far beyond the pale?

    1. It's simple. If Democrats say either its' a "conspiracy theory" or it's been "debunked", you can bet with a 99% certainty that the subject in question is true.

    2. ...and if they say it's a "Russian intelligence operation to influence an election," the certainty level rises to 100% because its' confirmation that its' a politically partisan matter.

    3. In other words -- it's true because you want it to be.

    4. Nope. It's false because YOU NEED it to be.

    5. You NEED it to be true because Dotard is losing.

  4. I really enjoy reading trumpism con BS. It provides chuckles if nothing else. But I must admit it'll be even better when tRump is defeated, prosecuted for his ctimes and corruption, and hopefully then rots in a federal penitentiary.

    1. Please RN, reserve your prison sex with Trump fantasies for a more adult forum.

    2. Stuff it. You're a joke. I pay no attention to trumpers.

    3. ...aNd that's why you keep losing elections. :)

    4. That's why we'll keep winning elections. The 2016 blue wave is going to be a 2020 blue tsunami. The People have had enough of trumper stupidity.

    5. The 2016 "Blue Wave" lost the presidency. 2020 may be a tsunami all right... cuz all the water near the Democratic electoral shore is ebbing out to sea...

    6. 2018. I was referring to the midterm elections that made Nancy Pelosi speaker again. As for the 2016 potus election, Dotard's margin of victory was small. Now that the terrible job he has done is evident to all, only the hard core deluded cultists will vote for him again.

  5. Trump is "a wounded animal, and he's chewing off his own leg go get out of the trap."

    No matter how many facts you place in front of "Ther whatever" he'll not believe any of them. He's a cultist. You can't reason with someone in a cult.

    He's a Jim-Joneser type of cultist, he drank the Kool-Ade, but is still living -- a Trump Zombie.

    Happy Halloween!
