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Monday, October 19, 2020

Regarding The Hunter Biden MacBook Pro Filled With Russian Disinformation

Less than a month to the election, and Rudy Giuliani gets ahold of info which proves Hunter Biden and his dad are corrupt! Do I believe it? Absolutely yes. What choice do I have, given assurances from Minus FJ that the story is 100% true and definitely not Russian disinformation. Despite what the FBI says. About Rudy Giuliani and about the laptop in question.

National security adviser warned Trump in December 2019 that Giuliani was target of Russian disinformation campaign. (10/16/2020 CBS News story excerpt) In early December 2019, national security adviser Robert O'Brien conveyed to President Trump concerns that his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was being targeted by a Russian disinformation campaign aimed at discrediting Joe Biden, current and former administration advisers familiar with the situation told CBS News. [end excerpt]

Hunter Biden email and laptop ruction spotlights Giuliani as Trump risk factor (10/16/2020 AP story excerpt) A New York tabloid's puzzling account about how it acquired emails purportedly from Joe Biden's son has raised some red flags. One of the biggest involves the source of the emails: Rudy Giuliani. ...the FBI [is] investigating whether the emails are part of a foreign influence operation. [end excerpt]

Hmm. On second though I think I'll go with the FBI on this and not listen to either Rudy or Minus. Even if the computer shop owner (John Paul Mac Isaac) testified to Congress that it was Hunter Biden who dropped off the laptop (under threat of perjury).

Supposedly he looked at, then copied the contents of Hunter's hd and turned that over to Rudy Giuliani? After he gave the laptop to the FBI, why did he decide to contact Rudy? Or (more likely) did he contact Rudy first? And it was Rudy who gave him the hd filled with Russian disinformation?

Unlikely we'll know before the election. But after? If it's Joe Biden who is president, I expect Rudy's legal problems will intensify. Because trying to frame Hunter Biden with phony data cooked up by Russia has got to be a crime for which Rudy should go to prison for. For a bigly number of years (along with John Paul Mac Isaac).

CBS Evening News Video: Hunter Biden tabloid story raises disinformation campaign fears, 10/15/2020 (2:31). Description: The Trump campaign is accusing Twitter and Facebook of censorship after the social media companies blocked the spread of an unverified story about former Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, and a laptop allegedly full of his old emails. Nancy Cordes has details.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-190.


  1. Willis Hart: ...now with Hunter's old computer hard-drive in the public's possession (showing not just the corruption but the dude's degeneracy as well), lotsa' luck spinning your way out of this one, Democrats, corporate press, etc., (10/17/2020).

    Hunter Biden's laptop hd is in the public's possession?

  2. Ole Willis Hart still in his basement immersed in con conspiracy theories and trumptatd BS I see.

  3. Stephanie Miller: Rudy Giluiani is a traitor who belongs in prison for treason. Malcolm Nance said "Whoa, the republicans tried to tie Hunter Biden to child pornography, this is 100 percent an FSB tactic (Russia). The FSB always plants child porn on their opponents. So of course senator Ron Johnson carries Moscow's water. He's their made man".

    Mrs. Krassenstein tweets: Hunter Biden was living in California when Rudy Giuliani claims he dropped his laptop off for repair in Delaware. Now Giuliani says he never saw the laptop, but just copies of a hard drive. This story is such a disaster. (Stephanie Miller Show 10/19/2020).

    1. More tweets replying to Mrs. Krassenstein...

      Dan K@indiedocsf: It's not breaking news that he has been living in LA. He got married in LA in May 2019, and there have been pics of his art studio in his rented Hollywood Hills house. But yes, it is an absurd story that he would be getting his MacBook Pro repaired in Delaware.

      Laurie Zaks@lzakshorn: How many things like this have to happen for some consequence to happen. At least @RudyGiuliani is suffering the fact that his own children think he's a lying, immoral creep.

      valentina@yaldi00: Paul Isaac the man who found the supposedly laptop with HB emails, is a big Trump supporter & a computer genius according to Apple where he worked for years. Isaac said he never meet Hunter, the laptop was dropped off. Giuliani said Isaac meet him 2x both times HB was drunk, Lies!

      Gronda Morin@GrondaMorin: US intel analysts picked up chatter last month that emails like those revealed 11/14 by the NYPost who leaked in Oct, having been stolen by same GRU unit that hacked the DNC. One worry was Russia would mix in forgeries.

      SavetheVote2020@SavetheVote2020: Making a Legally defensible forensic copy of a hard drive is extremely complicated. Special equipment & knowledge are musts. Experts do this work.The minute the technician turned it on without proper safeguards he destroyed its legal usefulness or claim to its integrity.

    2. Derv... so bad it is that did you notice that there is no byline attached? What reporter would not want their name on such a blockbuster? Apparently the one who saw her work completely changed and amanded by higher ups in the NY Post tabloid hierarchy.

  4. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Monday said the information contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed by The Post last week “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.

    During an appearance on Fox Business’ “Mornings with Maria,” Ratcliffe shot down allegations by Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, that emails showing former Vice President Joe Biden knew about his son’s business dealings in Ukraine are a “smear” created by Moscow.

    “Hunter Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” Ratcliffe said.

    “Let me be clear: The intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that. And we have shared no intelligence with Adam Schiff, or any member of Congress,” he said.

    Ratcliffe then blasted Schiff.

    “It’s funny that some of the people who complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing the intelligence,” Ratcliffe said. “Unfortunately, it is Adam Schiff who said the intelligence community believes the Hunter Biden laptop and emails on it are part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

    “The FBI has had possession of this,” he said. “Without commenting on any investigation that they may or may not have, their investigation is not centered around Russian disinformation and the intelligence community is not playing any role with respect to that.”

    He also warned Schiff and others not to “leverage the intelligence community for a political narrative that’s not true.”

    “In this case, Adam Schiff saying this is part of a disinformation campaign and that the intelligence community has assessed and believes that — that is simply not true,” Ratcliffe said. “Whether it’s Republicans or Democrats, if they try to leverage the intelligence community for political gain, I won’t allow it.”

    The Director of National Intelligence says you are lying, Dervy. SHould I believe you or the DNI? Hmmmm. I think I'll take the DNI. :)

  5. "Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Monday said the information contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed by The Post last week “is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.”

    Total and complete Trumpian and dirty trickster BULLSHIT!

    "Ratcliffe, a Trump loyalist in Congress before his appointment as director, has come under withering criticism from intelligence veterans for manipulating intelligence to aid his boss’ reelection.

    “Everyone knows the deal here,” Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a former CIA officer, told The Daily Beast recently. “They know Ratcliffe is irresponsible.”

    How any intelligent human being could believe ANYTHING coming out of Trump toady and enabler's mouth is astounding. The fact that Trumpers still support DJT is evidence enough that they have no critical thinking skills.

    I believe none of this. Trump is a known liar and cheat. And he appoints liars and cheats to shore up his lies and cheating.

    We need to throw them all out of office and fumigate every department and office they infected.

    16 days to rid ourselves of the National Disaster Trump!

    #Everything Trump Touches Dies

    1. So now you're renouncing 'oficialismo?" Well, no surprises there...

  6. No, I'm renouncing bullshit. And that's what this stupid Hunter Biden bullshit is.

    It's bullshit. Typical, dishonest, conniving, lying dirty Republican trickster bullshit.


    You Trumpers are a gullible lot of easily duped children.

    "...the emails have not been verified as authentic. They were said to have been extracted from a computer assumed — but not proven — to have belonged to the younger Biden. They were said to have been given to the Post by Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who is known for making discredited claims about the Bidens.

    The venue is also suspect. The pro-Trump New York Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a steady supporter of the president despite recently casting doubt on Trump's reelection prospects. The lead reporter was a former producer for Sean Hannity, Trump's best friend on his favorite news network, Fox News, also controlled by the Murdochs. And the story asserted the existence of a meeting absent any documentation that it actually occurred. (The Biden campaign says the tabloid never sought comment on the veracity of the claims.)

    The context also screams for caution: U.S. officials say Russian disinformation campaigns have sought to keep Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine in the public eye. According to The Washington Post, intelligence officials warned the White House last year that Russian operatives had sought to give misinformation to Giuliani to be used against the Bidens. And NBC is now reporting that the FBI is investigating whether the material in the New York Post story originated in a foreign power's disinformation campaign."

    As I said above, you Trumpers are so infantile in your slavish stubborness in refusing to see the machinations of the world's biggest conman and his criminal enablers, it's embarrassing! I always knew there existed people like this in our country, I never understood how many there were and how they could continue to deceive themselves when Trump's sordid dishonesty is so evident to the majority in this country and the world.

    1. Attempted October surprise repeat of the Comey reopening of the HRC email investigation because of the discovery of emails on a Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop. Unfortunately (for trumpers) this "surprise" appears to be a dud (whereas when they did it to HRC it cost her votes). Apparently Dotard plans on bringing it up at the next debate with Biden (if it happens).

    2. It's NOT Hunter's laptop? Why doesn't he just say so?

    3. Why censor the entire Twitterverse instead of just simply saying, "That's not my laptop."

    4. A senior intelligence official confirmed the truth of Ratcliffe’s statements.

      “Ratcliffe is 100% correct,” the senior intelligence official told Fox News. “There is no intelligence at this time to support Chairman Schiff’s statement that recent stories on Biden’s foreign business dealings are part of a smart campaign that ‘comes from the Kremlin.'”

      “Numerous foreign adversaries are seeking to influence American politics, policies, and media narratives. They don’t need any help from politicians who spread false information under the guise of intelligence,” the official added.

    5. "The Official" is a strange name. You've got to wonder why his/her parents named their child "The".

    6. Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say. (excerpt) More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son. ... Nick Shapiro, a former top aide under CIA director John Brennan, provided POLITICO with the letter on Monday. He noted that “the IC leaders who have signed this letter worked for the past four presidents, including Trump. The real power here however is the number of former, working-level IC officers who want the American people to know that once again the Russians are interfering". The former Trump administration officials who signed the letter include Russ Travers, who served as National Counterterrorism Center acting director; Glenn Gerstell, the former NSA general counsel; Rick Ledgett, the former deputy NSA director; Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA senior operations officer; and Cynthia Strand, who served as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for global issues. Former CIA directors or acting directors Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin and Michael Morell also signed the letter, along with more than three dozen other intelligence veterans. [end excerpt]

      Yet, I bet you're going to take The's word over the 50 intel officials. Because The is saying what you want to hear.

    7. btw, what laptop? Maybe he lost, donated, recycled, sold or gave a laptop to an assistant to use? How can he say (without even seeing it) that the laptop isn't his? Why not leave that to the FBI? Until they say it is his, I will assume it isn't.

    8. What the 50 actually said was, "We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case." source

      And I DO believe them when they say, "We do not know..." whereas the current DNI directly says that he knows that it isn't Russian disinformation. :)

      ps - The FBI have "Wienered" this laptop. It's on an evidence shelf locked in a closet and will never see the light of day again.

    9. So no, Thomas, you will never believe what you need to be untrue.

    10. Oooops... lol!

      FBI is now saying that it isn't Russian Disinformation...

    11. Bullshit. "One senior official tells Fox news" isn't confirmation. When they don't name the source, they're just making it up... that's according to Dotard. As for what you bolded (above)... of course they don't have evidence, being FORMER intel (and therefore not having access to the laptop). They're talking about what their experience tell them. The FBI itself is officially saying nothing.

    12. Just as your fifty genius' "officially" said NOTHING.

    13. They said this Hunter Biden Laptop situation IN THEIR EXPERT OPINIONS stinks. That isn't "nothing".

    14. They ALL said that they didn't know.

  7. Hunter Biden is smart to say nothing about this bullshit and give it more oxygen than it deserves. Commenting lends it legitimacy.

    Bannon says everything about this b.s. is true. Bannon is arrested and has been charged with FRAUD!

    "The repairman has contradicted himself several times in interviews: The Post reported the repairman "couldn't positively identify the customer as Hunter Biden," and said someone claiming to be Biden brought it in."

    "Someone CLAIMING TO BE BIDEN brought it in."

    "The Hunter-Ukraine connection has been a political sideshow since the Biden campaign began. It got new voltage this week when the New York Post published what it claimed were emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop suggesting that he had helped arrange a 2015 meeting between his father and a Burisma executive. The Biden campaign denied any such meeting, and its accounts, based on recollections of multiple staff members, are believable.

    An Eastern European expert in digital forensics who has examined some of the Ukrainian documents leaked to the New York Post told me he found anomalies — such as American-style capitalization of the names of ministries — that suggest fakery."
    --David Ignatius

    1. Fakery? Next you'll be claiming that THIS is fakery!!!!!

    2. Gee, if they could just publically disprove a single email... then *poof* the whole thing goes away.... but no. Stonewalling and censoring the press is the MUCH more logical and reasonable option....

    3. Look at all the good it did for the Hillary e-mail thing in 2016!

    4. "...wipe it? Ya mean with a cloth? "

    5. Gee, if those pushing this BS could just publicly prove a single email... then *poof* the whole thing is a serious problem for the Biden campaign. As opposed to a Rudy joke.

    6. Something like the password to Hunter Biden's gmail account? Or perhaps a statement that the Moscow ex-mayor's wife had laundered $200 million through Hunter and Devon Archer's firm?

    7. Oh wait... isn't there a "lid" on reporters asking the Biden's ANY question until after the debate?

    8. Gotta keep "the cloak" (of Gyges) on....

    9. The rightwing/Putin propaganda machine is working in overdrive to push this bogus story. Maybe (they hope) it will push some voters away from Biden. That is the only goal.

      Anyway... cast my (in person) vote for Biden yesterday. Luckily I didn't have to wait long at all. Only took a few minutes from standing in line (one person ahead of me) until I was done.

    10. How's the DNC cloaking device... has it overloaded yet? lol!

    11. "Cloaking device" is how conspiracy theorist nutters like Minus explain why nobody ever is charged for the imaginary crimes they are SURE Democrats are guilty of. LOL.

    12. Charging is easy. Democrats do that ALL the time. Convictions are what we're after. And we're patient. :)

    13. LOL. So you're going to continue deluding yourself that charges will be coming sometime in the future? Is Joe Biden going to order his AG to investigate Joe Biden?

  8. I can smell the GOP's desperation flop-sweat from here.

    1. In Fantasyland? Because Tomorrowland (Nov 3) is just around the corner.

    2. In reality. In fantasyland (aka Kekistan) is where trumpers reside. They think this is going to be a replay of 2016. Right down to the email scandal. Except this time the FBI isn't saying anything. Despite Minus delusions to the contrary.

    3. Meanwhile, in Kazakstan, another Hunter Biden dirty deal gets revealed... LOL!

    4. LOL. It's Jarred Kushner's dirty Qatar deal will be fully revealed by the Trump Crimes Commission after Biden is sworn in.

    5. By all means, let's get the Heinz Kerry and McCain kids on the docket, too.

    6. That's going to the Biden administration's TOP priority, I'm sure.

  9. The sooner the Great Oppressive Party dies the better. Liars, Knaves, abd Theives all.

  10. "At least Joe Biden acknowledges it was a mistake for his son to join the Burisma board and is pledging that no family members will have any involvement with any foreign government if he’s elected president. Trump, meanwhile, calls the Bidens “an organized crime family,” yet takes no responsibility for the conflicts of interest corrupting his own presidency.

    “Can you imagine if my kids did what this guy Hunter has done,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Florida. “Ivanka! Oh my beautiful, my wonderful Ivanka. She’s a good kid. Can you imagine? "

    We can do more than imagine. According to Forbes, the Chinese government has granted 41 trademarks to companies linked to Trump’s daughter. And “the trademarks she applied for after her father became president reportedly got approved roughly 40 percent faster than those she requested before her father’s victory in the 2016 election,” Forbes reported.

    Then there are the millions of dollars taken in by Trump properties around the world from people trying to “curry favor” with the president, as The New York Times put it. A Times investigation found “over 200 companies, special-interest groups and foreign governments that patronized Mr. Trump’s properties while reaping benefits from him and his administration.” It all amounts to ”a system of direct presidential influence-peddling unrivaled in modern American politics,” the Times said.

    Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has also benefitted from Trump’s presidency. As the Times has reported, companies owned by the Kushner family got millions in loans after a White House meeting with Kushner. Everyone involved denies any impropriety, but the appearance of conflict is there.

    Those examples are just the tip of the Trump corruption iceberg, which sinks deep into the Trump swamp. Voters are smart enough to see that and won’t be distracted by Hunter Biden — right?" J. Vennochi

    Some voters ARE smart enough to see that. But I can guarantee I know the ones who are not.

  11. trump, mcconnell, graham, and many more trump sycophants desrve to rot in hell.
