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Saturday, October 3, 2020

What A F*cking Idiot. Seriously

This post concerns the reports that predisent Dotard has contracted Covid. Given his reckless behavior, I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. I am not going to send him my thoughts and prayers. Not genuinely and not sarcarstically. Thoughts and prayers have not lessened school shootings and they certainly will have no effect in regards to a moron who seemed determined to catch this virus. I really do not care if he lives or dies. Whatever happens, happens. Although the odds are that he will live. Either way, f*ck him. Joe Biden wished Dotard a speedy recover. I do not.

If I knew for sure that he'd be able to cheat his way to a second term, then I'd say I hope he dies. If I knew for certain that he'd be replaced by Joe Biden in November, but face no consequences for his life of crime, then I'd say I pray this f*cker dies. Gasping for breath and in pain. But my preference is that he faces justice after a decisive and humilitaing loss (electoral college blowout). And that he receives a long prison sentence and spends many years behind bars before expiring (and being swiftly transported to Hell).

But the fact is I don't know what's going to happen. And I don't believe me sending him bad juju will have any effect whatsoever. I'm sure there are tens of millions of people wishing harm befall this evil man daily. And yet (so far) things seem to keep going this way. The latest example being the death of RGB so close to the election, giving him a 3rd Supreme Court pick. When the number of Supreme Court justices he should have been able to select (from a list provided to him by the Federalist Society) is zero. Given that he was illegitimately "elected". And that his first pick was stolen by that SOB Mitch McConnell from Barack Obama.

I must say thank God that this idiot didn't pass the virus to Joe Biden (who has tested negative). Dotard was surely contagious when he showed up to the debate. And might have known he had been exposed at that time. According to what I've heard, it could have been at the announcement of Amy Barret as his SCOTUS pick that Dotard caught it. If Amy got it and died that would be a good thing, imo. Given the misery she is eager to inflict upon women, minorites and many others if she gets on the court. By imposing her religious views on the entire nation. And by granting more rights to the wealthy and corporations. Which is somehow not at odds with her Catholicism.

Seriously, these are horrid people. So I'm not going to pretend I wish them well. Dotard certainly doesn't give a crap about the American people. His downplaying of the virus and inaction for months after he was warned (and told Bob Woodward he was fully aware of how dangerous the virus is) absolutely has cost people their lives. He is a terrible, evil person. I have only sympathy for his tens of thousands of victims. Even the dummies who voted for him and still support him.

Except for the White Supremacists. I will never shed a single tear for evil people who receive the karmic justice they deserve. Not that I believe in karma. Dotard is 74 and it hasn't caught up with him. And it is possible it never will. In which case he should just die now. Perhaps on November 3rd. Then the effort to steal the election by getting mail-in votes tossed (as Dotard desires) won't be pursued, all the ballots will be counted, and Joe Biden will be announced as the winner.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-183.


  1. Well, at least one good thing came out of this. Biden is back to hiding in his basement...

    1. Joe Biden takes precautions because he is smart. Unlike the moron you support.

    2. Yeah, he's probably still wearing the same rubber he put on the year after Hunter was born...

    3. Dotard is hiding at Walter Reed, to afraid to face Joe Biden at a second debate. Following the ass-kicking he received at the first one.

    4. lol! Is that why Biden went running to the "rules committee" after the 1st debate to get Trump's mike shut off, because he "kicked ass" so much lol!

    5. Everyone saw that Dotard interrupted and disrupted. You don't win a debate by screaming the loudest and interrupting the most. It only made him look bad. A big reason why he lost. LOL.

    6. That not what 66% of polled Telemundo viewers said. :)

    7. Bullshit.

      Quote: ...Telemundo took to Twitter to ask users how they felt about the first presidential debate. An online flash poll on Twitter is anonymous so there's no way to gather demographics of participants. The poll isn't scientific or an accurate representation of what the Latine community thought about the debate.

    8. ...because so many Gringo's hang out on the Telemundo Twitter feed... lol!

    9. "An online flash poll on Twitter is anonymous so there's no way to gather demographics of participants. The poll isn't scientific or an accurate representation of what the Latine community thought about the debate".

  2. Frankly Derv I dislke Dotard donnie's misguided misdirected polices and I hate the "man" because of his dishonesty and unquestionable evil character. But even given this I do not wish death on him. If he dies I won't rejoice. Nor will I fell sympathy for him or shed a tear should he die.

    As to JC's 5'th grade humor? It's what I expect from a trumper cultist.

  3. JoeCon is so typical of a weak person who supports Trump. All he can do as his hero battles with a deadly virus is make meaningless moronic statements. JoeCon sounds bitter. It’s understandable. He put his trust and support in an idiot and that idiot delivered to JoeCon and the rest of the MAGAts exactly what a malignant narcissist promises: concern only for himself and his ego. Trumps ego demanded that he look like a macho man, maskless and willing to defy science and nature to look heroic.

    Nature and science has cut him down to size: he’s now at the mercy of Nature and medical science. His bluster and posturing as an invincible man is over.

    That’s why JoeCon is so bitter. America and the world see Trump once again as a posturing, science-denying fool, only this time it may cost him his life.

    1. It may even have the lasting efects of a hangnail.... the horror!

    2. From "brain fog" to heart damage, COVID-19's lingering problems alarm scientists. (excerpt) The list of lingering maladies from COVID-19 is longer and more varied than most doctors could have imagined. Ongoing problems include fatigue, a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, achy joints, foggy thinking, a persistent loss of sense of smell, and damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain. [end excerpt]

      Hangnail is not among the list of ongoing problems covid might cause.

    3. *phew* I was REALLY worried for him.

    4. The doctors are all lying? Just making shit up? None of those things can actually happen?

    5. Why don't you ask him when they release him today.

    6. He'd lie. His doctors won't tell us what his heart and lung scans revealed (possibly permanent damage). Liver damage is also a possible side effect of one of the medications he received. He is on statins for high cholesterol, and those can cause liver damage. His doctors (and he) have lied about his health since he began running in 2016. Nothing changed when he became predisent. The lying continues now.

    7. They DIDN'T release him? I could swear that I saw him board Marine 1 and then wave to me after sprinting up the steps into the White House...

    8. The docs at Walter Reed are military doctors. They do what Dotard tells them. I saw no "sprinting". I saw him struggling to breath. The acta reveals the lie-a.

  4. “The president’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning, and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care,” Meadows said. “We’re still not on a clear path to a full recovery.”

    Good luck with that hang nail!

    1. Minus told me that he might have already had covid. If so, he might be suffering from "brain fog" and not even know it. I don't know how you'd tell the difference if Dotard suffered from brain fog following a recovery.

    2. Does this mean that when Trump eventually dies in 2035, that his official cause of death will be listed as Covid now?

    3. Maybe. If it mutates and comes back. Prisoners are very susceptible to catching it due to the close quarters.

    4. He'll probaby catch it from Hillary, Comey, Mueller or Wray, then...

    5. None of those people will visit him in prison.

    6. They won't be visitors, they'll be residents.

    7. They aren't members of the corrupt Dotard administration. There are no (real) crimes to charge them with, let alone convict them of. Is the Durham report even going to be released? After Biden wins I don't know what the point of it will be. Except to vindicate the Obama administration.

  5. “Outside experts pointed to the therapies as signs that the president’s health may not be as good as his doctors said. His age, weight and gender put him at high risk.”

    The Trumpers who post here do not deal in reality. The fact that Trump brought this virus on himself and others is too difficult for them to accept, but it is the truth. Trump politicized wearing a mask during a lethal pandemic. He and his people made it a badge of honor to defy what his own CDC recommended for protecting oneself from the deadly virus. Now there are, at last count, 44 Covid-19 infected people in the WH and other places where Trumpers convened without masks.

    Hubris and stupidity are a very bad combination to indulge in during a lethal pandemic.

    1. Looks like we're fucked then.

      Please Pardon my colorful language. But as trump said... it is what it is.

    2. Think he'll be wearing a mask after he recovers? LOL!

    3. No. And 200,000 more will die.

      Keep laughing you ignorant ass.

    4. The way that Covid gets reported, every death in America from here on out will be labelled a Covid death, so, who cares?

    5. It is to the advantage of everyone that the count be as accurate as possible. Only in your delusions are the counts being deliberately inflated.

    6. Did you watch the South Park "Special'? Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that they're being inflated. Sp does half the country.

    7. btw - You haven't been to Wuhan recently, have you? There's a bat there claiming that you f'd her over.

    8. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are Libertarians. Big surprise they don't trust the government. Re your clip -- even they know the police are prejudiced against, and see Black people as a threat.

  6. RSS
    Daily Kos
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    A second briefing on Donald Trump's medical condition after he was flown to Walter Reed for treatment of COVID-19 was held Sunday morning, and was not much more revealing than the first.

    “We did get some new information. First, that Trump has had at least two episodes of hypoxia, or low blood oxygen, which required oxygen administration. And White House doctor Sean Conley stated that Trump was now taking not just remdesivir and a Regeneron-developed monoclonal antibody "cocktail," but dexamethasone, a steroid recommended only for the most serious COVID-19 cases. That and other elements of Conley's description of Trump's condition were alarming, to expert observers, because they suggest Trump's current status is considerably more serious than either Conley or the White House has claimed.”

    1. He felt well enough to go for a joy ride to wave to his idiot supporters. Possibly infecting the Secret Service people in the vehicle with him. Then he headed back to hide out at Walter Reed for awhile longer.

    2. Trump was being true to his malignant narcissism. He put other people's lives in danger to make a pretend show of what? More pretense? He's sick with Covid-19 FFS! Riding around in an hermetically sealed car with Secret Service people inside waving at 20 of his supporters is the ultimate narcissistic behavior from a maniac who's dedicated to deceptions and lies.

      Trump mocked Joe Biden and other people who wore masks and practiced social distancing. He's now infected with the deadly Covid-19 and at Walter Reed Hospital.

      There's a lesson in there somewhere. Think Trump gets it?

    3. The White House has a medical unit in it. Trumps being discharged to an in-house medical facility. Also, the west wing and his administration now have more Covid cases than the entire country of New Zealand. The White House is a festering swamp of crooks and Covid. LOL!

    4. Gotta love those adoring trumptards like -FJ (aka The Asolute Marxist).

    5. Gee, why'd he ever LEAVE the Whitehouse? LOL,

    6. Melania never traveled to Walter Reed. From what I've heard he left the White House because his case was bad. Why his doctor cited HIPA and wouldn't tell reporters about his chest and heart scans. The speculation is that he had Covid pneumonia. Also possibly heart or lung damage.

    7. Wow, that really sounds serious, but for the fact that he spent less than 72 hours at Walter Reed.

    8. Because he left while still contagious. Because he and his doctors are lying. He went back to the white house and is infecting more people. He is clearly having trouble breathing in the video they released (the one where he ripped off his mask). Also, as Shaw already pointed out, there is a hospital in the White House.

    9. He was having trouble breathing because of the stupid mask. Do you wear a mask when you walk upstairs?

    10. Bullshit. He was having trouble breathing because he has covid (and possibly lung damage).

  7. Trumps Walter Reed docs just said that he’ll be at the White House that has a full medical facility able to continue the medical care he’s been receiving. Trumps going home to his home hospital where doctors, nurses, and medical technicians and experts will continue to oversee his care, that was according to his own physician. So he’s still in the hospital as he recovers from being infected by the virus that he said was a Democrat hoax. Y’know, the hoax that’s infected all of his people.

    1. It is too bad the 209,000+ people who have died and the thousands that wiil die going forward due to Dotard donnie's negligence and TOTAL LACK OF LEADERSHIP didn't and won't have the same care. Especially since the majority are withot a doubt SUPERIOR HUMN BEINGS.

    2. Dotard: Don't be afraid if you're receiving the best medical treatment money can buy :O

      Everyone else should still be.

    3. Be afraid Dervish. Lock your front door. The Covid's coming for you...

    4. I take precautions. Dotard did everything he could to get it and now the White House is a hot spot. I'm waiting to see if anyone infected by Typhoid Dotard dies or has any lasting health effects to deal with.

  8. Just a reminder to the Trump cultists who frequent this blog:

    A humbling Herman Cain/coronavirus timeline:

    6/24: Attends Trump rally, maskless
    7/2: Tests positive for Covid-19
    7/10: Says he’s improving
    7/15: Says his doctors seem happy
    7/27: Says he’s really getting better
    7/30: Dies

    1. Old people die all the time. Epitaph on tombstone, "I told you I was sick...."

    2. I thought you said Dotard was going to live to 89. Now you say he's going to die? Or will denying he is sick save him? If willpower could keep people alive RBG would still be with us. It did keep her going for quite awhile.


  9. Herman Cain was one year older than Trump and not obese like Trump.

    "Medical tip for the day: Steroids can make a patient feel so good that he can walk himself to the morgue." ~Dr. Denise Dewald

    1. Minus the precog has looked into the future and knows Dotard is going to live to be 89. Meaning he can spend his final 15 years on earth behind bars :)

  10. I actually want Trump to fully recover so that he can fully experience his defeat by Biden in an epic landslide, and then be indicted by the SDNY for his crimes and corruption. And his crime family as well.

    Please get well, Trumpie. Justice awaits you.

  11. Here's a couple of questions for our conservative friends. Questions that I am sure will be met with not answers, but childish links to some videos instead, but I'll ask it anyways.

    Was it irresponsible for President Trump to purposefully put the lives of US Secret Service at risk for a ride around Walter Reed Hospital Sunday? After being advised to quarantine and continue to wear a mask around people so as not to spread the virus around the White House, was it irresponsible for President Trump to take his mask off upon entering the WH last night?

    1. Talk about over-dramatical... Trumps Secret Service detail was never in danger as Covid deaths of those under the age of 35 (age of typical SS agent) is around 0.6%. As for taking his mask off inside the White House, do you wear your mask around inside your house all day?

      Grow the 'f up, Dervish.

    2. Trump has staff inside the White House private quarters. A thoughtful, caring person would NOT expose people to a deadly virus; therefore, would wear a mask while interacting with staff. But Trump is neither thoughtful nor caring. And his cultists, apparently, aren't either.

  12. Hmmm... Joe, first, I'm not Dervish. Second, as for my house, if I have ppl over, which rarely happens these days, yes, I wear my mask. Out of concern for others. In my office, where I work, I always have my mask on when I am around other people, as advised by the Trump Admin CDC guidelines.

    Again, so that I can be careful around other people. Death rates are meaningless if you are in the dead group. It's like saying it's all good, til it ain't.

    It must be hard to maintain intellectual consistency defending a guy who disagrees with so much of conservatives said as recently as 4 years ago they agreed with. A guy who never puts the other guy first, who seems to focus solely on what's good for himself.

    I'm sure it's also not concerning that the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff are now quarantined as is the person who carries the nuclear football. I'm sure not a single conservative would have had an issue had this happened under Pres Obama.

    Certainly not you, right?

    1. If it had been up to me, no one would have ever heard of Covid. We just would have had a very active flu season, like Obama did in 2012.

    2. CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age. This differs greatly from typical seasonal influenza epidemics, during which about 70 percent to 90 percent of deaths are estimated to occur in people 65 years and older.

      But who cares, most of these people died young.

    3. CDC says H1N1 infected 61 million Americans during the pandemic and killed around 12,000. H1N1 is now part of the annual seasonal flu mix. Estimates compiled as of 2013 were down slightly from earlier estimates of as many as 17 million H1N1 deaths during the flu season of late 2009 and early 2010.

    4. Estimated Influenza Disease Burden — United States[1]
      Season Hospitalizations Deaths
      Estimate 95% UI Estimate 95% UI
      2010 – 2011 290,000 (270,000 – 350,000) 37,000 (32,000 – 51,000)
      2011 – 2012 140,000 (130,000 – 190,000) 12,000 (11,000 – 23,000)
      2012 – 2013 570,000 (530,000 – 680,000) 43,000 (37,000 – 57,000)
      2013 – 2014 350,000 (320,000 – 390,000) 38,000 (33,000 – 50,000)
      2014 – 2015 590,000 (540,000 – 680,000) 51,000 (44,000 – 64,000)
      2015 – 2016 280,000 (220,000 – 480,000) 23,000 (17,000 – 35,000)
      2016 – 2017 500,000 (380,000 – 860,000) 38,000 (29,000 – 61,000)
      2017 – 2018* 810,000 (620,000 – 1,400,000) 61,000 (46,000 – 95,000)
      2018 – 2019* 490,561 (387,283 – 766,472) 34,157 (26,339 – 52,664)

    5. Looks like Obama fumbled the influenza ball handoff in 2017...

    6. ...61,000 estimated deaths instead of the 12,000 experienced in 2012.

    7. Lot's of trees fall in the forest. The Deep State cloakers of Gyges only report the fallen tree's if they can make a Republican look bad.

    8. The deep state is goddamn conservative/GOP/trump construct that like most everything out those folks these days us PURE BULLSHIT.

      So, why don't YOU temp fate and visit someone with covid-19. After all, as Dave pointed out it's all good till it ain't.

      But hey, maybe if you get it trump will have you flown to Walter Reed. LMAO.

    9. He is personal friends with Dotard (saw Dotard wave to HIM). So maybe Minus will be flown to WR if he catches covid.

  13. JoeCon does what every desperate person does when they're losing an argument: Throw a bunch of stats around and lie.

    Every epidemiologist, virologist, and expert in infectious disease have said THE COVID-19 IS MORE DANGEROUS, MORE INFECTIOUS THAN THE FLU.

    But when you belong to a cult, as is appears JoeCon does, fact are fungible and discarded when they don't match with his conspiracies.

    I believe the experts, not JoeCon.
