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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

White Supremacist predisent Tells Proud Boys To Stand By For Civil Unrest When He Prematurely Declares Victory On Election Night (Before Mail In Votes Are Counted)

This post concerns the Dotard/Biden potus debate that occurred on 9/29/2020. When moderator Chris Wallace asked "will you urge your supporters to stay calm during this extended period (while mail-in votes are counted) and not to engage in any civil unrest. And will you pledge tonight that you will not declare victory until the election has been independently certified", Dotard would not.

Earlier in the debate when Dotard was asked to denounce White Supremacist militia groups who are adding to the violence, he refused. He would only rail against "Antifa". When asked who he should denouce and Biden named the Proud Boys (a far-right fascist and neo-fascist male-only organization that promotes and engages in political violence), Dotard instructed his Proud Boy supporters to "stand back and stand by" :(

Far-Right Proud Boys Rally After Trump's Debate Defense: "Fuck Them Up". Excerpt from a 9/29/2020 Daily Beast article by Hanna Trudo, Will Sommer, and Spencer Ackerman.

Outside of the debate, Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs saw Trump's remarks as permission to "fuck up" the group's foes. "Trump basically said to go fuck them up!" Biggs wrote on Parler, an alternative social media network that courts conservatives. "This makes me so happy". ...

Daryl Johnson, a former Department of Homeland Security intelligence analyst who in 2009 warned of the growing threat of far-right militias, told The Daily Beast that "within the context of Trump's statements which insinuate future voter fraud, a rigged election, etc, [it] sounds like a subtle endorsement of future use violence by the Proud Boys. Again, another statement by the president that fans the flames of fear and seems to support violent far right groups, rather than condemn them".

I predict Dotard will declare victory on election night. And I predict that, following Dotard's declaration of victory, we absolutely could see civil unrest in the streets of our cities. The Proud Boys are saying that is what they are standing by for. On orders from their White Supremacist leader :(

By the way, VP Biden's response to the question by Chris Wallace was a straightforward "yes".

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-182.


  1. Wikipedia says that the Proud Boys officially reject white supremacy.... but hey, keep the smear going... as it only serves to discredit you and provide proof of the DNC's own racist leanings.

    1. btw - The Proud Boys entire existence is based upon opposition to Antifa. They are the Brown Shirts to the Antifa Black shirts. Anyone who doesn't denounce Antifa should keep their mouth shut about the Proud Boys unless, like me, they deliberately enjoy the hypocrisy. :)

    2. The hypocrites, and liars, are on your side. The fascists gaslighting America.

    3. I admit to being both. What's rich is that you don't. And so now we know "who is who".

    4. LOL. The Proud Boys reject White Supremacy? Sure. That's why they are listed as a hate group by the SPLC.

      SPLC: Their disavowals of bigotry are belied by their actions: rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. ... Other hardcore members of the... alt-right have argued that the "western chauvinist" label is just a "PR c--- term" McInnes crafted to gain mainstream acceptance. "Let's not bullshit", Brian Brathovd, aka Caeralus Rex, told his co-hosts on the antisemitic The Daily Shoah — one of the most popular alt-right podcasts. If the Proud Boys "were pressed on the issue, I guarantee you that like 90% of them would tell you something along the lines of 'Hitler was right. Gas the Jews'". [end SPLC entry]

      White Supremacists lie. NO DOUBT you know this (being a White Supremacist and a liar).

    5. btw, that you TRY to say that the Proud Boys aren't a White Supremacist group discredits YOU. Even though your support for Dotard already does that bigly.

    6. The leader of the Proud Boys since 2018 has been Enrique Tarrio, a Black-Hispanic. That sure is a strange spokesman for White Supremacy...

    7. ...as for the SPLC libel, we should get a legal determination in the near future. They're about to find out what it's like to "be the Klan" in Court.

    8. Gee, Biden is being sued for libel by the Proud Boys former leader now...
      and Kyle Rittenhouse. They're gonna get RICH!

  2. From FOX News... “Donald Trump blew the biggest layup in the history of debates by saying, not condemning white supremacists"

    Not even his favorite network thought he answered that question well.

    1. Trump hates repeating himself for the benefit of deaf and brain dead Leftists like you.

    2. He did repeat his support for White Supremacy. The proud boys have already printed up t-shirts with their logo that say "stand back and stand by".

    3. Try as you may Joe, I'm not that guy. I don't use the language some ppl do to denigrate those with whom they disagree and I'm not bound by ideology that requires I support my political candidates 100% of the time on 100% of the issues.

      But hey, nice response above. You didn't even try to deal with the fact that even FOX News thought Trump whiffed Tuesday night. Or are you also calling the FOX New folks "brain dead leftists"?

    4. They've joined the club. Trump doesn't even watch them anynmore. He watches OAN now.

    5. Dervish Sander's head = place where Putin lives rent free.

    6. Minus = one of Putin's many useful idiots.

  3. Regarding ANTIFA, here's how Biden characterized them...

    "an ideology, not an organization"

    Trump of course belittled him for this view, which ironically is the view of his administration, expressed by FBI Director Wray who also characterized white supremacy like this...

    “The danger, I think, of white supremacists, violent extremism or another kind of extremism is of course significant... We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat."

    Why can't President trump just say white supremacy is wrong? Is bad? Is horrible for our country?

    1. For me a simple answer... because it is EXACTLY what Donald J. Trump is. To his core. If he even has one.

      DISGUSTING, EMBARRASSING...the only two words I'll use here to describe the jackass.

    2. An ideology can't pre-stage pallet loads of bricks and rocks and have U-Haul loaded with protest signs and shields... but an organization can.

    3. People can of course, but there is no home office for Antifa, no organizational structure, no central authority. Without any of that, what you've got is a bunch of people with like views, or ideologies, but it is not a group.

    4. No, they spontaneously hold peaceful protests. And Proud Boys show up and try to turn the peaceful protests violent.

    5. Marx... I'm just posting the view and words of the Trump/Barr FBI. No need to mock the messenger.

    6. type the URL 'antfa.com' into your browser. That should settle once and for all the question of their 'organization'.

  4. Senator Lindsey Graham on this... “I agree with [Senator Tim Scott's] statement about President Trump needing to make it clear Proud Boys is a racist organization antithetical to American ideals...

    A racist organization. Pure and simple.

    Senator Mitch McConnell agreed also.

    Now, the question remains... why can't, or won't President Donald Trump agree with Senators Scott, McConnell and Graham and say the same thing about the "Proud Boys?"

    1. Of course he is. He totally sold out to keep his seat. But virtually all of the republicans did. Hopefully MANY of them are fired along with Dotard next month.

    2. Why won't Joe Biden and Kamala Harris denounce Antifa?

      They want to avoid getting fired.

    3. Joe Biden: "I want to make it absolutely clear -- Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. And those who do it should be prosecuted".

      Dotard: "Proud Boys -- stand back and stand by".

      Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs: "Trump basically said to go fuck them up! This makes me so happy".

    4. When the policed stand down, the Proud Boys stand UP! Go Proud Boys!

    5. ps - I'm with you now. Defund the Police!

    6. "Vigilantism itself is not illegal under U.S. law but involves actions that are oftentimes illegal". Proud Boy violence is illegal. Joe Biden isn't for defunding the police, he's for arresting and charging Proud Boys.

    7. You'd better notify your Antifa friends that "peaceful protesting" ala riot is also illegal. :)

  5. Senator's Scott, McConnell and Graham... all believe Trump swung and missed Tuesday night. Are they all dopes?

    1. For the trump cultist Dave ANYBODY who doesn't sing praises for and worship their god trump is considered a dope.

  6. Notice how JoeCon never answers Dave's simple question. All he can do is name-call. I'm guessing that's because what Derv and Dave have written is the truth, and for ideologists and Trumpers like JoeCon, they can't handle the truth, so they change the subject and name-call.

    Why waste your time debating JoeCon and his sock-puppets? After what we've witnessed over the last 5 years, vis-a-vis Trump and his behavior as POTUS, that he's still drinking the Kool-Aid is testament to his inability to be moved by what is in front of his nose.

    1. Well pShaw, riddle me this, "Why doesn't Joe Biden denounce Antifa"? Is it because it's not an "organization"... but only has it's own flag? lol!

    2. Joe Biden: "I want to make it absolutely clear -- Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. And those who do it should be prosecuted".

      FBI Director Chris Wray: Antifa is an "ideology, not an organization".

    3. those who do it should be prosecuted".... lol!

      Kamala Harris - Bail them out!

    4. She promoted it in a tweet. She didn't personally review and sign off every time the fund helped someone. If you help a lot of people, some who don't deserve it get accidentally approved. It's a good idea but maybe they need better vetting.

      As for "acta", Dotard's failure to act for months after he told Bob Woodward he knew the virus was deadly COST LIVES. There is no excusing that. And now the idiot has covid himself. I certainly won't give a crap if he dies.

      btw, being out on bail doesn't mean your court case disappears. You don't show up the court will issue an arrest warrant and add charges.


  7. This is from Trump's go-to cable news station. Y'know, the one the cable news station where Sean Hannity kisses Trump's ass. Yeah. That one.

    Biden condemns Antifa, violence 'across the board' amid riots

    Trump's campaign has called Biden out for not mentioning the anarchist group by name

    "Do you condemn Antifa?" reporter Barbara Barr asked Biden.

    "Yes, I do, violence no matter who it is," he replied.

    Well, again, this proves AGAIN, what I wrote above: Trump cultists, like JoeCon, never leave their bubbles to see what's in front of their nose.


    PS. Why should anyone believe anything JoeCon and his sock-puppets write on this blog?

    1. btw - How is condemning violence 'across the board' w/o ever NAMING ANTIFA a "condemnation of Antifa"? non sequitor

    2. "Do you condemn Antifa?" reporter Barbara Barr asked Biden.

      "Yes, I do, violence no matter who it is," he replied.

      It's not my job to give you Trumper remedial reading lessons.

      No wonder you support Trump.

    3. I don't see the name "Antifa" in any of his words... has he ever even said their name? Nope.

    4. FBI Director Chris Wray: Antifa is an "ideology, not an organization".

      The ideology of Antifa is anti-fascist, anti-authoritarian and anti-racist. Those things deserve praise, not condemnation.

    5. Chris Ray is the Deep State's Lord Protector General. His opinions don't matter to ANY thinking person.

    6. ...and in opposing fascism, authoritarianism and racism, Antifa became ALL THREE.

      As Nietzsche said, “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

    7. Chris Wray was Dotard's choice. "deep state" is what you call anyone who won't pledge fealty to Dotard, but instead does their job. "deep state" used to have a negative connotation, but I say now it's positive. If a magaturd says someone is "deep state" -- that means the government worker in question is doing a good job.

    8. Chris Wray is and always was the Never-Trumper choice.

    9. If he has always been a Never-trumper, why did Dotard give him the job?

      Wikipedia: On June 7, 2017, President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Wray to be the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, replacing James Comey, who was dismissed by Trump on May 9, 2017. Trump interviewed Wray for the vacant FBI Director job on May 30, 2017... [end]

      Dotard is and always has been a moron. By your own admission.

    10. On 6/7/17, Trump still had no real idea as to how deep the Deep State went.

  8. And here's the White Supremacist, anti-American group Donald Trump gave a big wet kiss to during Tuesday's debate:

    Proud Boys Founder Recorded Video Titled '10 Things I Hate About The Jews' in 2017

    "A now-deleted video from 2017 showed Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes on an anti-Semitic rant, in which he defended Holocaust deniers and perpetuated racist stereotypes.

    In the video titled "10 things I hate about the Jews," McInnes said Jews have a "whiny paranoid fear of Nazis" and that Israelis don't support President Donald Trump because they're "scared of Christians and Trump, who are their biggest allies."

    Unlike Joe Biden who denounced ALL VIOLENT GROUPS, INCLUDING ANTIFA, Donald J. Trump refused to denounce the Proud Boys and instead gave them a dog whistle as loud as a jet plane reversing its engines, therebey supporting anti-American thugs and anti-Semites. Because that's how Donald Trump rolls.

    Let's get rid of him. Bury him in a landslide. Then let the New York courts deal with him.

    1. Take your own advice -FJ. It will do wonders for yiu.

    2. Amy Cooter (a Vanderbilt University senior lecturer who studies nationalism, race and ethnicity): The Proud Boys have had a years-long reputation for not only violence but very clear ties to white supremacy.

      Enrique Tarrio is obviously "one of the good ones"... i.e. a minority who "thinks White" and agrees with White Supremacist goals. Having a "Black friend" to people on the right is definitive proof that they aren't racist. Even when they continue to rail against k*kes and ni**ers.

      Even if we go with their/your lie about not being White Supremacist, they still promote violence/try to incite violence. And will be looking (as per Dotard) to intimidate people voting Democratic on election day. HOW will they identify Democratic voters? Remember that 92 percent of Blacks vote Democratic and you'll have your answer.

    3. They are only violent in the presence of the Left's Black Bloc... and since the stupid Portland, Seattle, Berkeley et al, politicians stand down the police when the Black Bloc's are actively destroying communities, their violence is a fitting and well deserved community response. Go Proud Boys! Patriot Prayer is da bomb! 3%ers RULE!

    4. Their goal is to incite violence during peaceful protests to make the Left look bad. btw, Dotard said he wanted his people (racists) to monitor the polls on election day for minorities voting. And presumably to stop them with violence -- the unsaid part, but they got the message -- Joe Biggs: "Trump basically said to go fuck them up!"

    5. Poor Antifa... unlike the police they enjoy no monopoly on violence. tsk tsk...

    6. Maybe "Antifa" will decide to monitor the monitors. And fuck THEM up if they try anything on Nov 4th. Not that I'm a fan of violence. Unlike you.

    7. They do show up at EVERY Patriot Prayer rally... lol!

  9. Don't waste your time, RN, arguing with folks like Minus, it's like playing chess with the proverbial pigeon: No matter how good you are, the bird shits on the board and then struts around like it won.

  10. (which I support when not carried out to extreme's)
