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Friday, December 25, 2020

Magamoron Delusions

In an article dated 12/23/2020, TownHall reports that the Dotard campaign is spending money to air the following delusions on television in swing states.

America deserved an honest election. Democrats made sure we didn't get one.

— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) December 24, 2020

Quote: The voiceover ends the ad by encouraging voters to contact their state legislators and governors to "demand they hear the evidence" to "help President Trump".

WTF? It's OVER magamorons. Your orange cult leader is NOT going to retain the presidency. The voters overwhemingly selected Joe Biden to replace the horribly-bad-at-his-job Dotard.

Joe Biden won DESPITE the Dotard's bigly cheating. I refer to the usual "GOP" voter disenfranchisement tactics, as well as the Post Office shenanigans deployed by Dotard's stooge, Louis DeJoy (crimes for which he should be charged under the Biden DOJ).

Dotard and the "GOP" ensured the American people didn't get an honest election, FULL STOP. Sorry magamorons, but Joe Biden WILL be inagurated as the 46th president!

Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL), who is leading the charge in the House, believes Trump's path to victory is no longer in the courts but rather in the House of representatives. As the House moves to certify the election results, they most go state-by-state. All it takes is one representative and one senator to object to that state's results. The congressman says those states that are called into question should be thrown out. If that happens in enough battleground states, then neither Trump nor Biden would hit the 270 electoral votes to win the Electoral College. That would mean the House would pick the president.

Under the Constitution, according to Brooks, should the House have to pick the president, each state gets just one vote. That one vote is based on what party controls the state House. The GOP runs 26 state Houses, meaning the Republicans pick who will be the next president.

NO. Votes from states that selected Joe Biden will not be thrown out. House republicans will not be able to install Dotard. Although I'm sure many magamorons will continue to beleive that his possible right up until January 6th. Some will continue to believe Dotard could retain the presidency up until January 20th, when Joe Biden is inaugurated. Maybe even after that?

FYI, republicans opposed this legislation because it would have hampered their cheating efforts. republicans do not want the vote to be honest, only Democrats do. Because Democrats believe in democracy. While republicans want autocracy. As admitted by the Dotard-cultist Minus FJ.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-214.

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