WYM Pages

Monday, December 21, 2020

Actor/Magamoron Jon Voight Calls For Violence To Overturn Joe Biden's Victory

John Voight: I stand here, with all that feel as I do, disgusted with this lie that Biden has been chosen. As if we all don't know the truth. When one tries to deceive, we know that one can't get away with it. There will be a price to pay. The ones who are jumping for joy now are jumping toward the horror they will be in for. Because I know the promises being made from the Left to the American people will never come to be.

My friends of all colors, races and religions -- this is now our greatest fight since the Civil War. The battle of righteousness versus Satan. Yes, Satan. Because these Leftists are evil, corrupt, and want to tear down this nation. We must not allow this. We must fight this corruption that has taken over -- and fight for the good that seems lost. Let us give our trust to God. And fight now for Trump's victory.

Because we all know that this ballot count is corruption like they are. So let us not back down. Let us fight this fight like it is our last fight on earth. As Muhammad Ali said, it's not over until the last punch you have. God Bless.

UK Independent: The video, which is labelled by Twitter as disputed, has been watched over 2.5 million times. Viewers have been quick to share their thoughts on the controversial clip. One concerned reaction, from True Lies actor Tom Arnold, compared the clip to a "hostage video". Others have reported the video to Twitter, claiming the clip is "inciting violence". (11/12/2020 article by Annabel Nugent).

My Commentary: "claiming that the clip is inciting violence"? It's only a claim when Voight says this will be our greatest fight since the civil war and "our last fight on earth"?

btw, I initially viewed this video on the blog of Minus FJ, a delusional Dotard cultist.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-213.


  1. Replies
    1. btw - Why don't you crawl up your own ass and then "fight" for air... or would that be too violent for you?

    2. The Civil War wasn't violent? Who knew?

      Voight talks about leaving earth... if he isn't going to heaven (after dying in a violent conflict) where's he going? Another planet?

    3. All mortals die, Dervy. And violence isn't always the cause.

    4. So what you're saying is that people only died due to old age, disease, and accidents during the time of the Civil War? Was the Civil War a hoax?

    5. People only died from gun and cannon fire during the Civil War? Who knew...

    6. OK. But that doesn't have anything to do with what Voight said. He said keeping Dotard in office would be our greatest fight since the Civil War. People die fighting in wars.

    7. There aren't metaphorical battles in which no one dies? Who knew?

    8. Andrei Tarkovsky

      “We can express our feelings regarding the world around us either by poetic or by descriptive means... I prefer to express myself metaphorically. Let me stress: metaphorically, not symbolically. A symbol contains within itself a definite meaning, certain intellectual formula, while metaphor is an image. An image possessing the same distinguishing features as the world it represents. An image — as opposed to a symbol — is indefinite in meaning. One cannot speak of the infinite world by applying tools that are definite and finite. We can analyse the formula that constitutes a symbol, while metaphor is a being-within-itself, it’s a monomial. It falls apart at any attempt of touching it."

    9. Also, YOU called for violence. You wanted Dotard (if he had actually "won") to call out the military to kill protesters. Are you opposed to Dotard declaring martial law (as the traitor Flynn advised)?

      "won" in quotes because I mean via cheating. The ONLY way he could have won.

    10. Dotard is the worst president in American history. He killed (through his inaction) tens of thousands of Americans. And crashed the economy. Yet you think he actually won and Joe Biden cheated? Maybe you're on drugs. Or suffering from brain damage/a tumor. All the sane/non-stupid voters knew Dotard HAD to be removed.

  2. Jon Voight is mentally ill. Period. He's also fomenting sedition. He should be put in a straight jacket and locked in a padded cell.

    This is reality vs. Voight's mental derangement:

    Did you see this? From the WaPo: "Outgoing Attorney General William P. Barr said Monday he saw no basis for the federal government seizing voting machines and that he did not intend to appoint a special counsel to investigate allegations of voter fraud — again breaking with President Trump as the commander in chief entertains increasingly desperate measures to overturn the election.
    Barr said he would not name a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, President-election Joe Biden’s son who revealed earlier this month he was under investigation for possible tax crimes. Barr said the investigation was “being handled responsibly and professionally” by regular Justice Department prosecutors, and he hoped that would continue in the next administration.
    “To this point, I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel, and I have no plan to do so before I leave,” Barr said."

    Your friend "Minus" will claim Barr is in on the "Deep State" in 1, 2, 3...seconds!

    We have a serious problem in this country because of the crackpots like Voight having a platform to spew their paranoia to Trumpers. Weak-minded individuals listen to a crackpot like Voight and believe his twaddle. This is a real problem, and it is Donald Trump's legacy!

  3. In more good news:

    "A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was removed from the U.S. Capitol early Monday, a move Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam hailed as an “important step forward for our Commonwealth and our country.”

    Virginia provided the Lee statue to the Capitol. In its place will stand a statue of civil rights icon Barbara Rose Johns."

    "The arc of the moral universe is slow, but it bends toward justice." MLK

    REL was a talented general, but he chose treason over duty to country. He should never have been honored anywhere for his treachery!

    1. Perhaps a portrait of Northam in blackface will replace it....

    2. No, they're going to replace it with a statue of civil rights icon Barbara Rose Johns. As Shaw wrote. Your illiteracy is acting up again.

    3. Plato was right about one thing. Wisdom and Justice, much like Courage and Temperance, are opposing virtues. When the arc of the moral universe bends more towards Justice, it drives us ever further away from Wisdom and closer to Stupidity.

    4. A wise man or woman will choose justice as they will recognize it when they see it. Authoritarians will lack wisdom so yes, the authoritarian's justice will drive towards stupidity.

      Thank you for clatfying trump's justice/stupidity linkage.

    5. Hesiod, "Works and Days"

      And now I will tell a fable for princes who themselves understand. Thus said the hawk to the nightingale with speckled neck, while he carried her high up among the clouds, gripped fast in his talons, and she, pierced by his crooked talons, cried pitifully. To her he spoke disdainfully: `Miserable thing, why do you cry out? One far stronger than you now holds you fast, and you must go wherever I take you, songstress as you are. And if I please I will make my meal of you, or let you go. He is a fool who tries to withstand the stronger, for he does not get the mastery and suffers pain besides his shame.' So said the swiftly flying hawk, the long-winged bird.

    6. How does what you cut and pasted relate to this conversation?

    7. Just an example of wisdom vs justice (Hesiod, cont)

      [212] But you, Perses, listen to right and do not foster violence; for violence is bad for a poor man. Even the prosperous cannot easily bear its burden, but is weighed down under it when he has fallen into delusion. The better path is to go by on the other side towards justice; for Justice beats Outrage when she comes at length to the end of the race. But only when he has suffered does the fool learn this. For Oath keeps pace with wrong judgements. There is a noise when Justice is being dragged in the way where those who devour bribes and give sentence with crooked judgements, take her. And she, wrapped in mist, follows to the city and haunts of the people, weeping, and bringing mischief to men, even to such as have driven her forth in that they did not deal straightly with her.

      [225] But they who give straight judgements to strangers and to the men of the land, and go not aside from what is just, their city flourishes, and the people prosper in it: Peace, the nurse of children, is abroad in their land, and all-seeing Zeus never decrees cruel war against them. Neither famine nor disaster ever haunt men who do true justice; but light-heartedly they tend the fields which are all their care. The earth bears them victual in plenty, and on the mountains the oak bears acorns upon the top and bees in the midst. Their woolly sheep are laden with fleeces; their women bear children like their parents. They flourish continually with good things, and do not travel on ships, for the grain-giving earth bears them fruit.

      [238] But for those who practise violence and cruel deeds far-seeing Zeus, the son of Cronos, ordains a punishment. Often even a whole city suffers for a bad man who sins and devises presumptuous deeds, and the son of Cronos lays great trouble upon the people, famine and plague together, so that the men perish away, and their women do not bear children, and their houses become few, through the contriving of Olympian Zeus. And again, at another time, the son of Cronos either destroys their wide army, or their walls, or else makes an end of their ships on the sea.

      [248] You princes, mark well this punishment you also; for the deathless gods are near among men and mark all those who oppress their fellows with crooked judgements, and reck not the anger of the gods.

    8. The wisdom of a hawk/prince differs from that of a speckle-necked nightingale/citizen, just as a master's discourse differs from that of an hysteric, or a university prof vs. Lacanian psychoanalyst.

    9. For there to be "justice", you must give each his due.

    10. Who's "justice" does the arc bend "towards"? The "masters" or his "slaves"?

    11. The Left is much like young Hamlet (Act IV sc. 4). Ever "one part wisdom and three parts coward". ;)

    12. The American People are the masters. That's the way it works in a democracy. When the "master" was Dotard, you liked it. Now that the "master" is Joe Biden/the Left you'll just have to lump it. Boo-ho. Hopefully the police (contrary to your desires) will be held accountable when they harm people by using excessive force. How terrible.

      Dotard is going to get his due when he is charged in NY and ends up behind bars (after his conviction). Or (at the very least) with a heavy settlement being assessed for his life of cheating the tax man and lying on financial statements (inflating/deflating the value of assets depending on whether he's trying to get a loan/determining how much he owes Uncle Sam).

    13. lol! The American people don't have an honest vote. They're masters of their own imagination, that's ALL!

    14. When it comes to the vote, the dishonesty is on the republican side. They are the masters of taking away a citizen's right to vote. And now that their dirty tricks fell short, they cry THEY were cheated.

      Joe Biden won DESPITE Dotard's cheating. Dotard LOST because he sucks massively at presidenting. And YOU are the master of your own imagination. If that is how you wish to look at being ruled by your delusions.

  4. 'If we’ve learned one thing about “Trumpism,” it is that there is no such thing as “Trumpism.” No content anchors it; no program or policy comes from it. No motivating ideology stands behind it, unless we think of general grievance and a hatred of cultural and intellectual elites as an “idea.” And when views are incoherent and beliefs are rooted in fantasies, compromise is impossible. Further engagement is not only unwarranted, but it can also become counterproductive.'

    Q.E.D. JoeCon's reply.

    1. If there's one thing that we know about Leftism it's that its' rooted in drugs, obscenity, criminality, and abject stupidity...

    2. Drug use (Aderall which gives him his "high energy"), obscenity, criminality, and abject stupidity are the qualities you admire in Dotard.

  5. Minus FJ is wallowing in a world of hurt because his Fascist hero, Trump, will have his prodigious posterior kicked out of the White House on Jan. 20, 2021.

    I don't feel sorry for him or anyone who supported this vile, lawless criminal.

  6. Derv... here's the problem for us. One of the members of the Conservative Dolt patrol was ranting about Nancy Pelosi limiting the cash stimulus to $600.00.

    Here's what the low IQ genius had to say... "Thanks to Nancy Pelosi, and the Democrats a WHOPPING $600 check will be going out to us PEONS. . President Trump Wanted a Whole Lot More….and he was correct in his demands! . Yes, it should have been a lot bigger. But Nana Nancy wanted it her way, and NOT the Right way!. If you want to stimulate the economy and help people $600 doesn’t do much at all…. After all, what is $600. Going to do for us in todays situation? . It might pay ½ of your rent for One month, if you live in the Boondocks, some where in the Sticks"

    It all sounds good until you get to the fact that the Dems have always wanted more money in direct payments to the American people but Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP refused.

    For once, Pres Trump was right in his desires to get more $$$ into the hands of us "peons" but sadly, the tax and spend Dems found no partners in the GOP.

    Of course it is often too difficult to get the wingnuts to see the truth and reality.

    1. The dweebs of trump's cult are, if anything, willfully ignorant. If not willfully ignorant the only other explanation must be they're simply uneducated and stupid.

    2. Now Dotard is trying to blow up this deal by lying about wanting $2k checks. Despicable. And Minus linked to a United Spot YouTube in which Nancy Pelosi (manipulated by deepfake software) claims people's money problems are over and that most people have probably never even seen $600 (as if the lower amount was at the insistence of the Democrats).

      The magamorons actually believe this...
