WYM Pages

Sunday, December 27, 2020

On trumpers Whining About The Election Being Stolen From Dotard (When The "GOP" Is The Party Of Bigly Cheating)

F*ck off. Seriously. F*ck off.

Everyone knows the truth, which is that the "GOP" is the party of bigly cheating. The primary way they do this is by making it harder for citizens to vote.

So, YES, I am disgusted by the lie that Joe Biden wasn't chosen. Did Barack Obama refuse to cooperate in the facilitation of the transition to a Dotard administration?

Did Hillary Clinton (the bigly popular vote winner) refuse to concede and file 50+ lawsuits to try and get the results overturned? Did she tell Antifa to "stand by" for violence if she wasn't installed despite the election results?

The vote was not fair. The election was totally rigged. But in FAVOR of the republican candidate. Why Al Gore won in FL (and therefore the nation) but was denied the presidency. Why Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but was denied the presidency (after "losing" by a small number of votes in swing states where the "GOP" suppressed the vote).

But Dotard did such a bad job presidenting that he lost despite cheating bigly. I'm talking about the usual "GOP" voter suppression plus the mail slow-down Dotard's stooge DeJoy deployed to get ballots tossed for arriving "late". As well as bogus signature challenges republicans used to get legit ballots tossed.

STILL Joe Biden won. Which, IMO, makes his election SUPER legit. Joe Biden won BIGLY and Dotard supporters are full of shit to claim otherwise. Yes, their delusions come direct from their cult leader, but still it pisses me off. How the f*ck did SO MANY people fall under the sway of such an incredibly STUPID man?

Hopefully the Democrats will win the 2 GA senate seats. Then we can do what is in the best interest of the country. For EVERYONE. All the while the other side continues to whine about "socialism" and "communism". F*cking morons.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-216.


  1. How the f*ck did SO MANY people under the sway of such an incredibly STUPID man?

    Simply because Dotard donnie told them EXACTLY what they wanted to hear. IOW, Dotard was smart enough to play the stupids. And they really, really ate it up.

  2. A far Left Asshole named Anthony Quinn Warner ( his real name was Manuel Antonio Rodolfo Quinn Oaxaca) Like Barack Hussein Obama, Barry Sotoro he had 5 names. a 63-year-old Tennessee man who is a person of interest in the explosion of a parked RV in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas morning, according to Nashville’s police chief. An RV similar to the one used in the Nashville bombing was parked at Warner’s home address in images available on Google Maps and Google Earth

    1. As per KIRO7 (a local TN channel), a neighbor who knew him said "I can tell you as far as politics, he never had any yard signs or flags in his window or anything like that. If he did have any political beliefs he kept, that was something he kept to himself".

      That the bomber was "far left" is something Richard must have read on 4chan or Parlor. Or pulled out of his butt. Like the stupidity of comparing him to Barack Obama.

  3. Derv I read the same article in The Tennessean. The car bomber never spoke of his political views. that "Frank Kane" came to my blog, but I deleted his lying post. He's an escapee from the looney bin a/k/a Who's Your Daddy.

    He sounds like the maniac "TOM."

  4. The dude's been around regurgitating the same BS in a few places. As usual taking license in misrepresenting facts. But who's suprized? He's just like his cult leader.

  5. Did any of you read about this?:

    Republican-leaning pollster Rasmussen invoked a quote attributed to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in a Twitter thread Sunday suggesting Vice President Pence could attempt to overturn the results of the presidential election.

    “Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. – Stalin,” the pollster tweeted, before going on to outline a scenario in which Pence refuses to certify the results in swing states.

    A Trump-friendly pollster quotes a Communist thug to justify committing sedition against the United States of America!

    This is what Trump's done to America!

    1. No, I'd only heard that Rep. Louie Gohmert and other Republicans filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence. CNBC says "The suit asks Texas federal judge appointed by Trump to declare that Pence has the exclusive authority and sole discretion to decide which electoral votes from a given state should be counted".

      What happens if Pence goes along with this? I don't know.

    2. It should destroy any future political abitions the p-man might have.

      We'll know soon enough.

  6. Derv, and others... let's make sure to give at least some credit where credit might be due.

    Pres trump, with his call for a $2000.00 stimulus check to the American people, exactly what economists say is needed, has put the GOP in a bind. Reflexively they hate actually giving our $$$ to people making less than 100K a year. It's OK to give $$$ in the form of tax breaks to people in the upper tax brackets, but when it come to us middle income saps, we are left to hope for crumbs spilling from the rich guy's pockets.

    Now that Trump has slammed Congress for not helping Americans enough, and the House has overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan bill doing the same, the ball is in Mitch's court.

    Does he ignore Trump and doom his majority, if not now, in 2022, or does he respond to cries from the Dems and Trump and make his party look like a bunch of surrender monkeys, probably dooming that majority in a week or so?

    Trump is right. America needs that money in the economy. Sooner rather than later and the reality is we'd never see that money in a Biden Admin, cause Mitch would never bend to a Dem.

    1. So Dave, I wonder why the t-man diddled around and was completely uninvolved in the bipartisan agreement that resulted from the months long negotiations.

      As I see it t-man jumped in after the fact to create more chaos and confusion. Personally I think you give trump too much credit for this. He actually does not give a damn about the folks who are hurting. His concern? His fake legacy and nothing more. PERIOD IMO.

      Moscow Mith (apparently no longer trump's bitch) McConnelk is and always has been nothing but a power hungry bastard. He again just proved his complete lack of empathy or humanity. He and trump, two stinking peas in a pod.

    2. I agree with RN. If that is what Dotard wanted, he would have pressured Mitch from the start. Not waited until his representative (Munchkin) negotiated a deal and congress voted on and passed it.

      On MSNBC they say they think this is about revenge on McConnell for recognizing that Biden is president-elect. Dotard does not give a crap about the suffering of people who may be evicted/have to wait on line for food.

  7. Shaw... Mitch McConnell, the Sr Senator from a state with a total population of less than 4 million registered voters, has told the rest of the United States to "take a hike" as he refused to allow the increase in help for average Americans to even come up for a vote.

    One man, in defiance of the president, Bi Partisan support in the House of Representatives and even the Senate, has said no.

    No to the millions of ppl across the country who can't find a job, can't pay the rent, can't pay for their prescriptions, can't put food on the table and can't afford their health insurance.

    Thank you Senator McConnell for showing us all what the current GOP thinks of the "compassionate conservatism" of GW Bush and the rest of what was once a great Republican Party.

    1. You've really got to wonder why the corrupt Democrat machine didn't instruct Dominion to flip votes from McConnell to Amy McGrath. Yet the corrupt Democrat machine stupidly allowed McConnell to be re-elected.

      On the other hand, I guess it's a good thing that the people of Kentucky are largely unaffected by covid and all have enough money to get by. Although, despite the fact that no one is suffering financially in Kentucky, you'd think some of them could have had some compassion for the rest of the country and not inflicted Mitch upon us in this time of great need (for everyone BUT Kentuckians).

    2. Derv... I'm trying to understand how the Dems switched the votes for Trump in some of those states yet let GOP Senators and Congressmen win. I mean, if the Dems are as evil and calculating as ppl allege, how did the GOP manage to gain seats in the House and manage at worst, a tie in the Senate?

      That's some pretty crappy vote rigging before we even get to Mitch "I object" McConnell.
