WYM Pages

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

How Dotard Smashed The Left And Won!!

LOL. Looks like we successfully "stole" it. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Of course. Because nothing else could possibly explain why Dotard lost. Like (for example) historic job losses, recession, adding bigly to the national debt, launching a failed trade war with China, hundreds of thousands of deaths due to a pandemic Dotard largely ignored, etc. Surely that couldn't explain Joe Biden's victory.

btw, what were the three surprises? That the election would be decided by the Supreme Court? Maybe one of the surprises is that Mike Pence will refuse to certify Joe Biden's win? But both of those would be surprises AFTER election day. Damned if I know what these surprises could have been (if there were any). I'm surely not buying the book to find out.

Post authored by the anti-Trump Leftist Bastard Dervish Sanders. WYM-217.


  1. The Rudy-manufactured Hunter Biden laptop nonsense could have been one of the surprises. Too bad (for Dotard) it fell flat. Were there 2 other surprises?

  2. History will define those people as laughable fools. Every one of them, but especially those who are continuing to sell the idea that trump will somehow win the election Joe Biden already won. They're hoping for their seditious plans to work.

    Trumpers keep changing the goalposts for the "Trump victory for another 4 years." This time, it's January 6th, when Pence will count the electoral college votes that have already been certified!

    "Next week Pence will preside over the final confirmation that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election.

    Pence is supposed to serve as the presiding officer when Congress meets Jan. 6 to confirm the electoral college’s results. That’s got some allies of President Trump hoping they can find a way around the law to get Pence to actually award the election to him."

    Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) has filed a lawsuit in federal court trying to throw out an 1880s election law that governs Pence’s role in the process. He is not shy about why: He wants Pence to have total control over counting the votes from states and then award the election to Trump."

    Gohmert: Seditious fool

  3. The republican party, if it were honest (it isn't), would officially rename the party. Perhaps the The Party of HM&S (Hypocricy Mendacuty & Sedition) is more reflective of its immediate past and current values.
